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1、19-0Lecture 17融融 资资19-11.公开发行 基本过程 管理层获取董事会许可。企业准备并向美国证监会提交注册申请书(Registration Statement)。美国证交会在等待期内研究注册申请书。企业准备并向美国证交会提交修正注册陈述书(amended Registration Statement)。美国证交会批准后,即开始定价和开始全面的销售努力。19-2公开发行的过程公开发行的步骤 时间1.承销前会议 pre-underwriting conferences2.注册申请 registration statement3.发行定价pricing of issue4.公开发行和

2、销售public offering&sale 5.市场安定操作market stabilization 几个月 20天的等候期 通常在第20天 第20天之后 发行30天之后19-3 1993至1995年,实行“额度额度管理管理”。主要做法是,国务院证券管理部门先确定总额度,然后根据各个省级行政区域和行业的需要分配总额度,再由省级政府或行业主管部门来选择和确定可以发行股票的企业(主要是国企)。此后,股票发行又实行了“指标管理指标管理”。即由国务院证券管理部门确定在一定时期内应发行上市的企业家数,然后向省级政府和行业管理部门下达股票发行家数指标。省级政府或行业管理部门据此推荐预选企业。“额度管理”

3、和“指标管理”,都是以指令性计划为特点的“审批制审批制”。地方及一些部委在股票发行上拥有很大权力。直到1998年才告一段落。19-4 1998年2月,根据国务院机构改革方案,国务院证券委与中国证监会合并组成国务院直属正部级事业单位,即现在的证监会。证券发行的审批权完全收归中央后,证监会发行部就成了这一权力的载体。行政化的审批制度成为滋生腐败的温床。19-5 1998年5月29日中国证监会颁布的股票发行审核工作程序已经明确地规定对上市公司的选择分两个阶段进行。第一个阶段是预选阶段,其中有五个步骤:(1)中国证监会下达股票发行家数指标;(2)地方政府或国务院有关产业部门推荐;(3)中国证监会发行部

4、受理预选材料;(4)征求国务院有关部门意见;(5)中国证监会预选审核。19-6第二阶段是审批阶段,其中又有五个步骤:(1)地方政府或国务院有关产业部门初审;(2)中国证监会发行部受理申报材料;(3)中国证监会发行部审核;(4)发行审核委员会审议;(5)发审委审议通过后,中国证监会将根据市场情况,确定企业发行的具体时间,并按程序核发准予公开发行股票的批文。通过严格的审批程序和产业发展要求来选择上市公司。19-7 我国股票一级市场对新上市公司的选择基本上体现了国家的产业政策方向 新股发行的大部分集中在水利、交通、通讯等基础产业;电子信息、生物工程、新材料、航天航空等高新技术产业,电子、石化、汽车等

5、国家支持的产业以及其他政府鼓励支持的行业范围,特别是其中的国有企业因所在行业中的地位重要、主业突出、潜力较大,在新股发行中的比重明显提高。19-8 2000年3月股票发行核准程序颁布实施,标志着“核准制核准制”的正式施行。核准制取消了由行政方法分配指标的做法,改为由主承销商推荐、发行审核委员会表决、证监会核准的办法。2001年3月,中国证券市场开始实行了核准制下的“通道制通道制”,也就是向各综合类券商下达可推荐拟公开发行股票的企业家数。只要具有主承销商资格,就可获得2至9个通道,具体的通道数以2000年该主承销商所承销的项目数为基准,新的综合类券商将有2个通道数。19-9 2004年2月以后“

6、保荐制保荐制”阶段即保荐代表人制度。保荐制的主体由保荐人和保荐机构两部分组成,满足一定条件和资格的人可担任企业发行股票的保荐人。凡具有两个以上保荐人的证券公司(或资产管理公司),并具备推荐企业发行上市的资格,就可成为保荐机构。19-10 74家保荐机构,1800多位保荐人 2010年平均年薪100万 前100位,平均年薪608万 最低258万,最高2000万19-11广告的示例 19-12中国中铁股份有限公司首次公开发行A股股票招股意向书 (一)发行股票类型:A 股人民币普通股 (二)发行股数:不超过467,500 万股 (三)每股面值:1.00 元 (四)每股发行价格:元 (五)预计发行日期

7、:2007 年 月 日 (六)拟申请上市证券交易所:上海证券交易所 (七)A 股发行后总股本:不超过1,747,500 万股 (八)A 股、H 股发行后总股本 (若H 股成功发行):不超过2,080,100 万股(H 股超额配售选择权行使前)不超过2,129,990 万股(全额行使H 股超额配售选择权)境内上市流通股份(A 股)数量:不超过467,500 万股境外上市流通股份(H 股)数量 (不含社保基金持股):不超过332,600 万股(H 股超额配售选择权行使前)不超过382,490 万股(全额行使H 股超额配售选择权)(九)本次发行前股东所持股份的流通限制、股东对所持股份自愿锁定的承诺:

8、控股股东中铁工承诺:自本公司A 股股票在上海证券交易所上市之日起三十六个月内,不转让或者 委托他人管理其持有的本公司股份,也不由本公司收购该部分股份。但是,若H 股发行成功,中铁 工按有关规定进行国有股减持,或者在获得批准并履行有关程序后,将其所持本公司的股份转让给境外投资者,并在香港联交所以H 股方式交易,不受上述时间限制 (十)联席保荐人(主承销商):(排名不分先后)中银国际证券有限责任公司、瑞银证券有限责任公司 (十一)招股意向书签署日期:2007 年11 月6 日19-13新股统计今年来全球IPO按地区排名情况一览表(2007.11.22)国家/地区 募资总额 占全球比 IPO家数 募

9、资总额 占全球比 IPO家数 同比变化 (百万美元)()(百万美元)()()中国内地 41576.4 16.0 172 43567.5 19.2 97 -4.6 美国 38187.9 14.7 170 39903.0 17.6 167 -4.3 巴西 25610.6 9.9 59 6364.0 2.8 23 302.4 俄罗斯 20061.7 7.7 22 17028.8 7.5 16 17.8 英国 12161.5 4.7 81 17117.1 7.5 126 -29.0 德国 10008.8 3.9 38 7683.0 3.4 37 30.3 中国香港 9093.6 3.5 44 2931

10、.6 1.3 25 210.2 西班牙 8791.0 3.4 9 3564.1 1.6 9 146.7 印度 7508.4 2.9 78 3205.6 1.4 60 134.2 日本 5602.2 2.2 111 16916.9 7.4 170 -66.9 全球总共 259388.1 100.0 1341 227431.7 100.0 1255 14.1 19-1419.2 选择发行方法 有两种公开发行:普通现金发行 配股发行 几乎所有的债务都是通过普通现金发行的。19-1519.3 现金发行 发行股票以获取现金(public offer for cash)有两种方法:包销 代销 选择承销商也

11、有两种方法:竞标 协议19-16包销 包销式乘销,投资银行买下企业发行的所有证券 显然,投行这么做是需要利润的,所以他们按“批发价”买进,按“零售价”卖出 为了最小化风险,投行家们通常组成承销团以分担风险并共同努力向公众推销证券19-17代销 代销式乘销,投资银行不需购买企业发行的证券。相反的,承销商起到中介的作用。通过销售股份来收取佣金,并尽最大努力来完成整个发行的销售。相比,代销在首次公开发行中更为常见。19-18IPO定价19-19投资银行家为新发行股票定立合理价格的激励在于?投资银行家为新发行股票定立合理价格的激励在于?为新股定价是非常困难的。投资银行家拥有比其他任何人更多的信息和更好


13、资者:有信息的和没有信息的。没有信息的投资者:愿意以合理的价格购买1百万股准确的评估到每股新股价值为$10的概率为0.5,而价值为$12的概率也是0.5 有信息的投资者:知道股票的价值为$10或$12,当价格低于其真实价值时,他愿意购买1百万股。19-22假设承销商的要价为每股$11。Claim:如果没有信息的投资者按每股$11购买新股,平均而言,他们将会亏本。19-23情况 1:真实价值为$12有信息的投资者下单购买1百万股没有信息的投资者也下单购买1百万股每类投资者得到50万股(pro-rata rule)两类投资者都赚取了$500,000。情况 2:真实价值为$10 有信息的投资者下单购

14、买0股没有信息的投资者下单购买1百万股没有信息的投资者将损失1百万。当股票定价高于其真实价值时,没有信息的投资者得到相对更多的股票-赢家的诅咒19-24没有信息的投资者的预期收益:(.5)(500,000)+(.5)(-1,000,000)=-250,000 基本的教训:承销商给出的要约价格必须$75 m。最近没有违反SEC规定。19-62长期表现长期表现 事例:在长达5年的时期内,跟踪一般的IPOs和SEOs,这些股票表现差于市场指数 对小公司的影响最明显。首次公开发行首次公开发行 如果你在1970-1990时期投资于首次公开发行的股票并持有 5年,你的5年平均收益率将是15.7%。如果你投

15、资于与首次公开发行企业有相似特征的non-IPOs股票,你的5年平均收益率将是66.4%。19-63股权再融资股权再融资 如果你在1970-1990时期投资于股权再融资企业的股票并持有 5年,你的5年平均收益率将是33.4%。如果你投资于与股权再融资企业有相似特征的non-SEOs的股票,你5年的平均收益率将是92.8%。这些发现是否与有效市场相一致呢?19-64解释-测量误差/统计问题-“机会窗 windows of opportunity”19-65图一:1996-2005年同等权重IPO股票组合后市表现 19-66 图二:1996-2005年熊市上市同等权重IPO股票组合后市表现19-6

16、7图三:1996-2005年牛市上市同等权重IPO股票组合后市表现 19-68 表六:不同时间IPO公司股票的后市表现 样本数量 CAR(%)IPO时间 第1月 第36月 第1月 第12月 第24月 第36月 1996-1998 360 348 -2.03 -4.01 -5.24 -10.45 1999-2001 308 293 0.18 2.12 -2.60 -5.68 2002-2005 188 97 -1.52 0.99 12.24 14.65 19-69解释“一年盈,二年平,三年亏”盈余管理财务包装财务欺诈 19-70公开增发条件:一、最近三个会计年度加权平均净资产收益率平均不低于10

17、,且最近一个会计年度加权平均净资产收益率不低于10。扣除非经常性损益后的净利润与扣除前的净利润相比,以低者作为加权平均净资产收益率的计算依据。19-71 19-72Is there penalty for crime?Corporate scandal and management turnover in ChinaPeng SunPeking UniversityYi ZhangPeking University200719-73Stock market around the world in 2001-2002EnronWorldcom Xerox Parmalat.19-74in 200

18、2 US Sarbanes-Oxley Act signed Many managers were punished by law or other disciplines To date,in the Enron case 34 defendants have been charged,including 25 former Enron executives,and 16 defendants have so far been convicted.Former Enron Vice Chairmen suicided in 2002 when the investgition started

19、19-75Stock market in Chinaa booming of corporate scandals since 1992,about 200 listed firms among 1200 have been subject to security enforcement actions by China Securities Regulation Commission(CSRC),Shenzhen Stock Exchange(SZSE)and Shanghai Stock Exchange(SSE).The ratio of firms with scandal is fa

20、r above the level of other countries 19-76Motivation Zhang(2006)corporate governance does not help in avoiding scandal in China legal enforcement matters What are the costs to management for frauds?Are there penalties on those top managers and directors accused of fraud?19-77Case 1 Zhengzhou Baiwen

21、Co.,Ltd.(Group)Chairman Fuqian Li and chief executive officer(CEO)Yide Lu were fired soon after the revelation of the firms fraud in accounting statements by CSRC in 2001.In 2002,Fuqian Li and Yide Lu were sentenced to imprisonment for three and two years respectively.19-78Case 2 L and H,who are cha

22、irman and CEO of firm A respectively,kept their jobs though being convicted by CSRC of announcing false profit and concealing large guarantee contracts in 2002.Case 3Z announced his resignation as chairman of firm B in March 2000,which was convicted by SZSE for its notorious corporate scandals in in

23、appropriately lending to large shareholders from 1994 to 2000.After that Z became a senior official in the government of City Y in Province H.19-79II.Issues there are various consequences faced by the firms and senior officials that have committed frauds the penalty from the regulation authorities f

24、alling stock price legal penalty for management and corporation.reputation penalty to the management committing fraud.19-80we choose the last year the fraud occurs as year 0 study management turnover in the window of year 0,+2.Among those 155 firms,there are 126 CEOs and 127 chairmen are replaced.Ho

25、wever,69 CEOs and 67 chairmen lose their jobs before the regulation authorities announcement date of fraud.19-81The penalty for scandal from regulation authorities Table 3 The enforcement action taken by the CSRC,SHSE and SZSE Panel A:Classification of Penalty for Firms Different Kinds of Frauds Cri

26、ticism Public Condemnation Warning Fining Warning&Fining Warning,Fining&Confiscation of Illegal Earnings Firms 31 83 10 2 9 9 19-82 Panel B:Classification of Penalty for CEO,Chairman and Directors Criticism Public Condemnation Warning Fining Warning&Fining Severe Administrative Punishments CEO 3(3)1

27、8(14)5(5)1(1)11(11)5(5)Chairman 9(9)34(30)7(7)1(1)16(13)5(5)Directors(nonchairman)17(3)190(28)112(12)11(1)62(10)0(0)19-83No firms actually go bankruptcy because of conviction of fraud.Out of 155 firms convicted for fraud,only 2 firms get delisted after the conviction of fraud.Overall the enforcement

28、 actions are not severe for firms convicted for scandal.19-84Stock price reactions to the revelation of frauds cumulative abnormal return(CAR)for the days(-1,+1)Panel A of Table 4 the mean CAR of fraud firms is 0.014 and is statistically significant negative.Panel B The CAR for“criticism”is positive

29、 but not significant.The CAR for“Public Condemnation”is 0.0235 and is statistically significant negative.The CAR for“warning”and“warning,fining&confiscation of illegal earnings”is negative but not statistically significant The CAR for“fining”and “warning&fining”is positive but not statistically sign

30、ificant.19-85Univariate comparisons of top management and CEO turnover rates (Table 6)the fraud firms have a significant higher management turnover rates during the keyed fraud year and the subsequent two years.The last row of Panel A on average the turnover of senior executives is 1.11 in a fraud f

31、irm in the following years(0,+2)while the control firms have a mean management turnover rate of 0.743 percent similarly the fraud firms have a higher CEO turn over than the control firms 19-86Table 6 Senior management and CEO turnover in fraud and control samples Mean Years around year of fraud anno

32、uncement(0)Fraud Control t-STATISTIC FOR PAIRED DIFFERENCE WILCOXON TEST P-VALUE Panel A:Top Managers:0.331.215 2.950*.005+1.418.268 2.989*.001+2.363.260 2.416*.010(0,+1).750.483 4.603*.001(+1,+2).782.528 4.094*.001(0,+2)1.113.743 5.271*.001 19-87 Panel B:CEO 0.426.290 2.180*.035+1.529.329 3.438*.00

33、1+2.394.226 3.020*.003(0,+1).955.619 3.879*.001(+1,+2).922.555 4.801*.001(0,+2)1.348.845 5.032*.001 19-88Univariate comparisons of board and Chairman turnover each measure of turnover rate is significantly larger for the fraud firms than for the control firms 19-89Table 9 Board members and Chairman

34、Turnover in fraud and control samples MEAN Year Fraud Control t-statistic for paired difference Wilcoxon test p-value Panel A:Board Members 0.270.178 3.447*.001+1.370.252 3.161*.003+2.340.234 2.901*.002(0,+1).640.429 4.779*.001(+1,+2).710.486 4.060*.001(0,+2).979.663 5.443*.001 19-90 Panel B:Chairm

35、an 0.336.200 2.655*.009+1.503.174 5.823*.001+2.368.194 3.210*.002(0,+1).839.374 5.811*.001(+1,+2).871.368 6.507*.001(0,+2)1.207.568 6.597*.001 19-91ConclusionThe results show that management turnover is higher for scandal firms than for the control firms.This is consistent with the results of Jayara

36、man et al.(2004)Desai et al.(2006)Actually is also consistent with the results of Agrawal et a(1999).It seems that the managerial labor market disciplines the managers and directors committing scandals.19-92 The End?19-93However it is possible that the managers and directors leave their positions to

37、 avoid liabilities.Their leave can make the investigation difficult.Our results show that a large number of managers and directors leave their positions soon after the fraud and thus the replacement or resignation may take place before the authorities investigations start.19-94Final outcomes for CEO

38、s and chairmen We search for the final real outcomes of CEOs and chairmen associated with fraud scandals.We are able to collect detailed data for 144 CEOs and 150 chairmen from 155 fraud firms.19-95We categorize the outcomes for CEOs and chairmen in fraud firms into 9 groups Group A-get promoted to

39、higher level positions in larger firms or their parent firms or higher level positions in government administrations.Group B-keep their initial positions or move to similar positions in the same firm or other firm affiliated in the same group.Group C-includes those moved to same level positions in o

40、ther comparable firms.19-96Group D-moved to lower positions in the same firm.Group E-moved to lower positions in other firms.Group F-retire right after scandal or died soon after scandal.Group G-went(flee)to U.S.and other countries.Group H-subjected to severe administrative punishment,e.g.,dismissed

41、 from the firm,forbiddance to management position in listed firms,suggested dismissal from office or the Party by CSRC.Group I-sentenced on the court.19-9719-9819-99the results are astonishing 41 percent of the CEOs and 33 percent of the chairmen keep their positions or move to positions at similar

42、level in the same firms or firms within the same affiliated group11 percent of CEOs and 10 percent of chairmen leave the firm and take same level of top management positions in other comparable firms.19-100More surprising 14 percent of the CEOs and 27 percent of chairmen get promoted to higher level

43、 of positions in larger firms or their parent firms or higher level of positions in government administrations.19-101Getting“worse”Getting“worse”19 percent of the CEOs and 10 percent of the chairmen were demoted to lower level of positions in the same firms or other firms affiliated with the same gr

44、oup,6 percent of the CEOs and 3 percent of the chairmen moved to lower positions in other firms.1 percent of the CEOs and 9 percent of the chairmen retired or died soon after scandals.19-102The worst go to 2 percent CEOs and 3 percent chairmen go to US and other countries.(Is it bad?)Only 3 percent

45、of CEOs and 2 percent of chairmen receive severe administrative penalties.(Not sure how bad it is)3 percent of CEOs and 3 percent of chairmen were suited and sentenced to jail for the frauds we focus on.all the sentences rang from 2 to 3 years in jail 19-103Findings The enforcement actions from CSRC

46、,SHSE and SZSE are not severe for firms convicted for fraud.A large portion of the CEOs and the chairmen keep their positions or move to positions at similar level in the same firm or in other comparable firms,or get promoted to parent firms or even government.although CEOs and chairmen in fraud fir

47、ms are very likely to leave their positions around fraud events,they do not receive severe penalty.19-104案例:哈空调增发利益链的合谋与背叛 基金闪进闪出抛售2009年中期,中邮系旗下的两只基金合计持有3550万股,占流通盘的14.63%。2009年年报显示交银系基金持有1780万股。然而在2010年一季度,重仓持有哈空调的基金大规模卖出,其中中邮核心基金至少减持了1600万股,交银系至少减持900万股。一季度华夏系和大成系等基金开始接手哈空调。但是让人意外的是,随后的4月份,他们开始选择了


49、否后,开始新的增发计划。“去年年底,招商证券就已经开始与哈空调进行接触。”据知情人士透露。这一说法得到了招商证券内部人士和上述基金服务人士的证实。按照之前市场普遍预计市场普遍预计,哈空调2009年业绩将达到1元/股,国信证券一行业研究员也表示,之前机构对于哈空调的业绩非常乐观,曾有一基金研究员预计业绩会达到1.5元/股。据知情人士透露,“有的机构对哈空调管理层提出要求提前知道业绩等不规范要求,态度非常强硬。这让哈空调管理层很恼火。基金甚至威胁如果不合作就对增发基金甚至威胁如果不合作就对增发投反对票,阻止哈空调的增发。投反对票,阻止哈空调的增发。19-107定向增发 2009年7月14日保利地产

50、以24.12元的价格定向增发近80亿元,除保利集团认购15亿元以外,其余65亿元增发给其他机构或个人 南方和博时基金公司合计动用20.17亿元购买8362.12万股。紧随其后金地集团实施定向增发,工银瑞信基金动用4.2亿元认购金地集团定向增发3000万股,定向增发价格为14元。截至5月19日,保利地产收于10.71元(10送3除权),与增发价相比,跌幅高达42.28%;金地集团收报6.19元(10送8除权)与1定向增发价格相比下跌了20.41%。按当天收盘价计算,南方和博时两家基金公司的浮亏已高达8.53亿元;工银瑞信基金的浮亏也达8574万元。19-108定向增发“增发王”刘益谦 保利地产、



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