1、 Nursing Rounduremia juri:mi 尿毒症尿毒症uremia尿毒症案例课件1Main contenturemia尿毒症案例课件2 Name:吴吴*Gender:female Age:48y Start dialysis:2009-8-3 Dialysis frequency:5 times/2 weeks Vascular access for hemodialysis,hi:mdailisis,hem-:AVF 动静脉瘘管(动静脉瘘管(arteriovenous:,tiriuvi:ns fistulafistjul,AVF)Diagnosis:CGN (慢性肾小球肾炎慢
2、性肾小球肾炎Chronic glomerulonephritis l,merjulunifraitis)uremia尿毒症案例课件3动静脉瘘管动静脉瘘管是为了建造可供血液透析使用的管道,将动脉与邻近静脉是为了建造可供血液透析使用的管道,将动脉与邻近静脉血管相连接的手术,通常选择非惯用手的手臂或手腕血管,术后三到血管相连接的手术,通常选择非惯用手的手臂或手腕血管,术后三到四周,静脉血流增多且膨胀就可使用。四周,静脉血流增多且膨胀就可使用。hemodialysis,hi:mdailisis,hem-:AVF 动静脉瘘管动静脉瘘管动静脉瘘管日常照护重点:动静脉瘘管日常照护重点:1.避免由瘘管处打针、
4、流并减少血栓形成。6.热敷、按摩与握球运动可增加血管血流量,但透析后应避免,并保热敷、按摩与握球运动可增加血管血流量,但透析后应避免,并保持瘘管处干燥清洁。持瘘管处干燥清洁。uremia尿毒症案例课件4 uremia尿毒症案例课件5 患者现呈灰暗面貌,自透析以来,尿量逐渐减少,至今年患者现呈灰暗面貌,自透析以来,尿量逐渐减少,至今年10月份无尿。患者收缩压波动在月份无尿。患者收缩压波动在140-190mmg,舒张压在,舒张压在70-100mmg,双下肢凹陷性浮肿明显,伴瘙痒。透析过程中常出,双下肢凹陷性浮肿明显,伴瘙痒。透析过程中常出现恶心呕吐,曾急发左心衰两次。现口服降压药压氏达,抗贫现恶心
5、呕吐,曾急发左心衰两次。现口服降压药压氏达,抗贫血药力蜚能,纠酸药小苏打,每周一次血药力蜚能,纠酸药小苏打,每周一次Epiao。家庭经济状况不。家庭经济状况不好。好。The patient has a gloomy outlook.Since the dialysis,the urine is on the decline,untill October this year the urine is zero.The SBP收缩压(Systolicsistlik Blood Pressure)of the patient ranges from 140 to 190mmHg,the DBP,da
6、istlik of the patient ranges from 70 to 100mmHg.The edemaidi:m of the legs is obvious,along with the prurituspruraits(瘙痒).The uremia尿毒症案例课件6 压陷性水肿压陷性水肿uremia尿毒症案例课件7 Normal value2010-122011-03BUN before the dialysis21-2849.8742BUN after the dialysis1/3(21-28)15.716.8ALB(g/L)3535.130.3HCT(l/L)0.37-0.
7、480.130.11K(mmol/L)3.5-5.54.775.46Hb(g/L)1104036Fe(mmol/L)9.0-3048.53.81PTH(pg/mL)150-300632.61120P(mmol/L)0.96-1.782.412.10Cr(mmol/L)62-11511791101Blood 2micro blobulin0-2.244.2238.10blood urea nitrogen 血尿素氮uremia尿毒症案例课件8Nursing problem骨痛,瘙痒骨痛,瘙痒 Related to excessive intake and dehydration(脱脱水水)sho
8、rtage.Below the bodys requirements.Related to i inadequate intake of Fe Fe、p protein and EPO,it,it lead to anemia(贫血)贫血)Related to the high phosphorus and PTH,it,it lead to the Renal bone disease.uremia尿毒症案例课件9Nursing problemHigh bloodPressure(高血压高血压)Muscle spasms(肌肉痉挛)(肌肉痉挛)nausea and vomiting(恶心呕吐
9、恶心呕吐)High potassium hematic disease(高钾血症高钾血症)Acute left heartfailure(急性左心衰)(急性左心衰)Complications(并发症并发症uremia尿毒症案例课件101.严格限制水钠入量,透析间体重增长小于5%干体重。增加透析次数,可改为每周两次HD,一次HDF。uremia尿毒症案例课件11 血液透析滤过血液透析滤过是在血液透析基础上,利用透析滤过膜来清除中分子毒素,故尿毒症患者出现中分子毒素蓄积表现如严重心包炎、心包积液、周围神经病变时,均可考虑使该疗法。与血液透析相比,血液透析滤过不仅能清除中分子毒性物质,还能保证不影响
10、小分子毒素清除效率,因此,特别适于需要血液滤过又不能增加透析次数患者;血液透析滤过具有心血管状态稳定特点,故适于普通血液透析时易发生低血压不耐受超滤患者。uremia尿毒症案例课件12Tips Use the cup which has scale;Eat something sour when feels thirsty.Use the cold water to gargle.Guide the patient to weigh seriously before and after the dialysis.uremia尿毒症案例课件13uremia尿毒症案例课件14Management
11、每日摄入充足热量的前提下,增加优质蛋白的摄入(每日摄入充足热量的前提下,增加优质蛋白的摄入(1.1-1.2g/kg),50%以上的蛋白应来自奶类、蛋类、鱼类、肉。以上的蛋白应来自奶类、蛋类、鱼类、肉。Besides the adequate heat,increase the input of high-quality protein,50%of the protein should be come from milk、eggs、fish and meat.increase the input of food which not only contain much Fe but also ha
12、s high absorption rate,for example,meat、liver、blood、kelp and black fungi.Besides,the food which has rich VitC can help Fe absorb.Milk、coffee and tea should be avioded.Use EPO according to the doctors order,and supply the ferralia.uremia尿毒症案例课件153.1lower the temperture during the dialysis,and guide t
13、he patient to use the cold water to scrub(擦洗)(擦洗),not to scratch the skin.2limit the food which contain much P,milk,animal entrails(内(内脏)脏),nuts.Use the calcium during the meal.3Perfect the examination of the parathyroid,resecti-on(切除(切除术)术)is needed.uremia尿毒症案例课件164.4.ComplicationsMuscle Spasms 肌肉痉
14、挛肌肉痉挛heart failure 心衰心衰 Highpotassihematic diseae高钾血症高钾血症High blood pressure 血压过高血压过高提高钠浓度,肌肉痉提高钠浓度,肌肉痉挛时,停止血滤,挛时,停止血滤,使用高渗液。使用高渗液。improve the improve the concenconcentration of sodium,tration of sodium,if musle if musle spasms happen,use happen,use calcicalcium gluconate,stopum gluconate,stop UF.UF
15、.呼吸困难气促呼吸困难气促,立即立即给予病人吸氧给予病人吸氧,抬高抬高床尾使用强心药物。床尾使用强心药物。If the patient If the patient has shortness of has shortness of breath,we can breath,we can give her oxygen,give her oxygen,raise the end of raise the end of bed,use the drug bed,use the drug to strong heartto strong heart避免食用高钾食物避免食用高钾食物,花生,核桃,瓜,
16、花生,核桃,瓜子,水果,豆类,子,水果,豆类,瘦肉瘦肉Avoid eating high potassium food,such as peanut,walnut,melon seeds,fruit,beans,meat.将钠浓度将钠浓度调低,体温略高,若调低,体温略高,若无缓解予心痛定舌无缓解予心痛定舌下含服。下含服。L Lower sodium concentration,make temperaturehigher.if not ease,use the drug.use the drug.uremia尿毒症案例课件17uremia尿毒症案例课件18We can always talk
17、with the patient and get the reason that we suit and to comfort,tell her the people around her dialysis for 20 years,still healthy and happy.Sets up her confidence of conquering the disease.Having optimistic attitude to improve the quality of life.Families that dont cooperate with patient care,econo
18、mic condition is poor,do not pay enough attention to the patient.We should tell the patients condition to family members,told the consequences of not insisting on hemodialysis,so as to obtain the economic support.uremia尿毒症案例课件19Health Educationuremia尿毒症案例课件20E Explain the basic knowledge of renal fa
19、ilure to patient and family.Emphasize the importance of active therapy.Protect AVF AVF carefullly,dont press,dont carry heavy loads.Let the patient can speak of the commonly used medicine and take them on take them on time.time.Observe the body whether has Observe the body whether has the bleeding i
20、n daily life.the bleeding in daily life.uremia尿毒症案例课件21 adequate heat and high-quality protein.limit the input of P、water and Na.supply the VitC and VitB and calcuim.uremia尿毒症案例课件22 keep the AVF clean,wearing loose;Put on more or less clothes according to the weather.Proper exercise to build up the resistance to disease。Not to the place where crowded.uremia尿毒症案例课件23 Guide the patient to record the input and output and weigh seriously everyday.Self management about the BP.uremia尿毒症案例课件24uremia尿毒症案例课件25