1、 授课题目授课题目:morphology.(1)Let students know what morphology is,and how the morphemes are combined i n t o l a r g e r u n i t s f o r h u m a n communication.(2)Let students know how new words are formed.l(1)word and word classesl(2)word,morphemes,and allomorphl(3)types of morphemesl(4)morphological r
2、ules l(5)the formation of new wordslWhat is phonology?lWhat is the similarities and differences between phonetics and phonology?lHow can we distinguish a phone,a phoneme and an allophone?lWhat is a minimal pair?Give us some examples.lMorphology studies morphemes and their different forms and the way
3、 they combine in word formation.So it refers to the study of the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.lMorphology is the study of the internal structure,forms and classes of words.lWhat is a word?lWhat are the main features of a word?lA word is a meaningful group of le
4、tters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper.lA word is“a minimum free form”,that is,the smallest form that can occur by itself.lA word is a sound or combination of sounds which we produce voluntarily with our vocal equipment.e.g.“we”wi:lA word is symbolic.It stands for something el
5、se such as object,happening or ideas.“table”lWords are part of the larger communication system we call language.“I teach linguistics”lWords help human beings interact culturally with one another.(p.75)l lIs a word the smallest meaningful linguistic unit?lWhat is the smallest meaningful linguistic un
6、it?l lRely one morphemelRely+able two morphemeslRely+able+ity three morphemeslUn+rely+able+ity four morphemeslUnbearable uneducatedlWatchful inspiringlSoft-hearted horsemanshiplSee the exercises 1 and 2 on page 82l 1)un-+bear+-ablel2)watch+-full3)person+-ify(i)+-cationl4)un-+exception+-al+-ly l 5)un
7、-+educate+-(e)d l6)inspir(e)+-ingl7)soft+heart+-edl8)horse+man+-shipl1)geographyl2)inter-+nation+-al+-lyl3)forget+-(t)enl4)Washingtonl5)inform+-ationl6)industry(i)+-al+-iz(e)+-ationl7)pre-+dominat(e)+-ant l 8)pre-+conscious:lThe plural“s“has many morphologically-conditioned allomorphs.For example.l(
8、1)(e)s,as in“cats”,“matches”l(2)(r)en:as in“oxen”,“children”l(3)e-:as in“men”,“women”l(4)ee-,as in“feet”,“teeth”l(5)zero,as in“sheep”,“deer”l-ed as in“worked”l-d as in“lived”lZero as in“put”lHow many allomorphs does the present participle morpheme form“ing”have?l”gentle+man+li+ness”Free morpheme 自由词
9、素自由词素Bound morpheme粘着词素粘着词素Derivational morpheme派生词素派生词素Inflectional morpheme曲折词素曲折词素 Prefixes前缀前缀Suffixes后缀后缀Lexical morphemesFunctional morphemesl1 lNoun compounds n.+n.Armchair rainbow v.+n.Pickpocket washcloth adj.+n.Bluebird blackroomlVerb compoundsNoun+verb :to vacuum-clean;to manhandleVerb+ve
10、rb:to sleep-walkAdj.+verb:to highlightlAdjective compoundsNoun+adj.:color-blind,snow-whiteVerb+adj.Stir-crazyAdj.+adj.Dark-blue,pale-yellowlATM:automatic teller machinelCPU:central process unitlDVD:digital video disclGDP:gross domestic productlGNP:gross national productlGRE:Graduate Record Examinati
11、onlID:identification cardlIQ:intelligent quotientlMBA:Master of Business AdministrationlMPA:Master of Public AdministrationlSOS:Save Our SoullSSCI:Social science citation indexlSCI:Science Citation Index,是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI)1961年创办出版的引文数据库lBRT:Bus Rapid TransitlBEC:Business English CertificatelBFT:Busin
12、ess Foreign Language Test(全国出国培训备选人员外语考试)lAIDS:acquired deficiency syndromelAPEC:Asia Pacific Economic CooperationlCALL:computer assisted language learninglCALT:computer assisted language teachinglOPEC:Organization of Petroleum Exporting CountrieslSARS:Severe Acute Respiratory SyndromelTEFL:Teaching
13、 English as a foreign languagelTESL:Teaching English as a second languagelTOEFL:Test of English as a Foreign LanguagelGMAT:Graduate Management Admission Test(经企管理研究生入学考试)lIELTS:International English Language Testing Systeml5.分析下列单词,说出每个词有多少个词分析下列单词,说出每个词有多少个词素:素:lAscendant,specialize,heated,highstyle,imperfection,dinning-room,irregular,unacceptablel 6.说出下列前缀的意思,并分别举两个说出下列前缀的意思,并分别举两个例子:例子:lRe-,un-,dis-,anti-,pre-,mis-,post-,l7.说出下列后缀的意思,说出下列后缀的意思,并分别举出两并分别举出两个例子:个例子:l-er,-less,-ness,-ish,-ist,-ify,l8.说出下列缩略词的全称说出下列缩略词的全称lEU,OPEC,POW,NATO,prof,memo,flu,fridge