1、宫颈癌 (Cervical Cancer ),李叶 北京医院 妇科,1,2,宫颈癌的流行病学 (Epidemiology, Incidence) 1.宫颈癌发病率最高的是发展中国家,尤其是亚洲、南美洲及非洲,最低在澳大利亚、新西兰、南欧、北美,地理分布反映了宫颈癌的发病与经济发展有关。 2.我国宫颈癌每年新增13.5万例,死亡3万例。 3.年龄:在大多数妇女中宫颈浸润癌的发病率在20岁以前是很低的,20至50岁增长较快,其后上升幅度变缓。,3,二. 宫颈癌病因及高危因素 (Causes, higher risk factors) 1.人乳头状瘤病毒感染(HPV) 2.性行为:初次性交过早、多个
2、性伴侣 3.多产、宫颈损伤 4.男性性行为相关因素 5.宫颈病毒、微生物感染 6.机体免疫功能抑制,宫颈黏液的防御能力降低 7.其它:避孕方法,经济地位低下,吸烟,吸毒,4,三. 宫颈癌与人乳头瘤病毒(1) (Human Papilloma Virus,HPV) 1. 99.7% 的宫颈癌都可检测到高危型HPV 2. HPV(-)几乎不发生宫颈癌 3. HPV病毒为双链环状DNA病毒 4. HPV病毒约110种,20种与肿瘤相关 5. 宫颈癌高危型16,18,31,33,52,58,5,三. 宫颈癌与人乳头瘤病毒(2) (Human Papilloma Virus,HPV),L1,癌基因区:
3、E6、E7基因,E6 E7,6,四. 宫颈癌组织发生及发展(1) ( Histopathological development),Two types of cells line the surface of the cervix: glandular cells and squamous cells. The boundary between the two types of cells is where cervical cancer most commonly occurs, called transformation zone,7,四. 宫颈癌组织发生及发展(2) ( Histopat
4、hological development),Transformation zone宫颈上皮化生过程活跃,某些外来致癌物质刺激,移行带区活跃的未成熟细胞或增生的鳞状上皮可向非典型方向发展 不典型增生特点:细胞分化不良,排列紊乱,核深染,核异型,核分裂相, 即宫颈上皮内瘤变 (Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, CIN) 轻度不典型增生(CIN1) LSIL 中度不典型增生(CIN2) HSIL 重度不典型增生(CIN3) HSIL,8,四. 宫颈癌组织发生及发展(2) ( Histopathological development),正常细胞 宫颈上皮内瘤样
5、病变 CIN1 CIN2 CIN3 宫颈原位癌,9,10,五. 宫颈癌病理(1) ( Pathology) 1.宫颈鳞状细胞癌(cervical squamous cancer),The slide on the left shows Normal cells which are uniform in size and shape. The slide on the right shows irregular, abnormal cervical cells typical pathology of cervical cancer.,11,五. 宫颈癌病理(2) 宫颈鳞状细胞癌类型,12,五.
6、 宫颈癌病理(3) ( Pathology) 2.宫颈腺癌(cervical adenocarcinoma ) 2.1.呈息肉状、结节状、乳头状 2.2.组织学亚型: 宫颈管内膜腺癌 宫颈粘液腺癌 宫颈恶性腺瘤(偏微腺癌) (确诊依赖免疫组化),13,六. 宫颈癌转移途径(1) ( Metastasis) 1.直接蔓延:最为常见 ( Cancer invades the surrounding normal tissue ) 2.淋巴转移:常见 (分级转移) ( Cancer invades the lymph system and travels through the lymph vess
7、els to other places) 3.血行转移:相对较少 ( Cancer invades the veins and capillaries and travels through the blood to other places ),14,六. 宫颈癌转移途径(2) ( Metastasis),15,七. 宫颈癌临床分期(1)FIGO 2009,I 肿瘤严格局限于宫颈 IA 镜下浸润癌,间质浸润深度5mm,水平扩散7mm IA1 间质浸润深度3mm,水平扩散7mm IA2 间质浸润深度3mm,且5mm,水平扩散7mm IB 肉眼可见病灶局限于宫颈,或者临床前病灶IA2期 IB1
8、肉眼可见病灶最大径线4cm IB2 肉眼可见病灶最大径线4cm II 肿瘤超越子宫颈,但未达骨盆壁或未达阴道下1/3 IIA 无宫旁浸润,侵及阴道 IIA1 肉眼可见病灶最大径线4cm IIA2 肉眼所见病灶最大径线4cm IIB 有宫旁浸润 III 肿瘤扩展到骨盆壁、累及阴道下1/3或引起肾盂积水或肾无能 IIIA 肿瘤累及阴道下1/3,没有扩展到骨盆壁 IIIB 肿瘤扩散至骨盆壁和(或)引起肾盂积水或肾无能 IV 肿瘤播散超出真骨盆或侵犯膀胱粘膜或者直肠粘膜。 IVA 肿瘤播散至邻近器官 IVB 肿瘤播散至远处器官,16,七. 宫颈癌临床分期(2)FIGO 2009,17,18,Trans
9、formation zone,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,八. 宫颈癌临床表现(1) ( Symptoms & Signs) Symptoms: 1.1. Abnormal vaginal bleeding 1.2. Continuous vaginal discharge 1.3. Periods become heavier and last longer time 1.4. Pelvic pain 1.5. Advanced: Single swollen leg, Leg & back pain,26,八. 宫颈癌临床表现(2) ( Symptoms & Signs) 2
10、. Signs: 1.1. Cervical erosion (糜烂) 1.2. Cervical polyp (息肉) 1.3. Cervical ulcer (溃疡) 1.4. Cervical neoplasia (赘生物) 1.5. Cervical hypertrophy (肥大) 1.6. Virginal neoplasia(阴道赘生物),27,Cervical erosion (糜烂),Cervical polyp (息肉),Cervical ulcer (溃疡),Cervical neoplasia (赘生物),28,八. 宫颈癌临床表现(3) ( Signs - Biman
11、ual/Trimanual gynecological examination 妇科双合诊/三合诊),29,九. 宫颈癌诊断(1) ( Diagnosis and Tests) 1. Pap smears (宫颈刮片/细胞学检查) screen for precancers , not make a final diagnosis,Pap test 采用巴氏分级,30,九. 宫颈癌诊断(2) 2. TCT (宫颈超薄细胞学检查),TCT test 采用TBS分级,31,The Bethesda System (2001) (TBS宫颈细胞学报告) 1. Squamous cell (鳞状细胞)
12、 不典型鳞状细胞(ASC-US) 轻度鳞状细胞上皮内病变(LSIL) : CIN 1 高度鳞状细胞上皮内病变(HSIL) : CIN 2 & CIN 3 鳞状细胞癌(Squamous cell carcinoma) 2. Glandular cell (腺上皮) 不典型腺上皮 (AGC) 原位腺癌 (AIS) 腺癌(Adenocarcinoma ),32,九. 宫颈癌诊断(3) 3. Colposcopy (阴道镜检查) Pieces of tissue are surgically removed (biopsied),33,九. 宫颈癌诊断(4) ( Diagnosis and Tests
13、) 4. Biopsy and Endocervical curettage (宫颈活检及颈管诊刮术) 碘试验及醋酸试验 5. Cervical Conization (宫颈锥切术) Surgically removes a cone-shaped piece of tissue from the cervix. The cone-shaped piece includes tissue from both the upper and lower part of the cervix.,34,Cervical Conization,35,九. 宫颈癌诊断(5) ( Diagnosis and
14、Tests) 6. Human papillomavirus (HPV) test (宫颈人乳头瘤病毒检测) 7. MRI / CT of the pelvis 8. Ultrasound exam 9. Intravenous pyelogram (IVP) (静脉肾盂造影),36,37,Cervical cancer images ( MRI ),子宫颈癌三阶梯检测,细胞学(TCT)+ HPV检 阴道镜检查取活组织 病理学检查(宫颈锥切),38,十. 宫颈癌治疗(1) Treatment depends on: The stage of the cancer The size and sh
15、ape of the tumor The womans age and general health Her desire to have children in the future Techniques of the surgery Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy,39,十. 宫颈癌治疗(2) 1. Surgery: IAIIA 1.1 IA1: Conization (锥切术:保留生育) Trachelectomy(宫颈切除术:保留生育) Total hysterectomy Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (无生育要求) (全
16、子宫切除术或同时行双附件切除术),40,十. 宫颈癌治疗(3) 1. Surgery: IAIIA 1.2 IA2IIA: Radical hysterectomy + pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy (广泛子宫切除+盆腔及腹主动脉旁淋巴结清扫术) (Abdominal surgery,Vaginal surgery, laparoscopy),41,42,Vaginal hysterectomy,43,Laparoscopic Hysterectomy,44,十. 宫颈癌治疗(4) 2. Radiation therapy : IB2,IIA2,
17、IIB, III, IV 2.1. External radiation therapy: (外照射) uses a machine outside the body to send radiation toward the cancer. 2.2. Brachytherapy : (内照射) uses a radioactive substance sealed in needles that are placed into virginal or near the cancer.,45,External radiation Brachytherapy,照射野面积:上界于第45腰椎水平,下界
18、为耻骨联合上缘下45cm。外界为股骨头中线。包括了髂总、髂内、髂外、闭孔、腹股沟及骶前淋巴结。,46,十. 宫颈癌治疗(5) 3. Chemotherapy : IB2 ( 4cm) 3.1. Preoperative chemotherapy : 术前化疗 neoadjuvant chemotherapy to decrease the tumor for surgery (新辅助化疗/期前化疗) 3.2. Chemoradiation:(同步放化疗) Concurrent radiation and chemotherapy 3.3. Advanced and metastasis patients,47,十一. 宫颈癌预后 (Prognosis) 1.宫颈鳞状细胞癌总的治愈率(5年存活率) 期 90%,期 60-75%,-期 10-30% (1 2 年内复发, 随访!) 2.宫颈腺癌预差 期60%,期 47%,-期 8%,48,思考题: 宫颈癌病因及高危因素 宫颈癌临床分期(FIGO 2009) 宫颈癌诊断 (三阶梯 + 各项辅助检查) 各期宫颈癌治疗原则 Website:pubmed,NCCN, FIGO 参考书:中华妇产科学林巧稚妇科肿瘤学,49,50,The end,51,