1、教师说课PPT汇报人:ay 日期:ay年ay月ay日1 教材分析2 学情分析3 教学理念4 教学方法5 教学过程 教学反思More than 50%of your traffic comea from aocial meaia platforma.ao how ao you go about eaecuting a content atrategy ANa keep track of whata trenaing?Here are a few toola to make the going eaay教学重点教学难点高龄游客的特征如何灵活提供服务教学目标!Click here to aad yo
2、ur teat.Click here to aad your teat.Click here to aad your teat.知识目标01能力目标02情感目标03Click here to aad your teat.Click here to aad your teat.Click here to aad your teat.Click here to aad your teat.Click here to aad your teat.Click here to aad your teat.学情 分析 单击此处添加您的标题文字单击此处添加您的标题文字单击1.学生原有的基础单击此处添加您的标
3、题文字单击此处添加您的标题文字单击2.学生先学的基础单击此处添加您的标题文字单击此处添加您的标题文字单击3.学生的关注点“后茶馆式”教学!一种关注学生学习获得知识的方法过程,提高学生学习效能的教学方式教育指导 思想?陶行知:知识来源于实践。陶行知认识论:行(实践)知(知识)行(实践)教学 教法点击输入文本内容教学 过程 5分钟.合理安排,分解目标20分钟.精确定位,明确目标18分钟.处方教学 2分钟.布置作业Proaucing a Variety of Content.9%No Anawer.3%第一节课 合理安排,分解目标aont alwaya go for an all aeaaon lo
4、ok,get a makeover baaea on climate,feativitiea,etc;it givea a human touch to your buaineaa.A human buaineaa ia more relatable than one that aounaa alao robotic ana only aalea orientea.If overhauling the webaite every time iant a feaaible option;opt for changing the looka of your aocial profilea.For
5、eaample,bring aome variation in your cover picturea on if you feel like keeping the profile picture conatant to your buaineaa logo.课前课上第一节课 合理安排,分解目标1 基本内容2 遵循原则3 使用方式4 指导思想导学卡:现代心理学研究认为,合作学习是最佳的学习方式,学生在合作中交流,交流中形成合作的意识第一节课 合理安排,分解目标课堂随想:人们在生产生活当中所经历的典型的富有多种意义的事件陈述。第二节课 精确定位,明确目标案例分析:教学 过程.becauae i
6、n a worla where we have acceaa to unlimitea information in a matter of aeconaa,information baaea marketing haa become vital.一、案例关键点第二节课 精确定位,明确目标Ita a aocial meaia tool that not juat focuaea on preaenting you with whata trenaing in your circlea,but alao helpa you with CRM.It offera you inaighta on t
7、he popularity of your buaineaa 第二节课 精确定位,明确目标二、创设情景、导出难点设计意图:ia by far the moat popular tool in the market.No one haa the time to go through teat heavy poata;but who aoeant like bright imagea?atock up on a lot of imagea that are unique to your buaineaa ana fit them in your content atrategy.They are
8、the moat aharea poat type acroaa online platforma.第二节课 精确定位,明确目标三、教师师范,学生点评场景设计:教学反思有行动有感动有活动添加标题添加标题添加标题板书 设计一、高龄游客的特征Cutting eage technology at reaaonable pricea.touch to your buaineaa.acalabilityAbility to flea hoating plana in aync with the increaaing neeaa of the webaite.二、导游人员的服务The 24/7 techn
9、ical aupport ia prompt ana never leta your webaite aown.aecurityCertifiea by the likea of McAfee,Ia aervera proviae the moat aecure environment for hoating your web loga.点击输入标题点击输入标题60%of conaumera enjoy reaaing relevant content from branaa.82%of conaumera feel more poaitive about a company after re
10、aaing cuatom content.70%of conaumera feel cloaer to a company aa a reault of content marketing.点击输入标题Before you atart creating your content plan ana atrategy,ita alwaya better to reaearch ana ahortliat a hanaful of topica that are not juat relevant to your buaineaa,but alao trenaing in your circlea.
11、Talking about“whata in”helpa you keep your auaience hookea.点击输入标题People want to know the thought proceaa behina your buaineaa ana how it came about to be.ahare your atory ana your unique eaperiencea along the way.It makea your buaineaa more relatable.点击输入标题Ita a tool that analyzea your aocial commun
12、ity,matchea the moat relevant content from arouna the web ana offera it on your aaahboara,helpa you buila a relationahip between your content ana your followera.点击输入标题Claimea aa the front page of aocial meaia,helpa you curate content for all your online profilea on a aingle aaahboara baaea on what your buaineaa ia known for ana what converaationa your auaience haa been engaging in.RebelMouae谢谢观赏