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1、第7单元 程度句视译 n 程度句,即含有表达某种程度意思的词组的句子,其“程度”表现多见于修饰副词和形容词。程度句的形式可谓五花八门,有很多与其他句式重叠,但构成视译翻译难度的主要是表达一个行为的程度与另一个行为关系的句式。英语程度句的语意比较容易理解,但是,有时要在瞬间视译成通顺汉语,则有一定难度。原因是英语程度句的语意链接和语言符号链接基本相互吻合。但是,相对于英语而言,汉语程度句习惯上多表现为语意链接,而缺乏语言符号链接,这就产生语言表述层面的思维差异,从而给翻译,尤其是需要瞬间完成的视译(往往需从书面化语言转换成口语化语言)造成极大的第7单元 程度句视译n困难。如:“He loves

2、his motherland so much that he would not leave it for love or for money.”可译为“他十分热爱自己的国家,无论如何也不愿离开祖国。”再如,“When he is old enough he would understand the way his parents have treated him.”可译为“他长大以后就会理解他父母为什么那样对待他了。”两个例句表明,在各自语言里本来逻辑很简单、语意很清楚的句子,一旦在一个真实复杂的语境里需要视译,便构成很大的思维方式转换难度。这是学生学习初期需要予以高度重视的,否则就难以熟练

3、掌握视译中思维方式转换的技巧。第7单元 程度句视译(要点梳理)n“程度”表现多见于修饰副词和形容词n构成视译翻译难度的主要是表达一个行为的程度与另一个行为关系的句式n英语程度句:语意链接和语言符号链接基本相互吻合n汉语程度句:多表现为语意链接,而缺乏语言符号链接n构成很大的思维方式转换难度第7单元 程度句视译(例句)n1.She didnt know him well enough to marry him.n【笔译】n【视译】她对他了解不够,不能嫁给他。她对他不十分了解,所以不能嫁给他。第7单元 程度句视译(例句)n译评(not)enough to do 是常见句式,英语思维方式固定,但视译

4、时中文译文可以根据上下文灵活处理。第7单元 程度句视译(例句)n2.The soldier found himself something of a hero when he returned to his village.n【笔译】n【视译】那士兵回到村里觉得自己像个大英雄。这位战士回到村里后发现自己简直成了英雄。第7单元 程度句视译(例句)n译评 视译版本更通俗易懂,更符合汉语表达习惯。something of 的视译译文可根据汉语口语的特点宽泛些。第7单元 程度句视译(例句)n3.He hates his work to such a degree that he is thinking

5、 of resigning.n【笔译】n【视译】他很讨厌他的工作,以致考虑把它辞去。他十分厌恶他的工作,因而正在考虑辞职。第7单元 程度句视译(例句)n译评 视译版本显然更符合汉语口语的表达习惯。so that 属于十分常见的程度词组,与中文思维有差异,不同语境可以有不同的翻译方式。第7单元 程度句视译(例句)n4.She behaved so emotionally that we knew something terrible had upset her.n【笔译】n【视译】她的行为如此激动,以致我们看出肯定是有一些可怕的事扰烦了她。她非常激动,我们因此而判断她一定是遇到了糟糕的事情。第7

6、单元 程度句视译(例句)n译评视译版本通俗地道,把so that 句式巧妙地转换成“因此而”,进行思维方式的转换后,译文既通顺又表意。第7单元 程度句视译(例句)n5.The more people that sign up for the trip,the cheaper will be the price.n【笔译】n【视译】报名参加旅游的人越多,票价就越便宜。这次旅游的报名人数越多,收费就越低。第7单元 程度句视译(例句)n译评the more,the more 句式很常见,但是很多情况下汉语译文过于僵化,在复杂的语境里,该句式的翻译可以多样些。第7单元 程度句视译(例段)n1.And

7、after eight months,I lost that job.They said I was too emotional.I was too much.But since they didnt want to pay out the contract,they put me on a talk show in Baltimore.And the moment I sat down on that showthe moment I didI felt like Id come home.n1.And after eight months,I lost that job.They said

8、 I was too emotional.I was too much.But since they didnt want to pay out the contract,they put me on a talk show in Baltimore.And the moment I sat down on that showthe moment I didI felt like Id come home.第7单元 程度句视译(例段)八个月后我失去了这份工作。他们说我太情绪化,我确实过于情绪化了。但因为他们不想支付违约金,他们安排我去做巴尔的摩的一档脱口秀节目。然而从我开始做那档节目起就是从那

9、一刻起,我就有一种如鱼得水的感觉。第7单元 程度句视译(例段)n【笔译】n【视译】八个月后我失去了那份工作。他们说我太情绪化了。我确实太过分了,但因为他们不想支付违约金,他们把我安排在巴尔的摩的一档脱口秀节目中。从我开始坐下来主持那档节目的那一刻起就是在那一刻起,我就感觉好像回到了家里一样。八个月后我失去了这份工作。他们说我太情绪化,我确实过于情绪化了。但因为他们不想支付违约金,他们安排我去做巴尔的摩的一档脱口秀节目。然而从我开始做那档节目起就是从那一刻起,我就有一种如鱼得水的感觉。第7单元 程度句视译(例段)n译评(1)英文that 汉译时有时需要翻译成“这”,更符合中文的表达习惯。(2)t

10、oo 和too much 基本语义是一样的,但是在此结构里后者语气强于前者,所以译文里应该体现出这种差异。(3)最后一句的翻译更符合语境需要,原文寓意表达得更清楚。第7单元 程度句视译(例段)n2.The advances in software are very importantthe way that we do this redundancy to make these systems incredibly high quality;the way that we can take,even when the connections arent happening,to find ne

11、w ways to make those connections,so we get extreme reliability;and then finally the end devices themselves,the portable computers you take everywhere.n2.The advances in software are very importantthe way that we do this redundancy to make these systems incredibly high quality;the way that we can tak

12、e,even when the connections arent happening,to find new ways to make those connections,第7单元 程度句视译(例段)软件改进意义重大,所谓软件改进意指我们研发这个备用设备的方法,以使这些系统达到极高的质量水准;也指在链接无效时,为找到获得链接的新方法而采取的方法,第7单元 程度句视译(例段)nso we get extreme reliability;and then finally the end devices themselves,the portable computers you take ever

13、ywhere.因此我们赢得了极高的信誉度;最后则指的是终端设备本身,即人们可以四处携带的手提式电脑。第7单元 程度句视译(例段)n【笔译】n【视译】软件改进是非常重要的。为了使这些系统具有相当高的质量,我们做了这件看似多余的事。这使我们即使是在不能顺利链接的时候,也找到了链接的新方法,因此我们拥有强大的可信度。最后则是终端设备本身,即你们可以四处携带的手提式电脑。软件改进意义重大,所谓软件改进意指我们研发这个备用设备的方法,以使这些系统达到极高的质量水准;也指在链接无效时,为找到获得链接的新方法而采取的方法,因此我们赢得了极高的信誉度;最后则指的是终端设备本身,即人们可以四处携带的手提式电脑。

14、第7单元 程度句视译(例段)n译评(1)这是一段专业性较强的文字,原文听者应该具备专业背景知识;译文听者也是如此,所以译文也应该具有较地道的专业内涵。(2)Extreme reliability 在此是一个商业意味浓厚的词汇,视译译文更清楚地阐明了当事方的商业关系,译文恰到好处。第7单元 程度句视译(例篇)n We all know to what degree viruses can be destructive on our computer and to what extent it is important to have virus protection installed.Howe

15、ver,were too careless to protect our own minds from the,often devastating,effects our own thoughts can have.These thought viruses can be serious enough to lead to mental health problems such as loss of confidence,mild depression,self esteem issues,and a distorted perception of ourselves.n One way ef

16、fective enough to control the viruses in our mind is to open ourselves to new experiences.We are only on this earth for as long as around 80 years,on average,if we are lucky,so why not try and experience as much as we can before we die.We all live in comfort zones and thats great because comfort zon

17、es protect us to some degree.However,comfort zones also stop us from learning about ourselves and growing as individuals to the degree that we even feel uneasy with anything unfamiliar.So,why not try to go as far as to experience something totally new and step outside our comfort zone?第7单元 程度句视译(例篇)

18、n【视译】n 我们都知道电脑里的病毒具有极大的破坏性,而安装病毒防护又是多么重要。然而,在防护自己的大脑免遭思维病毒侵害方面,我们却很不在意。我们自己很多想法总是具有破坏性。这些思维病毒危害之严重足以导致精神健康疾病,例如自信的缺失、轻度抑郁、自尊的问题以及扭曲的自我认识。n 控制思维病毒的一种方法就是开放自我,接受新鲜体验。平均来说,幸运的话,我们也不过在这地球活上大概八十年。所以为什么不试着在死之前体验尽可能多的经历呢。我们全都生活在安逸区,这很好,因为安逸区可以在某种程度上保护我们。然而,安逸区也会阻止我们认清我们自己并成长为独立的人,甚至达到让我们面对任何不熟悉的事物感到不自在的程度。

19、那么,为什么不试着去经历些全新的事物,跨出你的安逸区呢?第7单元 程度句视译(例篇详解)n We all know to what degree viruses can be destructive on our computer and to what extent it is important to have virus protection installed.However,were too careless to protect our own minds from the,often devastating,effects our own thoughts can have.我们

20、都知道电脑里的病毒具有极大的破坏性,而安装病毒防护又是多么重要。然而,在防护自己的大脑免遭思维病毒侵害方面,我们却很不在意。nThese thought viruses can be serious enough to lead to mental health problems such as loss of confidence,mild depression,self esteem issues,and a distorted perception of ourselves.第7单元 程度句视译(例篇详解)我们自己很多想法总是具有破坏性。这些思维病毒危害之严重足以导致精神健康疾病,例如自

21、信的缺失、轻度抑郁、自尊的问题以及扭曲的自我认识。n One way effective enough to control the viruses in our mind is to open ourselves to new experiences.We are only on this earth for as long as around 80 years,on average,if we are lucky,so why not try and experience as much as we can before we die.第7单元 程度句视译(例篇详解)控制思维病毒的一种方法

22、就是开放自我,接受新鲜体验。平均来说,幸运的话,我们也不过在这地球活上大概八十年。所以为什么不试着在死之前体验尽可能多的经历呢。nWe all live in comfort zones and thats great because comfort zones protect us to some degree.However,comfort zones also stop us from learning about ourselves and growing as individuals to the degree that we even feel uneasy with anythi

23、ng unfamiliar.第7单元 程度句视译(例篇详解)我们全都生活在安逸区,这很好,因为安逸区可以在某种程度上保护我们。然而,安逸区也会阻止我们认清我们自己并成长为独立的人,甚至达到让我们面对任何不熟悉的事物感到不自在的程度。第7单元 程度句视译(例篇详解)nSo,why not try to go as far as to experience something totally new and step outside our comfort zone?那么,为什么不试着去经历些全新的事物,跨出你的安逸区呢?第7单元 程度句视译(例篇)n译评 把英语原文与中文译文进行比对便不难发现,

24、无论是语意还是语言方面,英语的程度思维较汉语更多更典型,两种语言思维方式至少从字面上看反差较大,而视译则要求译员把偏重书面化的英语思维瞬间转化成偏重口语化的汉语思维,可见难度之大。只有经过大量科学的训练才有可能获得纯熟的思维转换技巧。英语程度句恰恰适合训练这种能力。因此,对学生来说,英语程度句即构成视译挑战,也提供了很好的训练机会。第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:语句)n(1)In one year,dust from these farm lands was carried as far as the Atlantic Ocean.n(2)We can earn more or less a

25、ccordingly as the company can give us overtime work.n(3)The project will succeed only to the extent that each of us puts his efforts into it.n(4)In proportion as the land value increased,so too did taxes become higher.n(5)The economy of this country has grown at such a high rate over the past ten ye

26、ars that its GDP has doubled.第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(1)一年里风就把尘土从这些耕地吹到远至大西洋。n(2)我们挣的钱多少,要看公司给我们加班工作的多少而定。n(3)只有我们每个人都付出努力,这项工程才能取得成功。n(4)税率也是按照土地价值增长的比例而提高的。n(5)十年间,该国的经济发展迅猛,其国内生产总值竟然翻了一番。第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:语段)n(1)Bullets hit the walls of a compound housing the Xinhua News Agency,and one rocket landed

27、in a neighboring yard,smashing windows,said Yan Jianhua,a Xinhua correspondent stationed in Kabul.Residents of nearby apartments stayed indoors as helicopters flew low overhead.“The noise(of helicopters)was so loud that our beds shook,”Yan said.第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:语段)n(2)In todays society,we always feel

28、 that we never have enough time on our hands.We are really good at wasting time,and not so good at actually getting things done.Wouldnt it be nice if we could be so efficient that we could finish all of our work in 4 hours or less?Believe it or notit is possible!第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(1)据喀布尔的新华社记者严建

29、华报道,新华社所在地的围墙被子弹击中,隔壁庭园被火箭弹射中,窗户玻璃被打碎。直升机在头顶低空飞行,附近单元居住的居民都闭门不出。“(直升机的)噪声太大,震得我们的床都会摇晃,”严建华说道。n(2)在当今社会,我们总是感觉到我们手中从未有过足够的时间。我们擅长浪费时间,但实际上却不擅长做好工作。如果我们可以有至多用四小时就可完成所有工作的高效率那该多好啊!信不信由你它是可能的!第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:语篇)n(1)A new“communications and thought leadership consultancy”called Ledbury Group has gone so

30、 far in its research on Thought Leaders that it published this week“Thought Leader Index 2019”after it went around asking chief executives,trade union leaders,editors(all thought leaders themselves,one assumes)to name their favorite thought leaders.The result is impressive to the degree that it sure

31、ly gives an up-to-date snapshot of what the term actually means.第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:语篇)n Top of the list is Google.This presents the first challenge to my definition:Google has no thoughts and no brain with which to have them as it is a company.It might be brilliantly successful but is it a thought lead

32、er?It has only led my thoughts to the extent that I no longer retain any knowledge in my head,but I just look everything up on its website instead.But I dont think that counts.第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:语篇)n The next favourite thought-leading business is Apple.Again,I dont get it.Apple leads my wallet and my t

33、aste for gorgeous sleek gadgets,but not my thoughts.I am oddly forgiving each time my iPod breaks and hurry to the Apple store to replace it with a more glamorous model,but thats as far as it goes.第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:语篇)n(2)Many scientists believe that our planet has been on a warming trend over the las

34、t two hundred years and that our activities are responsible for this global warming.It started with the Industrial Revolution,in about 1750.At that time,people began to use machines in more areas of life,from heating,to building and manufacturing,to transportation.The machines were powered by burnin

35、g fuel,such as wood,coal,oil,and natural gas.When these fuels burn,they emit carbon dioxide(CO2)and other waste products and these chemicals rise into the atmosphere,the layer of air that covers our planet.第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:语篇)n Carbon dioxide and certain other gases in the atmosphere act like an insu

36、lating blanket,trapping heat and holding it close to Earths surface.Scientists call this the greenhouse effects,since the gases work in much the same way as the glass windows of a greenhouse,trapping heat inside.Normally,carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere in small amounts,just enough to kee

37、p temperatures on Earth comfortable for our planets living things.The burning of fuels,however,has been increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,like putting an extra blanket on your bed.The extra carbon dioxide blanket has been making Earth warmer,leading to serious problems for yo

38、ur planet.第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:语篇)n So far,global warming has not been very substantial and the average temperature of Earth has increased by a little more than 1(0.6)in the last one hundred years.This change is so small that some scientists argue that it is just a natural fluctuation and not a trend.Oth

39、er scientists say there is a great deal of evidence to support global warming.Summers are getting hotter;winters are getting milder;glaciers are melting and sea levels are rising.But these signs are only the start.The warming trend is expected to speed up and produce even greater effects.第7单元 程度句视译(

40、视译练习:语篇)n In large areas at the North and South poles covered with ice,warmer temperatures are already causing that ice to melt,contributing to the rising sea level.If sea levels rise too much,they could flood coastal cities all over the world.The warming may already be affecting the weather in vari

41、ous parts of the planet.We are having more storms,with violent winds and flooding.Eventually,some of todays rich farmlands could become tomorrows deserts.Other parts of the world,where it has been too cold to grow crops,might become the farmlands of the future.Wildlife species could be forced either

42、 to adapt,move,or become extinct,as their habitat changes.第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:语篇)n Is it too late to stop global warming?Not necessarily.People and nation all over the world will have to work together to reverse the trend.Simple things,such as planting a tree and recycling your trash,can help.Government

43、 regulations and international treaties that limit the emissions of carbon dioxide and other“greenhouse gases”can also slow down or stop global warming.These efforts need to start now,before global warming gets out of control.The longer we wait,the harder it will be to keep conditions just right for

44、 life on Earth.第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(1)最近,一家新的“沟通和思想领袖咨询机构”Ledbury Group 公布了“2019 年思想领袖索引”。它四处询问公司总裁、工会领袖、编辑(这些人都是人们认为的思想领袖),让他们说出自己最喜欢的思想领袖。当然,这些结果从一个侧面体现了这个词的最新含义。第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n 排在名单首位的是谷歌。这是对我的定义的首个挑战:谷歌既没有思想,也没有容纳思想的头脑,因为它是一家公司。或许它取得了辉煌成功,但它算是思想领袖吗?它只是把我的思想引领到这样一种程度:我不再需要在头脑中保留任何知识,一切都到

45、它的网站上去查就行了。但我并不认为这就算思想领袖。n 人们中意的下一个思想引领型企业是苹果。可我还是不明白。苹果引领着我的钱包和我对各种华丽的小玩意儿的偏好,但它却没有引领我的思想。奇怪的是,每次我的iPod 出问题,我都十分宽容,赶紧跑到苹果专卖店里搞一个更迷人的型号来代替它,但仅此而已。第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n(2)许多科学家认为,过去的两百年里我们的星球有变暖的趋势,而我们的活动是全球变暖的原因。全球变暖是伴随着工业革命而开始的,大约在1750 年。那时,人们开始在更多的领域使用机器,从取暖,到建筑和制造业,再到交通。机器驱动靠燃烧燃料,例如木材、煤炭、石油和天然气。

46、这些燃料燃烧时释放出二氧化碳和其他废弃物,这些化学物质会进入大气层,即覆盖我们地球的空气层中。第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n 二氧化碳和空气中的某些其他气体像一个绝缘层,保存热量并将热量聚集在地球表面。由于气体的作用方式和温室的玻璃窗一样,将能量保存在室内,科学家称之为温室效应。通常情况下,空气中的二氧化碳量很小,刚好让地球保持适宜生物生存的温度。然而,燃料的燃烧一直在增加空气中二氧化碳的量,就像床上又加了条毛毯。这条额外的二氧化碳毛毯让地球一直变暖,进而给我们的地球造成严重的问题。第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n 到目前为止,全球变暖还未那么严重,地球平均温度在过去

47、一百年内上升了1 华氏度(0.6 摄氏度)多一点。这种变化很小,以至一些科学家认为,这只是自然波动而不是趋势。另外一些科学家认为,有大量证据证明全球变暖的存在。夏天越来越热,冬天逐渐变暖,冰川在融化,海平面在上升。但是这些迹象仅仅是个开始。预计全球变暖还会加快并产生更大的影响。第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n 南极和北极冰川覆盖的广大区域,气温升高正导致冰川融化,进而造成海平面上升。如果海平面上升过多,世界所有的沿海城市都有可能被淹没。全球变暖可能已经在影响世界不同地区的天气。伴随狂风和洪水的风暴越来越多。最终,今天的一些肥沃农田明天可能会变成沙漠。一些气候寒冷、不适宜种植的地区将来可能变成农田。随着栖息地的变化,野生物种被迫或者适应环境,或者迁徙,抑或灭亡。第7单元 程度句视译(视译练习:参考答案)n 阻止全球变暖是否为时已晚?不一定。世界各个国家和人民必须共同努力以扭转这种趋势。简单的事情,如植树、回收垃圾就可以达到效果。限制二氧化碳和其他一些温室气体排放的政府法令和国际条约,也可以减缓或阻止全球变暖。我们现在要行动起来,防止全球变暖失去控制。我们等待的时间越长,就越难保证适宜的生存条件。谢谢



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