1、一、选择题ABDBCBCADBDA二、填空题13.3n-514.24015.9,2016.三、解答题17.解:(1)在ABC中,由 A+B+C=,得sin(A+C)=sinB,由正弦定理,得bsinA=asinB结合已知条件得sin A-3=sinA,A为ABC中的一个内角,A-3+A=解得 A=23.5分(2)由3a=2c+3b,平方得9a2=4c2+9b2+12bc由余弦定理a2=c2+b2-2bccosA,得a2=c2+b2+bc联立解得5c=3b,bc=53.由bc=53,3a=2c+3b,结合正弦定理,可得3sinA=2sinC+3sinB,sinBsinC=53。联立解得sinB=
2、5 314.12分18.(1)解:取 BC中点O,连接 AO,PO,因为ABC为等边三角形,O为 BC的中点,则 AOBC,又BCPA,AO AP=A,BC平面 APO,BC AP.所以BP=CP=2 3,即PBC为等边三角形,所以OP=3,又平面 PBC 平面 ABC,AO BC,所以 AO 平面 PBC,所以 AO PO,又 AO=3,所以 AP=3 2.5分(2)解:因为 PO平面 ABC,AO BC,以点O为坐标原点,OA、OB、OP所在直线分别为x、y、z轴建立如下图所示的空间直角坐标系,则 A 3,0,0、B 0,3,0、P0,0,3,M 0,-33,2AB=-3,3,0,AP=-
3、3,0,3,设平面PAB的法向量为m=x1,y1,z1,则m AB=-3x1+3y1=0m AP=-3x1+3z1=0,取x1=1,则m=1,3,1,BM=0,-4 33,2,设平面 ABM的法向量为n=x2,y2,z2,则n AB=-3x2+3y2=0n BM=-4 33y2+2z2=0,取x2=1,则n=1,3,2,由已知可得 cos=mnm n=65 8=3 1010.综上,二面角P-AB-M的余弦值为3 101012分19.(1)解:设“至少抽到一个商品流通费用率不高于6%的营业点”为事件 A,P(A)=1-C36C310=1-16=56.4分(2)最有可能的结果是-0.96.5分b=
4、10i=1xi-xyi-y10i=1xi-x2=10i=1xi-xyi-y10i=1xi-x210i=1yi-y210i=1yi-y210i=1xi-x2=r10i=1yi-y210i=1xi-x2=-0.9625.927200=-0.960.0036=-0.960.06=-0.0576.a=y-bx=6.43+0.057667.5=10.318.所以 y关于x的线性回归方程为y=-0.0576x+10.318.12分20.(1)解:易知直线 2x+4y-1=0 与 x 轴交于12,0,所以p2=12,p=1,抛物线方程为 y2=2x.4分(2)设直线MN方程为x=my+4,M(x1,y1),
5、N(x2,y2),联立方程组x=my+4,y2=2x 得 y2-2my-8=0,所以 y1y2=-8,k1k2=y1y2x1x2=4y1y2=-48=-12.7分设直线PQ方程为x=ty+n,P(x3,y3),Q(x4,y4)联立方程组x=ty+n,(x-1)2+y2=1 得(t2+1)y2+2t(n-1)y+n2-2n=0,所以 y3+y4=-2t(n-1)t2+1,y3y4=n2-2nt2+1,k1k2=y3y4x3x4=y3y4(ty3+n)(ty4+n)=y3y4t2y3y4+nt(y3+y4)+n2=-12.整理得n-2n=-12,n=43,所以直线PQ过定点43,0.12分21.(
6、1)解:当a=e2时,f(x)=lnx-4xx+e2,f(x)=1x-4e2(x+e2)2=(x+e2)2-4e2xx(x+e2)2=(x-e2)2x(x+e2)20,函数 f(x)在(0,+)上单调递增.函数 f(x)的单调递增区间为(0,+),无递减区间.4分(2)f(x)=1x-2alna(x+a)2=x2+(2a-2alna)x+a2x(x+e2)2,令(x)=x2+(2a-2alna)x+a2,对应方程的=4a2(1-lna)2-4a2=4a2(ln2a-2lna),当1e2时,0,(x)=x2+(2a-2alna)x+a2有两个零点x1,x2(x10,x1x2=a20,所以x2ax
7、10,当x(0,x1),(x)0,f(x)单调递增,当x(x1,x2),(x)0,f(x)单调递增.又 f(a)=lna-2alna2a=0,所以 f(x1)f(a)=0,f(x2)2.当x2时,原不等式可化为 3x-2-x-22,整理得x1,所以x2.当23 x2,整理得 x32,所以此时不等式的解32 x2,整理得x-1,所以x2的解集为-,-132,+.5分(2)若对任意x 1,2,都有 f x0,即 ax-22-x.式可转化为 ax-2 2-x 或 ax-2 x-2,当 ax-2 2-x,a 4x-1,a 4x-1max,x 1,2,所以a3;当ax-2x-2,(a-1)x0,所以a1
8、.综上,a的取值范围为a1或a3.10分学科网(北京)股份有限公司2023 年高中毕业年级第二次质量预测文科综合历史 参考答案题号242526272829303132333435答案DBCAACDDCABB选择题:41.(1)特点:和平发展。(2 分)背景:中国传统文化中“以和为贵”的理念;近代中国遭受殖民侵略的经历;新中国确立独立自主的和平外交方针;和平与发展的时代主题;世界和平因素的增长(或第三世界国际影响力的增强)。(每点 2 分,答出 5 点即可得 10 分,其他言之成理即可)(2)相同:中西现代化都是以工业化、城市化、市场化、信息化为推动力,以效率化、世俗化、民主化、公平化为价值取向
9、。(3 分)不同:方式不同中国现代化走和平发展之路,西方现代化过程伴随殖民扩张和剥削压迫;历史原因中国传统文化中的和平理念,西方流行强取豪夺、霸权横行;发展类型中国是后发型,西方是先发型;实施主导中国是政府主导,西方是私人资本家主导;发展环境中国在“和平与发展是时代主题”的国际环境中,西方在殖民扩张和争夺激烈的环境中;制度保障中国是广泛意义的人民民主制度,西方是资产阶级代议制;经济基础中国生产资料公有制为主体,西方生产资料私有制为主体;成果分配中国是人民共享现代化成果,西方现代化过程中贫富差距悬殊。国际影响中国现代化增强了世界和平力量,西方现代化成为了地区冲突和世界动荡的重要因素。(每点中西对
10、比可得 2 分,共 10 分,其他言之成理即可)42.【评分标准】观点明确,立论紧扣材料一点或整体。史实论证:合理引用史实,史实足以证明观点。多角度评论:列出相关史实后,应该得出相应的结论。逻辑严密,表述清楚。基本格式:观点:(3 分)观点错或无观点,不给观点分。史实论证或论据:(6 分)一个论据 3 分,两个论据 6 分;论据符合史实,且需史论结合。结论:(3 分)结论明确、恰当,不能重复材料观点,须有严密的逻辑关联。【示例】国家治理深受国家文化传统的影响学科网(北京)股份有限公司中国文明以儒家精神为主体,兼收并蓄佛家、道家等思想源流,形成了绵延几千年而不中断的文化传统。不仅塑造了中华民族共
12、的国家治理。公元前 5 世纪,古希腊就产生了西方人文主义的起源,经过文艺复兴和启蒙运动一步步发展。受此影响,西方的国家治理注重保障个人自由和权益。古希腊城邦民主传统和启蒙运动时期的民主思想也深刻影响西方的政权组织。西方采取三权分立制度来限制权力、保障民主。综上所述,不同国家的治理模式都不同程度体现了各自历史文化传统的延续,我们应该立足本国国情,积极探索适合本民族的治理模式。45.(1)特点:改革次数较多;改革力度比较大;具有阶段性(或具有鲜明的阶段特征,或时代感鲜明);具有渐进性(或长期性,或改革过程循序渐进);机构改革服务于当时社会经济的需要。(一点 2 分,任意 4 点即可得 8 分)(2
13、)有利于经济建设;有利于宏观调控体系的完善;有利于提升行政效率;有利于社会主义市场经济体制的建立;有利于中国经济与世界经济接轨;有利于推进国家治理体系的完善。(答对 3 点得 6 分,4 点 7 分)公众号:高中试卷君46.(1)马岛战略地理位置重要;马岛自然资源优越;英国的霸权主义和强权政治;国际解决机制存在弊端。(一点 2 分,任意 3 点 6 分)(2)二战后非殖民化的历史趋势(或英国的殖民行为违背历史潮流);历史依据和国际法的支持;国际社会的认同;赢得拉美地区的支持,增强抗衡英国的力量;提升综合国力,增强国际影响力;关注岛内居民的意愿,为问题解决提供契机。(一点 2 分,任意 5 点
14、9 分)47.(1)主要思想:农业年成好坏有规律;依据规律判断商情;货源充足时储备、匮乏时售出;不损坏货物、收购售出掌握时机、商品和资金要周转迅速;政府设立官市进行干预。(一点 2 分,任 4 点得 8 分)(2)评价:积极:总结了商业规律和经商方法,有利于商业发展;制订了商业政策,有利于稳定物价和国家经济实力增强;但对农业年成和经济规律的认识也存在不科学之处。(积极的每点 2 分,答对 2 点得 4 分,消极的 1 个点 3 分)学科网(北京)股份有限公司2023 年高中毕业年级第二次质量预测文科综合地理 参考答案1.C 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.D 8.D 9.C 10.
15、B 11.C36.(24 分)(1)(8 分)乡村劳动力短缺;农业用地零散化,生产规模小;土地弃耕严重;农业农村基础设施落后;农业生产效率低、效益低。(任答 4 点得 8 分)(2)(6 分)“肥料”:规范肥料和农药的使用,推进农业的环保化生产。“多样”:出台相关政策法规,保护乡村地区生物多样性;推动乡村地区农业生产多种经营。“保险”:引入收益保险制度。“养老金”:农村老龄化问题严重,完善农业领域养老制度。(任答 2 点得 6 分)(3)(4 分)日本城市化水平高,城市居民的休闲需求大;乡村地区基础设施日益完善,缩小与城市基础设施差距;乡村地区积极发展农业的多种经营,乡村旅游开发力度大。(任答
16、 2 点得 4 分)(4)(6 分)根据乡村特点,制定有针对性的农地政策;加强乡村地区三次产业融合发展,稳步推进城乡一体化进程;大力发展生态农业、促进乡村可持续发展;开展专业化培训,提高农民素质。(任答 3 点得 6 分)37.(22 分)公众号:高中试卷君(1)(6 分)年降水量少(年降水量在 200mm-400mm 之间),(2 分)降水变率大,(2 分)多大风。(2 分)(2)(6 分)人工树木移栽初期,依赖自身储存的养分能够维持其短期的生长。(2 分)当地土壤贫瘠、疏松,冬季严寒,多大风,且蒸发强烈,水分不足,不利于人工树木存活。(任答两点得 4 分)(3)(6 分)原有土壤保留有当地
17、植物的种子(或其他繁殖体),(2 分)在没有干扰的情况下,适应性强的植物在裸地上首先生长;(2 分)生长过程中,土壤、水分等条件逐步改善,从而有更多种类的逐步恢复,直至形成稳定的植被。(2分)(4)(4 分)观点:不应加强人工植被恢复。人工植被恢复投入大;(2 分)适度减少人类的干扰,自然恢复的效果可能更好。(2 分)43.(10 分)观赏时间:每年 6 月-7 月(每年黄河汛期前)(2 分)景观特点:人造洪峰壮观,洪峰底部浑浊,顶部清澈。(任答 2 点得 4 分)对黄河防汛的贡献:汛期接纳上游来水来沙,削减洪峰,减轻下游防洪压力;(2分)减少下游泥沙淤积,提高下游行洪输沙能力。(2 分)44
18、.(10 分)地下冰融化,导致地表滑塌、沉降,(2 分)原生植被破坏,土壤暴露,加剧水土流失,(2 分)沉降形成洼地,积水后形成湖塘;(2 分)湖塘形成后,陆地生态系统转变成水生生态系统,(2 分)蒸发增加、空气湿度变大,温差减小。(2分)学科网(北京)股份有限公司2023 年高中毕业年级第二次质量预测文科综合思想政治参考答案选择题(每小题 4 分,共 48 分)12.C 13.B 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.D 18.C 19.D 20.C 21.B 22.C 23.A非选择题(共 52 分)38.(14 分)多渠道增加居民收入,释放消费潜力,拉动经济增长、促进生产发展;改善消费条件
19、并创新消费场景,促进消费结构升级,推动供给端产品和服务质量的提升;加大科技和产业投资,优化投资结构,夯实科技创新对供给端的基础支撑;改善投资环境,吸引民间投资参与国家工程项目建设,提升公共产品的供给效能。(14 分)公众号:高中试卷君39.(12 分)强化县镇村三级书记党建项目,发挥党组织领导作用,增强乡村治理能力;组建党员便民服务小分队,发挥基层党组织堡垒作用和党员先锋模范作用,为农民群众办实事;落实党员干部入户走访制度,贯彻群众路线,获得农民群众的理解和支持;健全党组织领导的村民自治机制,完善基层治理体系,提升乡村治理成效。(每个要点 3 分,共 12 分)40.(26 分)(1)价值观具
20、有驱动、制约和导向作用,对人们认识和改造世界的活动有重要导向作用,是人生的重要向导,正确的价值观能够引导人们走向美好的人生道路。雷锋在平凡的岗位中坚持正确的理想信念,忠于职守,刻苦钻研,锐意进取,自强不息,心里永远装着别人,积极投身为人民服务的实践,把有限的生命投入到无限的为人民服务中去,在奉献社会中实现自己的人生价值。(10 分)(2)发展中国特色社会主义文化,要以培养担当民族复兴大任的时代新人为着眼点。雷锋精神是伟大民族精神的生动体现,对培育时代新人具有重要价值。大力倡导雷锋精神有助于厚植爱国主义精神,使社会主义核心价值观内化为人们的精神追求,提高公民思想道德素质。新时代新征程,时代新人要
21、投身于社会主义精神文明建设的伟大实践,从雷锋精神中汲取营养,弘扬奉献、友爱、互助、进步的志愿精神,立足平凡的岗位,在为人民利益的不懈奋斗中书写人生华章。(10 分)(3)深入挖掘雷锋精神的当代价值,为弘扬雷锋精神提供有力的理论支撑;运用博客、微信等新型传播样式,开展富有时代特色、现代元素的学雷锋活动;丰富拓展学雷锋活动的平台载体,使学雷锋活动更有时代感和吸引力;创新形式开展好扶弱助残、扶贫济困等活动,引导人们把学雷锋当作一种社会生活方式。(每条 2 分,答出任意三条即可得 6 分)评分说明:考生非选择题的答案若与参考答案不一致时,只要符合题意,言之有理,均可给分。评分说明:考生非选择题的答案若
22、与参考答案不一致时,只要符合题意,言之有理,均可给分。 第 1 页 共 11 郑州市 2023 年高中毕业年级第二次质量预测 英语试题卷 本试卷分四部分,考试时间 120分钟,满分 150 分(听力成绩算作参考分)。考生应首先阅读答题卡上的文字信息,然后在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上作答无效。第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A High school programs at the National Gallery of Art value
23、 depth over breadth,exploring original works of art through a single specific question or theme.Studio Workshops Single museum visit,2.5 hours Grades 9-12 These half-day art workshops include an in-depth examination and discussion of works of art in the galleries,followed by behind-the-scenes access
24、 to the Education Studio,where students create a related art project.National Gallery of Art educators will encourage students to look carefully at works of art and then share their responses and come up with theories based on their observations.Students will have the chance to create a work of art
25、in the studio inspired by what they have seen in the galleries.Museum Makers Exploring Art and Museums Grades 11-12 The Museum Makers program explains how museums operate and what they have to offer.It gives upper-level high school students the tools to experience,understand 第 2 页 共 11 and interpret
26、 art.Participants will gain an insiders view of how an art museum works.Students meet for seven Saturday sessions from 10:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m.Completion of the program requires attendance of all seven sessions.Creative Writing Grades 7-12,90 minutes Students will provide a voice for their personal re
27、sponses to art through creative writing while they are looking at a selection of artworks in the galleries.Using close observation,group discussion and personal reflection,they will be guided through exercises that use different writing forms,including free-form poetry.A maximum of 30 students(minim
28、um of 15)will be accepted at each session.21.What can students do at Studio Workshops?A.Get basic training as an artist.B.Put forward their own art theories.C.Discuss with artists about their works.D.Learn about artists,inspiration for their works.22.What can students get from Museum Makers?A.Method
29、s of how artworks are created.B.Experience in running an art museum.C.Knowledge about how an art museum works.D.Academic credits for completing the program.23.Which group can attend Creative Writing at a session?A.15 college students.B.10 Grade 9 students.C.25 Grade 10 students.D.40 high school stud
30、ents.B I never imagined that someone telling me I looked skinny would anger me.And yet,I was made very angry when a colleague pinched(捏)my waist and screamed,“Rosa,youve lost weight.You look great In The truth is that I was tired and not taking care of myself.I decided to start a proper weight-loss
31、program.The first to go would be road rage(路怒).I am in far less control of this weight than any other.Every time something gets in my path,I fly off the handle.I need to lose the road rage,and fast!No,no more speed.Instead,I now repeat the words:I am not in a hurry.This year,I will drive safely,allo
32、wing stupid to happen all around 第 3 页 共 11 me.From that,I hope to gain patience.Next is guilt.When guilt drives my conscience to do better,its functional.But when it presents itself as an internal dialogue that goes nowhere,its useless.This year,I want to stop feeling guilty for not keeping a clean
33、er house,for spending time away from my children to be with friends,for not attending every party because Id rather be at home,or for watching TV when I should be reading.My image and performance are not at the front of anyone elses mind but my own.From this,I hope to gain freedom to be myself.The l
34、ast is fear.Fear has held me back.Fear of failure has prevented me from being a writer.Fear of embarrassment has prevented me from giving an opinion.Fear of rejection has stopped me from aiming higher in my life.Fear of regret has led me into situations that made me uncomfortable.If I can lose any o
35、ne of these fears,I stand to gain experience.So,if I can lose the rage,shake off some guilt,and take fear off my plate,I stand to gain patience,freedom,and experience.Pound for pound I have not lost a thing but I will be much lighter.Next time,I hope my colleague looks me in the eye to see my glow i
36、nstead of pinching part of me that has nothing to do with how great I really look.24.What does the underlined part“fly off the handle”in paragraph 2 probably mean?A.Pick up speed.B.Drive off.C.Feel quite nervous.D.Become very angry.25.What has made the author feel guilty before?A.Attending too many
37、parties.B.Reading much with her children.C.Wasting her time in watching TV.D.Spending little time with her friends.26.How has fear affected the author?A.It has prevented her achieving her goals.B.It has stopped her furthering her education.C.It has made it difficult for her to make friends.D.It has
38、caused her to quit her dream of being a teacher.27.What does the author expect to gain from her weight-loss program?A.Respect.B.Independence.C.Optimism.D.Tolerance.C 第 4 页 共 11 Six months before she died,my grandmother moved into an old peoples home and I visited her there.The room was clean and war
39、m,and the care assistants were kind and cheerful.A general knowledge quiz show was on the television,and the only other sound was snoring(打呼噜).People moved only when they needed to be helped to the bathroom.It was disappointing.Grandmother talked a lot about how much she missed seeing her grandchild
40、ren,but I knew from my sister that they hated going to visit her there.So I was interested to read a newspaper article about a new concept in old peoples homes in France.The idea is simple,but revolutionary-combining a residential home for the elderly with a nursery school in the same building.The c
41、hildren and the residents eat lunch together and share activities.In the afternoons,the residents enjoy reading or telling stories to the children,and if a child is feeling sad or tired,there is always a kind lap to sit on.The advantages are huge for everyone concerned.The children are happy,because
42、 they get a lot more individual attention.The residents are happy because they feel useful and needed.And the staff are happy because they see an improvement in the physical and psychological health of the residents and have an army of assistants to help with the children.Nowadays there is less and
43、less contact between the old and the young in an increasing number of countries.There are many reasons for this,including the breakdown of the extended family,working parents with no time to care for ageing relations,families that have moved away,and smaller flats with no room for grandparents.But t
44、he result is the same-increasing numbers of children without grandparents and old people who have no contact with children,and more old people who are lonely and feel useless,along with more and more families with young children who desperately need more support.Ifs a major problem in many societies
45、.Thats why intergenerational programs,designed to bring the old and the young together,are growing in popularity all over the world.28.What does the underlined word residents in paragraph 2 probably refer to?A.Old people.B.School teachers.C.Assistants.D.Staff.29.How were the old people at the home t
46、he authors grandmother was in?A.They felt lonely and useless.B.They werent allowed to be visited.第 5 页 共 11 C.They werent looked after properly.D.They lived in a dirty and uncomfortable room.30.What does the author think is a major problem in many societies today?A.The extended family is broken down
47、.B.There isnt much room for grandparents.C.Working parents have no time to care for their children.D.There isnt much contact between the old and the young.31.What will be probably talked about later in the passage?A.Advice on how to communicate with children.B.Plans for setting up more homes for old
48、 people,C.Examples of successful intergenerational programs.D.Ways of teaching entertainment skills to old people.D Microplastic pollution is increasing greatly around the globe,according to a study of plastic particles(微粒)carried in the air.People are already known to breathe,drink and eat micropla
49、stics,and research suggests that pollution levels will continue to rise rapidly.The researchers said that breathing in these particles can be harmful to lung tissue and lead to serious diseases.Professor Natalie Mahowald,at Cornell University in the US and part of the research team,said,But maybe we
50、 could solve this before it becomes a huge problem,if we manage our plastics better,before they accumulate in the environment and move around everywhere.The research,published in the journal Proceedings of the National Acadenry of Sciences,examined airborne(空气传播的)microplastics,which have been far le