1、SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE EXPLORATIONEXPLORATIONEXPLORATIONEXPLORATIONPeriod 6 Expanding Your World(P84)1. identify and analyze the usage of infinitives as adverbials and attributes ;2. master the usage of infinitives as adverbials and attributes through self-study and practice. 3. use infinitives to
2、describe space facts and efforts to explore space.nBy the end of this period, you will be able toTeaching objectivesTeaching objectivesReadingWhat is the Big Bang Theory?“大爆炸宇宙论”(The Big Bang Theory)是现代宇宙学中最有影响的一种学说。它的主要观点是认为宇宙曾有一段从热到冷的演化史。在这个时期里,宇宙体系在不断地膨胀,使物质密度从密到稀地演化,如同一次规模巨大的爆炸。WatchingWhat is t
3、he Big Bang Theory?Listening The beginning of everythingThe Big Bang. The idea that the universe was _ born and is not infinite. Up to the middle of the 20th century, most scientists _ _ the universe as infinite and ageless. Until Einsteins _ of relativity gave us a better understanding of _ and Edw
4、in Hubble discovered that galaxies are moving apart from one another in a way that fits _ predictions. In 1964, _ _, cosmic background radiation was discovered, a relic of the early universe, which, together with other observational evidence, made the Big Bang the accepted theory in science. Since t
5、hen, improved _ like the Hubble telescope has given us a pretty good picture of the Big Bang and the structure of the cosmos. Recent observations even seem to _ that the expansion of the universe is accelerating? But how did this Big Bang work? How can something come from nothing? Lets _ what we kno
6、w.suddenlythought oftheorygravitypreviousby accidenttechnologysuggestexploreReadingWhat is the Hubble Space Telescope?哈勃空间望远镜(英语:Hubble Space Telescope,缩写:HST)是以美国天文学家爱德温哈勃为名,于1990年4月24日成功发射,位于地球的大气层之上的光学望远镜。2019年5月,哈勃太空望远镜科学家公布了最新的宇宙照片“哈勃遗产场”(HLF),这是迄今最完整最全面的宇宙图谱,由哈勃在16年间拍摄的7500张星空照片拼接而成,包含约265000个
7、星系,其中有些已至少133亿岁“高龄”,对其进行研究有助于科学家深入了解更早的宇宙历史ReadingWhat is FAST?500米口径球面射电望远镜(Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope,FAST),位于中国贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州境内,它于2011年3月25日动工兴建;于2016年9月25日进行落成启动仪式,该科技基础设施进入试运行、试调试工作于2020年1月11日通过中国国家验收工作,正式开放运行。500米口径球面射电望远镜开创了建造巨型望远镜的新模式,建设了反射面相当于30个足球场的射电望远镜,灵敏度达到世界第二大望远镜的2.5倍以上,大幅拓展人类的视野,用于探索宇宙起源和演化。ReadingWhat is quantum satellite?量子通讯卫星是一种传输高效的通信卫星,彻底杜绝间谍窃听及破解的保密通信技术,抗衡外国的网络攻击与防御能力。量子信号从地面上发射并穿透大气层卫星接收到量子信号并按需要将其转发到另一特定卫星量子信号从该特定卫星上再次穿透大气层到达地球某个角落的指定接收地点。THANKS