1、CompanyLOGOPygmalionNSEFC Students Book 8Who is Pygmalion?His wish is granted.He asks the Greek Goddess to bring her to life.Pygmalion,a gifted artist,makes a stone statue of a beautiful womanHave you ever heard of the Greek story of Pygmalion?Pygmalion EffectPsychological termThe Pygmalion Effect i
2、s that people tend to behave as you expect they will.If you expect a person to take responsibility,they probably will.If you expect them not to even try,they probably wont.心理心理学家莫学家莫顿顿(Robert Merton)将此将此现现 象名之象名之为为“自自我实现我实现的的预预言言”。这这也就也就是是在在 萧伯纳萧伯纳名名剧剧 窈窕窈窕淑淑女女(My Fair Lady)中为中为 人人所熟所熟知知的的“皮皮格马格马利利翁
3、效翁效应应”。Pygmalion,was also made into a filmQuestions:Who wrote the play?George Bernard ShawA brief introduction of the authorGeorge Bernard Shaw,Irish dramatist,literary critic,a socialist spokesman,and a leading figure in the 20th century theater.Shaw was a freethinker,defender of womens rights,and
4、advocate of equality of income.In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.Shawacceptedthehonourbutrefused the money.He was a veryhumorousplaywright.George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950)ffiillm.m.Have youLion子子CCaannddiid ad a康康康康蒂蒂蒂蒂妲妲妲妲TThhee DDee魔魔魔魔AAnnddrroocclleess aanndd tthhee安安安安德德德德罗罗罗罗
5、克克克克利利利利斯斯斯斯与与与与狮狮狮狮子子v ivillss DDiissc ic ippllee鬼鬼鬼鬼的的的的门门门门徒徒徒徒Click h eSr ea i nt otot Jwwo aant c h the圣女贞圣女贞德德Heartbreak House伤心之伤心之家家AArrmmss a na ndd tthh武武武武器器器器与与与与u sseeeenn tthheee Man人人film?S o mL ietweweTererharaeermymyf iawdldl meoiirnkt os filmsReadingPygmalionFateful meetingsAct One
6、Skimming2What do they do respec-tively?1What are the main characters of this act?3What are they doing at the beginning of the play?Eliza Doolittle(E):a poor flower girl,who is ambitious to improve herself.Professor Higgins(H):an expert in phonetics,convinced that the quality of a persons English dec
7、ides his/her position in society.Colonel Pickering(P):an officer in the army and later a friend of Higgins who sets him a task.SkimmingMain characters3.What are they doing at the beginning of the play?Atthebeginningofthe act,Thesemaincharactersthe rainSkimmingwere _s_h_e_l t_e_r i_n_g_f_r_o_moutside
8、 a theatre.主主旨旨大大意意This text is mainly about the first experience of Eliza meeting with.A.Professor HigginsB.Colonel PickeringC.Professor Higgins and Colonel PickeringD.a gentlemanAct OneCharacterDetailsEliza1.She is poor and makes a living byselling flowers and is to improve herself.am_bitious2.She
9、 mistakes Professor Higginsfor a policeman in _d_is_gui_se_who wants to catch her as a3.Shewas born in LitshsioenfGrove according to Professor Higgins.ScanningScanningCharacterDetailsHiggins3.He thinks Eliza Doolittle can be changed into an class lady once she is taught.1.He is an expert in and pb e
10、hl i eov ens ethteicqusality of a persons English decides his/herin society.2.He can tell where a person is from by just a few position4.He was going to to meet Colonel Pickering.remarksupperIndiaScanningColonel PickeringCharacterDetails1.He is anofficer_ in the army and later becomes a friend of Hi
11、ggins.2.He has studied many Indiandialects and came to England to make HigginsacquaintanceComprending1.Eliza greeted to the gentleman in order to .A.talk with himB.ask him to buy some flowers from herC.ask him to teach herD.beg some money from himComprending2.The flower girl cried when she found Hig
12、gins making notes because.A.She thought she did something wrong.B.She thought she didnt have the right to sell flowers.C.She didnt want Higgins to write down whatshe said.D.She thought Higgins was a policemanin disguise and wanted to arrest her.Comprending3.Professor Higgins believed that he could j
13、udge a person by.A.his appearanceB.his actionC.his conversationD.his mannersComprending4.From the play,we can infer that Colonel Pickering and Professor Higgins.A.A.have been good friends beforeB.Have once worked together beforeC.Have known each other very wellD.havent met each other beforeDiscussio
14、nChoose adjectives to describe each character in the play.impatientkindpoliteconfidentanxiouseagerrudeenthusiasticunsuregenerousambitioussuperioremotionalself-importantElizafrom middle classDiscussionHenry Higginsfrom upper classrude impatient confident superiorself-importantColonel Pickeringkind polite eager confident generousenthusiasticlower classanxiousunsureemotionaleagerambitiousActingRead the play repeatedly&try to act it out.Act oneFateful meetingsCompanyC CLh hOGa aOn n