1、第11单元 条件句视译英汉汉英视译教程上篇 英译汉第11单元 条件句视译 n 条件句属于常见句式之列,逻辑关系明显,语意确切,英译汉视译时存在两个主要难点。(1)英语条件句与汉语条件句各自与主句的位置关系不同。英语条件句可见于句首、句中或句末,灵活多变,且通顺流畅,汉语条件句习惯上多见于句首。尤其是处理比较冗长的主从句时,主从句的位置从英语到汉语视译时需要瞬间转换,可以构成巨大的翻译障碍。如果在需要转换从句位置而未能及时恰当地转换,那会造成译文结构不地道、语意不通达的后果。仅就此而言,视译与笔译之间存在很大的差异,在笔译里几乎不会成为问题的主从句位置颠倒现象在视译里可能成为译员不可逾越的障碍,
2、因为视译的瞬间进行较大句子成分搬移的难度是巨大的。第11单元 条件句视译n(2)英语条件的表现常常借用介词,这恰恰是英语介词的生命力之一。英语里一个介词词组所表达的条件语意经常相当于汉语里一个完整语句所能表达的条件语意,而把英语的介词短语在瞬间翻译成汉语完整语句也是需要相当翻译经验和功力的,因为不是所有词组都需要译成句子。临场视译时怎样做到见招拆招,见机行事,完全取决于视译译员的自我判断,只有平时进行大量艰辛的练习才可战时熟能生巧,驾轻就熟。第11单元 条件句视译(要点梳理)n视译时两大难点:1.位置关系不同:n英语:句首、句中或句末n汉语:多见于句首n处理比较冗长的主从句时,主从句的位置需要
3、瞬间转换,构成巨大的翻译障碍2.英语条件常用介词n英语里一个介词词组所表达的条件语意经常相当于汉语里一个完整语句所能表达的条件语意,但不是所有词组都需要译成句子第11单元 条件句视译(例句)n1.Chomskys view cannot be reconciled with Piagets,if I understand both correctly.n【笔译】n【视译】n译评如果我的理解正确,乔姆斯基和皮亚杰的观点是针锋相对的。乔姆斯基的观点和皮亚杰的观点是不可调和的,如果我对他们两人的观点理解正确的话。视译版本的逻辑和措辞更符合中文习惯。第11单元 条件句视译(例句)n2.I wont e
4、xplain to you unless you really dont understand.n【笔译】n【视译】除非你真的不懂,否则我不给你解释。我不给你解释,除非你真的不懂。第11单元 条件句视译(例句)n译评 在英语里unless 所表达的逻辑关系比较婉转,需要反复练习,方可熟悉。许多英语高手对这个词语却不能轻车熟路,说明其思维方式与汉语思维方式差异之大。值得注意的是该词汇后面接续的多为肯定句,理解为ifnot,而此例句中可以理解为except that。第11单元 条件句视译(例句)n3.He was allowed to go swimming on condition that
5、he kept near to the other boys.n【笔译】n【视译】n译评他被允许去游泳,条件是他得一直靠近其他男孩。许可他去游泳了,前提是他时刻不能远离其他男孩。视译版本的条件句更符合汉语表达习惯。第11单元 条件句视译(例句)n4.In case the house burns down,well get the insurance money.n【笔译】n【视译】万一这房子烧掉了,我们会得到保险金。如果这房子因火灾而坍塌,我们会得到保险赔付。第11单元 条件句视译(例句)n译评此处不强调发生火灾可能性的大小,因此视译版本更妥当。“保险赔付”的说法更严谨,更专业。第11单元
6、条件句视译(例句)n5.If it were not for the atmosphere,the star could be seen shining at any time in the day.n【笔译】n【视译】n译评要是没有大气,白天任何时候都可以看到发光的星星。假设没有大气层,白天随时都可以看到星星闪烁。这是虚拟条件句,视译译文可以表述得更加明白无误。第11单元 条件句视译(例段)n1.I think most of us have this sense today,if we are honest.If you read a book with your laptop thrum
7、ming on the other side of the room,it can be like trying to read in the middle of a party,where everyone is shouting to each other.To read,you need to slow down.You need mental silence except for the words.n1.I think most of us have this sense today,if we are honest.If you read a book with your lapt
8、op thrumming on the other side of the room,it can be like trying to read in the middle of a party,where everyone is shouting to each other.第11单元 条件句视译(例段)我想绝大多数人现在都有这样一种感觉,前提是人们会如实承认。如果你看书时,屋子另一端的笔记本电脑在嗡嗡作响,你就犹如是在聚会场合看书,周围全是互相大声说话的人。第11单元 条件句视译(例段)nTo read,you need to slow down.You need mental silen
9、ce except for the words.阅读需要放慢速度,除了阅读文字,你的大脑需要安静。第11单元 条件句视译(例段)n【笔译】n【视译】说实话,我想我们绝大多数人现在都有这种感觉。如果你看书时,屋子那头的笔记本电脑嗡嗡作响,那就好像在派对看书一样,周围全是互相喊叫的人。阅读需要你慢下来,需要你头脑中一片安静,把书读进去。我想绝大多数人现在都有这样一种感觉,前提是人们会如实承认。如果你看书时,屋子另一端的笔记本电脑在嗡嗡作响,你就犹如是在聚会场合看书,周围全是互相大声说话的人。阅读需要放慢速度,除了阅读文字,你的大脑需要安静。第11单元 条件句视译(例段)n译评中文条件句通常在句首,
10、而英文条件句除了句首,也常见句中和句末,这就造成视译翻译瞬间转换时的障碍,主从句都偏长的条件句翻译难度更大。条件句置于句中或句末的情况下,英文if 不一定要译成“如果”,而可译成“前提”、“先决条件”,译文显得更加流畅。第11单元 条件句视译(例段)n2.The critics would acknowledge Shakespeares gift for phrasemaking,but assail plot twistse.g.,the unlikely pirate attack that sends Hamlet back to Denmarkthat keep the play f
11、rom completely“working”.If the author would“do some editing”and“decide what hes trying to say”,his play might one day be almost as profound as Gypsy.n2.The critics would acknowledge Shakespeares gift for phrasemaking,but assail plot twistse.g.,the unlikely pirate attack that sends Hamlet back to Den
12、markthat keep the play from completely“working”.第11单元 条件句视译(例段)评论家们无疑会肯定莎士比亚遣词造句的才能,但也会抨击其百转千回的情节,如,海盗袭击船队迫使哈姆雷特回到丹麦就不够真实,这些繁杂的情节使该剧无法全力“运作”。第11单元 条件句视译(例段)nIf the author would“do some editing”and“decide what hes trying to say”,his play might one day be almost as profound as Gypsy.倘若作者愿意对其作品“作些修改”,并
13、“使所要表达的内容更加确切”,那么有朝一日,其剧作或许可以达到近乎吉普赛那样的深度。第11单元 条件句视译(例段)n【笔译】n【视译】评论家们会承认莎士比亚遣词造句的才能,但会抨击百转千回的情节使该剧无法顺利“运转”,例如,海盗袭击船队迫使哈姆雷特回到丹麦就不大可能。如果作者可以“作一些修改”,并且“把要说的话说明白”,那么有朝一日,他的剧作或许几乎可以像吉普赛一样深刻。评论家们无疑会肯定莎士比亚遣词造句的才能,但也会抨击其百转千回的情节,如,海盗袭击船队迫使哈姆雷特回到丹麦就不够真实,这些繁杂的情节使该剧无法全力“运作”。倘若作者愿意对其作品“作些修改”,并“使所要表达的内容更加确切”,那么
14、有朝一日,其剧作或许可以达到近乎吉普赛那样的深度。第11单元 条件句视译(例段)n译评本例段的条件句If the author would“do some editing”and“decide what hes trying to say”有两点需要注意。这不是通常意义上的条件句,因为作者不可能改写其作品,实为假设,因此汉语译文使用“倘若”比较得体。第11单元 条件句视译(例篇)n Throughout most of history,an education geared to the individual learner has only been affordable unless yo
15、u are one of the wealthy.For the rest of us,education has remained a mass affair,with standard curricula,pedagogy,and assessments.n The financial crisis will likely change this state of affairs.With the global quest for long-term competitiveness assuming new urgency,education is on everyones front b
16、urner.Societies are looking for ways to make quantum leaps in the speed and efficiency of learning.So long as we insist on teaching all students the same subjects in the same way,progress will be incremental.But now for the first time it is possible to individualize education.If each person is taugh
17、t what he or she needs and wants to know in ways that are most comfortable and most efficient,it will produce a qualitative spurt in educational effectiveness.n In fact,we already have the technology to do so,given that well-programmed computerswhether in the form of personal computers or hand-held
18、devicesare becoming the vehicles of choice.Students(or their teachers,parents,or coaches)will choose the optimal ways of presenting the materials.Appropriate tools for assessment will be implemented.And best of all,computers are infinitely patient and flexible.If a promising approach does not work t
19、he first time,it can be repeated,and if it continues to fail,other options will be readily available.第11单元 条件句视译(例篇)n【视译】n 古往今来,除非你是有钱人否则负担不起个性化的教育。多数人接受的仍然是大众教育:标准的课程、标准的教学法和标准的评估。n 金融危机也许能改变这一状况。在全球都需要长期竞争力以应对新的突发事件的情况下,教育已经成为每个人的当务之急。各国正在寻求提高学习速度和学习效率的突破性方法。只要我们坚持用同一种方法对所有的学生教授同样的学科,进步必将是循序渐进的。但如
20、今,个性化教育第一次成为可能。如果以最轻松最有效的方法教授每个人他所需要和他想知道的内容,教育效率将会出现实质性突破。n 事实上,我们已经拥有这样的技术,因为程序优质的计算机无论个人电脑,还是便携设备,已经成为人们选择的工具。学生(或者他们的老师、家长和教练)可以选择最佳演示方法,适用性评估工具将得到开发。电脑的最大优势是电脑拥有无限的耐心和灵活性。如果某种看好的方法第一次不奏效,可以重复尝试。如果持续失败,也有现成的其他选择。第11单元 条件句视译(例篇详解)n Throughout most of history,an education geared to the individual
21、learner has only been affordable unless you are one of the wealthy.For the rest of us,education has remained a mass affair,with standard curricula,pedagogy,and assessments.古往今来,除非你是有钱人否则负担不起个性化的教育。多数人接受的仍然是大众教育:标准的课程、标准的教学法和标准的评估。n The financial crisis will likely change this state of affairs.With t
22、he global quest for long-term competitiveness assuming new urgency,education is on everyones front burner.第11单元 条件句视译(例篇详解)金融危机也许能改变这一状况。在全球都需要长期竞争力以应对新的突发事件的情况下,教育已经成为每个人的当务之急。nSocieties are looking for ways to make quantum leaps in the speed and efficiency of learning.So long as we insist on teach
23、ing all students the same subjects in the same way,progress will be incremental.But now for the first time it is possible to individualize education.第11单元 条件句视译(例篇详解)各国正在寻求提高学习速度和学习效率的突破性方法。只要我们坚持用同一种方法对所有的学生教授同样的学科,进步必将是循序渐进的。但如今,个性化教育第一次成为可能。第11单元 条件句视译(例篇详解)nIf each person is taught what he or sh
24、e needs and wants to know in ways that are most comfortable and most efficient,it will produce a qualitative spurt in educational effectiveness.如果以最轻松最有效的方法教授每个人他所需要和他想知道的内容,教育效率将会出现实质性突破。第11单元 条件句视译(例篇详解)n In fact,we already have the technology to do so,given that well-programmed computerswhether i
25、n the form of personal computers or hand-held devicesare becoming the vehicles of choice.事实上,我们已经拥有这样的技术,因为程序优质的计算机无论个人电脑,还是便携设备,已经成为人们选择的工具。第11单元 条件句视译(例篇详解)nStudents(or their teachers,parents,or coaches)will choose the optimal ways of presenting the materials.Appropriate tools for assessment will
26、be implemented.And best of all,computers are infinitely patient and flexible.学生(或者他们的老师、家长和教练)可以选择最佳演示方法,适用性评估工具将得到开发。电脑的最大优势是电脑拥有无限的耐心和灵活性。第11单元 条件句视译(例篇详解)nIf a promising approach does not work the first time,it can be repeated,and if it continues to fail,other options will be readily available.如果
27、某种看好的方法第一次不奏效,可以重复尝试。如果持续失败,也有现成的其他选择。第11单元 条件句视译(例篇)n译评(1)unless 引导的条件句在英语里多见于句末,而条件句在中文里却多见于句首。尤其在主句和条件句都比较长的情况下,视译时的主从句颠倒会十分困难,所以此时应该采取顺句推进的方法。此处unless 的语意不是常见的 ifnot,而是少见的except 之意。(2)介词引导条件在英文里很常见,视译时经常需要把介词条件词组按照完整的条件从句处置,汉译时就更顺手,译文就更易懂。(3)given that 在英文里属于条件句,但表达的是既成事实,此处翻译成典型的原因句更符合汉语表达习惯。第1
28、1单元 条件句视译(视译练习:语句)n(1)I shall do better only if I have another chance.n(2)If you had worked harder,you would have succeeded.n(3)If Henry had been living in Paris,he would have been working in our company.n(4)If John should have called at the club on his way home,hell have been given the parcel I lef
29、t there for him.n(5)So long as you are innocent,you need not fear.第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(1)只要再有一次机会,我就会干得更好。n(2)要是工作更努力一些,你就成功了。n(3)亨利要是一直住在巴黎,会一直在我们公司工作。n(4)要是约翰回家时到俱乐部去过的话,他们可能把我留在那儿的包裹给他了。n(5)只要是清白的,你就不必害怕。第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:语段)n(1)I buy an apartment house and dont get quote on it for five years.I
30、 am happy only if the apartment house produces the returns that I expect.But people buy a stock and they look at the price next morning and they decide to see whether they are doing well or not doing well.Its crazy.第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:语段)n(2)Common ground.What is leadership if not present help in a tim
31、e of crisis?And so I met you at the point of challenge.In Jay,Maine,where paper workers were striking for fair wages;in Greenville,Iowa,where family farmers struggle for a fair price.第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(1)我买幢公寓,可以五年内不知其市价,但只要公寓能带来预期回报,我也一样高兴。但如果人们买股票,第二天上午就看股票价格,并判断他们的投资是盈利还是亏损,这简直荒唐。n(2)我们要找到共同
32、点。如果遇到危机时不出手相助,领导力从何谈起?因此我与你们共同面对挑战。我在缅因州的杰伊镇和你们共同面对,那里的造纸厂工人正在举行罢工要求得到合理的工资;我在爱荷华州的格林维尔市和你们一起面对,那里的家庭农场主正在争取公平的价格。第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:语篇)n(1)Thought force is the most powerful means of obtaining knowledge.If it is concentrated upon a subject,it will burn its way through any obstacle and solve the prob
33、lem.If the requisite amount of thought force is brought to bear,there is nothing that is beyond the power of human comprehension.So long as we scatter it,thought force is of little use to us,but only if we are prepared to take the trouble necessary to harness it,all knowledge is ours.Since thought i
34、s our principal power,unless we learn to have absolute control of it,what we produce will be illusion induced by outside conditions,instead of true imagination generated by the Spirit from within.第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:语篇)n We speak of thoughts as being conceived by the mind.Without both idea and mind,a t
35、hought couldnt be conceived.Ideas are generated by a human ego in the spirit-substance of the inner worlds.This idea is projected upon the receptive mind,giving birth to a thought.Thus we see that ideas are embryonic thoughts,nuclei of spirit-substance from the inner worlds.Were they improperly conc
36、eived in a diseased mind,they would become vagaries and delusions,but they are the basis of all material,moral,and mental progress when gestated in a sound mind and formed into rational thoughts.第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:语篇)n(2)Happiness is the only true measure of personal success.Making other people happy
37、is the highest expression of success,but its almost impossible to make others happy unless youre happy yourself.With that in mind,here are nine small changes that you can make to your daily routine that will immediately increase the amount of happiness in your life:n a.Start each day with expectatio
38、n n If theres any big truth about life,its that it usually lives up to(or down to)your expectations.Therefore,when you rise from bed,make your first thought:“Something wonderful is going to happen today.”Guess what?Youre probably right.第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:语篇)n b.Take time to plan and prioritize n The m
39、ost common source of stress is the perception that youve got too much work to do.Rather than obsess about it,pick one thing that,if you get it done today,will move you closer to your highest goal and purpose in life.Then do that first.n c.Give a gift to everyone you meet n Im not talking about a for
40、mal,wrapped-up present.Your gift can be your smile,a word of thanks or encouragement,a gesture of politeness,even a friendly nod.And never pass beggars without leaving them something.Peace of mind is worth the spare change.第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:语篇)n d.Deflect partisan conversations n Arguments about poli
41、tics and religion never have a“right”answer but they definitely get people all riled up over things they cant control.When such topics surface,bow out by saying something like:“Thinking about that stuff makes my head hurt.”n e.Assume people have good intentions n Since you cant read minds,you dont r
42、eally know the“why”behind the“what”that people do.Imputing evil motives to other peoples weird behaviors adds extra misery to life,while assuming good intentions leaves you open to reconciliation.第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:语篇)n f.Eat high quality food slowly n Sometimes we cant avoid scarfing something quick
43、to keep us up and running.Even so,at least once a day try to eat something really delicious,like a small chunk of fine cheese or an imported chocolate.Focus on it;taste it;savor it.n g.Let go of your results n The big enemy of happiness is worry,which comes from focusing on events that are outside y
44、our control.As long as youve taken action,theres usually nothing more you can do.Focus on the job at hand rather than some weird fantasy of what might happen.第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:语篇)n h.Turn off“background”TV n Many households leave their TVs on as“background noise”while theyre doing other things.The en
45、tire point of broadcast TV is to make you dissatisfied with your life so that youll buy more stuff.Why subliminally program yourself to be a mindless consumer?n i.End each day with gratitude n Just before you go to bed,write down at least one wonderful thing that happened.It might be something as sm
46、all as making a child laugh or something as huge as a million dollar deal.Whatever it is,be grateful for that day because it will never come again.第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(1)思考的力量是获得知识的最有效方法。如果把思考的力量集中到一门科目上,那将会势如破竹般地把问题解决。如果具备必要的思考动力,那么,没有什么可以超越人类的理解力量。如果我们将思考力量予以分散,它对我们来说便无甚用处。但是只要我们已经作好了不嫌麻烦驾驭它的准备
47、,那么,所有的知识就都是我们的。因为思考是我们最重要的力量,除非学会完全地控制它,否则我们所创造的就是外界的条件引起的幻想,而非内在的精神所产生的真正的想象力。第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n 我们所论及的思想源于头脑。没有想法和头脑,就不可能创造思想。想法来自于人的内在世界精神本质的自我。想法被投射到善于接受的头脑,于是就产生了思想。这样,我们看到,这些想法都是一些雏形,来自内在世界的精神本质的核心。这些想法如果错误地孕育于不健全的头脑,就会变成异常行为和妄想,但是,这些想法产生于健全的头脑,形成合理的思想时,就成为所有物质、道德和精神进步的基础。第11单元 条件句视译(视译练
48、习:参考答案)n(2)幸福是衡量一个人成功与否的唯一标准。让别人感到幸福是个人成功的最高形式。不过,除非你自己快乐,否则是很难做到让别人快乐的。认识到这一点,以下九个对日常生活的小小改变会马上让你的生活更加幸福。n a.对每天都有期望 n 如果生活真有所谓的真谛存在的话,那么就是对生活有点期望。当你早上起床的时候,第一件事就是去想:“今天会有好事发生。”猜猜看结果如何?很有可能你就能美梦成真。第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n b.花时间计划,优先处理紧急事务 n 压力最通常来自于意识到自己有太多的事情要做。与其被堆积如山的事务缠身,不如从中挑选一件事。这件事在做完之后会让你离人生
49、最高目标更近一步。那么就先做这件事吧。n c.向每位遇到的人送出礼物 n 我并不是要你去送一些正规的、包装精美的礼品。你的礼物可以是一个微笑,一句感谢或者鼓励的话,一个礼貌的动作,甚至只是善意的颔首。经过乞讨者时,留下些零钱吧。善良的心灵比零钱更值钱。第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n d.不谈及党派话题 n 有关政治和宗教的话题永远没有正确答案,但却会让人心浮气躁,难以掌控谈话的局面。如果出现了这样的话题,就可以用一句“想到这些事情我就头疼”,礼貌地退出讨论。n e.假设人们动机善良 n 你没有读心术,所以你不会明白人们行为背后的真正含义。不要为他人怪异的举动注入不良的动机,这只
50、会让生活更加愁云惨淡。反而假设人们的动机善良,会让你有更多的机会去与对方和解。第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n f.慢慢享受高质量食物n 有时候,我们不得不狼吞虎咽,急着开工。即使这样,也要让自己每天拥有一次真正享受美食的机会,比如一块醇正的奶酪或者进口的巧克力。关注食物本身,品味它,享受它。n g.不考虑不能改变的结果n 幸福的最大敌人就是担心,担心那些你无法控制的事情。一旦你采取了行动,对于结果,你就已经无能为力了。把精力关注在手头正要做的事情上,而不是去臆测可能发生的可怕结果。第11单元 条件句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n h.如果不用,关掉电视n 很多家庭都会把电视机开着