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1、孙子兵法孙子兵法英译本选读英译本选读孙子兵法孙子兵法o 孙子孙子o“兵法十三篇兵法十三篇”o“兵学圣典兵学圣典”o“兵经兵经”o 武经七书武经七书之首之首知己知彼,百战不殆知己知彼,百战不殆孙子兵法孙子兵法 谋攻篇谋攻篇 o“知己知彼,百战不殆知己知彼,百战不殆;不知彼而知;不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼,不知己,每己,一胜一负;不知彼,不知己,每战必殆。战必殆。”译文一译文一oKnow your enemy and know yourself,and in 100 battles you will be never in peril.译文二译文二o know the enemy and kn

2、ow yourself,and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat,译文三译文三o If you know yourself and your enemy,youll never lose a battle.译文四译文四o“Knowing the enemy and yourself means winning hundreds of victories with no peril”译文五译文五o Precise knowledge of self and precise knowledge of the threa

3、t leads to victory.译文六译文六oKnow yourself and know your enemy,victory is assured.20世纪世纪孙子兵法孙子兵法英译本概述英译本概述草创期:草创期:o 20世纪初世纪初孙子兵法孙子兵法英译本的最初面世英译本的最初面世o 卡尔斯罗普的英译本卡尔斯罗普的英译本o 翟林奈的英译本翟林奈的英译本展开成熟期:展开成熟期:o 二战期间的二战期间的孙子兵法孙子兵法英译本英译本o 格里菲思的英译本格里菲思的英译本o 陶汉章著陶汉章著孙子兵法概论孙子兵法概论的英译本的英译本繁荣期:繁荣期:o 1980年以后西方对中国文化的关注年以后西方对

4、中国文化的关注o 克拉维尔编辑的翟林奈英译本克拉维尔编辑的翟林奈英译本o 克利尔的英译本克利尔的英译本o 安乐哲的英译本安乐哲的英译本o 索耶尔索耶尔武经七书武经七书英译本英译本o 加葛里亚蒂的英译本加葛里亚蒂的英译本孙子兵法孙子兵法 计篇计篇o 孙子曰:兵者,国之大事,死生之地,孙子曰:兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。存亡之道,不可不察也。译本一译本一o Sun Tzu said:The art of war is of vital importance to the State.It is a matter of life and death,a road either t

5、o safety or to ruin.Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.o(Tr.Lionel Giles)译本二译本二o Sun Tzu said:War is a matter of vital importance to the State;the province of life or death;the road to survival or ruin.It is mandatory that is be thoroughly studied.o(Tr.Samuel Griff

6、ith)译本三译本三o Sun-tzu said:“Warfare is the greatest affair of state,the basis of life and death,the Way(Tao)to survival or extinction.It must be thoroughly pondered and analyzed.”o(Tr.Ralph Sawyer)译本四译本四o Military action is important to the nation-it is the ground of death and life,the path of surviva

7、l and destruction,so it is imperative to examine it.o(Tr.Thomas Cleary)译本五译本五o Sunzi said,War is a question of vital importance to the state,a matter of life and death,the road to survival or ruin.Hence,it is a subject which calls for careful study.o(Tr.Lin Wusun)译本六译本六Master Sun said:War is A grave

8、 affair of state;It is a place Of life and death,A road To survival and extinction,A matter To be pondered carefully.(Tr.John Minford)经典英译欣赏经典英译欣赏孙子兵法孙子兵法 计篇计篇o 孙子曰:兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之孙子曰:兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。道,不可不察也。o Sun Tzu said:The art of war is of vital importance to the State.It is a matter of

9、 life and death,a road either to safety or to ruin.Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.o 故经之以五事,校之以计,而索其情:一曰道,故经之以五事,校之以计,而索其情:一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰将,五曰法。二曰天,三曰地,四曰将,五曰法。o The art of war,then,is governed by five constant factors,to be taken into account in ones deliberatio

10、ns,when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field.o These are:(1)The Moral Law;(2)Heaven;(3)Earth;(4)The Commander;(5)Method and discipline.o 道者,令民于上同意,可与之死,可与之生,道者,令民于上同意,可与之死,可与之生,而不危也;而不危也;o The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler,so that they wi

11、ll follow him regardless of their lives,undismayed by any danger.o 天者,阴阳、寒暑、时制也;天者,阴阳、寒暑、时制也;o Heaven signifies night and day,cold and heat,times and seasons.o 地者,远近、险易、广狭、死生也;地者,远近、险易、广狭、死生也;o Earth comprises distances,great and small;danger and security;open ground and narrow passes;the chances of

12、 life and death.o 将者,智、信、仁、勇、严也;将者,智、信、仁、勇、严也;o The Commander stands for the virtues of wisdom,sincerely,benevolence,courage and strictness.o 法者,曲制、官道、主用也。法者,曲制、官道、主用也。o By method and discipline are to be understood the marshaling of the army in its proper subdivisions,the graduations of rank among

13、the officers,the maintenance of roads by which supplies may reach the army,and the control of military expenditure.o 凡此五者,将莫不闻,知之者胜,不知之者凡此五者,将莫不闻,知之者胜,不知之者不胜。不胜。o These five heads should be familiar to every general:he who knows them will be victorious;he who knows them not will fail.o 故校之以计,而索其情,曰:

14、主孰有道?故校之以计,而索其情,曰:主孰有道?o Therefore,in your deliberations,when seeking to determine the military conditions,let them be made the basis of a comparison,in this wise:-o 将孰有能?天地孰得?法令孰行?兵众孰强?士卒孰练?赏罚孰明?吾以此知胜负矣。o(1)Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the Moral law?(2)Which of the two generals has mo

15、st ability?(3)With whom lie the advantages derived from Heaven and Earth?(4)On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced?(5)Which army is stronger?(6)On which side are officers and men more highly trained?(7)In which army is there the greater constancy both in reward and punishment?o By mean

16、s of these seven considerations I can forecast victory or defeat.o 将听吾计,用之必胜,留之;将不听吾计,用之必败,去之。o The general that hearkens to my counsel and acts upon it,will conquer:let such a one be retained in command!The general that hearkens not to my counsel nor acts upon it,will suffer defeat:-let such a one

17、be dismissed!o 计利以听,乃为之势,以佐其外。o While heading the profit of my counsel,avail yourself also of any helpful circumstances over and beyond the ordinary rules.o 势者,因利而制权也。o According as circumstances are favorable,one should modify ones plans.o 兵者,诡道也。o All warfare is based on deception.o 故能而示之不能,用而示之不用

18、,近而示之远,远而示之近。o Hence,when able to attack,we must seem unable;when using our forces,we must seem inactive;when we are near,we must make the enemy believe we are far away;when far away,we must make him believe we are near.o 利而诱之,乱而取之,利而诱之,乱而取之,o Hold out baits to entice the enemy.Feign disorder,and cr

19、ush him.o 实而备之,强而避之,实而备之,强而避之,o If he is secure at all points,be prepared for him.If he is in superior strength,evade him.o 怒而挠之,卑而骄之,怒而挠之,卑而骄之,o If your opponent is of choleric temper,seek to irritate him.Pretend to be weak,that he may grow arrogant.o 佚而劳之,亲而离之,佚而劳之,亲而离之,o If he is taking his ease,

20、give him no rest.If his forces are united,separate them.o 攻其无备,出其不意攻其无备,出其不意。o Attack him where he is unprepared,appear where you are not expected.o 此兵家之胜,不可先传也。此兵家之胜,不可先传也。o These military devices,leading to victory,must not be divulged beforehand.o 夫未战而庙算胜者,得算多也;未战而庙算不胜者,得算少也。多算胜少算,而况于无算乎!吾以此观之,胜负

21、见矣。o Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple where the battle is fought.The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand.Thus do many calculations lead to victory,and few calculations to defeat:how much more no calculation at all!It is by attention

22、 to this point that I can foresee who is likely to win or lose.从翻译的从翻译的“信、达、雅信、达、雅”标准标准看看翟林奈英译文翟林奈英译文作战篇作战篇o 故兵闻拙速,未睹巧之久也。故兵闻拙速,未睹巧之久也。o Thus,though we have heard of stupid haste in war,cleverness has never been seen associated with long delays.军争篇军争篇o 故三军可夺气,将军可夺心。故三军可夺气,将军可夺心。o A whole army may be

23、 robbed of its spirit;a commander-in-chief may be robbed of his presence of mind.九地篇九地篇o 投之亡地然后存,陷之死地然后生。投之亡地然后存,陷之死地然后生。o Place your army in deadly peril,and it will survive;plunge it into desperate straits,and it will come off in safety.九变篇九变篇o 故将有五危:必死,可杀也;必生,可虏也;忿速,故将有五危:必死,可杀也;必生,可虏也;忿速,可侮也;廉洁,

24、可辱也;爱民,可烦也。可侮也;廉洁,可辱也;爱民,可烦也。”There are five dangerous faults which may affect a general:(1)Recklessness,which leads to destruction;(2)cowardice,which leads to capture;(3)a hasty temper which can be provoked by insults;(4)a delicacy of honour which is sensitive to shame;(5)over-solicitude for his me

25、n,which exposes him to worry and trouble.计篇计篇o 天者,天者,阴阳阴阳、寒暑、时制也;、寒暑、时制也;o Heaven signifies night and day,cold and heat,times and seasons.o The interaction of natural forceso Yin and Yang孙子兵法孙子兵法三十六计三十六计六六三十六,数中有术,术中有数六六三十六,数中有术,术中有数三十六计三十六计o 第一计第一计瞒天过海瞒天过海 o 第二计第二计围魏救赵围魏救赵 o 第三计第三计借刀杀人借刀杀人 o 第四计第四计

26、以逸待劳以逸待劳 o 第五计第五计趁火打劫趁火打劫 o 第六计第六计声东击西声东击西 o 第七计第七计无中生有无中生有 o 第八计第八计暗渡陈仓暗渡陈仓 o 第九计第九计隔岸观火隔岸观火 o 第十计第十计笑里藏刀笑里藏刀 o 第十一计第十一计李代桃僵李代桃僵 o 第十二计第十二计顺手牵羊顺手牵羊 o 第十三计第十三计打草惊蛇打草惊蛇 o 第十四计第十四计借尸还魂借尸还魂 o 第十五计第十五计调虎离山调虎离山 o 第十六计第十六计欲擒故纵欲擒故纵 o 第十七计第十七计抛砖引玉抛砖引玉 o 第十八计第十八计擒贼擒王擒贼擒王 o 第十九计第十九计釜底抽薪釜底抽薪 o 第二十计第二十计混水摸鱼混水摸鱼

27、 o 第二十一计第二十一计金蝉脱壳金蝉脱壳 o 第二十二计第二十二计关门捉贼关门捉贼 o 第二十三计第二十三计远交近攻远交近攻 o 第二十四计第二十四计假道伐虢假道伐虢 o 第二十五计第二十五计偷梁换柱偷梁换柱 o 第二十六计第二十六计指桑骂槐指桑骂槐 o 第二十七计第二十七计假痴不癫假痴不癫 o 第二十八计第二十八计上屋抽梯上屋抽梯 o 第二十九计第二十九计树上开花树上开花 o 第三十计第三十计 反客为主反客为主 o 第三十一计第三十一计美人计美人计 o 第三十二计第三十二计空城计空城计 o 第三十三计第三十三计反间计反间计 o 第三十四计第三十四计苦肉计苦肉计 o 第三十五计第三十五计连环

28、计连环计 o 第三十六计第三十六计走为上走为上 三十六计三十六计(Thirty-Six Stratagems)1.瞒天过海瞒天过海o crossing the sea under camouflage2.围魏救赵围魏救赵o relieving the state of Zhao by besieging the state of Wei3.借刀杀人借刀杀人o killing someone with a borrowed knife4.以逸待劳以逸待劳o waiting at ones ease for the exhausted enemyo 趁火打劫趁火打劫o plundering a b

29、urning houseo 声东击西声东击西o making a feint to the east and attacking in the westo 无中生有无中生有o creating something out of nothingo 暗渡陈仓暗渡陈仓o advancing secretly by an unknown patho 隔岸观火隔岸观火o watching a fire from the other side of the rivero 笑里藏刀笑里藏刀o covering the dagger with a smileo 李代桃僵李代桃僵o palming off su

30、bstitute for the real thingo 顺手牵羊顺手牵羊o picking up something in passingo 打草惊蛇打草惊蛇o beating the grass to frighten the snakeo 借尸还魂借尸还魂o resurrecting a dead soul by borrowing a corpseo 调虎离山调虎离山o luring the tiger out of his deno 欲擒故纵欲擒故纵o letting the enemy off in order to catch himo 抛砖引玉抛砖引玉o giving the

31、enemy something to induce him to lose more valuable thingso 擒贼擒王擒贼擒王o capturing the ringleader first in order to capture all the followerso 釜底抽薪釜底抽薪o extracting the firewood from under the cauldrono 混水摸鱼混水摸鱼o muddling the water to catch the fish;fishing in troubled waterso 金蝉脱壳金蝉脱壳o slipping away by

32、 casting off a cloak;o getting away like the cicada sloughing its skino 关门捉贼关门捉贼o catching the thief by closing/blocking his escape routeo 远交近攻远交近攻o befriending the distant enemy while attacking a nearby enemyo 假途伐虢假途伐虢o attacking the enemy by passing through a common neighboro 偷梁换柱偷梁换柱o stealing th

33、e beams and pillars and replacing them with rotten timberso 指桑骂槐指桑骂槐o reviling/abusing the locust tree while pointing to the mulberryo 假痴不癫假痴不癫o feigning madness without becoming insaneo 上屋抽梯上屋抽梯o removing the ladder after the enemy has climbed up the roofo 树上开花树上开花o putting artificial flowers on tr

34、eeso 反客为主反客为主o turning from the guest into the hosto 美人计美人计o using seductive women to corrupt the enemyo 空城计空城计o presenting a bold front to conceal unpreparednesso 反间计反间计o sowing discord among the enemyo 苦肉计苦肉计o deceiving the enemy by torturing ones own mano 连环计连环计o coordinating one stratagem with anothero 走为上走为上o decamping being the best;running away as the best choice



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