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1、 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school保健食品的功能及作用教 师:杨艺超GUANGZHOU MEDICAL UNIVERSITY when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school授课内容单击此处添加文字内容保健食品的概述单击此处添加文字内容保健食品的功能12单击此处添加文字内容常见保健食品的作用3 when is your birthday can you play the gui

2、tar what time do you go to school一、保健食品概述基本概念保健食品的基本特点药物 普通食品 营养强化食品与保健食品的区别保健食品分类 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 保健食品的概念 指具有调节人体生理功能 适宜特定人群食用 又不以治疗疾病为目的的一类食品调节人体生理功能 故称“功能食品”具有增进健康作用 故又可称之“健康食品”1.基本概念 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what ti

3、me do you go to school 保健食品的标识 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 保健食品的品牌 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school保健食品的常见类型袋泡茶型片剂型胶囊型软胶囊型粉末冲剂型 口服液型 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school

4、食品属性 基本属性决定保健食品必须有营养 成分属性 含有某种成分的天然食品 或添加或去除某种成分2.保健食品的基本特点 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 功能属性 调节人体生理活性功能 适合于特定人群 非药品属性 不能直接用于治疗疾病 只调节机理 营养补充剂 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 药品与保健食品的区别 是否以预防 诊断和治疗疾病为目的 普通食品与保健

5、食品的区别 是否强调保健功能 限于特定人群食用 营养强化剂与保健食品的区别 是否以食品为载体3.药物 普通食品 营养强化食品与保健食品的区别 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school保健食品普通食品目的特定保健功能提供营养毒副作用基本无毒或无毒无毒适宜人群限于特定适宜及不适宜人群所有人群 保健食品 VS 普通食品 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school保健食品药品目的保健康复

6、治病毒副作用 基本无毒或无毒允许一定程度的毒副作用剂量按机体的正常需要自由摄取,具有规定的食用量按医生的处方,有剂量的限制使用方法 仅口服注射、涂抹等 保健食品 VS 药品 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 第一代产品(强化食品)仅根据各类成分功能来推断整个产品功能 而这些功能并没有经过任何试验予以证实 第二代产品(初级产品)要求经过人体及动物试验 证实某种生理功能 第三代产品(高级产品)不仅经过人体及动物试验 证明某种生理功能而且需要查清具有该项功能的功效成分4.保健食品分类

7、 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school二、保健食品的功能保健食品的功能保健食品三个主要作用保健食品的常用功效成分和生理功能 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school1.增强免疫力10.改善睡眠19.对化学肝损伤有辅助保护功能2.辅助降血脂*11.促进泌乳*20.祛痤疮*3.辅助降血糖*12.缓解体力疲劳#21.祛黄褐斑*4.抗氧化*13.提高缺氧耐受力22.改善皮肤水份*5

8、.辅助改善记忆*14.对辐射危害有辅助保护23.改善皮肤油份*6.缓解视疲劳*15.减肥*#24.调节肠道菌群*7.促进排铅*16.改善生长发育*25.促进消化*8.清咽功能*17.增加骨密度26.通便*9.辅助降血压*18.改善营养性贫血*27.对胃粘膜损伤有辅助保护*1.保健食品的功能 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 保健食品主要功能分布 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go t

9、o school 增强生理功能的保健食品 预防慢性疾病的保健食品 增强机体对外界有害物质因素抵抗力的保健食品2.保健食品三个主要作用 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school(1)增强生理功能 增强免疫力氨基酸、蛋白质和免疫球蛋白类:大豆多肽、各种氨基酸产品、牛初乳维生素和微量元素:VA、VE、Se、Zn核酸制剂类:多聚核苷酸、免疫核糖核酸免疫佐剂类:蜂胶、蜂花粉中药类:灵芝、黄芪、白芍、芦荟、当归 when is your birthday can you play the guit

10、ar what time do you go to school 抗氧化VC、VE、胡萝卜素、Se、番茄红素、低聚原花青素、硫辛酸、黄酮类、多酚类、多糖类、SOD、过氧化氢酶、谷胱甘肽 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 辅助改善记忆脂类:不饱和脂肪酸、磷脂、胆固醇矿物质:钙、镁、钠、钾维生素与抗氧化剂:VC、VE、B族维生素中药类:酸枣仁、龙眼肉、枸杞子、红景天、五味子、银杏 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what

11、time do you go to school 缓解视疲劳能量人体必需的维生素和矿物质中药类:通过提高机体器官的功能,特别是循环系统的功能,加速体内代谢物质的清除、排出 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 改善睡眠褪黑素、刺五加、酸枣仁天麻、柏子仁等 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 促进消化 促进泌乳功能 缓解体力疲劳 提高缺氧耐受力 when is your

12、 birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school(2)预防慢性疾病 减肥膳食纤维壳聚糖左旋肉碱中药类:决明子、山楂、泽泻、车前子其他:咖啡因、茶碱、可可碱 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 增加骨密度直接补充钙质而达到增加骨密度:各种钙制剂、VD调节骨代谢、促进钙的吸收:大豆异黄酮类 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do

13、you go to school 辅助降血脂油脂类:多不饱和脂肪酸类如葵花油、玉米油、红花油、月见草油中含丰富的亚油酸;亚麻酸、DHA、EPA、卵磷脂中药类:山楂、何首乌、决明子、大黄等其他:膳食纤维、植物固醇、VE、VC、Ca、Cr、Cu、Mn、Mg、Se、I;蜂产品、螺旋藻 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 辅助降血糖食品类:南瓜、苦瓜、魔芋、胡萝卜、冬瓜、玉米等中药类:人参、党参、黄芪、白术、山药等其他:膳食纤维、黄酮类、VC、VB6、Se、Cu、Cr when is y

14、our birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 辅助降血压氨基酸不饱和脂肪酸微量元素维生素降压中药材:决明子、葛根、杜仲、灵芝、酸枣仁。when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school(3)增强机体对外界有害物质因素抵抗力 促进排铅 对辐射危害辅助保护 对化学性肝损伤辅助保护 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go t

15、o school蛋白质 多肽和氨基酸具有保健功能的碳水化合物具有保健功能的脂类具有保健功能的植物活性成分益生菌及其发酵制品的保健功能3.保健食品的常用功效成分和生理功能 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 免疫球蛋白的生理功效 促进免疫细胞对病原体的吞噬 促进免疫细胞对肿瘤细胞或受感染细胞的杀伤和破坏 通过胎盘传递给婴儿,增加胎儿和新生儿的免疫力 与补体结合可杀死有害细菌病毒,增强防御能力(1)蛋白质 多肽和氨基酸 when is your birthday can you pl

16、ay the guitar what time do you go to school 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)自由基清除剂 具有抗氧化功能 提高肌体对疾病的抵抗力辐射损伤 炎症 缺血 糖尿病 老年性白内障 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 大豆多肽 吸收利用快速 抑制或延缓“负氮平衡”抗疲劳 有效地促进能量代谢 配合低能量膳食有利减肥 阻碍肠道内胆固醇吸收 促进其排泄 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what tim

17、e do you go to school 谷胱甘肽(GSH)消除自由基 解毒、排毒 可防止皮肤老化及色素沉着 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 牛磺酸 促进脑细胞DNA RNA和蛋白质合成 增强记忆 改善视神经功能 抗氧化 增强机体的自由基清除作用 稳定细胞膜 参与胆酸盐代谢 促进脂质 脂溶性物质消化吸收 促进免疫活性物质白介素IL-2,-干扰素产生 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you

18、go to school 膳食纤维(DF)预防便秘 改善肠道菌群 控制体重 调节血糖血脂 对矿物质吸收的影响 糖醛酸问题(2)具有保健功能的碳水化合物 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 低聚糖(寡糖)双岐杆菌增殖因子 抑制有害菌 可减毒排毒 抑制肿瘤 低能量糖 热值约为砂糖的50%不被口腔细菌分解 可防龋齿 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 活性多糖 -植物多糖

19、 降血糖 抗疲劳 调节免疫功能 延缓衰老 抑制肿瘤 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 活性多糖 -动物多糖 降血脂 增强免疫 抗肿瘤 吸附肠道毒素 螯合重金属 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 活性多糖 -抗性淀粉 改善肠道菌群平衡 降低血清总胆固醇和甘油三酯 降低餐后血糖 when is your birthday can you play the guita

20、r what time do you go to school多不饱和脂肪酸-3多不饱和脂肪酸:距羧基最远端的双键是在倒数第3个碳原子上,例如:EPA、DPA、DHA、ALA;-6多不饱和脂肪酸:距羧基最远端的双键是在倒数第6个碳原子上,例如:LA、GLA、AA;(3)具有保健功能的脂类 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school-3多不饱和脂肪酸的生理功效 降血脂和血压,预防心脑血管疾病 抑制血小板凝集,防止血栓形成与中风,预防老年痴呆症 增强视网膜的反射能力,预防视力退化 增强记忆力

21、,提高学习效果 防止动脉硬化,对糖尿病具有一定的预防作用 预防炎症和哮喘,预防癌症 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school-6多不饱和脂肪酸的生理功效 预防动脉粥样硬化 降血脂。GLA是预防和治疗高血脂疗效最好、安全性最高的物质。预防高血压、改善过敏性湿疹 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 大豆磷脂 维持细胞膜结构与功能完整 延缓衰老 保护肝脏 降低胆固醇 改善脑功能

22、 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school DHA和EPA 降血脂 抗凝血 健脑 保护视力 抗炎 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 植物固醇 抑制胆固醇在肝脏中合成和肠道吸收 促其异化 阻断致癌物对癌细胞的诱发 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 酚类化合

23、物(包括酚类色素:花青素、花黄素)抗氧化作用 调节血脂 保护血管 抑制肿瘤 类雌激素作用 (4)具有保健功能的植物活性成分 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 有机硫化合物 杀菌:大蒜具广谱杀菌作用 抑癌:异硫氰酸盐防止致癌物诱发癌症大蒜素可阻断亚硝胺生物合成 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 萜类化合物 苧烯及衍生物紫苏子醛抑制胆固醇合成 显著抑制乳腺癌 降脂

24、抑制血清中脂质氧化 抗凝血作用 抗氧化 减轻自由基损伤 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 天然色素 延缓衰老 抑制肿瘤 调节血脂 抗辐射 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 黄酮类化合物 调节毛细血管壁的脆性和渗透性,保护心血管系统 如:异黄酮、芦丁、橙皮苷、儿茶素、槲皮素 抑制恶性细胞生长,抗肿瘤 具有螯合能力影响酶的活性 对Vc有增效作用 when is yo

25、ur birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 皂苷 溶血 降低胆固醇 抗菌、抗病毒 提高机体抗缺氧能力 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school 生物碱化合物 生物碱的生理功效多种多样 吗啡碱:镇痛 可待因碱:止咳 麻黄碱:止喘 阿托品碱:解痉 长春碱与花椒碱:抗肿瘤 辣椒素:消炎、止痛、治疗肌肉酸痛 有些生物碱具有毒性 when is your birthday can you play the g

26、uitar what time do you go to school 促进消化吸收 调节肠道菌群平衡 提高免疫力 (5)益生菌及其发酵制品的保健功能 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school三、常见保健食品的作用鱼肝油与鱼油减肥茶脑白金太太血乐口服液生命一号“忘不了”3A脑营养胶丸 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school1.鱼肝油与鱼油(1)鱼肝油【主要成份】维生素 A 和

27、 D。【保健功能】改善视力和促进骨骼 成长。【适宜人群】维生素A、D缺乏症、夜盲症、角膜炎、软骨病、营养不良及疾病的恢复期人群。【不适宜人群】VA、VD过量者。when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school(2)鱼油【主要成份】EPA、DHA 及维生素 A、E、D。【保健功能】调节血脂、提高记忆、改善视力【适宜人群】胆固醇过高的人群;有心脏病、高血压、动脉硬化症状的人群;视力减弱的人群【不适宜人群】肝病、对鱼或海鲜过敏者。when is your birthday can you play

28、the guitar what time do you go to school【主要成分】总皂甙、茶多酚【保健功能】减肥、调节血脂【适宜人群】单纯性肥胖人群、血脂偏高者【不适宜人群】少年儿童、孕妊期及哺乳期妇女【注意事项】本品不能代替药物,减至标准体重后请适量饮用2.减肥茶 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school主要原料主要原料 胶囊:褪黑素胶囊:褪黑素 口服液:低聚糖、山楂、茯苓口服液:低聚糖、山楂、茯苓功效成分及含量功效成分及含量胶囊:每粒含褪黑素胶囊:每粒含褪黑素3 3毫毫克

29、;口服液每克;口服液每100100毫升含低聚糖毫升含低聚糖2525克克保健作用保健作用改善睡眠、润肠通便改善睡眠、润肠通便适宜人群适宜人群中老年人中老年人不适宜人群不适宜人群青少年、孕妇及哺乳期妇女青少年、孕妇及哺乳期妇女、自身免疫性疾病患者及抑郁型精神病患者。、自身免疫性疾病患者及抑郁型精神病患者。3.脑白金 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school【主要成份】铁、芍药苷【保健功能】改善营养性贫血【适宜人群】营养性贫血者【注意事项】本品不能代替药物 4.太太血乐口服液 when is

30、 your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school【主要成份】牛磺酸、磷脂【保健功能】促进青少年生长发育,补充大脑营养、改善记忆能力,提高机体免疫力。生命一号生命一号【适宜人群】学龄发育期青少年、脑力劳动强度大、年老体弱者5.生命一号 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school【功效成份】DHA、EPA、DPA、VE【保健功能】改善记忆【适宜人群】青少年【不适宜人群】有出血性疾病和出血倾向者6.“忘不了”3A脑营养胶丸 when is your birthday can you play the guitar what time do you go to school



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