1、English Rhythmic Structure&Tips for Teaching Rhythmic Structure 英语英语话语节律话语节律教学实用方法教学实用方法 Wang GuizhenGuangdong University of Foreign Studies 课程 课程Pronunciation终于被点燃鲜鲜 艳艳 夺夺 目目 终于被点燃Two Chinese syllables:医院医院Two Chinese syllables:觉得觉得(the second syllable with weak stress)Pronunciation is important.发发
2、 音音 很很 重重 要要r r r R r r r R rR R R R RPronunciationPronunciation终于被点燃终于被点燃终于被点燃Pronunciation Pronunciation is important.发发 音音 很很 重重 要要r r r R r r r R rR R R R RContent words:StressedNouns (table,dog)Verbs (walk,eat)Adjectives (big,beautiful)Adverbs (quickly,very)Demonstratives (this,those)Question w
3、ords (Who?How?)Negatives(contractions included)(not,dont,isnt)Function Words:UnstressedArticles (a,an,the)Auxiliary verbs (am,is,has,can,will)Short prepositions (to,at,in,for,with)Conjunctions (and,or,that,when,if)Relative pronouns (who,whom,that,which)Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives (I,
4、you,he,them,our,their)Content Words&Function WordsTypes of LinkingPost officeNext topicMy armtwo othersher ownthe idea ofDid younnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Pronunciation is important.发发 音音 很很 重重 要要r r r R r r r R rR R R R RGet water,tea,and coffee.Get me some water,some tea and some coffee.England was at
5、 war with America.Fig 10:England was at war with Am erica.(By native speaker of English)England was at war with America.F ig 9:E n g la n d w a s a t w a r w ith A m e ric a.(B y n o n-n a tiv e s p e a k e r o f E n g lis h)F i g 1 0:E n g l a n d w a s a t w a r w i t h A m e r i c a.(B y n a t i
6、v e s p e a k e r o f E n g l i s h)England was at war with America.was at warFig 11:“was at war”in the sentence“England was at war with America”.-(By non-native speaker of English)Time Amptitude was at warFig 12:“was at war”in the sentence“England was at war with America”.-(By native speaker of Eng
7、lish)was at war Fig:“was at war”in the sentence“England was at war with America”.-(By non-native speaker of English)was at war Fig:“was at war”in the sentence“England was at war with America”.-(By native speaker of English)AmptitudeAmptitudea BOOK an EGG the GIFTnVerbs and object pronouns are almost
8、 always grouped together.The verb is stressed,and the object pronoun is unstressedCitation form Reduced(connected speech)when/wen/wn/Did someone come/wn/you called?(someone and come when rhyme)that/t/t/,I dont believe/t/Tom would do that.I dont believe/t/Alan would do that.if/If/If/(/f/)I dont know/If/(/f/)I can go.as/z/z/Johns/z/hungry/z/a bear.than/n/n/The subway is faster/n/a bus.English Rhythmic StructureUnits 8-12Word StressSentence StressStrong forms&Weak formsLinkingRhythm of English SpeechThank You!英语语音英语语音(国家精品课程(国家精品课程-2005)网站:)网站:http:/ 英语语音英语语音(国家精品课程(国家精品课程-2005)网站:)网站:http:/