1、4-10-14-1.Describe a comprehensive approach to retaining employees.2.Explain why employee engagement is important,and how to foster such engagement.3.Discuss what employers and supervisors can do to support employees career development needs.10-24-4.List and briefly explain the main decisions employ
2、ers should address in reaching promotion and other employee life-cycle career decisions.5.Explain each of the main grounds for dismissal.10-34-10-44-HR as a Profit Center10-5Studies show link when turnover rates rise financial performance is at riskHR practices can lower turnovero Opportunitieso Tra
3、ining o Development4-Costs of turnoverManaging voluntary turnoverReducing voluntary turnover10-64-1.Identify issues with surveys2.Compensation3.Selection4.Professional growth5.Meaningful work/ownership10-74-10-86.Worklife balance7.High engagement8.Data analytics9.Counter offers10.Workforce planning4
4、-HR Practices Around the GlobeIBM technology training program is improving o Employee retentiono Minimizing layoffs o Resignations ando Turnover costs10-94-10-10Talent Management and Employee RetentionJob withdrawalo Dealing with job withdrawal4-10-11Identify issues with surveysCompensationSelection
5、Professional growthMeaningful work/ownership4-10-12Worklife balanceHigh engagementData analyticsCounter offersWorkforce planning/Talent Management Job withdrawal4-10-134-HR Practices Around the GlobeRio Tinto is a global mining corporationUsing metrics and measures,consulting firm Towers Watson cond
6、ucted an employee engagement survey so Rio Tinto could take the steps to:o Employee engagement ando Performance10-144-10-15Gallup surveyo Business units that have employee engagement have 83%chance of performing above the company median o Those with the lowest employee engagement have a 17%chance Wa
7、tson Wyatt Worldwide surveyo Highly engaged employees generate 26%higher revenue per employee4-10-16Employee Actions That Foster Engagement1.Understanding how their department contributes to company success2.Seeing how their efforts contribute to achieving company goals3.Get a sense of accomplishmen
8、t from work at the company4-10-17Employee Engagement and PerformanceEmployee Actions That Foster Engagement4-10-184-10-19Career terminologyCareers todayPsychological contractThe employees role4-10-20The Employers Role o Depends on length of time employee is employedEmployer Career Management Options
9、o Employee career planning form suggestedManagers Roleo Actively train,mentor,review performance4-10-21 Career terminology Careers today Psychological contract The employees role Employers and Manager role Employer Career Management Options 4-10-224-10-231.Is seniority or competence the rule?2.How s
10、hould we measure competence?3.Is the process formal or informal?4.Vertical,horizontal,or other?4-10-24The Gender Gapo Eliminate barrierso Improve networking,mentoringo Break the glass ceilingo Have flexible career tracks4-10-25Look at Practical ConsiderationsManaging transfersManaging retirements4-1
11、0-26 Look at Practical Considerations Gender GapManaging transfers Managing retirementsPromotion decisionsMeasurementFormal vs.informalVertical or horizontal 4-10-274-10-28Grounds for DismissalAvoiding Wrongful Discharge SuitsSupervisor Liability4-10-29The Exit Process and Termination InterviewLayof
12、fs and the Plant Closing LawAdjusting to Downsizings and Mergers4-10-30Managing dismissalsAvoiding suitsLiabilityExit processDownsizing and mergers4-“Many hotel jobs are dead end;for example,maids and valets with no aspirations to move up,or are using these jobs temporarily,for instance,to help out with household expenses.”First,do you agree with this statementwhy,or why not?Second,list three more specific career activities you would recommend Lisa implement for these employees.10-314-10-32