1、Job center,新疆生产建设兵团农一师一中 教师:李洁,crab,frog,storekeeper,tailor,singer,Swimming coach,Questions A:,What is the crabs job now ? What is the crab can be ? Why did the crab come to job center ?,Retell:,The first one was a _ . He is a _ now. He can be a good _. Because his _ are like _.,Questions B:,What is
2、 the frogs job now ? What is the frog can be ? Why did the frog come to job center ?,Retell:,The second one was a _ . He is a _ now. He can be a good _. Because he is a _ .,Retell:,Monkey job center Crab storekeeper claws scissors tailor Frog singer dont like swimming coach good swimmer,Thank you for your attention! bye bye!,