1、Reforming hukou户籍制度改革导读:随着越来越多的人离开家乡,去另一座城市工作和生活,没有当地户口给他们的生活增添了诸多不便,而老旧的户籍制度似乎也越来越不能适应新的国情。好消息是,新的户籍政策会改变许多以往不方便、不合理的规定,不过想在北京这样的大城市落户依然会面临严格的标准。Suppose your permanent residence, or hukou, was in Chongqing, you worked in Beijing and you needed to get a passport for a business trip abroad. What shou
2、ld you do?假设你的永久居住证或户口在重庆,而你在北京工作,你出国出差需要办理护照,你该怎么办?You have to go back to Chongqing, which is 1,500km away, and apply to local public security authorities for the passport, because, in China, public services are closely linked to hukou. But a new regulation, which is part of the hukou reform, will
3、make this annoying experience a thing of the past.你必须回到1,500公里之外的重庆,向当地公共服务部门申请护照,因为在中国公共服务和你的户口紧密挂钩。不过新规定(也是户籍制度改革的一部分)出台后,这种恼人的经历将成为过去。The regulation targets Chinas newly introduced residence permit system, which will take effect on Jan 1, 2016. It allows people who dont have local hukou to receiv
4、e more access to basic public services in the cities where they are living. These include education, basic employment services, automobile registration, and passport and ID card application processing.新规定将于2016年1月1日正式生效,目标是在中国引入新的居留许可制度。它让那些没有居住地户口的人能享受更多当地公共服务,包括教育、基础就业服务、机动车登记、护照和身份证申领等。You can ap
5、ply for a residence permit at the local police station, which hasjurisdictionover the area where you live. The documents needed for the permit application include your ID card, photos and materials that prove that you have a job, a place to live, or that you are studying at an education institution.
6、你可以在管辖居住地的地方公安局申请居住证。申请居住证所需证件为身份证、登记照、工作和居住证明,或教育机构出示的就读证明。Tocertifythat you have a place to live, a house rental contract or property ownership certificate will do. For employment, a business license, job contract, or employment certificate can do the trick. If you are a student applying for the permit, show your student card or other documentation issued by your school.房屋租赁合同或房产证均可作为居住证明。营业执照、劳动合同或就业证明均可作为工作证明。如果你是申请居住证的学生,那么出示你的学生证或其他就读学校开具的证明即可。