1、EconomyWeek 9-10History of Chinas Economic DevelopmentThe Mao Era(19491976)1 Recovery from war,1949-19522 The First Five-Year Plan,1953-19573 The Great Leap Forward,1958-1960 4 Three Years of Natural Disasters,1958-19615 Cultural Revolution,1966-1976History of Chinas Economic DevelopmentDeng Xiaopin
2、gs theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristicslFirst,doubling the GNP of 1980 to end shortages of food and clothing,which was basically completed at the end of the 1980s;lSecond,quadrupling the GNP of 1980 by the end of the 20th century,which was achieved in 1995,ahead of schedule.Thus
3、,the Chinese government worked out the Ninth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and the Long-Term Objectives for the Year 2010.Deng Xiaopings theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristicslThird,basically realizing modernization in the mid-21st century,with the GD
4、P per capita reaching the level of the moderately developed countries,and the people living a well-off life.The objectives for the year 2010 are to double the GNP of 2000 so that the people will enjoy even more comfortable lives,and bring a more or less complete socialist market economy into being.E
5、ra of Reconstruction(19761989)l1 Economic reforml2 Sino-Vietnamese WarA Rising Power(19892002)lOne Country,Two Systemsl Hong Kong(post 1997)l Macau(post 1999)l Chinas reunificationChina Today(2002present)lFourth Generation:l The Hu-Wen administration lPower transition Policy transition lMedia contro
6、l Protection of individual rights lFacing new issues lSARS Avian flu lFixing imbalances Anti-corruption efforts lRemaining challenges lPopulation Pollution lSuccession Future prospects China Today(2002present)lFifth Generation:l The Xi-Li administration lAvian flu Swine flu lFixing imbalances Anti-c
7、orruption efforts lRemaining challenges lHousing,pension,medical careThe Eleventh Five-Year Guideline(2006-2010)lAmong the main purposes of the Eleventh Five-Year Guideline are securing economic growth and economic structure,urbanizing the population,conserving energy and national resources,encourag
8、ing sound environmental practices,and improving education.The Chinese economic reformlrefers to the program of economic reforms called Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the Peoples Republic of China(PRC)that were started in 1978 by pragmatists within the Communist Party of China(CPC)led by D
9、eng Xiaoping and are ongoing as of the early 21st century.lthe milestone:Third Plenum of the 11th National Peoples Congress Central Committee in December 1978,undertake a program of gradual but fundamental reform of the economic system.Reform of the economic system,beginning in 1979Reform of the eco
10、nomic system,beginning in 1979lOn the strength of these initial successes,the reform program was broadened,and the leadership under Deng Xiaoping frequently remarked that Chinas basic policy was reform and opening,that is,reform of the economic system and opening to foreign trade.Reform of the econo
11、mic system,beginning in 1979lThe most conspicuous symbols of the new status of foreign trade were the four coastal special economic zones,which were created in 1979 as enclaves where foreign investment could receive special treatment.lMost of Chinas economic growth is created from Special Economic Z
12、ones of the Peoples Republic of China that spread successful economic experiences to other areas.lThe wealthy eastern coastlRise of central china lRevitalization of northeastlChinas west developmentEconomic advantageslSpecial tax incentives for foreign investments in the SEZs.lGreater independence o
13、n international trade activities.lEconomic characteristics are represented as 4 principles:l1.Constructions primarily relies on attracting and utilizing capitals l2.Primary economic forms are sino-foreign joint ventures and partnerships as well as wholly foreign-owned enterprises l3.Products are pri
14、marily export-oriented l4.Economic activities are primarily driven by market全面建设小康社会的基本标准全面建设小康社会的基本标准:l一是人均国内生产总值超过3000美元。这是建成全面小康社会的根本标志。l二是城镇居民人均可支配收入1.8万元。l三是农村居民家庭人均纯收入8000元。l四是恩格尔系数低于40%。l五是城镇人均住房建筑面积30平方米。l六是城镇化率达到50%。l七是居民家庭计算机普及率20%。l八是大学入学率20%。l九是每千人医生数2.8人。l十是城镇居民最低生活保障率95%以上。恩格尔系数恩格尔系数(E
15、ngels Coefficient)l恩格尔系数(Engels Coefficient)是食品支出总额占个人消费支出总额的比重。19世纪德国统计学家恩格尔根据统计资料,对消费结构的变化得出一个规律:一个家庭收入越少,家庭收入中(或总支出中)用来购买食物的支出所占的比例就越大,随着家庭收入的增加,家庭收入中(或总支出中)用来购买食物的支出比例则会下降。推而广之,一个国家越穷,每个国民的平均收入中(或平均支出中)用于购买食物的支出所占比例就越大,随着国家的富裕,这个比例呈下降趋势。l食物支出金额总支出金额x100%恩格尔系数 Gini Coefficient(基尼系数基尼系数)l20世纪初意大利学
16、者科拉多基尼根据劳伦茨曲线所定义的判断收入分配公平程度的指标。是比例数值,在0和1之间。基尼指数(Gini index)是指基尼系数乘100倍作百分比表示。在民众收入中,如基尼系数最大为“1”,最小等于“0”。l前者表示居民之间的收入分配绝对不平均(即所有收入都集中在一个人手里,其余的国民没有收入),而后者则表示居民之间的收入分配绝对平均,即人与人之间收入绝对平等,但这两种情况只出现在理论上;因此,基尼系数的实际数值只能介于01之间,基尼系数越小收入分配越平均,基尼系数越大收入分配越不平均。The Present Economy of Chinal1.The socialist market
17、economy of China is the worlds second largest economy by nominal GDP and by purchasing power parity after the United States.l2.It is the worlds fastest-growing major economy,with growth rates averaging 10%over the past 30 years.The Present Economy of Chinal3.China is also the largest exporter and se
18、cond largest importer of goods in the world.l4.China is the largest manufacturing economy in the world,utpacing its world rival in this category,the service-driven economy of the United States of America.The Present Economy of Chinal5.The economy of China is the fastest growing consumer market in th
19、e world.l6.Xi Jinpings China Dream is described as achieving the“Two 100s”:the material goal of China becoming a“moderately well-off society”by 2021,the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party,and the modernization goal of China becoming a fully developed nation by 2049,the 100th anniversar
20、y of the founding of the Peoples Republic.Interpreting Exercises 温家宝总理在第十届西部国际博览会温家宝总理在第十届西部国际博览会暨第二届中国西部国际合作论坛上的致词暨第二届中国西部国际合作论坛上的致词l1.中国西部国际博览会 l the Western China International Economy and Trade Fairl2.综合经济实力大幅跃升 l significant increase in overall economic strengthl3.固定资产投资 Fixed asset investmentl
21、4.公共通车里程 highway mileagel5.青藏铁路、西气东输、西电东送等标志性工程la host of landmark projects,including the Qinghai-Tibet railway,West-to-East gas transmission project and West-to-East electricity transmission projectl6.退耕还林、退牧还草、天然林保护、京津风沙源治理、三峡库区国土整治及水污染治理、三江源保护等重点生态工程lmajor ecological projects including returning
22、farmland and grazing land to forest and grassland,virgin forest protection,dust-storm-reduction projects to protect the environment of Beijing and Tianjin,land management and water pollution treatment project in the Three Gorges reservoir areas and conservation of the waterhead areas of the Yangtze
23、River,Yellow River and Lancang River.温家宝总理在第十届西部国际博览会温家宝总理在第十届西部国际博览会暨第二届中国西部国际合作论坛上的致词暨第二届中国西部国际合作论坛上的致词 温家宝总理在第十届西部国际博览会温家宝总理在第十届西部国际博览会暨第二届中国西部国际合作论坛上的致词暨第二届中国西部国际合作论坛上的致词l7.贫困发生率 poverty prevalence ratel8.非公有制经济 the non-public sectorl9.投资热土 an ideal land for investmentl10.有识之士 people with vision
24、l11.投资兴业 invest and start businessl12.播种美好希望,收获光明未来lHere you sow the seeds of hope and harvest a bright future.British Consul General Speaking at the International Conference on Sustainable Cities in Chongqingl1.Consul General 总领事l British Consulate General in Chongqing 英国驻重庆总领事馆l2.COFTEC(Commission of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation)外经贸委l3.UKTI(UK Trade and Investment)英国贸易投资总署l4.put into perspective 正确看待l5.eastern seaboard 东部沿海城市l6.becoming saturated 日趋饱和l7.the Two-river New Zone 两江新区l8.pipe dreams/empty boasts 白日梦,凭空吹嘘Impromptu Interpreting