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Unit2 language points -ppt课件—-(2022)新人教版(2019新版)高中英语选择性必修第二册.pptx

1、Language points in Unit 2 The structure of the human brain is complex.recall She recalled the day when they went picnic.The picture reminded her of the day when they went picnic.Recalling the past,we are still haunted by the eventful days.忆往昔,峥嵘岁月稠。I cant meeting her before.我想不起来以前曾经见过她。I can still

2、vaguely recall being taken to the hospital.我仍能依稀记得被送往医院的情景。He had a good memory,and total recall of her spoken words.他有好记性,能完全回忆出她说过的话。Here comes a piece of news.More than 800 Model X Tesla(特斯拉)cars were recalled because of security problem.收回,召回(残损货品等)Both countries recalled their or

3、der sb to return 召回professional/occupational qualifications She is studying for a business qualification at a university.专业职业资格_ qualifications 获得资格have(no)qualifications _ (没)有(做)某事的资格have(no)qualifications _ (没)有做某事的资格for(doing)sthto do sthacquire/gain/obtainThis training course will qualify you f

4、or a better job.The test qualifies you to drive heavy vehicles.qualify(使)具备资格;(使)合格qualified adj.合格的;有资格的_(完全)具备的资格_有资格做某事be(highly/well)qualified for be qualified to do sth如果你无法胜任这份工作,你将如果你无法胜任这份工作,你将被炒鱿鱼。被炒鱿鱼。If you are not qualified for the job,you will be fired.【单句填空】There is a shortage of well_

5、(qualify)teachers of foreign languages,especially of French and Japanese.Previous teaching experience is a necessary_(qualify)for this job.qualifiedqualification【完成句子】Whoever has a good knowledge of physics and history _(有资格获得这个职务).The man was arrested by the police because he_(没有驾驶资格)and was speedi

6、ng.has qualifications for/is qualified for the position/postwas not qualified/had no qualifications to driveambitionHer burning ambition was to study medicine.He is intelligent but suffers from a lack of ambition.ambitiousHe is ambitious to become the most outstanding teenager.(1)_ an ambition 实现理想t

7、he ambition _ 做某事的雄心壮志(2)ambitious adj.野心勃勃的;有雄心的;费力的,耗资的be ambitious _ 渴望得到某物be ambitious _ 做某事怀有雄心achieve/fulfil/realizeto do sth/of doing sth for sthto do sthThe old people are still ambitious for big dreams.老骥伏枥,志在千里【单句填空】His_(ambitious)was realized when he received his doctors degree from the U

8、niversity of Cambridge.The headmaster in our school hopes that we will be_(ambitious)when we graduate than when we got admitted.(3)Mary is ambitious enough_ to speak Chinese fluently in four months.【完成句子】_(他航行环游世界的雄心)finally came true after 10 years.His music sales in the USA had peaked in the 1980s

9、,and he had not toured since 1997,but the listeners can tell he _(有复出的强烈愿望).ambitionmore ambitiousHis ambition to sail around the worldis ambitious for a comeback to adaptation to sth.Although some foreign students live in campus accommodation,Xie Lei chose to live with a host fami

10、ly,who can help with her adaptation to the new culture.make adaptation to sth.适应 对.的适应The polar bear and penguines have adapted(themselves)to the severe cold weather.adapt.from/ adaptation ofThe TV series is adapted from a novel.The novel is adapted for the TV series.【单句填空】The survivors seem t

11、o be those who are_(adapt)to change.The director was fully convinced that this moving story,if_ (adapt)for television,would be a hit.Disney has picked the Chinese actress Liu Yifei to play Mulan in a film.The_(adapt)of the cartoon movie tells a story of the well-known Chinese heroine Hua Mulan.Peopl

12、e in Ethiopian highlands have adapted to _(live)at high altitudes.adaptableadaptedadaptationliving【完成句子】This play by George Bernard Shaw _(根据改编的)a classic Greek story.It was the culture,rather than the language,_(使他难以适应)the new environment an adaptation ofthat made it hard for him to adapt

13、 to/is adapted from an orphan【易混辨析】adapt,adjust与adoptadapt 使某物或某人做些改变以适应新的条件,表示“改编,改写”adjust 表示“调整,调节”,指做较小的变动,稍加调节,从而比较好地适应新环境、新条件adopt表示“采取,采纳;收养,领养”用adapt,adopt,adjust的适当形式填空。When they moved to Canada,the children _ to the change very well.These desks and seats can be_to the heigh

14、t of any child.Having no children of their own,they decided to_an orphan.adapted/adjusted adjustedadopt participate in sth.participation(1)participation in 对的参与;对的参加(2)participate vi.参加;参与 participate in sth/doing sth 参与(做)某事 participate with sb in sth 同某人一起参与某事(3)participant n.参加者;参与者语言知识梳理【完成句子】_(

15、有这么多的学生参加)in the competition,it is difficult for you to defend your championship.(with的复合结构)Its a pleasure to_(看见我们的歌手和一起参加比赛)the best competitors from other countries.With so many students participatingsee our singers participating with【单句填空】Of all the teams _(participate)in the competition,I think

16、 the Oxford team will win the game.The problems of global warming cannot be solved without the _(participate)of the countries.China is an active _(participate)in the international system that is a builder,not a destroyer.participant participationparticipatinggive a presentation on sth.做有关的陈述做有关的陈述/报

17、告报告make a presentation to sb.颁发奖品颁发奖品The sales manager will give a presentation on the new products.The president made a presentation to the businesswoman of the year.【一词多义】The speaker gave an interesting presentation on urban transport._ There is no denying that improving the products presentation

18、could increase sales._ The presentation of prizes began after the speeches._On presentation of the relevant identity documents you may collect your property._ 报告(展示的方式)外观颁发出示【单句填空】Before you go into your _(present),think through what possible concerns your audience may have.All of them try to use th

19、e power of the workstation_(present)information in a more effective way.Betty will present the prizes _ the winners.The mayor presented him _ a gold medal at an official city reception.The president was not present_ the meeting.Get word to him right away that hes to present_at City Hall by tomorrow

20、afternoon.presentationto presentto withathimself【完成句子】The candidates have to_(对进行简短的论述)a subject of their choice.At the end of the semester,_(将给同学们做一次报告)based on the research proposal you have written.give a short presentation onwill give a presentation to theclassmatesspeak upspeak up for sb/sth 支持

21、;(尤指)为说好话,为辩护speak out 澄清事实,大胆说speak out against 公然反对大胆抗议发言反对speak well/highly/ill of 表扬/批评speaking of 说起【用speak短语的适当形式填空】_honesty,I know a lot of people who dont pay bus fares.Please_so that the people at the back of the room can hear you.Its time to_those who are suffering injustice.If you want pe

22、ople to think well of you,do not _yourself.He has the courage to _ what he thinks right.It takes courage to _ the tide of opinion.Speaking ofspeak upspeak up forspeak well of speak outspeak out against【完成句子】The speaker_(把嗓门提高了一点儿)so as to make himself heard more clearly.He who does not have the cour

23、age _(为自己的权利说话)cannot earn the respect of others.spoke up a littleto speak up for his rightsIt is a movie that engages both the mind and the succeed in attracting and keeping sbs attention and interest 吸引住(注意力、兴趣)Stores should engage in legal business activities.(使)从事,参加According to the resul

24、ts of the survey,only 15%of people would engage in regular exercise.参加,参与 The couple were engaged in decorating their new flat last summer and they seldom cared about the study of their children.She was engaged to her childhood sweetheart as soon as she left school.忙于.同某人订婚engagement ring单句填空。Despit

25、e his illness,he remained actively_(engage)in translating documents.When_(engage)in projects together,youd better seek their advice and apply their suggestions.Ive been trying to call him all evening,but I keep getting the _(engage)tone.Ive broken off my _(engage)to Arthur.engagedengaging/engagedeng

26、aged engagement完成句子。He was examining his photos in the album,_(其中的一张似乎吸引了他的注意力).Since the earthquake broke out,each doctor and each nurse_ _(一直忙于)saving the injured round the of which seemed to engage his attention has been engaged in/has been engaging themselves inMany of the crimes invol

27、ved drugs.包括,与.有关;(使)卷入Jane Goodalls work involves living with chimps.包括/包含做某事Parents should involve themselves in their childs education.参加/参与/使卷入单句填空Carrying out research on the chimpanzee(黑猩猩)will involve_(live)in the jungle for several years.Why not come and enjoy the atmosphere of our festival

28、at the very beginning of December?Your_(involve)will be warmly welcomed.We believe the time and hard work_(involve)in completing such an assignment are worthwhile.livinginvolvementinvolved完成句子Our school proposes that _(学生应该参加社区活动)where they can gain experience of growth.It was quite an experience_(参

29、与制作一个电视节目).students(should)involve themselves in community activities being/getting involved in making a television programme Im convinced that the mottos like this can motivate you to study hard.They are motivated by their dreams.激励某人去做某事被.所激励Therefore,they are motivated workers.有积极性的单句填空The_(motiv

30、ate)behind the decision is the desire to improve our service to our customers.Unless you can sleep well,you will lose the ability to focus,plan and stay_(motivate)after one or two nights.motivationmotivated 完成句子。_(动机越强),the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.Teachers should use adva

31、nced teaching methods to _(保持学生学习的积极性).The stronger the motivation is/The more highly a person is motivated keep their students motivated to learncomfort sb.with fortable句型公式It is/was the first(second)time that sb has/have/had done sth.这是某人第几次做某事。It was the first time that she had left China.这并不是他们第

32、一次参加如此盛大的庆典。It was not the first time that they had taken part in such a grand celebration.【相关拓展】(1)_是该做某事的时候了。(从句谓语用一般过去时或“should+动词原形”)(2)_是该(某人)做某事的时候了。(3)_一度/曾经It is(high/about)time thatIt is time(for sb)to do sth.There was a time when单句填空。It seems like high time that we_(look)seriously at the p

33、roblem and the pressure it brings us.It is the second time that you_(fail)in the experiment.It is time that you reflected upon your mistakes.There was a time_New York City buildings were almost all the same height.I guess it is time_(rush)out to Nanjing Road to sweep the stores for the last-minute discount.looked/should lookhave failedwhento rush 语言知识梳理完成句子。I dont feel a bit nervous though it is the first time that I _(自己一个人开车).It is high time that the government _(采取有效措施)to resolve these problems.have driven a car by myself took/should take effective measures



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