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1、We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi JinpingWe must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping想知道自己的血管年龄吗?We must learn the rules of the Party Con

2、stitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping如何测定自己的血管年龄?p 情绪压抑p 对任何事情过于较真p 喜爱吃方便食品、饼干或其他甜食p 偏爱肉类和油炸食品p 缺少体育运动和活动p 吸烟支数/天 年龄 400p 爬楼时感到胸痛、胸闷或气急p 手脚发凉、麻木,有时疼痛p 注意力不容易集中,明显拿东忘西p 高血压p 高血脂或高血糖p 亲属中有人死于脑卒中(中风)、冠心病p 其他一些血管老化征象,如皮肤出现皱纹、腿脚不灵便、四肢麻木等以上内容符合的越多,血管年龄越高符合0-4

3、项,血管年龄尚属正常符合5-7项,比生理年龄大10岁;8-12项,比生理年龄大20岁We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping但我们正在失去健康未来我们长寿了,但要在疾病或残疾中度过漫长的时间!期望寿命以北京18岁居民为例男性(岁)女性(岁)健康期望寿命:完全健康状态下疾病或残疾状态下期望寿命起点We must learn the rules of the Party Constitutio

4、n with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping您的血管年龄是否高于生理年龄?血管老了有什么后果?We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping您了解血管么?血管是血液流动的管道,分为:动脉、静脉、毛细血管。动脉从心脏出发、不断分枝,管腔直径变细,管壁变薄,最后分成大量的毛细血管,遍布全身。毛

5、细血管再逐渐汇合成静脉,最后返回心脏。动脉静脉毛细血管We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping血管的结构动脉和静脉管壁分为:内膜、中膜、外膜内膜:由内皮细胞层、内皮下层、弹性层组成中膜:主要平滑肌细胞和弹力纤维组织构成外膜:由胶原纤维和弹力纤维组织构成同级动脉与静脉相比,管壁厚而富有弹性We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution wi

6、th problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping正常的动脉 VS 衰老的动脉动脉壁粥样硬化斑块血栓正常的动脉 衰老的动脉 血管坚实而富有弹性,内壁光滑,管腔通畅血管弹性下降,变脆,管壁变厚,管腔狭窄甚至阻塞We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping动脉衰老了,后果很严重动脉衰老能导致多种心血管疾病

7、动脉粥样硬化脑卒中(中风)冠心病斑块破裂形成血栓阻塞血流We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping心血管疾病是国人死亡和残疾的首要原因每5例死亡中就有2例死于心血管疾病每5例脑卒中患者就有4例残疾We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of Gen

8、eral Secretary Xi Jinping是什么让我的血管年龄比生理年龄高?We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping认识心血管疾病的危险因素高血压心血管疾病家族史糖尿病吸烟、酗酒高龄肥胖高血脂心血管疾病这些因素狼狈为奸,共同推动心血管疾病的发生其中,高血脂是心血管疾病最重要的危险因素We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution

9、with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping什么叫“高血脂高血脂”?我们常说的血脂,主要指以下四项:名称英文缩写单位总胆固醇TCmmol/L(mg/dL)甘油三酯TGmmol/L(mg/dL)高密度脂蛋白胆固醇HDL-CHDL-Cmmol/L(mg/dL)低密度脂蛋白胆固醇LDL-CLDL-Cmmol/L(mg/dL)我们常说的高血脂,也称作“血脂异常”,指TC、TG、LDL-C 和/或HDL-CWe must learn the rules of the Party Constitutio

10、n with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping分辨胆固醇的“好好”和和“坏坏”LDL-CLDL-C:是“坏坏”胆固醇胆固醇,是导致动脉粥样硬化乃至心血管疾病的“罪魁祸首”HDL-CHDL-C:是“好好”胆固醇胆固醇,对心血管具有保护作用We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping“坏坏”胆

11、固醇是如何导致动脉粥样硬化的?血液中LDL-C含量过多,会钻入动脉内皮下方钻入内皮下方的LDL-C被巨噬细胞吞噬,巨噬细胞LDL-C越吞越多,逐渐转变为泡沫细胞泡沫细胞吞噬LDL-C过多而破裂,与胆固醇一起形成粥样斑块,同时动脉变硬变脆We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping动脉粥样硬化是造成心血管疾病的“元凶”脑卒中短暂性脑缺血发作心绞痛心肌梗死 外周动脉疾病ASCVD 动脉粥样硬化是造

12、成心绞痛、心肌梗死、脑卒中等心血管疾病的元凶 我们把动脉粥样硬化导致的心血管疾病,统称为动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病(ASCVD)动脉粥样硬化进展过程We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping动脉衰老是一个连续、缓慢的过程动脉衰老是一个连续、缓慢的过程,而很多因素都会加速动脉的衰老从十几岁开始从30岁开始从40岁开始无临床症状心血管疾病We must learn the rules of the

13、 Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping除了“坏”胆固醇,还有哪些因素会加速动脉的衰老?吸烟酗酒肥胖心血管疾病家族史糖尿病高血压精神紧张We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping关注我们的血管年龄我们要关注血管年龄,避免人还未老,血管已老!20多

14、岁的年轻人,血管年龄高达40-50岁,并不少见常规血液检查未见异常,血管年龄也可能偏高血管年龄这么高!We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping我的血管还能重回健康么?有希望!We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secre

15、tary Xi Jinping心血管疾病虽然危害严重但值得庆幸的是,心血管疾病 可 防 、可 控 、可 治 !We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping哪些措施能保护血管健康?戒烟限酒科学运动健康饮食良好心态控制血脂、血糖、血压保护血管健康We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the imp

16、ortant speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping管好管好“坏坏”胆固醇,预防心血管疾病胆固醇,预防心血管疾病降低降低坏坏胆固醇胆固醇稳定稳定/逆转逆转动脉粥样硬化斑块动脉粥样硬化斑块预防预防心血管疾病心血管疾病从源头预防心血管疾病,从源头预防心血管疾病,管好管好坏坏胆固醇胆固醇!We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping我们怎么做,才能管好“坏”

17、胆固醇?宣传胆固醇相关知识倡导健康生活方式积极进行药物治疗开展高危人群筛查We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping药物治疗是降低药物治疗是降低“坏坏”胆固醇的胆固醇的“法宝法宝”他汀是降脂药中最常见的一类是降低“坏”胆固醇的主力主力,临床使用最广泛最广泛,受到众多指南指南的一致推荐疗效可靠、副作用少、服用方便We must learn the rules of the Party Cons

18、titution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping他汀是减少心血管事件最有效的降胆固醇药物认识他汀认识他汀他汀是一种胆固醇生物合成酶抑制剂,能减少肝脏中胆固醇的合成,降低“坏”胆固醇,稳定/逆转斑块,减少心血管疾病的发生。使硬斑块变小了使软斑块变硬了缓解心绞痛症状减少心梗和脑卒中风险We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of Gene

19、ral Secretary Xi Jinping服用他汀,要足量、长期足量他汀剂量越大,降低“坏”胆固醇的效果越强只有服用足量的他汀,才能获得强效的血管保护作用长期人体在不断地合成和吸收胆固醇,停用他汀后“坏”胆固醇还会升高中断他汀治疗可能会使已经稳定的斑块破裂,发生心血管疾病坚持足量、长期他汀治疗,不可擅自减量或停药We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping心血管疾病可防、可控、可治心血管疾病 可防、可控、可治!让我们携手打好、打赢这场 血管保卫战,让人们远离心血管疾病的危害,拥抱 健康!We must learn the rules of the Party Constitution with problems,learn the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping马彩艳 副主任医师心内科 周三下午 周五下午



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