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1、Lesson SevenMiss BrillBy Katherine MansfieldAuthor Katherine Mansfield(b.Oct.14,1888,Wellington,N.Z.-d.Jan.9,1923),New Zealand-born English master of the short story,who evolved a distinctive prose style with many overtones of poetry.凯瑟琳曼斯菲尔德(Katherine Manthfield,1888年-1923年),短篇小说家,文化女性主义者,新西兰文学的奠基人

2、,被誉为100多年来新西兰最有影响的作家之一。著名作品有花园酒会、幸福和在海湾等。她的创作指向女性的生存处境,她以独特的形式,对女权解放这个社会问题提供了文学的解救之道。Mansfield s first collection of stories,In a German Pension,mainly satirical sketches of German characters,uses sharply observed details to reveal social affectation and moral squalor.Other works are:The Aloe,Prelud

3、e,Bliss and other stories,The Daughters of the Late Colonel,The Garden-Party,Dove s Nest,Something Childish.Strongly influenced by Chekhov(tekf契诃夫,俄国的世界级短篇小说巨匠),Mansfield learned that plot is not as important as atmosphere.Description,dialogue and above all,imagery develop her themes.With James Joyc

4、e(詹姆斯乔伊斯)she was one of the founders of the modern English short story.詹姆斯乔伊斯(James Joyce,1882-1941),爱尔兰作家、诗人,二十世纪最伟大的作家之一,后现代文学的奠基者之一,其作品及“意识流”思想对世界文坛影响巨大。自传体小说青年艺术家的自画像(1916)以大量内心独白描述人物心理及其周围世界。代表作长篇小说尤利西斯(1922)表现现代社会中人的孤独与悲观。TEXTpowder with 1.用(粉状物)覆盖:The leaves are powdered with dust.树叶上积满灰尘。2.用

5、(圆点或微小图案)装饰:She bought a piece of white cloth powdered with red spots.她买了一块上有红点的白布。splash about and fall 飞溅 The children like splashing water over one another.孩子们喜欢往彼此身上泼水。splash sth over 把某物溅在splash water over the floor 泼水于地板上 n.sound,mark made by splashing 飞溅声 He jumped into the river with a

6、 splash.他扑通一声跳进河里。2.pour,splash pour:(cause to)flow in a continuous stream 不断流动,倒,灌 I knocked over the bucket and the water poured all over the floor.我打翻了水桶,水流了一地。splash:cause to fly about in drops 溅起 The children love splashing water over each other.儿童喜欢互相泼水。decide on consider and come to a conclus

7、ion 考虑后做出决定 After seeing all the candidates weve decided on this one.我们见了所有的候选人后,决定选这位。They decided on having a picnic tomorrow.他们决定明天去野餐。湛蓝的天空金光灿灿,大片大片的阳光像白葡萄酒倾洒在公园上。尽管天气晴朗,阳光明媚,布里尔小姐还是很高兴自己决定围上了狐皮围巾。空气中一丝风也没有,但你张开嘴,会感觉有一丝凉意,就象你啜饮一杯冰水之前的那种感觉。不时有一片落叶不知从什么地方悠然飘下。布里尔小姐伸手抚摸围在脖子上的狐皮围巾。drift v.cause to d

8、rift;move casually or aimlessly 飘动;漫无目的地漂泊 The logs are drifted downstream to the mill.那些原木沿河顺水飘到加工厂。She finally drifted in two hours after everyone else.在大家到齐后两小时,她终于来到。snap at speak to sb.sharply and rudely;try to grasp sth with the teeth 厉声说;咬住 Im sorry I snapped at you just now.对不起,我刚才不该对你嚷嚷。The

9、 dog snapped at his ankles.狗咬住了他的脚踝。rub 1.V-T/V-I If you rub a part of your body or if you rub at it,you move your hand or fingers backward and forward over it while pressing firmly.揉 例:He rubbed his arms and stiff legs.他揉了揉他的两条胳膊和两条僵硬的腿。2.V-T/V-I If you rub against a surface or rub a part of your b

10、ody against a surface,you move it backward and forward while pressing it against the surface.蹭 例:A cat was rubbing against my leg.一只猫当时在我腿上蹭来蹭去。She took off her glasses and rubbed them hard.她摘下了她的眼镜,用力擦着。He rubbed oil into my back.他在我的背上抹上了油。He rubbed his hands together a few times.他把双手搓了好几遍。N-COUNT

11、 A massage can be referred to as a rub.按摩 例:She sometimes asks if I want a back rub.她有时问我是否想要一次背部按摩。PHRASE If you rub someone the wrong way,you offend or annoy them without intending to.无意中冒犯某人 例:What are you going to get out of him if you rub him the wrong way?如果你无意中惹恼了他,你能从他那里得到什么呢?难句理解(Sentence c

12、omprehension)rubbed the life back into the dim little eyes.She rubbed the imitation eyes until they shone,as if they were alive again.那双灰蒙蒙的小眼睛被擦得充满生气。dab1.V-T/V-I If you dab something,you touch it several times using quick,light movements.If you dab a substance onto a surface,you put it there using

13、 quick,light movements.轻擦;轻敷例:She arrived weeping,dabbing her eyes with a tissue.她哭着来了,用纸巾轻擦着眼睛。She dabbed iodine(adin 碘酒)on the cuts on her forehead.她在她额头的伤口处搽了碘酒。2.N-COUNT A dab of something is a small amount of it that is put onto a surface.少量例:.a dab of glue.一点胶水。stroke v.pass the hand gently ov

14、er sth,usu.again and again;organize 抚摸;整理(思绪)The child put out a hand and stroked the cat softly.孩子伸手轻轻抚摸小猫。He awoke at dawn,and for a time he lay and stroked his memories.他清晨醒来,在床上躺了一会,理一理记忆中的事。rub,strokerub:press against a surface with a to-and-fro sliding movement 擦,揉,搓He rubbed his hands to warm

15、 them.他搓着双手好暖和暖和。If you keep rubbing,the paint will come off.你在多擦擦颜色就能掉了。stroke:pass the hand gently over a surface 轻抚,抚摩She gently stroked his arm.她轻轻地抚摸他的胳膊。She felt a tingling in her hands and arms,but that came from walking.She had a slight stinging feeling in her hands and arms,but he thought t

16、hat was due to the walk.她感到手和胳膊微微有些刺痛,她觉得这是走路累的。And when she breathed something gentle seemed to move in her bosom.When she took a breath,she breathed with some difficulty after a bit of walk.当她呼吸时,一种轻柔的东西在她胸中涌动。可爱的小东西!重新抚摸到它真是太好了。那天下午她把它从盒子里拿出来,抖掉樟脑末,好好地刷了一遍,把那没有活力的小眼睛擦得有了生气。“我怎么了?”忧伤的小眼睛问道。啊,看到它们从

17、红色的绒垫上再次眨巴眨巴地盯着她,别提有多高兴了!可是它的鼻子,那是用某种黑色合成材料做的,看上去一点也不结实。准是不知东西给碰了一下。不要紧,到时候,到绝对必要的时候,用点黑色火漆一粘就行了。小淘气!是的,她真的觉得它是个小淘气,小淘气就在她的左耳边咬住自己的尾巴。她很想把它取下来放在膝头抚摸抚摸,可她感到手和胳膊稍微有些刺痛,她以为这是走路累的缘故。当她呼吸时,似乎有一种轻柔忧郁的东西不,不是忧郁是某种温柔的东西在她的胸中涌动。scrape v.make clean or smooth by drawing a sharp tool or sth rough across it;rub a

18、gainst sth 擦净,磨光;擦着某物 She scraped the walls clean.她把墙擦干净。The branches of the tree scraped against the window.树枝擦到窗户。scrub,scrapescrub:clean sth thoroughly by rubbing hard 彻底擦洗,刷洗After dinner he scrubbed the table-top clean.饭后他把桌面擦洗干净。scrape:make sth clean,level or smooth by drawing a sharp tool 擦净,削

19、平,磨光He is scraping the path clear of snow.他正在把路上的积雪铲掉。out of season:time of the year when sth is easily available or a certain activity takes place 一年中有某物或某活动的时期;淡季 Holiday prices are lower out of season.在度假淡季,费用较低。The price is so high because crabs are out of season now.螃蟹已下市,所有价格如此昂贵。wave,flap wav

20、e:cause sth in ones hand to move up and down or to and fro 挥动,挥舞 He came out waving the document at the crowd.他出来时向人群挥舞着文件。flap:cause sth to move,swing up and down or from side to side 摆动,摇动 The bird flapped its wings and flew away.那只鸟振翅飞去。flap 这个词语原意是指:(像鸟儿拍打翅膀的声音)。鸟儿拍打翅膀。引申指:片状物,扁平物拍打,轻拍,拍打,焦虑。名词延

21、伸为机翼。flip 原意指:旋转,弹,扔(速度比较快),生气,所有的动作是比较突然的。flop 一个重物突然坐到地上,引申义是失败。flick 轻轻的 用手指弹,翻书(跟手指有关)。手抖(弹烟灰),摁开关,flock 原意 羊群,牛群 鸟群,人群。一片片的,动词是聚集。今天下午公园里人不少,比上周人多多了。而且,乐队的声音似乎也更响亮,更欢快。那是因为一年里的演出季节到了。尽管乐队一年四季每个周日都演奏,但不逢演出季节总是不一样。平时好像只演奏给家里人听,没有外人在场,怎么演奏都无所谓。指挥不也换上一件新上衣吗?她肯定这件上衣是新的。只见乐队指挥颠着脚,拍动双臂,仿佛一只正要引颈长啼的公鸡。乐

22、队队员们坐在绿色乐台上,眼睛瞪着乐谱,鼓着腮帮子使劲吹。这时传来了一小段“长笛”独奏,十分动听!恰似一串晶莹的水珠。她心想准会重奏一遍,果然,又吹奏了一遍。她抬起头笑了。clasp v.hold tightly in the hand;embrace 握紧;拥抱 They clasped hands briefly before saying goodbye.他们匆匆握手告别。He clasped his dying wife to his chest.他把奄奄一息的妻子紧紧抱在怀里。她有一个“专座”,旁边只有两个人:一个忠厚的老头儿和一个身材高大的老太太。老头身穿丝绒上衣,双手紧握一根粗实的

23、雕花手杖;老太太则笔直地坐着,绣花围裙上放着一团毛活。他们没有说话,真让人失望。因为布里尔小姐总是想听别人交谈,她擅长于不动声色地侧耳偷听别人谈话,擅长利用别人在她周围谈话的那一小会儿,来了解人家的生活。巴拿马草帽 牛角扣靴 be no(not,much,some,any)good:be of no value;be no use 没有好处;没有用处 Its no good(my)talking to him.我同他谈没什么用处。Was his advice ever any good?他的建议有什么价值吗?难句解析 theyd be sure to break and theyd never

24、 keep on.The glasses would be sure to break and slide down her nose and fall off.眼镜总会从鼻梁上滑下来摔碎。她斜眼瞥了一下这对老人。可能他们很快就会离开。上周日也不象平时那么有意思,那天碰上一对英国夫妇,男的头戴一顶难看的巴拿马草帽,女的穿了双带扣长筒靴。那女的一直唠唠叨叨,说她如何如何应该戴眼镜,她知道自己需要戴眼镜。但又配买眼镜没有用,眼镜肯定会打碎,肯定戴不住。而男的是那样耐心,他提了各种建议,金丝框的,镜腿弯过耳朵的,还有鼻架上带有小垫的。不行,哪一种也不能使她满意。“它们总会从鼻子上滑下来的!”布里尔小

25、姐真想上去抓住她使劲摇她几下。e down suddenly with a rushing movement;seize the whole of sth in one movement 向下猛冲;一下子抢走 The eagle swooped down on its prey.老鹰朝着猎物猛扑下来。She rushed after the child and swooped him up in her arms.她追赶着孩子,猛地将他一把抱在怀里。drift,swoop drift:move casually or aimlessly 漫无目的地移动,漂泊 The crowds drifte

26、d away from the stadium.人群慢慢从体育场散去。swoop:come down suddenly with a rushing movement 突然下降,猛扑 The owl swooped down on the mouse.猫头鹰向老鼠猛扑下来。dress up wear ones best clothes;make sth better or different by careful presentation 穿上盛装;修饰 Dont bother to dress up come as you are.用不着穿讲究的衣服,就穿平常的来吧。The facts ar

27、e quite clear;its no use trying to dress them up.事实很清楚,掩饰是没用的。难句解析 And sometimes a tiny stagger came suddenly rocking into the open from under the trees Sometimes a little child with unsteady steps suddenly walked out from under a tree.有时候一个刚刚学步的小孩突然从树下摇摇晃晃地走出来。那两个老人坐在凳子上一动不动,宛如一对雕像。不要紧,总有人群可看。花坛前,乐


29、,好像是刚从黑暗的小房间里出来的,甚至是刚从橱柜里出来似的!rescue or bring away sb from danger 搭救,救出 You rescued me from an embarrassing situation.你给我解了围。Police rescued the hostages.警方救出人质。n.rescuing or being rescued 救援 Our car couldnt start,but a friend came to the rescue and drove us home.我们的车开不动了,一位朋友赶来帮助,开车送我们回家。resc

30、ue,save rescue:make sb free from danger by prompt or vigorous action 营救,救援 The police rescued the hostages.警方救出了人质。save:make sb safe 救,保全 It was too late to save the sick woman,and she died.病妇未获及时抢救而死亡。乐坛后面,是一片挺拔的树木,树上低垂着枯黄的叶子。透过树丛,可以看见一线海水。蓝天上漂浮着闪着金光的白云。droop v.bend or hang downwards through tiredn

31、ess or weakness 弯曲,下垂 Some willows drooped over the pond.几棵垂柳低垂在池塘上。The hikers were drooping by the end of their walk in the hot sun.徒步旅行者在烈日下走到最后已精疲力竭了。Tum-tum-tum tiddle-um!tiddle-um!tum tiddley-um tum ta!blew the band.乐队高声吹奏:嗒嗒嗒嘀嘀嗒!嘀嘀嗒!嗒嘀嘀嗒嗒嗒!go off Leave;make a sudden loud noise 离开;突然发出巨响 Hamlet

32、 goes off stage left.哈姆雷特从舞台左侧退下。The thieves ran away when the burglar alarm went off.防盗警报一响,盗贼立刻逃走了。such a funny old man with long whiskers hobbled along in time to the music That funny old man with long whiskers walked lamely according to the beat of the music.这个滑稽的长胡子老头和着音乐的节拍蹒跚地走着。两个穿红衣服的年轻姑娘走过来



35、换了个曲子,演奏得格外轻快热烈。和布里尔小姐合坐一条长凳的老两口站起身来,大步离去。一个蓄着长胡子的老头,样子别提有多可笑,这时正合着音乐的拍子,瞒姗走过。不料险些被并排走过来的四个姑娘撞倒在地。Who could believe the sky at the back wasnt painted?The sky at the back was like a real painted setting.谁不相信后面湛蓝的天空是画出来的?look on be a spectator at an event or incident 旁观 Passers-by looked on as a man w

36、as viciously attacked.有一男子遭人毒打,路人只在一旁观看。look on to be 将看作 Shes looked on as the leading authority on the subject.她被认为是该问题的主要权威。make a point of doing sth do sth because one considers it important or necessary 认为做事重要或必要 I always make a point of checking that all the windows are shut befor

37、e I go out.我出门前总要检查所有窗户,看是否都关好了。They have made a point of getting as many contacts as possible with the students.他们很注重尽可能多与学生接触。make a point,make a planmake a point:do sth as one think it important or necessary 认为做某事很重要I always make a point of checking that all the windows are shut before I go out.我

38、出门前总是要检查所有窗户,看是否都关好了。make a plan:做计划I have made a plan for overcoming the difficulties.我已做出克服困难的计划。invalid:v.cause sb to leave because of ill health 因健康不好使人离去 He was invalided out of the army because of the wounds he received.他因负伤而退役。 who suffers from ill health for a very long time 久病者 He was

39、an invalid all his life.他终身残疾。a.not legally recognized 无效的 A passport that is out date is invalid.护照过期是无效的。company of people together;being together with another or others 一群人;陪伴 She told the assembled company what had happened.她把发生的事告诉了聚会的人。I enjoyed his company.我喜欢和他在一起。乐队休息了一会儿,这时又吹奏起来。演奏

40、的音乐暖融融的,充满阳光,但又微微有些寒意有某一种情绪,是什么呢?不是哀愁不,不是哀愁是一种使你想要放声歌唱的东西。曲调向上升着,升着,光芒四射。布里尔小姐觉得再过片刻,他们大家,所有在场的人都会引吭歌唱。聚在一起欢笑热闹的年轻人会率先领唱,继而成年男人坚定勇敢的声音会加入进来。然后,还有她,还有她,以及坐在长椅上其他人,也会以伴唱的形式参加,那歌声低沉幽抑,优美动听,感人肺腑。布里尔小姐泪水盈眶,含笑注视着眼前的人们。她暗自思忖,是呀,我们懂了,我们懂了,但究竟他们懂了什么,她不知道。off with sb.:go away;impolite or unfriendly 走开;不礼貌,不友好

41、 Be off with you!滚开!She sounded rather off with me on the phone.她在电话中说话不客气。难句解析 Why doesnt she keep her silly old mug at home?Why doesnt that old ugly woman stay at home?这老东西为什么不呆在家里?就在这时,一个小伙子和一个姑娘走了过来,坐在老两口刚才坐过的地方。他们衣着入时,正在热恋中。这一对男女主角自然是刚从他父亲的游艇上来的。布里尔小姐心中唱着无声的歌,脸上挂着颤巍巍的笑容,准备好侧耳倾听。make a differenc

42、e matter;have effect on 要紧;对有影响 It wont make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow.你今天去也好,明天去也好,关系不大。The sea air has made a difference to her health.海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。pass by go past;occur without affecting 经过;对无影响 The procession passed right by my front door.队伍就从我家门前经过。The magic of Huck Fin

43、n seems to have passed me by.哈克芬恩的魔法似乎对我不起什么作用。get used to,used to get used to:become accustomed to 习惯于 After three weeks she had got used to the extreme heat.三个星期后她就适应酷热的环境了。used to:expressing a frequent action in the past 表达过去经常性的行为 You used to smoke a pipe,didnt you?你过去一向是抽烟斗的,对不对?布丽尔小姐(Miss Bril




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