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Unit 3 单词 ppt课件 -2022高中英语新外研版必修第三册.pptx

1、重点单词重点单词短语学习短语学习Unit 3 The world of v.按2.shoot v.射出(光、亮等),放射3.flexible adj.易弯曲的,柔韧的4.battery n.电池5.capable adj.有能力的6.desire n.渴望,欲望7.beyond prep.无法8.instance n.例子,实例9.significant adj.重要的,影响深远的10.injure v.使受伤,弄伤11.chemist n.化学家12.astronomer n.天文学家13.biologist n.生物学家14.accurate adj

2、.精确的Words1.origin n.起源,起因2.species n.物种3.extraordinary adj.非凡的,出色的4.brilliant adj.聪颖的,才华横溢的5.theory n.学说,理论6.mental adj.精神的;精神健康的7.cure n.药剂;疗法8.fiction n.虚构的事,想象的事9.metal n.金属10.attach v.系,绑;贴11.flash n.闪光12.conduct v.传导(热、电)13.gravity n.重力,引力14.account n.记述,描述phrases1.a golden age 黄金时代2.throughout

3、 history 在历史上 以科技为基础的 addition 此外5.thanks to 幸亏;由于 used to do sth.被用来做某事 terms of 就.而言 doubt 无疑 v.按 n.新闻工作者press the button 按钮pressure n.压力 物 压强2.shoot v.射中(shot,shot)常用搭配:shoot at 向射击例:The police shot one suspect when he pulled a gun on them.The movie was shot in

4、New Zealand.The basketball player shot the last goal.3.gunpowder n.火药 gun n.枪,炮 powder n.粉,粉末;火药,炸药要点突破pass n.指南针,罗盘eg.A compass needle points north.罗盘指针指向北方。要点突破compass in ancient china 司南5.virtual adj.虚拟的,模拟的 virtual reality (VR)模拟现实 eg.At first,the virtual assistant wasnt too great.一开始,虚拟助理并不太好。要

5、点突破6.wearable tech 可穿戴技术要点突破7.flexible adj.易弯曲的,柔韧的例:Dancers need to be flexible.Workers in that company have more flexible working hours.flexibility n.弹性flexible work time8.battery n.电池Alex had forgotten to charge the battery.亚历克斯忘了给电池充电。My phone battery is almost dead now.我的手机电池快没电了要点突破

6、 addition 除此之外,另外例:You need money and time;in addition,you need addition to 除之外(还)例:In addition to reading for knowledge,we read for fun and pute v.估算,计算 beyond compute 不可计量 eg.I think you all know how to compute it.你们应该都知道怎样计算它了。要点突破11.capable adj.有能力的常用搭配:be capable of 有能力例:1.Napoleon

7、 was one of the most capable generals in history.2.Every student in the class is capable of passing the exam.12.stuff n.东西;物品This is high quality stuff.这是高品质的东西。Could you move all that stuff off the table?请你把桌上那些玩意儿全都拿走好不好?要点突破13.desire n.渴望,欲望 v.渴望常用搭配:have a desire for sth.渴望得到某物 have a desire to

8、do sth.渴望做某事例:1.The programme is aimed at inspiring a strong desire for discovery on the part of the students.2.I am inspired by her courage and strong desire to succeed.3.We all desire health and happiness.14.never say never 别轻易说绝不 Never say goodbye.永远不要说再见。never say uncle 绝不认输;嘴硬;不肯承认15.passive ad

9、j.被动的 ;消极的 passive voice 语被动态,被动式【反】active adj.主动的;积极的 positive adj.积极的16.beyond prep.无法.超出(范围)beyond description 无法形容;难以描述 This was completely beyond her comprehension.这完全超出了她的理解力。The situation was beyond her control.局势非她所能控制。17.instance n.例子,实例 for instance 例如举例说What would you do,for instance,if y

10、ou found a member of staff stealing?比如说,如果你发现有职员偷东西,你会怎么办?18.significant adj.重要的;影响深远的 insignificant adj.微不足道的 significance n.重要性,意义 insignificance n.无意义;不重要Your work has shown a significant improvement.你的工作有了显著改进。There are no significant differences between the two groups of students.这两组学生没有明显差别。19

11、.injure v.使受伤,弄伤injured adj.受伤的injury n.伤;伤害;损害常用搭配:be seriously/slightly injured 受重/轻伤例:Two-thirds of citizens died or were injured during the earthquake.He injured his arm and leg in the accident.20.chemist n.化学家 chemistry n.化学Im doing physics,biology and chemistry.我在学物理、生物和化学。21.biologist n.生物学家

12、biology n.生物My ideal is to be an astronomer.我的理想是当一个天文学家。22.accurate adj.精确的 Accurate measurement is very important in science.在科学领域,精确的测量非常重要。23.Gregorian calendar 公历;阳历 /grg:rn/solar calendar 阳历It falls on July 15 of the lunar calendar,or mid-August of the Gregorian calendar.这个节日在每年农历的7月15号,阳历差不多是

13、八月中左右。24.minor adj.小的;次要的 n.辅修课程;未成年人 v.辅修I can put up with minor inconveniences.我能忍受些小的不便。24.origin n.起源original adj.原始的;最初的originally adv.最初,起初originate vi.发源;发生The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to recall the soul of Qu Yuan.龙舟节的起源是为了缅怀屈原的灵魂。25.species n.物种(pl species)例:A variety of specie

14、s lived in the rainforest.He discovered a new species of beetle.单复数同行的单词:sheep,deer,means,works等.26.natural selection 自然选择;物竞天择说27.field research 实地研究;实地调研 n.小河;小溪 v.(人,东西)流动,涌动main stream 干流;主干流air stream 气流We crossed a small iron bridge over a meandering stream.我们穿过了蜿蜒小溪上的一座小铁桥。29.extraor

15、dinary adj.非凡的;出色的 extraordinarily adv.非常The task requires extraordinary patience and endurance.这项工作需要非凡的耐心和毅力。30.brilliant adj.聪颖的;才华横溢的;鲜艳的 brilliant sunshine 灿烂的阳光 The sky was a brilliant blue.天空一片蔚蓝。She had a brilliant mind.她有极聪明的头脑。31.radium n.镭(一种化学元素)It was Madame Curie who discovered the ele

16、ment radium.是居里夫人发现了镭元素。32.Goldbachs Conjecture 哥德巴赫猜想 哥德巴赫1742年给欧拉的信中哥德巴赫提出了以下猜想:任意大于2的偶数都可写成两个质数之和。但是哥德巴赫自己无法证明,于是就写信请教赫赫有名的大数学家 欧拉帮忙证明,但是一直到死,欧拉也无法证明。因现今数学界已经不使用1也是素数这个约定,原初猜想的现代陈述为:任意大于5的整数都可写成三个质数之和。欧拉在回信中也提出另一等价版本,即任意大于2的偶数都可写成两个质数之和。今日常见的猜想陈述为欧拉的版本。33.theory 学说;理论 in theory 理论上 The next step

17、is to put the theory into practice.下一阶段要把理论付诸实践。34.cure vt.治好;治愈例:We could use cloning to cure illness.Moving to the country cured him of his disease.n.药物,疗法 例:One day scientists will find a cure for AIDS.35.draft v.起草,草拟 n.草稿,草案 first draft 初稿 final draft 最终稿,正稿 draft out 起草When the first draft was

18、 completed,Nichols typed it up.当初稿完成时,尼科尔斯把它打了出来。36.declaration n.声明;宣告 declare v.声明,宣布 One third have no idea when the Declaration of Independence was signed.三分之一的人不知道独立宣言是何时签署的。37.experiment n.(科学)实验 This experiment was harmless to the animals.这个实验对动物无害。38.lightning n.闪电 thunder n.雷,雷声39.fiction n

19、.虚构的事;想象的事;小说 science fiction 科幻小说 fictional adj.虚构的;小说的 I read everything from fiction to history.我从小说到历史书什么书都读。Reading literary fiction isnt just for passing the time.阅读文学小说不只是为了打发时间。40.metal n.金属 precious metal 贵重金属41.attach vt.重视;把固定常用搭配:attachto把系/贴在上 attach great importance to 认为很重要例:I attache

20、d a photo to my application form.To be honest,a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.42.flash n.闪光;闪光灯 v.掠过;闪现 in a flash 瞬间;立刻Each click is like a camera flash.每次点击就像照相机的闪光灯。With a flash of insight I realized what the dream meant.我突然明白了这个梦意味着什么。43.conduct v.引导;传导(热、电)常用

21、搭配:conduct an experiment/an interview/a survey 进行实验/做采访/做调查例:My friend went home,leaving me to conduct the band.The guide conducted us around the West Lake.This kind of material can conduct electricity.指挥引导;带领传导44.scientific adj.科学上的 science n.科学 scientist n.科学家 scientific research 科学研究eg.Its an int

22、eresting scientific phenomenon,but of no practical use whatever.这是一种有趣的科学现象,但没有什么实际用途。45.entirely adv.完全地;彻底地 同义词:completely totally thoroughly fully absolutely46.gravity n.重力;引力 严重性;严肃I dont think you realise the gravity of the situation.我认为你没有意识到形势的严重性。Nothing is pulling on you,only gravity.没有任何东西

23、在拉你,只有重力。47.account n.记述,描述常用搭配:open/close an account 开/销账户 take account of/takeinto account 考虑到eg:1.My father helped me set up a bank account.2.She gave us a long account of her trip to Europe.3.One must take the audience into account when making speeches.48.proof n.证明;证据同义词:evidence There was no a

24、bsolute proof.没有确凿的证据。49.procedure n.程序;步骤;手续复数 procedures The procedure can be divided into two parts.这一程序可以分为两部分。He is familiar with export procedure.他熟悉出口手续。phrasesin addition 除此之外,另外例:You need money and time;in addition,you need addition to 除之外(还)例:In addition to reading for knowled

25、ge,we read for fun and inspiration.Exercise填空题The hunter _(射中)the wolf after he shot at it several times.Im perfectly _(有能力)of doing it myself,thank you.I had a strong desire _(help)and care for people.Luckily,nobody was seriously _(injure)in the accident.In addition _ my weekly wage,I got a lot of

26、tips.shotto helpinjuredcapabletoExercise填空题6.My parents always attach great importance _ my getting a good education.7.His father managed to cure him _ his bad habit.8.The company takes account _environmental issues wherever possible.9.The guide _ _(带领)us around the ruins of the ancient city.toofofconducted



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