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1、 1 2023 年宝鸡市高三教学质量检测(年宝鸡市高三教学质量检测(三三)数学(数学(文文科)参考答案科)参考答案 一选择题:二填空题:13.3 14.512 15.22 16.三解答题 17.解:(1)由 1=2得7=7(1+7)2=74 .1 分 由7,74,2a2成等比数列可得2=4 .3 分 设的公差为 d,则 d=422=2 .5 分 故=2n.6 分(2)由(1)知,1=2,=(+1)n 则=2nn=(+1)2,.8 分 所以=2 2+3 22+21+(+1)2,所以2=2 22+3 23+2+(+1)2+1,得,=4+(22+23+2)(+1)2+1,.10 分 所以,=4+4(

2、121)12(+1)2+1=2+1,所以,=2+1。.12 分 18 解:(1)由题意可得=(2+4+6+8+10)5=6,=(80+95+100+105+120)5=100,.2 分 由(5=1)(y)=180,(5=1)2=40,可得=(=11)()(=1)2=18040=92,=100 92 6=73,故关于的回归直线方程为 =92+73 4 分 令=12,得 =127,据此预测12月份该校全体学生中对科技课程的满意人数为3000 127150=2540人6 分 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 答案 D A D D B C D A C C D D 2(2)提出

3、假设0:该校的学生性别与对科技课程是否满意无关 则2=()2(+)(+)(+)(+)=150(65205510)2120307575=256 4.17 9 分 因为(2 3.841)=0.05,而4.17 3.841,故有95%的把握认为该校的学生性别与对科技课程是否满意有关 12 分 19.解:(1)由已知得 AE=2,=60,则 PE=4,PA=23 由等积法得,7214,3=ANAM .3 分 分面则又则面分面则又6.4.222AMNPBANPBPBAMPBEPBPBEAMPEAMMNAMANMNAM=+(2)由(1)知AM 面 PBE,在RTPAN 中,PA=23,AN=4217,可得

4、PN=677.9 分 则分12.7977672132133131=PMNPMNASAMV 20.解:(1)由题意得=22,2=4,2=2+2 2 分 解得=22=2,所以的方程为28+24=1 4 分 (2)由(1)知,椭圆的方程为28+24=1 设存在点(0,)满足条件,记(1,1),(2,2).由=12+22=8消去,得(1+22)2 4 6=0.显然其判别式 0,所以1+2=41+22,12=61+22,6 分 于是=1122=1(+1)2(+1)12 3=212(+1)(1+2)+(+1)212=1+23(+1)(+1)23 2(+1)26 8 分 上式为定值,当且仅当1+23(+1)

5、(+1)23=0.解得=2或=210 分 此时,=(+1)26=32或16 从而,存在定点(0,2)或者(0,2)满足条件 12 分 21.解:(1)()=(2 3),令()=(2 3),()=(2+2 3)=(1)(+3),2 分 当 1时,()0,()单调递增,当3 1时,()0,()单调递减,即()在区间(,3)和(1,+)上函数单调递增,在区间(3,1)上函数单调递减.4 分 (2)当 (1,+)时,若2()1()成立,即+ln+ln对 (1,+)恒成立,即+ln +ln对 (1,+)恒成立,亦即+(ln)+ln对 (1,+)恒成立,7 分 设函数()=+,()(ln)对 (1,+)恒

6、成立,又()=(+1)+1,设()=()=(+1)+1,()=(+2),当 (,2)时,()0,此时()在(2,+)上单调递增,()(2)=1 12 0,()在上单调递增,又()(ln),ln在(1,+)上恒成立,10 分 令()=ln,则()=1=,当 1时,()0在(1,+)上恒成立,()(1)=1 0,此时满足已知条件,当 1时,由()=0,解得=,当 (1,)时,()0,此时()在(,+)上单调递增,()的最小值()=ln 0,解得1 ,综上,的取值范围是(,12 分 22.解:(1)由题意,曲线2+2=1的参数方程为=cos=sin,为参数1 分 则(cos+sin,cossin),

7、再设(,),则=cos+sin=cossin,为参数 3 分 消去参数,得到2=1+2(2 2)故点的轨迹的方程为2=1+2(2 2);5 分(2)设的参数方程为=cos=sin(为参数),且2 x 2 代入的方程得2cos2 2sin 1=0,7 分 设,两点对应得参数分别为1,2,则1 2=1cos2 所以|=|12|=1cos2=1+tan2=1716,则tan=14 即直线的斜率为14.10 分 23.解:(1)()=|1|+2|+2|=3 3,1 2 分 由()9得:13+3 9 4 分 解得:4 2或2 1或1 2 综上所述:不等式()9的解集是4,2 5 分(2)证明:由(1)中

8、函数()的单调性可得()min=(2)=3 1+4+9=3 7 分 +=13(+)(1+4+9)=131+4+9+4(+)+9(+)13(14+24+29+294=12 9 分 当且仅当=2,=4,=6时等号成立 10 分 1 2023 年宝鸡市高三教学质量检测(年宝鸡市高三教学质量检测(三三)数学(理科)参考答案数学(理科)参考答案 一选择题:二填空题:13.3 14.22 15.32 16.三解答题 17.解:(1)由 6=33+24得4=8.1分 则7=7(1+7)2=74=56 由7,74,2a2成等比数列可得2=4.3 分 设的公差为 d,则 d=422=2.5 分 故=2n.6 分

9、(2)由(1)知,1=2,=(+1)n 则=2nn=(+1)2,.8 分 所以=2 2+3 22+21+(+1)2,所以2=2 22+3 23+2+(+1)2+1,得,=4+(22+23+2)(+1)2+1,.10 分 所以,=4+4(121)12(+1)2+1=2+1,所以,=2+1。.12 分 18.解:(1)由题意可得=(2+4+6+8+10)5=6,=(80+95+100+105+120)5=100,.2 分 由(5=1)(y)=180,(5=1)2=40,可得=(=11)()(=1)2=18040=92,=100 92 6=73,题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

10、12 答案 B A D D B B D C B A C D 2 故关于的回归直线方程为 =92+73 4 分 令=12,得 =127,据此预测12月份该校全体学生中对科技课程的满意人数为3000 127150=2540人 6 分 (2)提出假设0:该校的学生性别与对科技课程是否满意无关 则2=()2(+)(+)(+)(+)=150(65205510)2120307575=256 4.179 分 因为(2 3.841)=0.05,而4.17 3.841,故有95%的把握认为该校的学生性别与对科技课程是否满意有关 12 分 19.解:(1)证明:过作/,又=,则易得四边形为矩形,以直线,分别为,轴

11、,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,.1 分 又=2+2=2,且与平面所成角60,=60,60=3,=23,2分 (0,0,23),(0,4,0),(3,1,0),=(3,1,23),设=+=(0,0,23)+(3,23)=(3,23 23),=(3,23 23),即(3,23 23),=3+12 12=0,解得=34,=(334,34,32),又=(0,4,23),=0+3 3=0,5 分 ,又 ,=,平面,平面 6 分 3(2)由(1)可知 平面,=(0,4,23)为平面的一个法向量,8 分 又=2+2=23,2+2=2,又 平面,平面,又 =,平面,平面,10 分 =(3,3,0)为平面的一

12、个法向量,cos=|=122723=217,二面角 的余弦值为217 12 分 20.解:(1)由题意得=22,2=4,2=2+2 2 分 解得=22=2,所以的方程为28+24=1 4 分 (2)由(1)知,椭圆的方程为28+24=1 设存在点(0,)满足条件,记(1,1),(2,2).由=12+22=8消去,得(1+22)2 4 6=0.显然其判别式 0,所以1+2=41+22,12=61+22,6 分 于是=1122=1(+1)2(+1)12=212(+1)(1+2)+(+1)212=1+23(+1)(+1)23 2(+1)26 8 分 上式为定值,当且仅当1+23(+1)(+1)23=

13、0.解得=2或=2 10分 此时,=(+1)26=32或16 4 从而,存在定点(0,2)或者(0,2)满足条件 12 分 21.解:(1)()=(2 3),令()=(2 3),函数()的零点即为(2 3)=的方程的根,令()=(2 3),1分 ()=(2+2 3)=(1)(+3),当 1时,()0,()单调递增,当3 1时,()0,()单调递减,3分 且(3)=63,(1)=2 即 m 的取值范围为(2,0 63.5 分 (2)当 (1,+)时,若2()1()成立,即+ln+ln对 (1,+)恒成立,即+ln +ln对 (1,+)恒成立,亦即+(ln)+ln对 (1,+)恒成立,8分 设函数

14、()=+,()(ln)对 (1,+)恒成立,又()=(+1)+1,设()=()=(+1)+1,()=(+2),当 (,2)时,()0,此时()在(2,+)上单调递增,()(2)=1 12 0,()在上单调递增,又()(ln),ln在(1,+)上恒成立,10 分 令()=ln,则()=1=,当 1时,()0在(1,+)上恒成立,()(1)=1 0,此时满足已知条件,当 1时,由()=0,解得=,当 (1,)时,()0,此时()在(,+)上单调递增,5 ()的最小值()=ln 0,解得1 ,综上,的取值范围是(,12分 22.解:(1)由题意,曲线2+2=1的参数方程为=cos=sin,为参数1

15、分 则(cos+sin,cossin),再设(,),则=cos+sin=cossin,为参数 3分 消去参数,得到2=1+2(2 2)故点的轨迹的方程为2=1+2(2 2);5 分(2)设的参数方程为=cos=sin(为参数),且2 x 2 代入的方程得2cos2 2sin 1=0,7分 设,两点对应得参数分别为1,2,则1 2=1cos2 所以|=|12|=1cos2=1+tan2=1716,则tan=14 即直线的斜率为14.10分 23.解:(1)()=|1|+2|+2|=3 3,1 2分 由()9得:13+3 9 4分 解得:4 2或2 1或1 2 综上所述:不等式()9的解集是4,2

16、 5 分(2)证明:由(1)中函数()的单调性可得()min=(2)=3 6 1+4+9=3 7分 +=13(+)(1+4+9)=131+4+9+4(+)+9(+)13(14+24+29+294=12 9 分 当且仅当=2,=4,=6时等号成立 10 分 学科网(北京)股份有限公司2023 年宝鸡市高考模拟检测试题(三)英语参考答案第一部分 听力(共两节;每小题 1.5分,满分 30 分)15.ACCAB 610.AABCC 1115.BABAC1620.BACCB第二部分阅读理解(共两小节,满分 40分)第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30分)2125.ACBDC2630.ABB

17、CD3135,ACADB第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10分)36-40.EGDCA第三部分 英语知识运用(共两小节,满分 45分)第一节(共 20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30分)4145.CADBA 4650.DCBBC 5155.DADCA 5660.BDACB第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)61.and 62.its 63.a 64.lies 65.length 66.facing 67.where called学科网(北京)股份有限公司 70.used第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35分)第一节 短文改错(共 10小题;

18、每小题 1 分,满分 10分)71.holdheld 72.winwinning 73.give gave 74.whosewho/that75.andbut76.first 前the77.删除 hm78,amazedamazing79.creativelycreative 80.Congratulation Congratulations第二节 书面表达(满分 25分)(One Possible Version)My life in the futureI often imagine what my life will be like in the future.I think my lif

19、e will be much richer and more colorful and convenient.I do strongly hope that my life will be smooth and delightful.There is no doubt that my life will be colorful in the future.Playing musical instruments and travelling in my spare time will surely enrich my life and broaden my horizons.It will be

20、 possible to travel to the moon at weekends.Robots will help us do shopping online.As for my work,I dream of being an engineer because I am studying science at present.Additionally,I have a strong desire to devote myself to the development and construction of our country by using my professional kno

21、wledge.In order to make my dream come true,equipping myself with sufficient knowledge is really important.I am sure the hard work Im doing now will pay off in the future.学科网(北京)股份有限公司绝密考试结束前姓名 _准考证号_2023 年宝鸡市高考模拟检测试题(三)年宝鸡市高考模拟检测试题(三)英语英语注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名,准考证号填写在答题卡上。2.作答时,务必将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷及草稿纸上

22、无效。3.考试结束后,请将答题卡交回。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)回答听力部分时,请先将答案标在试卷上。听力部分结束前,你将有两分钟的时间将答案转涂到客观题答题卡上。第一节(共 5小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What will tomorrow?A.Give a talk.B.Walch a TV program.C.Write a report.2.What can w

23、e say about the woman?A.Shes generous.B.Shes curious.C.Shes helpful.3.When does the train leave?A.At 6:30.B.At 8:30.C.At 10:304.How does the woman go to work?A.On footB.By carC.By bike.5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Teacher and student.B.Classmates.C.Doctor and patient.第二

24、节(共 15小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小学科网(北京)股份有限公司题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6.When will Judy go to a party?A.On Tuesday.B.On Monday.C.On Wednesday.7.What will Max do next?A.Read a magazine.B.Fly a kite.C.Do

25、 his homework.听第 7段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8.What does the man suggest doing at first?A.Watching a movie.B.Going to a concert.C.Playing a computer game.9.What do the speakers decide to do?A.Visit Mike.B.Go boating.C.Take a walk.听第 8段材料,回答第 10 至 12题。10.Which color do cats see belter thon humans?A.Red.B.Green.C.

26、Blue.11.Why do cats bring dead birds home?A.To show off their hunting skills.B.To eat them in a safe place.C.To make their owners happy.12.How does the man sound at the end of the conversation?A.Humorous.B.Grateful.C.Curious.听第 9段材料,回答第 13 至 16题。13.Who is Macy?A.Eds teacher.B.Eds mother.C.Eds friend

27、.14.How does Ed usually go to kindergarten?A.On foot.B.By car.C.By bus.15.What does Ed enjoy doing at the kindergarten?A.Telling stories.B.Singing songs.C.Playing with others,16.What do the teachers say about Ed?A.Hes quiet.B.Hes clever.C.Hes brave.听第 10段材料,回答第 17 至 20题。17.At what age did Emily star

28、t learning ballet?学科网(北京)股份有限公司A.Six.B.Seven.C.Nine.18.Why did Emily move to Toronto?A.To work for a dance school.B.To perform at a dance theater.C.To learn contemporary dance19.Why did Emily quit,dancing?A.She was too old to dance.B.She failed to get a scholarship.C.She lost interest in it.20.How d

29、oes Emily feel about stopping training?A.Shes regretful:B.Shes pleased.C.Shes upset.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AAre you an organist(风琴演奏者),a singer,chorister or instrumentalist of a very high standard?If youd like to combine specialist musical

30、 experience with a Cambridge degree,you should consider applying for one of our Music Awards.Choral AwardsChoral Award-holders receive a small financial award each year and,in most Colleges,they also receive a subsidy(补助金)towards singing lessons.Other forms of support,such as subsidized meals and ch

31、oir tours,are determined by the individual Colleges.Find out more.Organ ScholarshipsOrgan Scholarships in Cambridge offer unparalleled opportunities to talented organists who wish to develop their skills significantly during the period of their academic studies.The awards vary from College to Colleg

32、e but all include a small financial award and some support for music lessons.Find out more.Instrumental Awards SchemeThe Instrumental Awards Scheme enables gifted musicians to reach a high standard of performance in chamber music.Successful students are Award-holders for a year,and receive a small f

33、inancial award professional coaching of their ensemble,学科网(北京)股份有限公司master classes,recital opportunities and a subsidy for instrumental lessons.Find out more.21.Where is this text probably taken from?A.A website.B.A textbook.C.An exam paper.D.An academic article.22.What is special about Organ Schola

34、rships?A.It is intended for talented singers.B.All colleges have the same awards.C.It helps gifted organists improve their skills.D.Award-holders receive a financial award each year.23.What do three Music Awards have in common?A.They have meals and choir tours.B.They include a small financial award.

35、C.They give free instrumental lessons.D.They provide free academic guidance.BWhen hed go outside at rest,John Buettner would dream of learning the monkey-bars.The fifth-grader uses a wheelchair,so they arent accessible to him-in fact,most of the playground at Glen Lake Elementary School isnt.Last fa

36、ll,Julien and a few of her colleagues applied for,and won,a grant(拨款)for an accessible swing and merry-go-round(旋转木马)The grant fell 35,000 short of the amount the school needed,and so Julien came up with an idea:She asked her combined fifth-and sixth-grade class to help raise the rest.Her students j

37、umped at the idea and took it a step further.“We were like,Why cant we make the whole playground accessible?”says sixth-grader Hadley Mangan.“It was$300,000,which is a lot,but we knew we could do it.”Then,the students got to work.They brainstormed ideas on how to raise money:door-knocking,partnering

38、 with restaurants,handing out flyers,and even cold-calling local businesses.“It takes a lot of work,says sixth-grader Raqiya Haji,“because you have to write a script and see if they wanted to donate to us.”Juliens class reached their$300,000 goal in a matter of weeks and have increased it twice sinc

39、e then.Now,they aim to raise$1 million so they can completely transform their playground.学科网(北京)股份有限公司Last week,Julien and Glen Lake Principal Jeff Radel loaded the students into two school buses for a field trip to tour the manufacturing plant.After that,John Buettner says he can hardly believe how

40、 quickly an idea turned into reality.“I feel astonished,”he says,getting emotional as he talks about the effort his classmates and the entire community have put into this project.While he may not be able to use the monkey bars,he says the new playground will open up a world of possibilities:“All of

41、this equipment is big enough for my friends and I to play on.I just feel some sense of capability.”Betsy Julien speaks through tears,loo,when she reflects on the project and thinks about the playgrounds transformation when the work is done a year from now.24.What is the problem with John Buettner?A.

42、He hurts his legs during outdoor exercise.B.His school playground is poorly equipped.C.He is not skilled at climbing on the monkey-bars.D.His disability slops him using existing sports facilities.25.How did Juliens students respond to offer help?A.They jumped up with joy.B.They saw it as a heavy bur

43、den.C.They volunteered to collect money.D.They donated their pocket money.26.What makes John Buettner begin to gel emotional after the field trip?A.Everyones pulling together.B.A large amount of donation.C.His dream becoming the reality.D.A blueprint of playground design.27.What is the text mainly a

44、bout?A.A teachers passion.B.A fundraising event.C.A disabled student.D.A meaningful project.CAs firefighters battled a five-alarm fire al a supermarket in the Bronx earlier this month,New学科网(北京)股份有限公司York City officials gathered beside what they said was the cause of the fire:the blackened shell of

45、what was once a sit-on electric scooter.The burning joined the more than 200 fires in New York City last year caused by batteries from e-bikes,electric scooters and similar devices.Lithium-ion(锂)battery explosions are now the third leading cause of fires in the city,the fire department says.In short

46、,there are more fires because there are so many more e-bikes and scooters these days.Lithium-ion batteries power many rechargeable devices that are part of our modern lives:cell phones,laptops,vapes,cordless power tools and electric vehicles of all kinds, to scooters to e-bikes to hoverboar

47、ds.Theyre small,lightweight and powerful-but theyre also prone to overheating and catching fire,said Michael Pecht,a professor of engineering at the University of Maryland.“Ever since lithium-ion batteries started to be popular in products,weve seen fires,”he said.At issue is the high density of the

48、 batteries,which is a double-edged sword,said Pecht,who also serves as director of the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering,a university research center that consults with companies on reliability and safety issues,including batteries.“They can provide a lot of power to our cell phones and to

49、our computers for a relatively long period of time in a very small volume,”he said.“But because we have so much energy packed in that small volume,if there is a problem,then theyre very flammable.”Defects or contamination in the manufacturing process can eventually lead to short circuiting or other failures.Theres not currently much regulation of e-bikes and scooters.But fire officials add should charge your device away from flammable materials like furniture and pillows,and that you shouldnt charge or store your device in a location that blocks your access to an exit.If your battery



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