1、语音学与音系学I.Phonetics语音学II.Phonology音系学1.The major branches of linguistics2.Some important distinctions in linguistics历时语言学共时语言学I.Phonetics语音学 Three Branches of phonetics 1.Articulatory phonetics 2.Acoustic phonetics 3.Auditory phonetics2.2.1 Articulators and their functions;2.2.2 Voiced and voiceless
2、sounds;2.2.3 Nasal and oral sounds;2.2.4 Classification of English speech sounds2.2.5 Variations of sounds2.2.4.1 English consonants2.2.4.2 English vowels Liaison Elision and assimilation Three Branches of phonetics 1.Articulatory phonetics 2.Acoustic phonetics 3.Auditory phonetics-A
3、 branch of linguistics which studies the speech sounds that occur in all human languages.Language is primarily vocal.The primary medium of human language is sound.Linguists are not interested in all sounds,but in speech sounds-sounds that convey meaning in human communication.Articulatory phoneticsA
4、uditory phoneticsAcoustic phoneticsArticulatory phonetics 发音语音学Acoustic phonetics 声学语音学 Auditory phonetics 听觉语音学 语音学的三大分支:发音语音学;声学语音学;听觉语音学.语音学的三大分支发音语音学;声学语音学;听觉语音学.Articulatory phonetics-from the speakers point of view,study of “how speech sounds are produced”.发音语音学:研究语音的发生。Acoustic phonetics-deal
5、s with the transmission of speech sounds through the air.声学语音学:研究语音的物理特征。Auditory phonetics-from the hearers point of view,“how speech sounds are perceived by the listener.”听觉语音学或感知语音学:研究语音的感知。Our primary interest will be in articulatory phonetics.Speech SpeechProduction Perception(speaker A)(speake
6、r B)A three-step process of speech sounds Speech transmission2.2.1 Articulators and their functions;2.2.2 Voiced and voiceless sounds;2.2.3 Nasal and oral sounds;2.2.4 Classification of English speech sounds2.2.5 Variations of sounds2.2.1 Articulators and their functions;(Speech organs 发音器官)1.Lips2.
7、Teeth3.Teeth ridge(alveolar)齿龈4.Hard palate5.Soft palate(velum)6.Uvula 小舌7.Tip of tongue8.Blade of tongue 舌面9.Back of tongue 舌背10.Vocal cords11.Pharyngeal cavity 咽腔12.Nasal cavity Pharyngeal cavity-the pharynx(咽);the throat;The oral cavity-the mouth;Nasal cavity-the nose.A standardized and internati
8、onally accepted system of phonetic transcription is the International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA).国际音标是一个标准的、被国际上广泛接受的 语音描述系统。由1888年国际语音协会(International Phonetic Association)的语言学家便制定,是一套可国际通用的语音符号。The basic principle of the IPA is using one letter to represent one speech sound.制定原则是“一个音位,一个符号;一个符号,一个音位”,
9、即即“一音一符一音一符”。“One symbol per phoneme”Voiced(浊音):Sounds produced with causing vibration of the vocal cords.Voiceless(清音):Sounds produced without causing vibration of the vocal cords.Nasal sounds-Sounds produced in the way the air escapes through the nose as well as the mouth.Oral sounds-Sounds produc
10、ed in the way the air escapes only through the mouth.These phonetic features permit the classification of all speech sounds into four classes:voiced,voiceless,nasal,and oral.One sound must choose two of these features,as shown by the examples in Table 1.Oral NasalVoiced b d g m n Voiceless p t k2.2.
11、4.1 English consonants2.2.4.2 English vowels-English speech sounds are generally classified into two large categories:Vowels;Consonants The most common view is that vowels are sounds in which there is no obstruction to the flow of air as it passes from the larynx(喉)to the lips.Note:The essential dif
12、ference between these two classes is that in the production of the former the airstream meets with no obstruction of any kind in the throat,the nose or the mouth,while in that of the latter it is somehow obstructed.汉字注音雷人 “世博双语”成网络搞笑对象“古的猫宁”“古的阿夫特怒”“古的衣服宁”这种注音法被坊间称作是“最雷人英语”。专家们也表示,用这样的方式学外语并不可取。“坎挨海
13、尔扑油”“有什么需要帮助您的吗?”Can I help you?“杰丝特眸闷特,普立斯”“请您稍等”“俺么搔瑞,挨坎翁累丝鼻科额累偷英格历史”“对不起,我只能讲简单的英语”连几乎全世界人人会说的“再见”也有了对应中国汉字“白白”。有网民戏谑地评论说:“这种句子如果真的完全按照中文读下來,其难度甚至会比直接读英语还要高。”出租车司机们的“汉字英语”:“为尔啊右勾英”、“忽太儿”、“维尔抗姆”“为尔啊右勾英”(你想去里)“忽太儿”(宾馆)“维尔抗姆”(欢迎)华东师大对外汉语教授潘文国建议说,上海市民见到外宾不妨大大方方地用中文向他们打一声招呼:“你好!”事实上,许多外国游人都会入乡随俗礼貌地回一声
14、“你好!”如果我们能教在上海生活、游览的外宾学会“侬好”“谢谢侬”“再会”等三句吴侬软语,这样极其浓郁的方言文化,或许还会给每一个世博国际友人留下难忘的印象,让他们把“侬好”带向全世界。曾看过一个幽默,也是说的小学生给英语单词“English”标注汉字的事,30年后,大家都兑现了自己的诺言。“应给利息”“因果关系”“英国里去”“硬改历史”“应该累死”“阴沟里洗”标注“应给利息”的同学当了银行家;标注“因果关系”的 成了哲学家;标注“英国里去”的 成了海外华侨;标注“硬改历史”的 成了政治家;标注“应该累死”的 成了富士康员工;而标注“阴沟里洗”的 却成了菜贩子。我的小学和初中生活是在农村度过的
15、。初中一年级时才开英语课。对于一个农村孩子来说,学英语是一件别扭拗口的事情,却又如同刘姥姥进了大观园一切觉得新鲜。第一节课,“聪明”的我就发明了便捷而“有效”的学习方法汉字谐音标注法。至今还记得老师那节课老师教的五个单词:我分别标注为:肉死、半个、碰、败的、币(此处的省略号只有我自己知道,代表此处拖长音)。玫瑰花、书包、钢笔、床、蜜蜂 老师还教了一句课前师生问候语:我标注为:狗得猫铃踢扯、狗得猫铃死就等它!Good morning teacher 和 Good morning students (老师,早上好!同学们,早上好!)几节课下来,我因记忆力超常(其实并非记忆力超常,而是我的汉字标注法
16、帮助的结果)和课堂发言踊跃被老师在全班同学面前“狠狠”地表扬了N次。同学们因为羡慕、崇拜的原因,纷纷向我请教,也因此成了我的“粉丝”。“一枝独秀不是春,百花齐放春满园!”后来,我把学习方法传给了几个死党级的“粉丝”。没料想,死党又传给了死党的死党,就这样一传十、十传百,我的“汉字谐音标注法”如星星之火在全班燎原,甚至有些“粉丝”竟然把它发扬光大:课本上出现了诸如“爷死(yes)、爸死(bus)、妈死(mouse)、奶死(nice)”等惨不忍听、令人发怵的笑话级的标注。毛泽东诙谐英语:三块肉喂你马吃 英语是当今世界上主要的国际通用语言之一,毛泽东以战略家的眼光清楚地认识到了掌握英语的重要性,早在
18、的湖南方言,他向我的秘书学普通话,向我学英语。他也学唱英文歌,但他的嗓子是平板单调的,因此毫无成绩。”1939年,斯诺第二次访问延安,把一本有他亲笔签名的著作西行漫记(Red Star Over China)送给毛泽东。毛泽东当即回了一张便条,上面只有一句话:“三块肉喂你马吃”。斯诺一头雾水,在下方打了个问号。待读过一遍,他才恍然大悟,原来是英语“Thank you very much(非常感谢)”的中文音译。斯诺禁不住被毛泽东这一幽默诙谐的“创举”逗得大笑起来,并在后边再打了两个感叹号。1946年8月6日下午,毛泽东在延安窑洞前半山坡平台上的一个小石桌旁,会见了美国女记者斯特朗。他谈笑风生,
19、纵论天下。交谈中,毛泽东把身子向后一仰,开怀地得出结论:“美国反动派是”于是,由“纸(paper)”和“老虎(tiger)”这两个单词组合,临时造出的一个英语中没有的复合词“paper-tiger”就出现了,这实际上是硬译。毛泽东高兴地笑了,用带着浓重湖南腔的英语说:“拍拍-太根儿!”“paper-tiger”后来便随着毛泽东的著名论断,在全世界广泛流传了,它也成了毛泽东最喜欢说的一个英语单词。元音(Vowels)IPA 辅音(Consonants)前元音 单元音 中元音 元音 后元音 双元音 合口双元音 集中双元音前元音(The Front Vowels)中元音(The Central Vo
20、wels)后元音(The Back Vowels)合口双元音 (The Closing Diphthongs)集中双元音 (The Centering Diphthongs)/w/j/English consonants may be classified according to two dimensions:The place of articulation (发音部位)The manner of articulation (发音方法)英语辅音的 发音部位;发音方法;bilabial:p,b,m,w;labiodental:f,v;dental:W,T;alveolar:t,d,s,z,n
21、,l,r;palatal:F,V,tF,dV,j;velar:k,g,N;glottal:h.Speech sounds produced using both upper and lower lips,both lips are articulators.bi-two;twice;double.labial 唇音 p,b,m,w Speech sounds produced with the upper teeth and the lower lip.They are represented by the symbols f and v respectively.or interdental
22、s:speech sounds produced with the lip of the tongue between the upper and lower teeth.dental:,Speech sounds produced with the front part of the tongue on the alveolar ridge.t,d,s,z,n,l,r;Speech sounds produced with the back of the tongue at the hard palate.F,V,t,d,j;Speech sounds produced with the b
23、ack of the tongue against the soft palate or velum.k,g,one sound that is produced without the active use of the tongue and other parts of the mouth.h 双唇音 唇齿音 齿音 齿龈音 腭音 软腭音 喉音 stops/plosives:p,b,t,d,k,g;fricatives:f,v,s,z,W,T,F,V,h;affricates:tF,dV;liquids:l(lateral),r;nasals:m,n,;glides/semivowels:w
24、,j.Speech sounds produced by some form of complete stopping of the airstream(very briefly)and then letting it go abruptly.p,b;t,d;k,g Speech sounds produced by blocking the airstream,and having the air push through the narrow opening in the mouth with friction.f,v,s,z,h9 Speech sounds produced by st
25、opping the airstream from the lungs,and then slowly releasing it with friction.tr,dr Speech sounds produced when there is some obstruction of the airstream in the mouth,but now enough to cause any real friction.l,r Speech sounds produced when the velum is lowered and the airstream is allowed to flow
26、 out through the nose.m,n,Speech sounds produced with little or no obstruction of the airstream in the mouth.Semivowels w,j1.Bilabial;2.Labiodental;3.Dental or interdental;4.Alveolar;5.Palatoalveolar;6.Palatal;7.Velar;8.Uvular;9.Glottal.-English vowels can be divided into two large categories:Monoph
27、thongs or pure/single vowels Diphthongs or gliding vowels-According to which part of the tongue is held highest in the process of production,the vowels can be distinguished as:front vowels:I:,I,e,Z,A,B;central vowels:E:,E,Q;back vowels:u:,u,C:,C,B:.-English vowels can be divided into two large categ
28、ories:Monophthongs(单元音单元音)or pure/single vowels Diphthongs(双元音元音)or gliding vowels-According to which part of the tongue is held highest in the process of production,the vowels can be distinguished as:front vowels:I:,I,e,Z,;central vowels:,Q;back vowels:u:,u,C:,C,a:.Rounded(圆唇元音);Unrounded(非圆唇元音)rou
29、nded:u:,u,C:,C;unrounded:I:,I,e,Z,A,B,E:,E,Q,B:.long:I:,E:,u:,C:,B:short:I,e,Z,A,E,Q,B,u,C. Liaison Elision and assimilation The phenomenon of the linking of words in speech,in particular when the second word begins with a vowel,is called liaison.The phenomenon of the linking of words
30、 in speech,in particular when the second word begins with a vowel,is called liaison.Whats your name?My name is How did you like it?Congratulations education individual graduation He is a student.That is a right answer Ill be back in half an hour ImanEnglish boy.Itisanold book.Let me havea lookatit.M
31、s Black worked inanoffice.I calledyou halfanhourago.Putiton,please.Please pickitup.Notatall.黄晓明是因为他读音好像普通话的“闹太套”,所以被无聊网友大肆嘲笑。I looked forit hereand there.Thereis a football underit.Notatall.黄晓明是因为他读音好像 普通话的“闹太套”,所以 被无聊网友大肆嘲笑。 Elision and assimilation Elision:Under certain circumstances some s
32、ounds may disappear.The loss of a sound or sounds in speech like these is called elision.Elision:it tells us when a sound is to be deleted although it is orthographically represented.e.g.sign,design,paradigm,there is no g sound;but the g sound is pronounced in their corresponding forms signature,des
33、ignation,paradigmatic.Sounds belonging to one word or one syllable can cause changes in sounds belonging to neighboring words or syllables.音的同化也是一种连读的现象,两个词之间非常平滑的过渡,导致一个音受临音影响而变化。Assimilation Regressive assimilation(逆同化)Progressive assimilation(顺同化)Regressive assimilation(逆同化)a following sound infl
34、uences a preceding sound,making the two sounds similar.Eg:think Progressive assimilation(顺同化)a preceding sound influences a following sound,making the two sounds similar.Progressive assimilation(顺同化)the preceding sounds bring about the change Eg:maps;cats;dogs 好啊 hao wa 海啊 hai ya 看啊 kan na 跳啊 tiao w
35、a 一、前面音节的收尾音素是、o、e、i、的时候,读y,写成“呀”或“啊”原来是他啊(t y)!我喜欢听你唱歌啊(y)!别着急啊(j y)!这水好绿啊(l y)!二、前面音节的收尾音素是u(o)的时候,读w,写成“哇”或“啊”这药真苦啊(k w)!快来瞧啊(qio w)!三、前面音节的收尾音素是n的时候,读n,写成“哪”或“啊”天啊(tin n),大家快来看啊(kn n)!他真是个好人啊(rn n)!“一”和“不”在语流中也经常发生变调。规律如下:1.在去声字的前面,在去声字的前面,“一、不一、不”都变为阳平都变为阳平 一定ydn 一共yn 一律yl 一致yzh 不必bb 不但bdn 不是bs
36、h 不要byo 2.在非去声字在非去声字(阴平、阳平、上声阴平、阳平、上声)的前面,的前面,“一一”变为去声,变为去声,“不不”仍读为本调。仍读为本调。一般ybn 一心yxn 一直yzh 一同ytn 一起yq 一手yshu不堪bkn 不惜bx 不如br 不良blin 不许bx 不解bji 3.“一、不”夹在重叠动词等词语的中间时,读轻声。想一想xinyixin 看一看knyikn 谈一谈tnyitn 好不好hobuho 来不来libuli 想不到xinbudo“一一”和和“不不”的变调口诀的变调口诀:去声之前念阳平,非去之前念去声,词语中间念轻声,变调规律记心中。Edelweiss 雪绒花/E
37、delweiss 是音乐之声 the Sound of Music 中的插曲 雪绒花 Edelweiss,edelweiss,Every morning you greet me.Small and white,Clean and bright,You look happy to meet me.雪绒花,雪绒花,每天清晨迎接我。小而白,纯又美,总很高兴遇见我。Blossom of snow,May you bloom and grow,Bloom and grow forever.Edelweiss,edelweiss,Bless my homeland forever.雪似的花朵深情开放,愿永远鲜艳芬芳。雪绒花,雪绒花,为我祖国祝福吧!音乐剧音乐之声是作曲家理查德罗杰斯与剧作家奥斯卡哈默斯坦第二于1959年合作完成的。演出后大受观众欢迎。1965年改编成同名影片,同年,该影片获奥斯卡金像奖。人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。