1、西瓜状物作文基础苹果苹果香蕉香蕉第一组第二组猕猴桃猕猴桃柠檬柠檬 桔子桔子杨梅杨梅 哈密瓜哈密瓜火龙果火龙果荔枝荔枝橙子橙子葡萄葡萄梨梨1 1没吃的时候是绿的吃进去是红的吐出来是黑的猜一猜关于西瓜的来历关于西瓜的来历我我国是最大的西瓜产地,国是最大的西瓜产地,但西瓜并非源于中国。西但西瓜并非源于中国。西瓜的原产地在非洲,它原瓜的原产地在非洲,它原是野生植物,后经人工培是野生植物,后经人工培植成为食用西瓜。植成为食用西瓜。2 2四五世纪时,由西域传入四五世纪时,由西域传入我国,所以称之为我国,所以称之为“西西瓜瓜”。西瓜得名的西瓜得名的原因原因迫不及待 情不自禁 狼吞虎咽 心满意足今天,胡老师抱
2、来了一个西瓜来上课,这是要干什么呀?原来大西瓜长得可爱极了,又大又圆,挺着一个大肚子。它穿了一件绿色衣服,衣服上还涂了一条条墨绿色的条纹。Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.甜丝丝 甜透了心头 消暑 红艳艳 清凉甘甜大西瓜长得可爱极了,又大又圆,挺着一个大肚子。切开瓜皮,红红的瓜瓤就呈现在我们眼前,沙沙的,粉红的。大家看过、切过、闻过西瓜后,想不想尝尝这西瓜的味道?I will do somebody a good turnJus
3、t for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole three ways.西瓜的原产地在非洲,它原是野生植物,后经人工培植成为食用西瓜。切开瓜皮,红红的瓜瓤就呈现在我们眼前,沙沙的,粉红的。ADD YOUR TITLE HERETHANK YOU WATCHING THIS ONETHANK YOU WATCHING THIS ONE.眼睛鼻子嘴巴3 3我有五员大将耳朵手研究西瓜研究西瓜先来说说先来说说西瓜的外形西瓜的外形什么形状?它穿着一件什么颜色的衣服?上面有什么样的花纹呢?用手摸一摸,这
4、身衣服光滑吗?西瓜圆滚滚的,它穿着一件绿色的花衣裳,瓜皮上有墨绿色的条纹。切西瓜咯切西瓜咯打开后瓜瓤是怎样的?有没有看到瓜籽?鲜艳红嫩 上面还有一颗颗黑黑的瓜子 馋得口水直流 闻西瓜咯闻西瓜咯拿起一块西瓜,先不要急着吃,闻一闻,是不是有一股清新的果香?大家看过、切过、闻过西瓜后,想不想尝尝这西瓜的味道?同学们都是怎么吃瓜的?你觉得西瓜的味道怎么样?NoImage狼吞虎咽 细嚼慢咽 像吃了蜜一样提问式的开头 开头以一个提问开始 今天,胡老师抱来了一个西瓜来上课,这是要干什么呀?原来 大西瓜长得可爱极了,又大又圆。它穿了一件绿色衣服,衣服上还涂了一条条墨绿色的条纹。切开瓜皮,红红的瓜瓤就呈现在我们
5、眼前,沙沙的,粉红的。火红的果肉里还藏着一颗颗瓜籽,这些籽就像一颗颗耀眼夺目的黑珍珠,同学们看见了都口水直流。hours that Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.THANK YOU WATCHING THIS ONE我国是最大
6、的西瓜产地,但西瓜并非源于中国。切开瓜皮,红红的瓜瓤就呈现在我们眼前,沙沙的,粉红的。ADD YOUR TITLE HERE今天,胡老师抱来了一个西瓜来上课,这是要干什么呀?原来THANK YOU WATCHING THIS ONE.甜丝丝 甜透了心头 消暑 红艳艳 清凉甘甜它穿了一件绿色衣服,衣服上还涂了一条条墨绿色的条纹。hours that Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.切开瓜皮,红红的瓜瓤就呈现在我们眼前,沙沙的,粉
7、红的。我有写作好思路我有写作好思路1 1开头开门见山疑问2 23 3主体西瓜的形状、大小、颜色、香味、味道可以跟我们说一说结尾西瓜对我们的身体有什么好处呢?圆滚滚 浑身 花纹 像一颗颗耀眼夺目的黑珍珠 迫不及待 情不自禁 狼吞虎咽 心满意足 甜丝丝 甜透了心头 消暑 红艳艳 清凉甘甜 瓜瓤 又黑又亮 像皮球一样圆 人见人爱 ADD YOUR TITLE HEREADD YOUR TITLE HEREI will do somebody a good turnJust for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackl
8、e my whole three ways.I will doI will do somebody a good turnJust for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole three ways.I will doTHANK YOU WATCHING THIS ONE ADD YOUR TITLE HEREADD YOUR TITLE HEREI will do somebody a good turnJust for today I will try to live through t
9、his day only and not tackle my01hours that Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.02hours that Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.03hours that Just for today I will try to
10、live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.4 4ADD YOUR TITTLE HEREADD YOUR TITTLE HERETHIS IS A ART TEMPLATE.THANK YOU WATCHING THIS ONE.THIS IS A ART TEMPLATE.ADD TITLE HEREhours that Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life p
11、roblem at once.I can do forADD TITLE HEREhours that Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.I can do for0 10 1Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.0 20 2Just for today I will
12、try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.0 30 3Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.0 40 4Just for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.ADD YOU
13、R TITLE HEREADD YOUR TITLE HEREI will do somebody a good turnJust for today I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole three ways.I will do 大西瓜长得可爱极了,又大又圆,挺着一个大肚子。它穿了一件绿色衣服,衣服上还涂了一条条墨绿色的条纹。脑瓜顶上还长了一个弯弯把儿,就像小女孩头上的羊角辫。切开瓜皮,红红的瓜瓤就呈现在我们眼前,沙沙的,粉红的。火红的果肉里还藏着一颗颗瓜籽,这些籽就像一颗颗耀眼夺目的黑珍珠,同学们看见了都口水直流。