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《英美文学欣赏(第四版)》课件American Literature Unit 3 Walt Whitman.ppt

1、An Appreciation of American LiteratureUnit 3 Walt Whitman英美文学欣赏(第四版)大学专业英语系列教材u作者简介作者简介沃尔特惠特曼(Walt Whitman,18191892),美国19 世纪讴歌民主进步的伟大诗人,又被称为自由体诗歌之父。英美文学欣赏(第四版)他出生于纽约长岛一个农民家庭,早年辍学,11 岁起就独自谋生,做过杂役、排字印刷工、乡村教师、木匠和编辑。他熟悉劳苦大众的生活,热爱社会下层的 普通劳动者。1854 年末,他开始专事创作,草叶集(Leaves of Grass)于 1855 年 7 月问世,只包含 12 首诗。美国

2、南北战争期间,他作为男护士照顾伤病员,一直在军队医院工作到 1873 年。后因身体原因,停止工作,与其兄弟一起生活,继续写作。终身未娶。英美文学欣赏(第四版)草叶集于 1855 年初版后,每次再版都会增添新 的内容。第九版,即最后一版,发表于 1892 年诗人临终前不久,其中收录了他的全部诗作近 400 篇。草叶集中多数诗的主题都是有关人与自然的,也有少数关于城市、蓄奴制和美国内战的诗。诗集取名“草叶”,象征平凡而顽强的生命。他讴歌自然、普通的人、平凡的劳动者 以及他们的劳动技能,民主的主题当然不能受传统韵律的束缚,他在诗中所用的语言朴实 无华、生动奔放,突破传统的韵律,诗的节奏多用平行法(p

3、arallelism)和重复式(reiteration)等手段,使他的诗具有特殊的美感和音乐性,成功地开创了自由体诗(free verse)的先河。英美文学欣赏(第四版)u作品欣赏作品欣赏There Was a Child Went Forth发表于1856年的草叶集,1871年版的诗集中确定为现在的标题。诗歌描写一个孩子的成长,也比喻年轻的美国不断发展。英美文学欣赏(第四版)诗歌从多方面描写孩子的成长。几乎调动了孩子的一切视觉、听觉和嗅觉等感官,让他全方位的观察、聆听周围的变化,甚至嗅到泥土的芳香。全诗因而富于色彩和声音变化,有不少充满了动感和生活气息的画面。这首诗中的孩子是一个象征。孩子的

4、成长既可以看作是诗人童年的经历,或者一个普通意义上的孩子的成长,还可以看作是惠特曼特意描写的美国作为一个新兴国家的发展,或者一个民族的历程。英美文学欣赏(第四版)There was a child went forth every day;And the first object he lookd upon,that object he became;And that object became part of him for the day,or a certain part ofthe day,or for many years,or stretching cycles of years.

5、有那么一个孩子每天出得门来,他看见的第一件东西,他就成了那个东西,而那件东西就在这一天或者这一天的某个时间段里成了他的一部分,或者持续了许多年或长达好几个周年。英美文学欣赏(第四版)The early lilacs became part of this child,And grass,and white and red morning-glories,and white and redclover,and the song of the phoebe-bird,And the Third-month lambs,and the sows pink-faint litter,and thema

6、res foal,and the cows calf,那早春的紫丁香成了这个孩子的一部分,青草,白的红的喇叭花,白的红的三叶草,还有美洲绯鹟的歌,三月的绵羊和母猪那窝浅粉色的小猪仔,还有母马的小驹和母牛的小牛犊,英美文学欣赏(第四版)And the noisy brood of the barn-yard,or by the mire of the pond-side,And the fish suspending themselves so curiously below thereand thebeautiful curious liquid,And the water-plants wi

7、th their graceful flat headsall became partof him.仓前空那里或池旁烂泥那里那窝聒噪不休的小鸡,鱼类在下面奇妙的悬挂着,还有那美丽的奇妙液体,还有那些水生植物和它们文雅而扁平的头部都成了他的一部分。英美文学欣赏(第四版)The field-sprouts of Fourth-month and Fifth-month became part ofhim;Winter-grain sprouts,and those of the light-yellow corn,and theesculent roots of the garden,And th

8、e apple-trees coverd with blossoms,and the fruit afterward,and wood-berries,and the commonest weeds by the road;四月五月的野生嫩枝成了他的一部分,冬天谷物的嫩叶和浅黄色玉米的嫩叶,还有园中可食用的球根,开满花的苹果树和后来的果实,林中浆果,和路旁最常见的野草,英美文学欣赏(第四版)And the old drunkard staggering home from the out-house of thetavern,whence he had lately risen,And the

9、 school-mistress that passd on her way to the school,And the friendly boys that passdand the quarrelsome boys,And the tidy and fresh-cheekd girlsand the barefoot negro boy and girl,And all the changes of city and country,wherever he went.从酒馆厕所里刚站起身来的老醉鬼跌跌撞撞地往家里走,女教师一路上学去,友好的男孩子们打这里经过,还有那些爱拌嘴的男孩,整齐而双

10、颊鲜嫩的女孩子们,赤脚的黑人男孩和女孩,无论他去什么地方的所有那些城里乡里的变化。英美文学欣赏(第四版)His own parents,He that had fatherd him,and she that had conceivd him in her womb,and birthd him,They gave this child more of themselves than that;They gave him afterward every daythey became part of him.他自己的双亲,那成为他父亲的男人,那怀着他又生下他的妇女,他们自己给了这个孩子的还远不止

11、此,他们后来每天都给他些什么,他们成了他的一部分。英美文学欣赏(第四版)The mother at home,quietly placing the dishes on the supper-table;The mother with mild wordsclean her cap and gown,a wholesome odorfalling off her person and clothes as she walks by;The father,strong,self-sufficient,manly,mean,angerd,unjust;The blow,the quick loud

12、 word,the tight bargain,the crafty lure,The family usages,the language,the company,the furnituretheyearning and swelling heart,母亲在家悄悄把菜肴放在晚餐桌上,母亲说话温和,衣帽整洁,走过时从她身上和衣服上散发着一种健康的气味,父亲,健壮,过于自信,男子气,难对付,发脾气,不公正,打人,尖锐地大声骂人,苛刻论价,诡计多端,家庭的作风,语言,交往,家具,那颗充满渴望和容易激动的心,英美文学欣赏(第四版)Affection that will not be gainsayd

13、the sense of what is realthethought if,after all,it should prove unreal,The doubts of day-time and the doubts of night-timethe curiouswhether and how,Whether that which appears so is so,or is it all flashes and specks?Men and women crowding fast in the streetsif they are not flashesand specks,what a

14、re they?不可否认的情感,真实感,想到可能最后还证明是不真实的,白天的犹疑和夜间的犹疑,那说不清楚的究竟与如何,出现的事情是否确实如此,还是都是些偶然出现的闪光和斑斑点点?街上挤满了男人和妇女,他们不是闪光和斑斑点点又是什么?英美文学欣赏(第四版)The streets themselves,and the faades of houses,and goods in thewindows,Vehicles,teams,the heavy-plankd wharvesthe huge crossing at theferries,The village on the highland,se

15、en from afar at sunsetthe riverbetween,Shadows,aureola and mist,the light falling on roofs and gables ofwhite or brown,three miles off,街道本身和房屋的门面,橱窗里的商品,运输工具,兽拉车,厚重木板架成的码头,渡口的巨大吞吐量,日落时远远望去的那个高地上的村落,中间是河流,阴影,晕轮和迷雾,两英里外日光照在白色或褐色的屋顶和三角墙上,英美文学欣赏(第四版)The schooner near by,sleepily dropping down the tideth

16、e littleboat slack-towd astern,The hurrying tumbling waves,quick-broken crests,slapping,The strata of colord clouds,the long bar of maroon-tint,awaysolitary by itselfthe spread of purity it lies motionless in,附近的纵帆船困倦地顺流而下,小船的船尾懒懒地被拖拉着,那急急翻滚着的波浪,快速分散的浪峰,拍打着,一层层的彩霞,远远独自在一边的栗色长条,一动不动地横卧在一片纯净之中,英美文学欣赏(

17、第四版)The horizons edge,the flying sea-crow,the fragrance of salt marshand shore mud;These became part of that child who went forth every day,and who nowgoes,and will always go forth every day.地平线的边缘,飞着的海鸥,盐碱滩和岸上泥土的香味,这些都变成了那孩子的一部分,他每天出门去,现在出门去,永远会每天出门去。英美文学欣赏(第四版)Questions1.How do you interpret the s

18、entence“These became part of that child who went forth every day”?2.Why does the poet describe the journey of the child from“the early lilacs”to“the horizons edge”?英美文学欣赏(第四版)u作品欣赏作品欣赏自我之歌是草叶集初版时的12首诗之一,长达1,347行,共52节,是惠特曼最长的一首诗。最初没有标题,1881年再版时取名自我之歌。英美文学欣赏(第四版)这是惠特曼最重要的诗篇之一,几乎包含了他主要的思想。他所歌颂和赞美的自我是 一

19、个身体健美、灵魂纯洁的人,他认为自我是每一个人,是水手、猎人、黑奴,是不同肤色、阶层、职业的人;一切也是自我,一草一木,宇宙星辰,一切都是平等的,“我相信一片草也与星星的运行相等”。他甚至歌颂死亡,认为死亡是一种新生,是一种更高更美的生命。他还歌颂人的肉体以及自然的性生活。可以说,惠特曼的自我之歌是一首生命的颂歌。英美文学欣赏(第四版)1I celebrate myself,and sing myself,And what I assume you shall assume,For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.我赞美我自己

20、,歌唱我自己,我承担的你也将承担,因为属于我的每一个原子也同样属于你。英美文学欣赏(第四版)I loafe and invite my soul,I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.我闲步,还邀请了我的灵魂,我俯身悠然观察着一片夏日的草叶。英美文学欣赏(第四版)My tongue,every atom of my blood,formd from this soil,this air,Born here of parents born here from parents the same,and their

21、 parents the same,I,now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin,Hoping to cease not till death.我的舌,我血液的每个原子,是在这片土壤、这个空气里形成的,是这里的父母生下的,父母的父母也是在这里生下的,他们的父母也一样,我,现在三十七岁,一生下身体就十分健康,希望永远如此,直到死去。英美文学欣赏(第四版)Creeds and schools in abeyance,Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are,but never forg

22、otten,I harbor for good or bad,I permit to speak at every hazard,Nature without check with original energy.信条和学派暂时不论,且后退一步,明了它们当前的情况已足,但也决不是忘记,不论我从善从恶,我允许随意发表意见,顺乎自然,保持原始的活力。英美文学欣赏(第四版)10Alone far in the wilds and mountains I hunt,Wandering amazed at my own lightness and glee,In the late afternoon c

23、hoosing a safe spot to pass the night,Kindling a fire and broiling the fresh-killd game,Falling asleep on the gatherd leaves with my dog and gun by my side.我独自在荒山野林里打猎,到处遨游,对自己对轻松欢快感到惊讶,黄昏时找一个安全的地方过夜,点一把火,烧烤着新打来的野味,在拾来的树叶上我睡着了,我的狗和枪在我身旁。英美文学欣赏(第四版)The Yankee clipper is under her sky-sails,she cuts t

24、he sparkle and scud,My eyes settle the land,I bend at her prow or shout joyously from the deck.那扬基式的快艇挂着三层帆篷,它冲破了闪光和风吹散的浪花,我眼望着陆地,在船头弯下腰来,或在甲板上大声欢呼。英美文学欣赏(第四版)The boatmen and clam-diggers arose early and stopt for me,I tuckd my trowser-ends in my boots and went and had a good time;You should have be

25、en with us that day round the chowder-kettle.船夫们和挖蛤蜊的起得很早,路过时约上了我,我把裤腿塞在靴筒里,跟着去玩了一个痛快;那天你也该和我们在一起,围坐在鱼杂烩的火锅旁边。英美文学欣赏(第四版)I saw the marriage of the trapper in the open air in the far west,the bride was a red girl,Her father and his friends sat near cross-legged and dumbly smoking,they had moccasins t

26、o their feet and large thick blankets hanging from their shoulders,在遥远的西部,我看见捕兽人在露天举行婚礼,新娘是个红种人,她父亲和他的朋友们在一旁,盘腿而坐,默不作声地抽着烟,他们脚上穿着鹿皮鞋,肩上披着宽大厚重的毛毡,英美文学欣赏(第四版)On a bank lounged the trapper,he was drest mostly in skins,his luxuriant beard and curls protected his neck,he held his bride by the hand,She ha

27、d long eyelashes,her head was bare,her coarse straight locks descended upon her voluptuous limbs and reachd to her feet.岸上安闲地坐着那捕兽人,穿的几乎全是皮块,浓重的胡子和鬈发护住了他的颈脖,他用手拉着他的新娘,她睫毛长,头上没有遮盖,粗直的长发垂落在丰腴的四肢上,直挂到她的脚边。英美文学欣赏(第四版)The runaway slave came to my house and stopt outside,I heard his motions crackling the

28、twigs of the woodpile,Through the swung half-door of the kitchen I saw him limpsy and weak,And went where he sat on a log and led him in and assured him,And brought water and filld a tub for his sweated body and bruisd feet,一个逃亡的黑奴来到我家并在外面站住了,我听见他的响动声,他在折断着木柴堆上的细树枝,从厨房半开的门里,我看见他四肢软弱无力,我走到他坐在木料上的地方,引

29、他进屋,让他放心,又给他满满倒了一盆水,让他洗洗身上的汗渍和带着伤的两脚,英美文学欣赏(第四版)And gave him a room that enterd from my own,and gave him some coarse clean clothes,And remember perfectly well his revolving eyes and his awkwardness,And remember putting piasters on the galls of his neck and ankles;He staid with me a week before he wa

30、s recuperated and passd north,I had him sit next me at table,my fire-lock leand in the corner.还给了他一间通过我自己房间的屋子,给了他几件干净的粗布衣服,还清楚地记得他转动着的眼珠和局促不安的神态,还记得用药膏涂抹了他的颈部和脚踝上的伤口;他在我家住了一个星期,恢复了健康,继续北上,进食时我让他坐在我身旁,墙角里倚着我的火枪。英美文学欣赏(第四版)Questions1.What is poets concept of“myself”?Why does he“celebrate myself,and s

31、ing myself”?What does he mean when he says“For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you”?2.Why do you think the poet describe the marriage of the trapper and the runaway slave in“Song of Myself”?英美文学欣赏(第四版)u作品欣赏作品欣赏 诗的题目是我坐而眺望。诗歌塑造了一位目光敏锐,满怀忧患的诗人形象,心忧天下,胸怀苍生。诗人历数了各种受难的人群:悔恨的青年,绝望的母亲,受虐待的妻子,


33、。英美文学欣赏(第四版)I sit and look out upon all the sorrows of the world,and upon alloppression and shame;I hear secret convulsive sobs from young men,at anguish withthemselves,remorseful after deeds done;I see,in low life,the mother misused by her children,dying,neglected,gaunt,desperate;我坐而眺望世上的一切忧患,一切压迫和

34、耻辱,我听见年轻人为自己做过的事情而悔恨不安,因痛苦而偷偷地抽抽搭搭地哭,我看见穷人中间那做母亲的受到她自己儿女的虐待,奄奄一息,无人照看,消瘦,绝望,英美文学欣赏(第四版)大学专业英语系列教材 I see the wife misused by her husbandI see the treacherous seducerof young women;I mark the ranklings of jealousy and unrequited love,attempted to behidI see these sights on the earth;I see the workings

35、 of battle,pestilence,tyrannyI see martyrs andprisoners;我看见那受丈夫虐待的妻子,我看见那诱奸青年妇女的歹徒,我注意到那力图隐藏起来的嫉妒和单恋的痛苦,我看见世上的这些情景,我看见战争,瘟疫,暴政的恶果,我看见烈士和歹徒,英美文学欣赏(第四版)I observe a famine at seaI observe the sailors casting lots whoshall be killd,to preserve the lives of the rest;I observe the slights and degradations

36、 cast by arrogant persons uponlaborers,the poor,and upon negroes,and the like;All these-All the meanness and agony without end,I sitting,lookout upon,See,hear,and am silent.我看到海上的饥饿,我看到那些水手们抽签决定应轮到谁去牺牲以便维持其余人的性命,我看到倨傲的人对待工人,穷人,黑人等的轻慢与鄙视态度;所有这些所有这些无止境的卑劣行为和痛苦,是我坐而眺望时所见,看见,听见,并保持沉默。英美文学欣赏(第四版)1 惠特曼著,赵

37、罗蕤译.草叶集M.重庆:重庆出版社,2008.Questions1.What suffering does the poet see and hear?2.Why does he keep silent after he sits and looks out all these sufferings?英美文学欣赏(第四版)n QuotationsTe genius of the United States is not best or most in its executives or legislatures,nor in its ambassadors or authors or colleges,or churches,or parlors,not even in its newspapers or inventors,but always most in the common people.Nothing endures but personal qualities.Walt Whitman英美文学欣赏(第四版)英美文学欣赏(第四版)中国人民大学出版社出版发行中国人民大学出版社出版发行版权所有版权所有 侵权必究侵权必究



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