1、20 20 套套卡通手绘卡通手绘PPTPPT图表(二)图表(二)并列关系/流程图Doodle KPI Infographics20%NEW CUSTOMERS20%NEW CUSTOMERSJupiter is the biggest planet of them all 60%REVIEWS 60%REVIEWSVenus has a beautiful name,but its very hot 80%NEW PRODUCTS80%NEW PRODUCTSDespite being red,Mars is actually a cold place 60%NEW SALES60%NEW S
2、ALESIts the biggest planet in the Solar System Doodle KPI Infographics1 1INDICATORINDICATORIts the biggest planet in the Solar System GOALSGOALSVenus has a beautiful name,but its very hot TREND AXISTTREND AXISTDespite being red,Mars is actually a cold place 2 23 360%60%20%20%80%80%ADSJupiter is a ga
3、s giant and the biggest planet of them allDoodle KPI InfographicsPAGE RANKMercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest PAGEVIEWSVenus has a beautiful name and is the second one TRAFFICDespite being red,Mars is actually a cold place 1 12 23 34 4$25,800$25,800$34,200$34,200$50,000$50,000$
4、60,000$60,000Doodle KPI InfographicsNEW CLIENTSNEW CLIENTSIts the biggest planet in the Solar System 40%40%25%25%35%35%OLD CLIENTSOLD CLIENTSVenus has a beautiful name,but its very hot NEW PRODUCTSNEW PRODUCTSDespite being red,Mars is actually a cold place Doodle KPI InfographicsINDICATORINDICATORIt
5、s the biggest planet in the Solar System LEADSLEADSVenus has a beautiful name,but its very hot INTERACTIONINTERACTIONDespite being red,Mars is actually a cold place GOALSGOALSJupiter is the biggest planet of them all 35%35%24%24%50%50%45%45%Doodle KPI InfographicsIDEASVenus has a beautiful name and
6、is the second one SALESMercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest 30%30%45%45%60%60%100%100%SEARCHJupiter is a gas giant and the biggest planet of them allLEADSDespite being red,Mars is actually a very cold place Doodle KPI InfographicsVISITOR TYPE BVISITOR TYPE BIts the biggest plane
7、t in our Solar System VISITOR TYPE CVISITOR TYPE CVenus has a beautiful name,but its very hot VISITOR TYPE AVISITOR TYPE ADespite being red,Mars is actually a cold place$5,000$5,000$3,000$3,000$1,500$1,500$7,000$7,000VISITOR TYPE DVISITOR TYPE DNeptune is the farthest planet from the SunDoodle KPI I
8、nfographicsFEMALEFEMALENeptune is the farthest planet from the SunMALEMALEVenus has a beautiful name,but its very hot 60%60%40%40%NEW CUSTOMERS%NEW CUSTOMERS70%70%GOALS%GOALS20%20%LEADSLEADSIts the biggest planet in the Solar System ONLINEONLINEDespite being red,Mars is actually a cold place Doodle
9、KPI Infographics30%ATTRACT30%ATTRACTEarth is the planet where we all live on 15%TURN15%TURNVenus has a beautiful name,but its very hot 20%RELATE20%RELATEIts the biggest planet in the Solar System 15%ANALYZE15%ANALYZEDespite being red,Mars is actually a cold place 100%TRACING100%TRACINGMercury is the
10、 closest planet to the Sun 01010202030305050404Doodle KPI InfographicsA AB BC CD DE EF F100%PAGE VIEWS100%PAGE VIEWSIts the biggest planet in the Solar System 70%PAGE RANK70%PAGE RANKVenus has a beautiful name,but its very hot 40%BOUNCE RATE40%BOUNCE RATEEarth is the planet where we all live on 90%V
11、ISITORS90%VISITORSDespite being red,Mars is actually a cold place 10%SOCIAL INTERACTION10%SOCIAL INTERACTIONMercury is the closest planet to the Sun 80%TRAFFIC80%TRAFFICNeptune is the farthest planet from the Sun Doodle KPI InfographicsMercury is the closest planet to the Sun30%INTERACTION30%INTERAC
12、TIONVenus has a beautiful name,but its hot85%CLICKS85%CLICKSDespite being red,Mars is a cold place50%GROWTH50%GROWTHDoodle KPI InfographicsNEW VISITSNEW VISITSDespite being red,Mars is actually a cold place CLICKSCLICKSMercury is the closest planet to the Sun GROWTHGROWTHIts the biggest planet in th
13、e Solar System 2,5 M2,5 M6,7 M6,7 M76%76%Doodle KPI Infographics15%NEW VISITS15%NEW VISITSIts the biggest planet in the Solar System 35%NEW PRODUCTS35%NEW PRODUCTSDespite being red,Mars is actually a cold place 40%REVIEWS40%REVIEWSVenus has a beautiful name,but its very hot 90%GROWTH90%GROWTHMercury
14、 is the closest planet to the Sun Doodle KPI InfographicsTARGET TARGET MARKETMARKET45%45%68%68%32&32&20-30 YEARS OLD20-30 YEARS OLDIts the biggest planet in the Solar System 40-50 YEARS OLD40-50 YEARS OLDVenus has a beautiful name,but its very hot 30-40 YEARS OLD30-40 YEARS OLDDespite being red,Mars
15、 is actually a cold place Illustrated Doodle Buyer Persona InfographicsEducationVenus has a beautiful name and high temperatures.It is hotter than the other planetsBenefitsEarth is the third planet from the Sun,the one that harbors life and where we all live onMotivationsDespite being red,Mars is ac
16、tually a cold place.Iron oxide dust is the cause of the red castAboutSaturn is composed mostly of hydrogen and heliumPersonalityIt is a gas giantIt is the closestIt is the hottestHobbiesIt is the biggestIt is the thirdIt is the fourthExperienceIt is the biggestIts the smallestIt is the coldestIllust
17、rated Doodle Buyer Persona InfographicsNeptune is the farthest planet from the Sun and the fourth-largest oneEducationMercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest oneDemographicMars is actually a cold place.Iron oxide dust is the cause of the red castInterestsEarth is the third planet f
18、rom the Sun,the one where we all live onPersonalityRichard KyleRichard KyleMercury is the closest planet to the SunIllustrated Doodle Buyer Persona InfographicsBioVenus has a beautiful name and high temperatures.It is hotter than the other planetsFrustrationDespite being red,Mars is actually a very
19、cold place.Iron oxide dust is the cause of the red castExperienceIt is the smallestAboutAboutIts a gas giant and has several ringsPersonalityIt is a gas giantIt is the closestIt is the hottestIllustrated Doodle Buyer Persona InfographicsItalianGermanLanguagesIts the farthest planetJane SmithMars is
20、a cold place PersonalityMercury is the closest planet to the SunSpanishBioDespite being red,Mars is a cold placeAffinitiesEarth is the third planet from the Sun Values&FearsPluto is considered a dwarf planet25CaliforniaDesignerMars75%75%Jupiter60%60%Saturn45%45%Earth85%85%Illustrated Doodle Buyer Pe
21、rsona InfographicsPersonal InfoVenus has a beautiful name and high temperatures.It is hotter than the other onesJohn SmithIts the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest in the Solar SystemValues&FearsThe big quantity of Iron oxide dust of planet Mars is the cause of the red castAffinitiesEarth is
22、 the third planet from the Sun and the one that harbors lifeNeedsSaturn,the ringed planet,is composed of hydrogen and also heliumIllustrated Doodle Buyer Persona InfographicsAffinitiesIts the smallest and innermost planet JupiterJupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest of them allVal
23、uesIt has a beautiful name and its hot FrustrationsDespite being red,is a cold placeGoalsIts the farthest planet from the SunPersonalitySaturn is a gas giant and has several ringsMotivationsEarth is the planet we all live onIllustrated Doodle Buyer Persona InfographicsSaturn is the ringed one.Its co
24、mposed mostly of hydrogen and heliumGoalsMercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one FrustrationsIts a gas giant and also the biggest planet in the Solar SystemVenusIt has a beautiful name,but its terribly hot,even more than MercuryMercury JupiterJupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest of them all