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Unit 5 Words and expressions ppt课件 -(2022新)高中英语人教版(新教材)必修第二册.pptx

1、B2U5 MUSICWORDS AND EXPRESSIONS1.classical:classic+-al;词块:classical music 词族:class,classic, 在里面)+-erg(work 工作)+-y 在里面工作产生的能 基本义“能量”派生词:energetic adj 有活力的;精力旺盛的;充满活力的;需要能量的:词块:be full of energy My father is lively and energetic,but he is not very patient.energ

2、etically adv 精力充沛地;积极地能量(基本义)精力;力量 活力;干劲 人身体具有的能量做事情投入的能量 能量;能源energy 语义网络图太阳等的能量energy n 复数 精力;力量 the effort and attention which you give to doing sth:apply/devote/put ones energies into/to sth Parents should devote some of their energies to taking their kids into nature.U 活力;干劲 the ability to be v

3、ery active or do a lot of work without getting tired:Shes always full of energy.U 能量;能源:low-carbon/renewable energy Traditional sources of energy like oil and gas may someday run out.词源解读:en-(in 在里面)+-erg(work 工作)+-y 在里面工作产生的能 基本义“能量”辨析force,energy,strength,power 四者都有“力”“力量”之意,但具体意思不同。force 指外力、强迫力、

4、破坏力(包括武力);物理学中指“力”。The force of the explosion blew out all the 指人的精力、活力;物理学中指“能量”。Where does the little girl get her energy?the worlds energy resources strength 指人体或物体内存在的力,如气力、耐力、抵抗力。She didnt even have the strength to stand up.The boy lifted the stone with all his strength.power 指人的

5、权力、势力、能力,物的“能力”。物理学中指“动力”“功率”。The party came to power at the last election.I will do everything in my power to help you.Knowledge is the food of the soul.知识是精神食粮。柏拉图5.soul:Knowledge is the food of the soul.熟词生义:人 柏拉图(Plato,公元前427年公元前347年),是古希腊伟大的哲学家,也是整个西方文化中最伟大的哲学家和思想家之一。柏拉图和老师苏格拉底,学生亚里士多德并称为希腊三贤。s

6、oul n C 灵魂;心灵;精神:pray for the souls of the deadKnowledge is the food of the soul.精髓;中心人物:the soul of a book 人:We had driven ten hours along the road but there was not a soul in sight.6 bigpipe7 stringed 词块:stringed instrument8.virtual词块:the virtual world,virtual choir,VR(virtual reality)9 compositio

7、n:com-(一起)+posit-(放置)+-ion 放到一起 把思想放在一起 创作、作品、作文composer:compose(v 作曲)+-er10 opportunity:近义词:chance 词块:take/seize/use/provide/miss an opportunity(to do sth),a rare/golden/perfect opportunityan opportunity to do sth/for(doing)sthopportunity词源故事在轮船发明之前,人们航海时极其依赖海上的风。如果在归航时,风向恰好吹向港口,那就可以轻松地返航;如果风向不对,就得

8、几经周折周折,甚至可能滞留海上无法回到港口。不过,风向恰好吹向港口的情况很少见,如果能够遇到实属幸运。拉丁语中,水手们将归航时顺风称为 opportunus,由 ob-(toward 朝向)+portus(port 港口)组成,字面意思是“风吹向港口”,由此产生了英语单词 opportune(恰好的),后来又产生了英语单词opportunity(机会)。11.perform:词族:perform,performance,performer perform词块:perform an experiment/an operation,perform ones duties/promise perfo

9、rmance词块:give/put on a performance=perform;good/poor/bad performance=perform well /poorly/badlyperform&performance vt 做;履行;执行 to do sth,especially sth difficult or useful(carry out):perform an experiment/an operation/a miracleYou should perform your duties/promise.vt&vi 表演;演出:Ive never seen a Shakes

10、peares play performed so 表现;运转:He was disappointed because he had not performed well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.The machine is performing very poorly.perform v日常英语中更常用carry out做(基本义)做;履行;执行表演;演出做演出之类的事情(人)做事情(人)表现;运转perform 语义网络图人做事情/机器运作的结果 C 表演;演出:give a live performance put on a pe

11、rformance of Hamlet C&U 表现;业绩:academic performance My good performance in the job interview left me optimistic about my future.2014 安徽He criticized the recent poor performance of the company.performance n performer n C 表演者;执行者与study同源,词源义为“画家、雕刻家的工作室”,后衍生到电影、广播等领域的“录音棚;摄影棚”1)

12、ordinary adj.普通的,平常的;平凡的,平庸的(average;not unusual,special or different;not particularly good or impressive)pordinarily adv.通常地,一般来说,一般情况下 =in the ordinary way,generally,usually,normally pcommon adj.常见的,普遍(存在)的;共同的;普通的,平常的(the)pnormal adj.(身心状况等)正常的pusual adj.通常的,惯常的,往常的14.ordinary:词块:ordinary people1

13、5 enable:en-(使)+able 1)enable sb./ do sh.=make it possible for sb./ do sth.=allow sb./sth to do sth.使.能够或有机会做某事、p enable sth.=make sth.possible 使.成为可能The updated software enables users to access the Internet more easily.这个更新了的软件让用户更容易地登录互联网。The updated software enables easier access to t

14、he Internet.这个更新了的软件让人们更方便登录互联网。2)构词法:en+n./adj.vt.使.怎么样enlarge;enrich;endanger;encourage;enjoy16.prove(proved,proved/proven)词块:prove sth to sb,prove(to be)+adj/n1)prove(to be)+adj./n.(表语)证明/表明是(系动词)sb./sth.(to be)+adj./n.(宾补)证明某人/物为是 sth./oneself(to sb.)(向某人)证明某事/自己 (to sb.)that/wh-(宾从)(向某人)证明 It h

15、as proved to be a positive influence on the lives of many people.I will be determined to prove my honesty/myself(to others).(to you)that Im honest/an honest man.myself(to be)honest/a reliable companion.everyone(to be)wrong.The design proved(to be)a great success/(to be)very successful.Such advice as

16、 he was given has proved(to be)almost worthless/valueless.=turn out(to be)adj./n.17.award奥斯卡金像奖(Oscars),又名美国电影艺术与科学学院奖(Academy Awards,中文简称学院奖),是美国历史最为悠久、最具权威性和专业性的电影类奖项,也是全世界最具影响力的电影类奖项。n C 奖;奖金;奖品;奖状:an award of$10,000win/get/gain/obtain/receive an award“Lifetime Achievement”award 2019 全国The award

17、for this years best actress went to Emma Stone.award词块:win/get/gain/receive an award名词动词化:award sb sth/award sth to sbaward 指因某种突出的成就而由官方颁发的奖赏或荣誉,可以是“奖(品)”、“奖状”、“奖金”等。award比reward更正式,to officially give sb a prize or money。prize 指因在某方面作出巨大的贡献或在竞赛、比赛中胜出而获得的“奖赏”、“奖品”。辨 award,prize vt 授予;给予;判给:award sb

18、sth/award sth to sb:A Nobel Prize was awarded to Tu Youyou in 2015.18.conductor:conduct(必修二U1 v 指挥)+-or 熟词生义:列车长、售票员 conductor C(乐队)指挥;售票员;检票员pconduct a choir/orchestra vt.指挥合唱团、管弦乐队pconduct sb.around(the ruins of the ancient city)=guide.带领,引导某人参观(某地)pconduct oneself(well/badly)=behave(well/badly)举止

19、,表现(好、不好)pconduct a test/experiment/survey/interview进行.19 fall in love with sb./sth.爱、喜欢上了(非延续动作)pbe in love with.爱着 (延续性状态)这对夫妻彼此相爱近20年了。The couple _ each other for almost 20 years.=Its almost 20 years since the couple _ with each other at first sight.fell in love with have been in love with 20 ori

20、ginal adj.原来的,最初的;原创的,新颖的;原作的 C 原件;原作porigin C 起源,起因;源头poriginally adv.原来;起初poriginate in/from(a short story)/in(Germany)/with sb./as(a small fishing port)起源于.看图猜词100%原创the original sheet 原文件the copied ones复印件original creation 原创作品“first in time,earliest”(最初的;最早的),来自origin(起源、发源),引申义“原创的”。original 词

21、源解读original adj只用于名词前最初的;原先的 first;earliest(before any changes or developments):Sadly the library had moved from its original place into another building.只用于名词前原创的;原作的:In a word,to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it.新颖的;创新的;独特的 new and interesting;different from others

22、 of its type:Thats not a very original suggestion.n C 原文;原作;原稿:the book in the original originality n U 独创性;创造力original 语义网络图“最初的”事物“最初的”作品最初的;原先的原创的;原作的最初的(基本义)original“最初的”见解、看法等新颖的;创新的;独特的21.phenomenon:复数 phenomena 词块:a natural phenomenon22.on stage.1)(be/stand/appear/perform.)on stage 在舞台上(表演)pg

23、o on the stage=become an actor/actress 从事戏剧表演2)on the world/international/political stage 在.舞台上3)in/at.stage(s)(of.)在.阶段The technology is still in its early stages/at an early stage.Were getting to the stage _ we hardly ever go out together.pgo through a stage 经历一个阶段pChildren go through various stag

24、es of development.pset the stage for sth.为某事做好准备、铺平道路,使某事成为可能 where stage cagewage pageusagevoyageteenagelanguagedamagesausagemarriageadvantage含-age的单词舞台;阶段;时期笼子工资页;页面用法航海;航行十几岁语言损害;损坏香肠 婚姻;结婚优点 23.Altogether 来自复合词 all together 总共 完全(completely)1)altogether adv.总共=in all,in total;总而言之,总之=all in all

25、完全地=completely,totallyCompare:p(do sth.)all together 一起(做某事)Lets sing“Happy Birthday”all together now!2)join in doing sth./to do sth.一起做某事24.thus:句子副词,是正式用语词源义是“用来捆扎的细带子”,但现在常用的是它在各领域的衍生含义,最常见的就是“乐队”(结合到一起的团队)。band bandage(绷带);band-aid 邦迪26.rap:拟声词,模仿敲打的声音,后引申词义说唱 派生词:rapper27.nowadays:now+a

26、dayes(during the day),现在的日子 现今28 capable adj.有能力的;能力强,能干的(=able)pbe capable of(doing)sth 有能力做某事 p=be able to do sth.能够做某事pcapability C(完成困难事情的)能力,才能 phave/lose the capability to do/of doing sth.p=have/lose the ability to do sth.有、失去做某事的能力pincapable adj.没有能力的29 relief U&a relief】(不快过后的)宽慰,舒心(的事);(焦虑/

27、痛苦的)减轻,缓解 pIt is a(huge/great)relief to see/know/have.做是件(非常)令人欣慰的事p(sigh/smile.)with/in relief 如释重负地(叹了口气、笑了)p(much)to ones(great)relief p 令某人感到(非常)欣慰的是.give/bring/provide some relief from the pain/some pain relief 缓解疼痛prelieve(the/ones)pain/anxiety/stress/pressure.减轻,缓解疼痛、焦虑、紧张、压力p relieve sb.of(b

28、ags/work/duty)减轻某人(背包、工作)p be/feel relieved(to see/hear/learn/find)that.(看到.)感到放心、宽慰 30 cure(be/find)a cure for(a disease/problem)(找到)(疾病)治疗方法;(问题)对策,措施pcure a disease/problem/habit (P56,p2)治愈、治好、矫正、解决.pcure sb.(of a disease/problem/habit)治愈某人(的疾病、习惯)One possible cure for his nervousness is to liste

29、n to music.One possible way to cure(him of)his nervousnss is to listen to music.p treat sb.with sth./for(disease)用.治疗某人(疾病)31 absorbed in sth./sb.get/be absorbed in sth.=get/be lost in sth.(开始)全神贯注于.32 previous adj.(所提事情、时间)之前的,先前的 这个工作不需要以前的经验。No previous experience is necessary for this one

30、s previous life 在某人之前的人生里 the previous day/owner/marriage 先一天/前一个主人/婚姻33 aim(sb.)aim for/at sth.瞄准.;力求争取或达到p(sb.)aim at doing/aim to do sth.力求做某事p(sth.)be aimed at sb./sth./doing sth.(书、方案、活动)针对某人;目的是,旨在做某事34 set up equipment U架设设备 pa piece of/some/much equipment 一件/一些/许多设备p be equipped with sth./fo

31、r sth.被配备有.设备;为.做好设备、知识、技能准备 35.try out(shoes/a computer/bike/pronouncer)试用某人、物 ptry on shoes/a dress 试穿ptry out for a school play/team/band 参加(戏剧)试演或(团队)选拔36 talenthave(great)musical/artistic talent U 有了(不起的)音乐、艺术才华、天分pwith/have/show a(natural/remarkable)talent for(acting/music)=gift C 具有、显示出(表演音乐)

32、(自然的/了不起的)才华pa man/woman of many talents 多才多艺的男子/女子pa great footballing talent 了不起的足球天才/人才 C pa talented/gifted musician 天才音乐家 adj.pbe talented/gifted/expert/experienced in/at sth./doing.在某方面(做某事)有天赋、很内行、有经验37 assume So can I assume that the aim of the festival is to raise money?passume that 从句/sb./

33、 be+adj./n.=suppose,think.假定,假设;认为It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.人们普遍认为,紧张是工作过重所致。=is due to 38 in addition(to sb./sth./doing sth.)除.之外,(还有.)=besides(sb./sth.)=as well as(sb./sth.In addition to his movie work,Redford is universally known as champion of environme

34、ntal causes.(被称为.捍卫者/斗士)39.Two years ago I _(tell)(that)I had a serious disease _ was difficult _(cure)phave/develop a serious disease 患了严重疾病40.ache/hurt all the time 一直/始终疼痛(持续隐隐的痛)41.treatment 治疗;对待;处理42.from then/now/that day.on 从那时/现在/那天.起43.lean on sb/sth.(for sth./to do sth.)=depend/rely on sb

35、./sth.(for sth./to do sth.)依赖,依靠(获取帮助、做某事)Everyone needs someone to lean on in times of trouble.困难时,每个人需要一个依靠的人。plean(sth.)on/against sth.(使某物)斜靠着、倚靠在某物 (leaned,leaned;leant,leant)was told which to cure 44 get(sb.)through hard/difficult/tough times (帮助、使某人帮助、使某人)度过(难关、困难时期)度过(难关、困难时期)=go through.pIt

36、 was their love _ got me through those first difficult months.p get through(to sb.)(和某人)通上电话(和某人)通上电话I tried phoning her office,but I couldnt get through(to her).45 moreover adv.此外,而且,加之=whats more,besides,in addition,furthermore,additionallyThe rent is reasonable and,_,the location is perfect.A.thu

37、s B.moreover C.therefore D.beside 46 give sb.a sense of satisfaction/achievement 给某人满足感、成就感psatisfy(sb./ones needs)vt.使(某人)满足/满意;满足(需要、条件等)(satisfies,satisfied)psatisfied adj.感到满意的Bpbe satisfied with sth.=be pleased with sth.对对.感到感到满意满意psatisfying adj.令人高兴愉快的令人高兴愉快的psatisfactory adj.令人满意的令人满意的,尚可的尚可的psatisfaction U 满意满意;C 令人满意的事令人满意的事 pto sb.s satisfaction 使某人满意(的是)使某人满意(的是)pwith satisfaction 满意地满意地psatisfactorily adv.47 the/sb.s reaction(of sb.)to sb./sth.某人对.的反应preact(angrily/badly)to sth./by doing sth.通过./对.作出(.)反应THANK YOU!



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