1、Period4voiceyouropinionsonrobotsandAIUnit1ScienceFictionLead-inSomedynamicpicturesofrobotsLead-inLead-inWhat can robots do in our daily life?RobotplaywiththekidsdohouseworkaccompanytheeldlybeingawaiterBrainstormingBrainstormingBrainstormingBrainstormingWhile-classActivity11.Whatjobsaretheserobotsdoi
6、atingrobotbecauseIcanaskanyquestionswhenIhavetroublesinlearning.lookatthepicturesanddiscussthequestionsinpairs.Variousanswers。Activity1Activity2Listentoaninterviewandputthesestatementsinthecorrectorder.The host introduces the guest, a sci-fi expert.The expert has robots in his home.As robots become
7、more intelligen t,they may also become more dangerous.The host mentions Asimovs Three Laws of Robotics.The expert says robots will have occupations such as teaching and nursing.The line between humans and robots will be more blurred in the future.The host asks about benefits and problems.The host as
8、ks if there are robots in the experts home.In sci-fi stories, robots often become superior and take over._194527386Activity3 Listen to the interview again and write down the discourse markers that you hear. Make a note of how each discourse marker is used in the interview. Then compare your answers
9、with a partner.Discoursemarkers:justnow;so;well;but;however;aboveallDiscourse markers are used to organise a text by making sequence,contrast,opinion,purpose,and so on. Listening for discourse markers can help you understand a text more easily.Activity3 RegularDiscourseMarkersActivity3 Choosethecorr
10、ectdiscoursemarkerstocompletethesentencesbelow.1.A:Didhefeelexcited?B:No,_hewasreallydisappionted.A.asamatteroffactB.obviouslyC.bythewaysWecanuseasmatteroffacttointroduceinformationthatmightbeinsomewaysurprisingorunexpected.AActivity3 2._,thatredblousedoesnotmatchyourskin.A.InotherwordsB.Totellyouth
11、etruthC.AfterallWeusetotellyouthetruthtomarkattitudeorpiontofview.B3._Illalwaysbethereforyou.A.JustnowB.YouknowC.IamafraidBWeuseyouknowtomarktheexpectedtruth.Activity3 4._,dietandexerciseareobviouslyimportantforourhealth.A.AwfullyB.JustnowC.ObviouslyWecanuseobviouslytointroduceafactthatisobvious,eas
12、ytoseeorunderstand.CActivity4 Robots technology has its cons and pros.It can bring great convenience to human beings together with some scientific or moral problems.A robot is a machine that can do a task according to computer programmes or through the use of some kind of controls.1.What do you know
13、 about robot technology? What can robots do ?In groups,discuss what the expert thinks of the questions and exchange your own views.Activity4 The main benefits are that they can do some kinds of work more quickly,better,and cheaper than humans,and that they can take the place of humans when no humans
14、 are available or when humans can not do the work. However,they can cause problems,First,what happens if they no longer serve people or stop following orders? Second,there is the possibility that at some point we will have difficulty determining what constitutes a living being and what constitutes a
15、 machine.2.What benefit do you think robot or AI will bring? Do you think they will cause problems as well?In groups,discuss what the expert thinks of the questions and exchange your own views.Activity4 Yes,I do.Isaac Asimov introduced them into most of his science fiction writings to show that robo
16、ts couldbe prevented from harming us or our world.They are not actual scientific laws, but rather guidelines for theirhuman programmers to follow to keep our world safe.At first glance,the rules seem logical and reasonable.3.Do you know anything about Isaac Asimov and his famous Three Laws of Robots
17、?whatdo you think of these laws?In groups,discuss what the expert thinks of the questions and exchange your own views.Activity4 Oh,bytheway,.Oh,Iremember,.Inearlyforgot!.Thatremindsmeof.WhatImeanttotell/askyouis.,CouldIchangethesubject?but(perhaps)thatsbesidethepoint.Thenextitemontheagendais.Ithinkw
18、eoughttomoveonto.Oh,therewassomethingImeanttotellyou.Ontheonehand.Ontheotherhand.ChangingthetopicActivity4 Example:A:Oh, by the way, I saw a programme about robot doctors last night.It was very interesting.Do you think robots will do more of these important jobs in the future?B:Certainly.They will p
19、robably do most of our labour for us.C:Maybe,but thats beside the point. In my opinion, robots are dangerous!They are much stronger than we are and may be superior to us in the future.A :I think we ought to move on to the topic of robot technology. I know the idea of it has been around forever.The a
20、ncient Greeks and Chinese both made clever devices that werent much different than some of the robots we have today.B:Yes, but the modern idea of intelligent robots that look like humans is only about 100 years old.Activity4C:I think we had better move on to what robots can do.Lets see.there are sim
21、ple repetitive tasks like factory work and housework.A:Yes, and I think there will be more complex jobs in the future like in healthcare, education, or entertainment.B:Oh, there is something else I meant to ask youdoes anyone know who even came up with the word“robot”?C:But thats beside the point. I
22、 think we ought to move on to the benefits and dangers of A I to humans and our society.A:Oh, In early forgot why Asimovs writing was so importanthe createdthe Three Laws of Robotics. Law l,robots cant injure humans or allowthem to come to harm; Law 2, arobot must obey any order a humangives it as long as it doesnt conflict with the first law; and Law 3,a robotmust protect itself as long as the act of doing so doesnt break the first or second lawDotheexercisesonPage63ofWorkbook.