1、Art dance music movie sculpture painting architecture literature opera art sculpture architecture photography music dance literature opera calligraphy painting movie Chinese painting is often about nature Xu Beihong Qi Baishi Zhang Daqian?oil painting?water color?landscape?cartoon?figure drawing?ske
2、tch?油画?水彩画?风景画?卡通?人物画?素描 kinds of painting a.realistic b.abstract c.existence d.detailed e.religious f.traditional 1.accurate,minute 2.state or fact of existing 3.being in thought but not having a physical or practical existence 4.lifelike,true to life 5.classical,of old beliefs 6.sincere to believe
3、 in a god or gods It is often about nature,such as mountain,water,bird-and-flower,etc.It has the symbol of harmony(和谐)and peace.Chinese paintings Western paintings detailed,rich in color,line and shape About religion,human realistic Sun flowers Seated women Mona Lisa The kiss of Jovah Art A short hi
4、story of western painting Q:How many periods of the paintings are mentioned in this text?What are they?(20th century to today)Fast reading:The Middle Ages The Renaissance Impressionism Modern art(15th to 16th century)(5th to15th century AD)(late 19th to early 20th century)Time order paragraph1 Q:Why
5、 Western art has more change than the Chinese one?Art is influenced by the way of life and the beliefs of the people,and China unlike Europe,has followed a similar way of life for a long time This text will describe only a few of the main styles,starting from the 5th century AD Religion n.Q:What are
6、 the paintings of this period full of?True or false 1.Artists of this period were interested in showing nature and people as they really were.2.Paintings in the Middle Ages were very realistic.They are full of religious symbols.The Middle Ages not They were interested in creating respect and love fo
7、r god Until the 13th century painters started to paint in a more realistic way.1.Painters in Renaissance began to focus on A.religion B.humans C.nature D.science 2.In Renaissance,painters returned to classical and ideas about art.A.Roman,Paris B.Greek,London C.Roman,Greek Renaissance 3.Which of the
8、following is not the things the rich people paid famous artists to paint?A.The rich people themselves B.houses and possessions C.the god D.activities and achievements focus on Q:What are the two important discoveries in the Renaissance period?There are drawing in perspective more realistic make colo
9、rs look richer and deeper in perspective and oil paints The Renaissance(15th to 16th century)Characteristics:humans;perspective Three famous painters at this time 文艺复兴三杰 列奥纳多达芬奇(14521519)米开朗基罗(14751564)拉斐尔(14831520)blank filling Impressionism Changes in painting styles In the late 19th century,Europ
10、e a great deal.from a mostly society to a mostly one.People moved from to the .There are many and changed agricultural industrial country city new inventions social changes The impressionists tried to break away from the traditional style of the painting.Led to changes Q:Why did the impressionists h
11、ave to paint quickly?Because natural light changes so quickly.At different time of the day light shadow paintings were not so detailed indoors outdoors Works of the impressionismWorks of the impressionism Impressionism(late 19th to early 20th century)莫奈Monet(18401926),法国画家。印象画派的创始人之一。印象派的名称即由他的日出印象
12、一画 而来。此画也成了印象派的经典代表作品。Characteristics:outdoor scenes Vincent Van Gogh Sun flowers Nowadays,there are sorts of modern art styles,such as Cubism(立体派),Surrealism(超现实主义)Expressionism(表现主义)Modern art (20th century to today)Impressionism is the start of Modern Art hard to understand like a photograph Two
13、extremes because the painter does not paint objects realistic,instead,they concentrates on certain of the object,using to represent them attempt to qualities color,line,shape Some modern art is abstract,The Middle Ages Modern art Impressionism The Renaissance Lets tell the right style of the paintin
14、gs Vincent Van Gogh Picasso Leonardo da Vinci Giotto di Bondone The Middle Ages The Renaissance Impressionism Modern art 1.Find out the important words and phrases in this passage 2.Do the exercise in Page 4,exercise 4 达芬奇:蒙娜丽莎被誉为世界美术杰作之冠,表现了艺术家对女性美和人的丰富精神生活的赞赏;壁画最后的晚餐则反映了艺术家创造典型人物和戏剧性场面的能力,为后人学习的典范
15、。米开朗基罗米开朗基罗:他创作的巨幅屋顶壁画,充满力量无穷的英雄形象,被称为世界上最宏伟的艺术作品。他的许多雕塑雕塑,例如大卫像、大卫像、摩西像摩西像和垂死的奴隶垂死的奴隶等,在技艺上较希腊古典名作有过之无不及。拉斐尔拉斐尔:是卓越的画家,被后世尊为“画圣”。他善于吸收各家之长,加以自己的创造,在艺术的秀美、典雅方面大放异彩,留下了许多第一流的杰作如花园花园中的圣母、中的圣母、西斯廷圣母,西斯廷圣母,以及梵蒂冈教皇宫中的许多壁画,尤其是雅典学雅典学派派 Western art has more change Masaccio(1401-1427),Giotto di Bondone 乔托迪邦多纳 犹大之吻 become realistic religion people Pablo Picasso(1881-1973)毕加索 Picasso was the greatest art genius of the twentieth century.毕加索毕加索的作品,最著名的是和平鸽,格尔尼卡,以及无数长着三只眼睛,几个乳房的怪人画,使他成为二十世纪最具争议,也最有影响的艺术家。即使看了说不出所以然的人也只有跟着全世界喝彩。要是遇到其他什么人画的看不懂的画时,就会说一句:“这是毕加索。”