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1、Unit 9 Can you come to my party?一、词汇精讲1. prepare forprepare作动词,意为“准备”。其用法归纳如下:(1) prepare sth.意为“准备”,宾语是所准备的内容。例如:Mother was preparing dinner in the kitchen. 妈妈在厨房准备饭菜。He had a speech to prepare that evening. 那天晚上他得准备一个报告。(2) prepare to do sth. 表示“准备做某事”。例如:Taking out a piece of paper, he prepared t

2、o write to his parents. 他拿出纸,准备给父母写信。He is preparing to go on a trip. 他正准备去旅行。(3) prepare for sth.表示“为做准备”。例如:He is busy preparing with great care for the Congress.他们正忙着精心准备这次代表大会。Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,做最坏的准备。(4) prepare sth. for. 表示“为准备某物”。例如:Please prepare the table f

3、or the dinner. 请摆好桌子吃饭。You must prepare a room for the guest. 你必须为客人准备一个房间。 2. hang outhang out是动副结构的短语,意为“闲逛”。例如:I hung out with my friends and took lots of photos. 我和朋友们一起闲逛,还拍了许多照片。【拓展】 hang的其他搭配:hang about=hang around 闲逛,徘徊,逗留;hang up挂断(电话);hang on不挂断; hang意为“逗留,悬挂”时,过去式和过去分词都是hung;hang还有“吊死,绞死”

4、的意思,但当hang意为“吊死,绞死”时,其过去式和过去分词都是hanged。例如:Thick clouds hung low and covered the sky.厚厚的云低悬着,遮住了整个天空。He was hanged at Landsberg prison on June 8, 1951.他与1951年6月9日在兰茨贝格监狱被绞死。3. inviteinvite作及物动词,意为“邀请,招待”。常用结构为:invite sb. to do,invite sb.+副词或介词短语,表示“邀请某人做某事, 邀某人去某地”。例如:Theyve invited us to stay for th

5、e weekend.他们已邀请我们留下来度周末。Who have you invited to your house for your birthday party?你请了谁到家里来参加你的生日晚会?4. acceptaccept作动词,意为“同意, 承认”。例如: It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health. 吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。【拓展】 receive与accept的辨析:两个词都作动词用,都表示“接受,收到”之意,但在用法上有所不同。receive表示的行为与主观意愿没有关系,着重于行为本身,不涉

6、及收到者是否同意。动作本身有一定的被动性。accept表示的行为由主语的主观意志所决定,强调经过主语的考虑而接受。动作本身是主动的。例如: I received his invitation to the party yesterday, but I refused to accept it. 昨天我收到了他的晚会请柬,但我拒绝接收。5. refuserefuse作动词,意为“拒绝”。常用搭配有:refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事 (作为不及物动词) ;refuse sb. sth.为某事拒绝某人(作为及物动词) 例如:He refused to change his mind.他拒

7、绝改变主意。The United States has refused him a visa.美国拒绝给他发放签证。She refused their invitation.她拒绝了他们的邀请。6. replyreply既可作不及物动词,又可作及物动词,还可作名词。(1)作不及物动词,意为“回答”,可用“reply to(sb. /sth. )”表示“对做出回答”。例如:He failed to reply to my question. 他没能回答我的问题。What did he do in reply to your challenge? 你提出与他较量,他做何反应?(2)作及物动词时,其

8、意为“回答,回答说”。例如:He replied that this was absolutely impossible.他回复说这是绝对不可能的。She sighed, but didnt reply. 她叹了口气,没有回答。(3)作名词时,意思为“答道,答复”。例如:A few weeks later I received a reply.几个星期后,我收到了她的回信。I called out a challenge, but there was no reply.我提出挑战,但是没人回应。7. withoutwithout是介词,意为“无,没有”,后接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。wi

9、thout构成的介词短语具有否定含义,在句中相当于构成了否定句。例如: I cant do it without your help. 没有你的帮助,我不能做这件事。 He went to school this morning without having breakfast. 他今天早上没吃早饭就去上学了。【拓展】 without的反义词是with,表示“拥有,带有”。例如:She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination.她是个充满活力的年轻女性,富有忍耐力和想象力。Mr. Brown bought a garden w

10、ith a beautiful lake. 布朗先生买了一个带有漂亮湖泊的花园。8. surprisedsurprised 是形容词,意为“吃惊的,感到惊讶的”,句子的主语通常是人。例如:Im surprised at the accident. 我对这起事故感到很吃惊。How surprised the students are! 学生们是多么吃惊啊!【拓展】(1)surprising也是形容词,意为“吃惊的,令人惊讶的”,常修饰物。例如:He told me something surprising. 他告诉我一些令人吃惊的事情。(2) surprise作动词时,意为“使惊奇,使感到意外、

11、吃惊”。例如: What surprised you? 什么事使你感到意外?(3) surprise作名词时,意为“吃惊,惊讶”。这种吃惊可能包含着“高兴、害怕或忧虑”。例如: He gave me a surprise by arriving early. 他的早到使我大感意外。(4)作名词用时还可构成短语: to ones surprise意为“使某人吃惊的是”。 in surprise意为“吃惊地”。 例如: To my surprise, he passed the exam. 使我吃惊是,他竟然通过了考试。 He looked at me in surprise. 他吃惊地望着我。9

12、. available(1)available作形容词,意为“现成可使用的,可获得的,便利的,有效的”。例如: Ill send you all the books available. 我将把我能得到的书给你寄去。My bicycle is not available, and it is being repaired.我的自行车现在不能用, 因为正在修理。The season ticket is available for three months. 季票有效期为三个月。(2)available还表示“可会见的,可取得联系的”。例如: The doctor is not available

13、 now. 医生现在没空。He was not always available to everyone. 并不是人人总能找到他。10. miss miss为动词,意为“想念,思念”。例如: Ill miss you when you go to Canada. 你到了加拿大以后,我一定会想你。 【拓展】(1) miss作动词还有“未击中,未抓住”的意思。例如: I tried to hit the ball but I missed. 我努力地想击中球,但却未成功。(2) miss还可意为“未赶上,错过”,是动词。例如: I missed the football match on TV l

14、ast night. 我错过了昨天晚上电视中的足球赛。(3) miss与like; mind; finish; enjoy; practice; be busy; stop; cant help; give up等词一样后接动词的-ing形式。例如: I dont want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.我不想错过今晚在电视上看那部影片的机会。二、句式精讲1. Can you come to my party? can是最常用的情态动词,其后接动词原形,否定形式为cant。用法如下:(1) can表示有能力做或能够发生,有“能,会

15、”的意思。例如: I can run fast. 我能跑得快。 She can speak Japanese. 她会说日语。【注意】can在表示“能力”时,可与be able to互换使用,be able to 有更多的时态,常被用来表示can所不能表示的将来时或完成时。例如: They will be able to run the machine on their own in three months. 三个月后,他们能自己操作这台机器。(2) can表示允许,意为“可以”。例如: Can I read your newspaper? 我可以看一下你的报纸吗? You can put y

16、our bike here. 你可以把自行车放在这里。(3) can用于疑问、否定或感叹句中,意为“会,可能”。例如: This cant be true. 这不可能是真的。 Today is Sunday. He cant be at school. 今天是周日,他不可能上学。(4) can 表示可能性,意为“可以,可能”。例如: Our classroom can seat 50 students. 我们教室能坐50名学生。2. Oh, but Sam isnt leaving until next Wednesday.until意为“直到”,有下列用法:作介词,后接时间名词,在句中作时间

17、状语。作连词,后接从句,引导时间状语从句。 例如: We waited until the rain stopped. 我们等到雨停了。 She stayed there until 9 oclock. 她一直等到9点钟。【拓展】 (1) until用在肯定句中,多与持续性的动词连用。如stand/wait/stay等,表示主句动作的终止时间。 (2) until可用于否定句中,即notuntil意为“直到才”,常与非延续性动词连用。如open/start/leave/arrive等,强调主句动作开始的时间。例如: The child didnt go to bed until his fat

18、her came back. 直到父亲回来,那个孩子才睡觉。3. I have to study for a math test.have to意为“不得不,必须”,表示客观情况要求某人必须做某事,有人称和时态的变化,后接动词原形。例如: She isnt very well these days and she has to stay at home. 她这些天身体不太好,不得不待在家里。Do you have to do everything? 什么事都得你做吗?She doesnt have to come this afternoon. 今天下午她不必来。【拓展】 must与have

19、to的辨析: have to侧重于客观需要,含有“不得不”或“被迫”之意,有多种时态形式;否定式为dont have to意为“不必”。 must侧重于说话者的主观看法,认为有必要或有义务去做某事;只有现在时一种形式(在宾语从句中可以表示过去);否定式mustnt 意为“一定不要;不允许”。例如: You must do your homework first. 你必须先做作业。 Its raining. I have to stay at home. 正在下雨,我不得不待在家里。4. She helped me to improve my English so much.help常用在句式:

20、 help somebody (to) do something.或help somebody with something.意为“帮助某人做某事”。例如:I have to help my parents with the housework. 我得帮助我的父母做家务。 Sometimes I help my mother do the cooking. 有时候我帮我母亲做饭。【拓展】help的常用短语:cant help doing sth 意为“禁不住做某事”。例如:She couldnt help crying when she heard the bad news.当她听到那个坏消息

21、时,禁不住哭了。help oneself to 意为“随便用”。例如:Help yourself to some fish. 随便吃点鱼吧。with the help of 表示“在的帮助下”。例如:I work out the problem with the help of the computer.借助电脑,我解决了这个问题。5. Let me know if you need my help. 从属连词if, whether引导的宾语从句是由一般疑问句或选择疑问句转化而来的,变成从句后,语序由原来的倒装语序变成陈述语序。whether和if意为“是否”。例如:Let us know w

22、hether / if you can finish the work before Friday.请让我们知道你是否能在星期五以前把工作做完。I dont care whether you like the story or not. 我不在乎你是否喜欢这个故事。【拓展】 if意为“是否”时,引导宾语从句;if意为“如果”时,引导条件状语从句。要注意在含有if引导的条件状语从句的复合句中,如果主句是一般将来时、祈使句或含有情态动词的句子,if引导的从句要用一般现在时表示将来。例如:If the rain doesnt stop, we will stay here. 如果这场雨不停的话,我们

23、就呆在这儿。Hurry up, or you will be late. 快点,否则你就迟到了。6. What a great idea!What a great idea!是一感叹句式,感叹句的句型结构如下:通常由what或how引导,一般各有三种情况:What引导的感叹句: (1)What a(an)形容词可数名词的单数形式主语谓语! What a new watch it is! 多新的一块手表啊! (2)What形容词可数名词的复数形式主语谓语! What interesting books the children are reading! 孩子们读的书多么有趣啊! (3)What形

24、容词不可数名词主语谓语! What important news it is! 多重要的新闻啊!How引导的感叹句: (1)How形容词或副词主语谓语! How tall the girl is! 那个女孩多高啊!(2) How形容词a(an)可数名词的单数形式主语谓语! How heavy a box they are carrying! 他们抬的箱子多重啊! (3) How主语谓语! How time flies! 时间过得多快!词汇精练I. 英汉词组互译。1. prepare for _ 2. 闲逛_3. take a trip _ 4. 答复某事_5. hear from sb._ 6

25、. 后天 _7. another time_ 8. 盼望,期待 _9. turn down_ 10. 前天 _II. 根据汉语或首字母提示补全单词。1Lets play football tomorrow!SorryIm afraid I cantI have to study for an e_2Whats wrong with you,Mum?I have the _(流感),and I feel terrible3Are you a_ after school? NoIm very busyI have to look after my little cousin4. She was p

26、olite but she didnt _(邀请) me in.5Can you a_ the gift from MrGreen? YesI like it very much6. We asked him to come, but he _(拒绝). 7Do you know how to c_ a fish in the water? YesIts easy8. Man cant live w_air and water.III. 从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式完成句子。 help,meet,prepare,too many,have,play,too much 1Im going

27、 to _ my friends tomorrow2Can you _ your parents at home? Of courseI often help them do housework3What are their doing? They _ for the Chinese test4Whats the matter,Tim? Well,I _ the flu5Can you _ tennis with me? SureLets go6. Would you like to play soccer tomorrow morning? Id love to,but I have _ h

28、omework to do7. There are _ people in the supermarketIV. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1The grandmother _(have) to stay at home to look after her baby2Id love _(help)you3Thanks for _(ask)me to your party4They all look forward to _(visit)their new house5Lets help the old woman _(cross) the road6They invite their t

29、eacher _(come)to the party7I refuse _(accept)his invitation8We are all _(surprise)at the _(surprise)news9Who is making an _(invite),do you know?10Tomorrow well have _(a)exam.【参考答案】I. 英汉词组互译。1.为做准备 2.hang out 3.去旅行 4. reply to sth. 5.收到某人来信 6.the day after tomorrow 7.别的时间 8. look forward to 9.拒绝 10.

30、the day before yesterdayII. 根据汉语或首字母提示补全单词。1. exam 2. flu 3.available 4. invite 5. accept 6.refused 7. catch 8. withoutIII. 从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式完成句子。 3.are preparing 4.have 5. play 6.too much 7.too many IV. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.has help 3.asking 4.visiting 5.(to)cross come acc

31、ept 8.surprised,surpring 9.invitation 10.anV. 听力链接。1insect2take the subwayget there by subway310ten49:30half past ninenine thirty5umbrella句式精练I. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(每空一词)1星期三你能来参加我的聚会吗? _ you _ _ my party _ Wednesday?2我得去看望我的姑姑。 I _ _ visit my aunt3这个周末我有太多的作业要做。 I have _ homework _ do this weekend4. 我在期待

32、你的回复。 Im looking _ to your _.5感谢邀请。 _ _ asking6我很乐意帮助你学英语。 I am glad _ _ you _ your English7. 我想他不会拒绝我的。 I _ _ he _ _ me. 8. 如果你错过了这次机会,还会有另一个机会的。 _ chance will come along _ _ _ this one. 9. 我还没有把握确定我们是否能赢。Im not yet_ _we could win. 10. 直到妈妈告诉他,他才认识到自己的错误。He _ _his mistake_ his mother told him.II. 按

33、要求变换句式。1Can you come to my birthday party? (作肯定回答) _2What a good idea it is! (改为陈述句) It is _3We like her because she is a nice teacher(就划线部分提问) _4I am going to study for the English test this evening(就划线部分提问) _5What about planning a party for her? (改为同义句) _ planning a party for her?6The new city is

34、beautiful.(改为感叹句)_ the new city is !7The weather is bad,please stay at home.(改为感叹句)_ it is! Please stay at home8I have to study for a test(变为否定句) I _ study for a test9Can Mary go to your birthday party? (做出否定回答) _.10I often visit my aunt on Sundays(用the day after tomorrow改写句子) Ill _ my aunt _.III. 补

35、全对话。(2014 甘肃兰州市一模)请根据对话内容及所给选项,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,有两项为多余选项。AWhat kind of movies do you like?BIm afraid I have no timeCYes, I amDHow about half past six?EThats a good ideaFWould you like to go and see the movie with me?GWhere shall we meet?A:Linda, are you free tomorrow evening?B: 1 ?A:Why not go to the

36、movies?B: 2 I like seeing movies very muchA: 3 B:Well,I like comedies because they are funny. What about you?A:I like them, tooI hear Mr. Bean is on 4 B:SureLets meet at six oclock tomorrow EveningA: 5 B:OKSee you tomorrow eveningA:See you 【参考答案】I. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。1.Can,come to,on 2.have to 3. much,to

37、4.forward,reply 5.Thanks for help,with/learn 7. dont think, will refuse8. Another, if you miss 9. sure if 10. didnt realize, untilII. 按要求变换句式。1. Yes,I can. 2. a good idea. 3.Why do you like her?4.What are you going to do this evening?5. How about 6. How beautiful 7. What bad weather8. dont have to 9.No, she cant. 10. visit, the day after tomorrowIII. 补全对话。1. C 2. E 3. A 4. F 5. D



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