1、 Domestication and Foreignization第1页,共31页。Roots of the terms:n Schleiermacher 施莱尔马赫(1768-1843):nThere are only two methods of translation:n Either the translator leaves the author in peace,as much as possible,and moves the reader towards him;一种是尽可能让作者安居不动,而引导读者去靠近作者(异化)。nOr he leaves the reader in p
2、eace,as much as possible,and moves the author towards him n另一种是让读者安居不动,而引导作者去接近读者(归化)。第2页,共31页。Lawrence Venuti(1953-2011)n Lawrence Venuti 劳伦斯.韦努蒂美国翻译理论家nThe Translators Invisibility(1995)译者的隐形n“Domestication and“foreignization”are the terms coined by L.Venuti(1995)to describe the two different tran
3、slation strategies.第3页,共31页。Foreignization/AlienationnT The type of translation in which a target text deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreigness of the original.n异化就是异化就是“接受外语文本的语言及文化差异,把读者带入外国情景”。n -孙致礼新编英汉翻译教程P33n异化指在翻译中保留原文语言特色,让译文语言的读者感受到异域风情,和其他文化的独特魅力。-张震久
4、,张震久,20092009,P118P118第4页,共31页。nforbidden fruit nbaptism of fire nnew wine in old bottles ntrump card nblack listnflea marketnhoneymoonnshuttle diplomacyn禁果n炮火的 洗礼n旧瓶装新酒n王牌n黑名单n跳骚市场n蜜月n穿梭外交第5页,共31页。1.Our destiny offers not the cup of despair,but the chalice of opportunity.命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯。2.It g
5、ives me very great pleasure to see Chinese children shooting up like beansprouts,full of vitality and energy.看到华裔儿童像豆芽一样冒出来,充满生机和活力,我十分高兴。第6页,共31页。Domestication/adaptationnThe translation strategy in which a transparent,fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text
6、 for target language readers.nThe Translators Invisibility(1995)译者的隐形第7页,共31页。nAdams apple n seek a hare in a hens nest na bread and butter letter nA shotgun marriage nLet the cat out of the bagn喉结n缘木求鱼n表扬信n奉子成婚n泄密第8页,共31页。1.Give a dog an ill name and hang him.欲加之罪,何患无辞2.Love me,love my dog.爱屋及乌。3.O
7、ne boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no boy.一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。第9页,共31页。nGone with the Wind 飘 -傅东华nScarlett OHara 郝思嘉nRhett Butler 白瑞德n归化手法的目的是“忠实于全书趣味精神,不在求忠实于一枝一节”(飘序)nAfter-class Reading:名师评译丛书:飘选评 傅东华 译 思果 评 中国对外翻译出版公司 飘被推为21世纪现代女性必读的“人生四书”之一。乱世佳人郝思嘉将告诉你如何与残酷的现实抗争、学会在困境中生存,不轻言放弃,成
8、功就在你手中。第10页,共31页。PracticenMy maternal grandfather,it is ture,was cut off in the flower of his youth at the age of sixty-seven,but my other three grandparents all lived to be over eigthty.(Bertrand Russell,How to Grow Old)不错,我的外祖父英年早逝,当时只有67岁,但是_可都活到了80开外。nkey:我的祖父、祖母和外祖母第11页,共31页。Differences bt.dome
9、stication/foreignization&literal/liberal Translations nDomestication and foreignization are the extension of the literal/free translations.nThe later focuses more on the linguistic features(e.g.sentence structures,grammar,diction,et.),while the former focuses more on the cultural elements.第12页,共31页。
10、异化是一种文化态度 1.“异化的道德态度是在异文化中找出异质因素,表现文化多样性,突显语言和文化的差异,并颠覆译入语语言中的价值观次序。”-韦努蒂,2009(访谈录)2.归化归化就是就是“采取采取民族中心主义的态度民族中心主义的态度,使外语文使外语文本符合译入语的文化价值本符合译入语的文化价值,把原作者带入译入语,把原作者带入译入语文化文化”-孙致礼,2005 第13页,共31页。Situation in the Past(国内)1.佛经的翻译(唐朝以前)(归化):玄奘2.晚晴的翻译(归化):严复,林纾3.五四运动-建国时期(归化,极少数异化):傅雷、钱钟书、朱生豪等n朱生豪浙江嘉兴人。共译了
11、莎剧共三十一种半,只差五种半时不幸重病去世!“夫以译莎工作之艰苦,十年之功不可云久,然毕生精力,殆尽注于兹矣。”n异化派代表人物:鲁迅等第14页,共31页。Situation in the Past(欧美欧美)n英美文化长期被归化理论所统治,提倡流畅的翻译,实际上是不尊重原语文化的“文化帝国主义”。-(韦努蒂,1995:20-21)nNida 为主要代表人物n汉语中的英语外来词要远远多于英语中的汉语外来词如:蹦极(bungee jumping)、伸出橄榄枝(Hold out an olive branch.)、伽马刀(gamma knife)、拉力赛(rally)、蓝牙(Bluetooth)、
12、双赢(win2win)、逻辑、幽默、天使、乐园、礼拜、上帝、福音、瓶颈bottleneck、蜜月(honeymoon);show;party;To break the record;摊牌(Show ones card);血浓于水(blood is thinker than water);沙发sofa n而英语中的汉语外来词屈指可数:yin,yang,typhoon,ketou,jiaozi 第15页,共31页。译者的身份:谈判代表 不同民族之间的交流从来就是不平等的。在这种交流中,译者就像一个谈判代表,代表着某种特定的文化势力,因而他往往会对他的谈判对手,亦即已从另一种文化译入的文本,持有某种
13、特定的态度。(standpoint decides strategy)-王东风,2000.第16页,共31页。水浒传水浒传1.Water Margin -J.H.Jackson 杰克逊1937 水边,指的是书中许多事件的发生地 (直译)2.Outlaws of the Marsh -Sidney Shapiro 沙博理 1980 水泊草莽(意译)3.All Men Are Brothers -P.S.Buck赛珍珠1933 n四海之内皆兄弟 (孔子语录)(异化)nLove your enemy(Bible)(归化)杂合hybridization全世界人民亲如一家全世界人民亲如一家 搭起中西方沟
14、通的桥梁搭起中西方沟通的桥梁(尼克松)(尼克松)文化态度 第17页,共31页。文化要素的翻译1.且听下回分解杰:We will now relate how.沙:Read our next chapter if you would know.赛:Pray hear it told in the next chapter.杰:意译沙:直译为主,意译为辅赛:异化(章回体及说书体)第18页,共31页。2.有眼不识泰山,万望恕罪。杰:We were at fault for not recognizing your eminence.We ask for your pardon.沙:We had ey
15、es but didnt recognize Mount Taishan!Its we who need to be forgiven.赛:(We two brothers)although we have eyes could not discern the sacred Tai Mountain and a thousand times do we ask forgiveness for our sin.杂合所表现的文化态度:对中国文化的尊重,打破了东西方之间交流的不平等状况第19页,共31页。Translation Strategy in the Future(1)Translators
16、 should have a sense of responsibility,to be responsible for introducing the new thoughts,new trends and new things into the target culture.(2)In our translation:A.The best solution is foreignization B.The secondary try is to foreignize with the support of interpretations (文化诠释和文化保留相结合)C.The last ch
17、oice is domestication 第20页,共31页。n 鲁迅鲁迅:宁信而不顺宁信而不顺 n“在我,是除了还是这样的硬译之外,只有束手这一条路 就是所谓没有出路了,所余的唯一希望,只在读者还肯硬着头皮看下去而已。”鲁迅托尔斯泰之死与少年欧罗巴译后记After Class:贺爱军,2009.鲁迅“硬译”的文化解读 J.上海翻译,2009.4:70-73.第21页,共31页。A.Which one is better?1.to kill two birds with one stone一石两鸟一箭双雕、一举两得 2.Rome was not built in a day.罗马不是一天建成
18、的。冰冻三尺,非一日之寒3.Two is company,three is misery.两人是伴,三人是患。(两人相好,三人相争)两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃。第22页,共31页。4.God gives every bird its food,but He doesnt throw it into its nest.n上帝给了鸟儿食物,但他没有将食物扔到它的巢里。n授之以鱼,不如授之以渔。5.My uncle Cassidy gives me money!Pigs might fly if they had wings!n我的卡西迪叔叔会给我钱?那猪也会长翅膀飞上天啦!n我的卡西迪叔叔会给
19、我钱?除非太阳从西边出来!n余光中:n读这样的译文(肆意删除异域成分),如同到国外旅游,却只去唐人街吃饭。第23页,共31页。B.To Foreignize with Interpretations 异化加注异化加注 At the end of the harvesting,I found that out of my half Peck of seed,I had near two Bushels of rice,and above two Bushels and half of barley,that is to say,by my guess,for I had no measure a
20、t that time.(D.Defoe:Robinson Crusoe)n收获完毕之后,我发现所下的半斗种子差不多打了两斗大米,两斗半大麦;这当然是根据我个人的猜测,因为当时我手边没有量器。n收获完毕之后,我发现所下的半配克种子差不多打了近两蒲式耳大米,两蒲式耳半大麦;这当然是根据我个人的猜测,因为当时我手边没有量器。n注:半配克等于八分之一蒲式耳.第24页,共31页。C.The last Choice:归化1.Do you want to be a dragon lady or a woman behind your man?A:你想做一个你想做一个龙女龙女,还是做个男人背后的女人还是做个
21、男人背后的女人?B:你想做一个你想做一个女强人女强人,还是做个男人背后的女人还是做个男人背后的女人?2.Most parents are like dogs;one can kick them in the teeth,and they will come back for more.注:a kick in the teeth 野蛮对待1)做父母的多数像忠心不二的狗,子女们可能顶撞他们,他们反过来给予子女更多。2)多数父母都有一种舐犊之爱;子女们可能顶撞他们,他们反过来给予子女更多。第25页,共31页。Readers Consideration(读者关照)nIt is as significa
22、nt as a game of cricket.a.这件事如同板球赛一样重要。b.这件事如同吃饭一样重要。c.这件事非常重要。译文a:读者为具有文化洞察力、熟谙英国人酷爱板球运动这一文化背景的人;译文b:为了照顾一般读者的认知,变洋为土 译文c:直接译出原文的涵意。第26页,共31页。归化的限度(P.25)1.If you dare to play the fox with me,Ill shoot you at once!1)你要是敢跟我玩花样,我一枪崩了你!2)你要是敢耍我,我就赏你一颗枪子儿!3)你要是敢糊弄咱,立马要你的狗命!4)如果你敢跟我耍心眼,我立刻让你吃“定 心丸”!5)敢跟我
23、玩阴的,立马送你见阎王!2.Curiosity enough,he prophesied with oracle accuracy to the amazement of all.说也奇怪,他像诸葛亮一样,料事如神,大家都惊讶不已。第27页,共31页。nCommon Practice in Exams:Domestication/Liberal translationn同学们都很讨厌他,因为他经常拍老师的马屁。n The student all dislike him because he often pats the teachers ass.n The students all disli
24、ke him because he often licks the teachers boots.n注:以前在欧洲,臣民见到国王与王后往往要葡匐倒地,亲吻他们的靴子。后来,人们将 lick the boots 引申为“为了某种目的而讨好某人”,它与汉语的“拍马屁”含义一样。n在美国英语中,“拍马屁”还有另一种说法,即 polish the apple,它典出以前的学生用擦亮的苹果来讨好老师。第28页,共31页。n人都是这山望着那山高,对自己的现状没有满意的时候。nAlmost all people think that the other mountain is higher than the
25、 one hes standing on.They never feel satisfied with what theyve already got.n Almost all people think that the grass is greener on the other hill.They never feel satisfied with what theyve already got.(他山的草更绿)第29页,共31页。Translation Practice 1.Let me have the skates,you dont know how to skate.Dont be a dog in the manger.2.Haste makes waste;soft fire makes sweet malt.3.They say that every dog has its day;but mine seems a very long time to come.4.But in the case of Bacon and Shakespeare,such errors are spots on the sun.第30页,共31页。n预习:第四章 2、3、4、6、7节第31页,共31页。