1、Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?教学设计教学设计 Section ASection A(1a1a- -2c2c) 一、 Teaching objectives(教学目标): 1.1 Knowledge objective(知识目标): (1)Key vocabulary(学习重点词汇):tiger, elephant, panda, lion, koala, giraffe, cute, lazy, smart, beautiful, scary, kind, kind of, Australia, sou
2、th, Africa, South Africa, pet, leg, cat (2)Key sentence(掌握以下句型): What animals do you/does she/ does he like? Lets see the ? Why do you like? Because they are kind of interesting. Why does she/he like? Because they are .? Where are lions from? They are from South Africa. (3)Special question (学习 Why 引
3、导的特殊疑问句及其回答)。 1.2 Ability aim(能力目标): (1)Understanding of animal words.能够识别动物并对其进行描述 (2) To be able to use the correct expression expressed their preferences. 能够使用正确的表达方式表述自己的偏好. (3)Ask and answer . Why.? Because. 能够对原因进行提问和回答. 1.3 Attitude and value(情感态度与价值观): (1)Cultivating students s consciousness
4、 to protect animals. 通过学习要培养学生自觉保护动物的意识; (2)Let students more love life, parents, animals and the nature. 通过学习可以使学生更加热爱生活、热爱父母、热爱自然; (3)Can actively cooperate with others in the group work. 能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助。 二、 Teaching key points/difficult points(教学重点/难点) 2.1 Teaching key points(教学重点): (1)To mas
5、ter the phrases.掌握常见的短语。 (2)To master the following sentence patterns.掌握以下句型: What animals do you/does she/ does he like? Lets see the ? Why do you like? Because they are kind of interesting. Why does she/he like? Because they are .? Where are lions from? They are from South Africa (3)Question and a
6、nswer. 掌握 Why 引导的特殊疑问句及其回答 2.2 Teaching difficult points(教学难点): (1)Memorization of animal names and the characteristics. 对不同动物名称的识记及其特征的掌握. (2)Why 引导的特殊疑问句及其回答 (3)Expression of love.对偏好的表述 2.3 Testing centre(易考点): Why 引导的特殊疑问句及其回答 三、Teaching appliance(教学用具): 幻灯片,单词卡,采集卡,动物头饰。 四、Teaching process(教学过程
7、): Step1. warming up(5min) 1.Play an English song in order to stimulate students interest, and then ask them: “What is the song about? What animals do you know?” 2. Listening and guessing. listen to the sounds and guess the animals, in order to consolidate the words. With the following sentence patt
8、erns: -Is it a/an.? - Yes, it is . / No, it isnt. Step2. Teaching words.(18min) Teaching words through direct perception. Let the students spell the words and teach the plural of these words .(5min) Match the words and the animals in 1a, then read all the words. (5min) Writing . Describe the animals
9、. learn the adjectives .(3min) Make a survey : T:good message: we can go to the zoo and visit all kinds of animals. T: There are some questions A. What animals do you want to see first? B. Where are the animals from? C. Why do you like the animals? Design topics: Look at the map of the pictures and
10、ask: “-Do you like tigers/pandas/koalas/?- Why do you like them?” “- Because theyre (adjectives)”. “-What animals do you want to see first?” “-I want to see-.Why? -Because theyre(adjectives).” (4min) Step 2.The key sentence patterns of learning(重点句子学习)(20min) 1. Let the students ready in advance ani
11、mal headwear, then let them wear the headwear and do something interesting. When the teacher says something about you please stand up. “who can run/fly/swim/?”“Who likes eating leaves/grass/raw meat?”,“Who is cute/smart/lazy/beautiful?”(5min) 2. Practice the conversations. work in groups, practice t
12、he conversations and ask them to act out their conversations, and at the same time we can watch the video ,and we can playback it to review their performance and the knowledge we have learned in this class. (5min) 5.Do some Reading. (3min) Step4:Class summary(2min) Summarize the content of this clas
13、s. Conclusion the words, phrases, sentences and the grammars.(2min) Setting homework: writing. Use the knowledge in this class to write a conversation about animals, requirements are creating real situation and close to life, let the students learn to care for animals. 五、板书设计: 六、课后反思: Why do you lik
14、e pandas? 是七年级下册的第 5 单元。语言训练重 点是描述动物的外貌特征、生活习性以及人对动物的简单评价。语法 是用英语表示名词类别,why 、what、 where 引导的特殊疑问句和 一般现在时态的灵活运用。 本单元的话题是: Animals。 以谈论 Animals 为话题来引出 why 、what、 where 引导的特殊疑问句巩固一般现在 时态。全部对话和短文都围绕着这一话题把各项大小任务贯穿起来, 通过这些任务的完成,让本单元的教学达到预设的五维目标。 第一环节部分:由观看一个有趣的歌曲 video 引出动物话题, 并以 free talk 的形式与学生进行交流,引导学生
15、用英语说出视频歌曲跟哪 种动物有关。这一环节有助于吸引学生注意力,任务难度低,学生参 与度高,也有助于学生自信心的培养和活跃课堂气氛。以问题:What animals do you know? 引入新课,再以脑力风暴和思维导图的形式引 导学生说出各种各样的动物,很好地延续了学生的兴趣和注意力。学 生真的可以说出很多书本之外的动物单词,例如;frog,ant, crocodile 等词汇,学生兴趣盎然。 第二环节(部分):通过问题 What do you think of the animals?的设 置学习和拓展描述性形容词,然后通过提问的方式展开对话,呈现新 句型:What animals
16、do you like? 和 Why do you like them? 以词汇带 动句型,化零为整,深入浅出。游戏巩固词汇和句型,是本课时的高 潮部分。 很好地激发了学生说英语的欲望, 打开了学生的视野和思维, 任务的设计容易操作,由于所谈论的人物是学生最熟悉的和喜欢的, 使学生对英语的学习充满了信心。 同时又能够继续熟悉和训练本课时 前面部分提到过的句型和词汇。 第二环节部分是听说内容。通过猜测动物的叫声,让学生猜出动 物,这一环节大大激发了学生的兴趣,效果非常好。接着继续阅读文 字描述,猜动物,进一步巩固了预习时所学的词汇。然后通过一个 Free Talk 巩固句型What animal
17、s do you like? 和 Why do you like them? 并进入听力部分,温故知新。同时进行听前、听中和听后的指导和训 练,将对话转化成口头转述,充分训练学生说的能力。通过谈论宠物 这一话题激发了学生的学习兴趣和表达欲望。 此活动既训练了学生的 口语又能够调动学生的积极性和参与热情, 培养了学生用英语做事情 的能力。 第三环节(部分):书写和展示。首先通过任务:Lets go to the zoo and see the animals,然后再来通过 What animals do you want to see first? Where are the animals f
18、rom? Why do you like the animals? 等问 题引导学生完成任务。通过在教学中设计不同的书写任务,不断激发 学生的学习兴趣,让不同层次的学生不停参与,乐于参与。通过大量 的输入,最后引导学生写作文作为输出的活动。给出思维导图后,描 述熊猫的作文对同学来说是轻而易举的了。 第四环节(部分):“秀一秀”活动。 首先通过声音和图片复习动物 的名词和描述动物的形容词, 然后再通过对话谈论喜欢的动物和不喜 欢的动物及原因。在此基础上,让学生选择自己喜欢的动物头饰,进 行即兴发挥表演。学生通过小组合作,讨论,展示,把这个环节落实 得很好,各个小组竞相展示,学生很大胆,很活跃。
19、最后在歌声中结束本节课,在此引导同学们去热爱动物,保护 动物。 录制的本堂课,总体情况是很满意的,达到了调动学生兴趣,以 及渗透学习策略和小组合作学习的计划。 当然也有一些不足之处:在小组合作过程中,有个别学生不够积 极参与,趁机讲话;其他老师建议不要总是老师提问学生回答,可以 适当让学生自己问,自己回答,如果不会,老师再提供帮助。 教学建议: 对于优秀的学生,老师只讲授书本的知识还远远不够,因此在全 面整合书本内容的同时,要求老师要在课堂上补充及丰富教材;对于 基础较差的学生,教师更要特别了解他们对于新知识掌握的情况,多 设计一些能有助于他们理解和记忆的教学活动,只有这样,教师才能 兼顾到班级的各个层次的学生,使所有的学生都能学有所得。 同时,我们认为死板地跟着教材步骤教学的方式是不可取的,学生所 学的知识零散,容易忘记,也不会灵活运用。 采用了小组合作学习的模式, 教师容易对于小组中的个别学困生 有所忽视而导致出现了个别学生开小差的现象。 建议任课教师在设计 小组活动任务时,尽量每一个小组成员都有事可做,使所有学生都可 以参与到小组活动中来。