1、 Feeling:Feeling:facial nervefacial nerve Secretion:Secretion:sympathic sympathic parasympathicparasympathic 泪腺动脉(眼动脉分泪腺动脉(眼动脉分支)支)泪膜泪膜Components:Components:脂质层脂质层 水液层(主泪腺和水液层(主泪腺和krause&wolfringkrause&wolfring)粘蛋白层(结膜杯状细胞)粘蛋白层(结膜杯状细胞)Function:Function:Protection Protection Lubricating Lubricating I
2、nhibitionInhibition Nutrition Nutrition Sds绝对是假的 Epiphora Epiphora 泪溢泪溢 Lacrimation Lacrimation 流泪流泪 Reflactive secrationReflactive secration Cause:Cause:泪液滞留伴发感染泪液滞留伴发感染 Manifestation:Manifestation:泪溢、脓性分泌物、泪囊泪溢、脓性分泌物、泪囊扩张扩张 Danger Danger Treatment:Treatment:medicine and surgerymedicine and surgery
3、 Cause:Cause:链球菌链球菌 Manifestation:Manifestation:流泪、红、脓性分泌物、流泪、红、脓性分泌物、泪囊红肿硬疼泪囊红肿硬疼 Treatment:Treatment:热敷热敷 消炎消炎 切开排脓切开排脓 NewbornNewborn A 17-year-old male with a A 17-year-old male with a 1-week history of pain and 1-week history of pain and swelling over the right swelling over the right lacrimal
4、gland.A.Clinical lacrimal gland.A.Clinical photograph demonstrating photograph demonstrating inflammation of the right inflammation of the right lacrimal gland with minimal lacrimal gland with minimal erythema and edema of erythema and edema of adjacent soft tissues.B.adjacent soft tissues.B.Axial c
5、omputed tomograph Axial computed tomograph demonstrating the poorly demonstrating the poorly demarcated,oblong lesion demarcated,oblong lesion associated with associated with inflammation of the lacrimal inflammation of the lacrimal glandgland The anatomyThe anatomy of lacrimal apparatusof lacrimal apparatus The function of the tearThe function of the tear The test of The test of Lacrimal passages Lacrimal passages The cause,manifesitation,diagnosis The cause,manifesitation,diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic and treatment of acute and chronic dacryocystitisdacryocystitis