1、compositions of body fluidregulations of fluid balanceacid-basebalanceimportance of fluid balanceadjust of fluid metabolismdemonstratechartsbasic principles of treatmentsposthypophysisantidiuretic hormone is verysensitive to the changes ofextracellular osmotic pressure,even overstep 2water losethirs
2、t,drink morewater resorb urine reducewater is reserved keep homeostasisblood volume blood pressureNa+resorbK+drainageH+drainagekeep homeostasishypotonic dehydration body fluid decrease salt loss water loss interstitial eyehole introcession fluid Skin elasticity ECF osmotic ECF into cell ECF decrease
3、pressure pachemia blood volume vein collapse decrease BP decreaseADH secrete Severity shock ICF decrease not obviously ALD secrete renal tubule reabsorb renal tubule reabsorb water and natrum water and natrum earlier period urinary UNa decrease or abolitionvolume not decreaseNormal ECGP waveQRS inte
4、rvalT waveQT intervalS-T stageECG of HypokalemiaS-T lowerQT prolongU waveECG of HyperkalemiaQRS prolongT waveQT prolong2.blood serum K+,Na+,CI-,Ca2+,Mg2+and Pi3.arterial bloodgas analysis4.determinblood urine osmotic pressure,p.r.n.Laboratory examination2 actively correct oxygen deficiency3 retrieve severeacidosis or alkalosis4 treat hyperkalemiaChiefly measuresthalamo-posthypophysis-antidiureticsystemrenin-AldosteronesystemFLUIDECF (Na+)(20%)ICF (K+)(40%)Funct ECFnonFunct ECF(1-2%)ISF(15%)Plasma(5%)Fluid consist of:Electrolytes consist of:Every Day Fluid Metabolism