1、Outline Conception of deep learning Development history Deep learning frameworks Deep neural network architectures Convolutional neural networks Introduction Network structure Training tricks Application in Aesthetic Image Evaluation Idea Deep Learning(Hinton,2006)Deep learning is a branch of machin
2、e learning based on a set of algorithms that attempt to model high level abstractions in data.The advantage of deep learning is to extracting features automatically instead of extracting features manually.Computer vision Speech recognition Natural language processingDevelopment History19431940 1950
3、1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 MP model1958Single-layerPerceptron1969XORproblem1986BP algorithm1989CNN-LeNet1995 1997SVMLSTMGradient disappearance problem19912006DBNReLU2011 2012 2015DropoutAlexNetBNFaster R-CNNResidualNetGeoffrey HintonW.PittsRosenblattMarvin MinskyYann LeCunHintonHintonHintonLeCunB
4、engio3 convolution layers+2 pooling layers+1 fully connected layer+1 output layerAdvantages:RNN aims to process the sequence data.Convolution layerX_test,y_test=data2DenseLayer),def load_dataset():Simplified calculationreshape(-1,1,28,28)Neural networkverbose=1,Hidden units and visible unitsDeep Bel
5、ief Networks(DBN)A multi-scene deep learning model for image aesthetic evaluationJ.Simplified calculationDeep Learning FrameworksDeep neural network architectures Deep Belief Networks(DBN)Recurrent Neural Networks(RNN)Generative Adversarial Networks(GANs)Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)Long Short-
6、Term Memory(LSTM)DBN(Deep Belief Network,2006)Hidden units and visible units Each unit is binary(0 or 1).Every visible unit connects to all the hidden units.Every hidden unit connects to all the visible units.There are no connections between v-v and h-h.Hinton G E.Deep belief networksJ.Scholarpedia,
7、2009,4(6):5947.Fig1.RBM(restricted Boltzmann machine)structure.Fig2.DBN(deep belief network)structure.Idea?Composed of multiple layers of RBM.How to we train these additional layers?Unsupervised greedy approachRNN(Recurrent Neural Network,2013)What?RNN aims to process the sequence data.RNN will reme
8、mber the previous information and apply it to the calculation of the current output.That is,the nodes of the hidden layer are connected,and the input of the hidden layer includes not only the output of the input layer but also the output of the hidden layer.Marhon S A,Cameron C J F,Kremer S C.Recurr
9、ent Neural NetworksM/Handbook on Neural Information Processing.Springer Berlin Heidelberg,2013:29-65.Applications?Machine TranslationGenerating Image DescriptionsSpeech RecognitionHow to train?BPTT(Back propagation through time)GANs(Generative Adversarial Networks,2014)GANs Inspired by zero-sum Game
10、 in Game Theory,which consists of a pair of networks-a generator network and a discriminator network.The generator network generates a sample from the random vector,the discriminator network discriminates whether a given sample is natural or counterfeit.Both networks train together to improve their
11、performance until they reach a point where counterfeit and real samples can not be distinguished.Goodfellow I,Pouget-Abadie J,Mirza M,et al.Generative adversarial netsC/Advances in neural information processing systems.2014:2672-2680.Applacations:Image editingImage to image translationGenerate textG
12、enerate images based on textCombined with reinforcement learningAnd moreLong Short-Term Memory(LSTM,1997)Neural NetworksNeuronNeural networkConvolutional Neural Networks(CNN)Convolution neural network is a kind of feedforward neural network,which has the characteristics of simple structure,less trai
13、ning parameters and strong adaptability.CNN avoids the complex pre-processing of image(etc.extract the artificial features),we can directly input the original image.Basic components:Convolution Layers,Pooling Layers,Fully connected LayersConvolution layer The convolution kernel translates on a 2-dim
14、ensional plane,and each element of the convolution kernel is multiplied by the element at the corresponding position of the convolution image and then sum all the product.By moving the convolution kernel,we have a new image,which consists of the sum of the product of the convolution kernel at each p
15、osition.local receptive fieldweight sharingReduced the number of parametersPooling layerPooling layer aims to compress the input feature map,which can reduce the number of parameters in training process and the degree of over-fitting of the model.Max-pooling:Selecting the maximum value in the poolin
16、g window.Mean-pooling:Calculating the average of all values in the pooling window.Fully connected layer and Softmax layerEach node of the fully connected layer is connected to all the nodes of the last layer,which is used to combine the features extracted from the front layers.Fig1.Fully connected l
17、ayer.Fig2.Complete CNN structure.Fig3.Softmax layer.Training and Testing Forward propagation -Taking a sample(X,Yp)from the sample set and put the X into the network;-Calculating the corresponding actual output Op.Back propagation -Calculating the difference between the actual output Op and the corr
18、esponding ideal output Yp;-Adjusting the weight matrix by minimizing the error.Training stage:Testing stage:Putting different images and labels into the trained convolution neural network and comparing the output and the actual value of the sample.Before the training stage,we should use some differe
19、nt small random numbers to initialize weights.CNN Structure EvolutionHinton BPNeocognitionLeCunLeNetAlexNetHistorical breakthroughReLUDropoutGPU+BigDataVGG16VGG19MSRA-NetDeeper networkNINGoogLeNetInception V3Inception V4R-CNNSPP-NetFast R-CNNFaster R-CNNInception V2(BN)FCNFCN+CRFSTNetCNN+RNN/LSTMRes
20、NetEnhanced the functionality of the convolution moduleClassification taskDetection taskAdd new functional unitintegration19801998198920142015ImageNetILSVRC(ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge)20132014201520152014,2015201520122015BN(Batch Normalization)RPNLeNet(LeCun,1998)LeNet is a co
21、nvolutional neural network designed by Yann LeCun for handwritten numeral recognition in 1998.It is one of the most representative experimental systems in early convolutional neural networks.LeNet includes the convolution layer,pooling layer and full-connected layer,which are the basic components of
22、 modern CNN network.LeNet is considered to be the beginning of the CNN.network structure:3 convolution layers+2 pooling layers+1 fully connected layer+1 output layerHaykin S,Kosko B.GradientBased Learning Applied to Document RecognitionD.Wiley-IEEE Press,2009.AlexNet(Alex,2012)Network structure :5 c
23、onvolution layers+3 fully connected layers The nonlinear activation function:ReLU(Rectified linear unit)Methods to prevent overfitting:Dropout,Data Augmentation Big Data Training:ImageNet-image database of million orders of magnitude Others:GPU,LRN(local response normalization)layerKrizhevsky A,Suts
24、kever I,Hinton G E.ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networksC/International Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.Curran Associates Inc.2012:1097-1105.Basic components:Convolution Layers,Pooling Layers,Fully connected LayersDropout consists of setting to zero the
25、output of each hidden neuron with probability p.IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,2015,17(11):2021-2034.max_epochs=10,arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.weight sharing(dropout1,layers.2012:1097-1105.Ioffe S,Szegedy C.trained wellAdd new functional unitX_train,y_train,X_val,y_val,X_test,y_test=load_dataset()CNN
26、 avoids the complex pre-processing of image(etc.Applacations:1Marhon S A,Cameron C J F,Kremer S C.Overfeat(2013)Sermanet P,Eigen D,Zhang X,et al.OverFeat:Integrated Recognition,Localization and Detection using Convolutional NetworksJ.Eprint Arxiv,2013.VGG-Net(Oxford University,2014)input:a fixed-siz
27、e 224*224 RGB imagefilters:a very small receptive field-3*3,with stride 1Max-pooling:2*2 pixel window,with stride 2Fig1.Architecture of VGG16Table 1:ConvNet configurations(shown in columns).The convolutional layer parameters are denoted as“conv-”Simonyan K,Zisserman A.Very Deep Convolutional Network
28、s for Large-Scale Image RecognitionJ.Computer Science,2014.Why 3*3 filters?Stacked conv.layers have a large receptive fieldMore non-linearityLess parameters to learnNetwork-in-Network(NIN,Shuicheng Yan,2013)Network structure:4 Mlpconv layers+Global average pooling layerFig 1.linear convolution MLP c
29、onvolutionFig 2.fully connected layer global average pooling layerMin Lin et al,Network in Network,Arxiv 2013.Fig 3.NIN structure Linear combination of multiple feature maps.Information integration of cross-channel.Reduced the parameters Reduced the network Avoided over-fittingGoogLeNet(Inception V1
30、,2014)Fig1.Inception module,nave versionProposed inception architecture and optimized itCanceled the fully connnected layerUsed auxiliary classifiers to accelerate network convergenceSzegedy C,Liu W,Jia Y,et al.Going deeper with convolutionsC/Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
31、 Pattern Recognition.2015:1-9.Fig2.Inception module with dimension reductionsFig3.GoogLeNet network(22 layers)Inception V2(2015)Ioffe S,Szegedy C.Batch normalization:Accelerating deep network training by reducing internal covariate shiftJ.arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.03167,2015.Inception V3(2015)Szeged
32、y C,Vanhoucke V,Ioffe S,et al.Rethinking the inception architecture for computer visionC/Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.2016:2818-2826.ResNet(Kaiwen He,2015)A simple and clean framework of training “very”deep networks.State-of-the-art performance forIma
33、ge classificationObject detectionSemantic Segmentationand moreHe K,Zhang X,Ren S,et al.Deep Residual Learning for Image RecognitionJ.2015:770-778.Fig1.Shortcut connectionsFig2.ResNet structure(152 layers)FractalNetInception V4(2015)Szegedy C,Ioffe S,Vanhoucke V,et al.Inception-v4,inception-resnet an
34、d the impact of residual connections on learningJ.arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.07261,2016.Inception-ResNetHe K,Zhang X,Ren S,et al.Deep Residual Learning for Image RecognitionJ.2015:770-778.ComparisonSqueezeNet SqueezeNet:AlexNet-level accuracy with 50 x fewer parameters and 0.5MB model sizeXceptionR-C
35、NN(2014)Region proposals:Selective SearchResize the region proposal:Warp all region proposals to the required size(227*227,AlexNet Input)Compute CNN feature:Extract a 4096-dimensional feature vector from each region proposal using AlexNet.Classify:Training a linear SVM classifier for each class.1Uij
36、lings J R R,Sande K E A V D,Gevers T,et al.Selective Search for Object RecognitionJ.International Journal of Computer Vision,2013,104(2):154-171.2Girshick R,Donahue J,Darrell T,et al.Rich Feature Hierarchies for Accurate Object Detection and Semantic SegmentationJ.2014:580-587.R-CNN:Region proposals
37、+CNNSPP-Net(Spatial pyramid pooling network,2015)He K,Zhang X,Ren S,et al.Spatial Pyramid Pooling in Deep Convolutional Networks for Visual RecognitionJ.IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis&Machine Intelligence,2015,37(9):1904-1916.Fig2.A network structure with a spatial pyramid pooling layer.Fig1.
38、Top:A conventional CNN.Bottom:Spatial pyramid pooling network structure.Advantages:Get the feature map of the entire image to save much time.Output a fixed length feature vector with inputs of arbitrary sizes.Extract the feature of different scale,and can express more spatial information.The SPP-Net
39、 method computes a convolutional feature map for the entire input image and then classifies each object proposal using a feature vector extracted from the shared feature map.Fast R-CNN(2015)A Fast R-CNN network takes an entire image and a set of object proposals as input.The network processes the en
40、tire image with several convolutional(conv)and max pooling layers to produce a conv feature map.For each object proposal,a region of interest(RoI)pooling layer extracts a fixed-length feature vector from the feature map.Each feature vector is fed into a sequence of fully connected layers that finall
41、y branch into two sibling output layers.Girshick R.Fast r-cnnC/Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision.2015:1440-1448.Faster R-CNN(2015)Faster R-CNN=RPN+Fast R-CNN A Region Proposal Network(RPN)takes an image(of any size)as input and outputs a set of rectangular object pr
42、oposals,each with an objectness score.Ren S,He K,Girshick R,et al.Faster r-cnn:Towards real-time object detection with region proposal networksC/Advances in neural information processing systems.2015:91-99.Figure 1.Faster R-CNN is a single,unified network for object detection.Figure 2.Region Proposa
43、l Network(RPN).Training tricks Data Augmentation Dropout ReLU Batch NormalizationData Augmentation-rotation-flip-zoom-shift-scale-contrast-noise disturbance-color-.Dropout(2012)Dropout consists of setting to zero the output of each hidden neuron with probability p.The neurons which are“dropped out”i
44、n this way do not contribute to the forward backpropagation and do not participate in backpropagation.Enhanced the functionality of the convolution moduleupdate_learning_rate=0.NIN structureSemantic SegmentationProposed inception architecture and optimized itSzegedy C,Ioffe S,Vanhoucke V,et al.Gradi
45、entBased Learning Applied to Document RecognitionD.X_train=X_train.local receptive fieldSzegedy C,Liu W,Jia Y,et al.Reduced the networkimshow(X_train00,cmap=cm.Inception-v4,inception-resnet and the impact of residual connections on learningJ.That is,the nodes of the hidden layer are connected,and th
46、e input of the hidden layer includes not only the output of the input layer but also the output of the hidden layer.Wang W,Zhao M,Wang L,et al.ReLU(Rectified Linear Unit)advantagesrectified Simplified calculation Avoided gradient disappearedBatch Normalization(2015)In the input of each layer of the
47、network,insert a normalized layer.For a layer with d-dimensional input x=(x(1).x(d),we will normalize each dimension:Ioffe S,Szegedy C.Batch normalization:Accelerating deep network training by reducing internal covariate shiftJ.arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.03167,2015.Internal Covariate ShiftApplication
48、 in Aesthetic Image Evaluation Dong Z,Shen X,Li H,et al.Photo Quality Assessment with DCNN that Understands Image WellM/MultiMedia Modeling.Springer International Publishing,2015:524-535.Lu X,Lin Z,Jin H,et al.Rating image aesthetics using deep learningJ.IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,2015,17(11):2
49、021-2034.Wang W,Zhao M,Wang L,et al.A multi-scene deep learning model for image aesthetic evaluationJ.Signal Processing Image Communication,2016,47:511-518.Photo Quality Assessment with DCNN that Understands Image WellDCNN_Aesthtrained well network a two-class SVM classifierDCNN_Aesth_SPoriginal ima
50、gessegmented images spatial pyramidImageNetCUHKAVADong Z,Shen X,Li H,et al.Photo Quality Assessment with DCNN that Understands Image WellM/MultiMedia Modeling.Springer International Publishing,2015:524-535.Rating image aesthetics using deep learningSupport heterogeneous inputs,i.e.,global and local