1、凤凰古城凤凰古城中国最美的小城中国最美的小城 The most beautiful town in China 凤凰古城简介凤凰古城简介 About Phoenix city 沱江风光沱江风光 Tuo River scenery 沈从文沈从文 Shen 边陲苗寨边陲苗寨 Miao frontier 吊脚楼吊脚楼 Diaojiaolou 手工织锦手工织锦 Handmade tapestry Ancient city of Phoenix is a national historical and cultural city,famous New Zealand writer Rewi Alley
2、was once praised as the most beautiful town.凤凰古城是国家历史文化名城,曾被新西兰著名作家路易艾黎称赞为中国最美丽的小城。It Was built in the Kangxi Period of ancient city of Phoenix is a national historical and cultural city.建于清康熙时期的凤凰古城是一座国家历史文化名城。Phoenix will be the natural scenery and cultural characteristics of the organic integrati
3、on into one place,after a heavy sense of perspective is perhaps all directions to attract visitors to the charm of its essence.凤凰的风景将自然的、人文的特质有机融合到一处,透视后的沉重感也许正是其吸引八方游人的魅力之精髓。Fenghuang County:located in the western border,Fenghuang County:located in the western border,an area of 1751 square kilomete
4、rs,population an area of 1751 square kilometers,population 370,000,is located in the Yunnan-Guizhou 370,000,is located in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau East domain,range upon range of Plateau East domain,range upon range of mountains,ravines horizon,the northern mountains,ravines horizon,the northern m
5、ountain plateau,hilly and mountainous mountain plateau,hilly and mountainous southwest of the main peaks are the Phoenix southwest of the main peaks are the Phoenix Mountains,large Doosan,Bagong Hill.Mountains,large Doosan,Bagong Hill.凤凰县凤凰县:位于西部边境,面积:位于西部边境,面积17511751平方千米,人口平方千米,人口3737万,地处云贵高原东域,层峦
6、叠嶂,沟壑纵横,北部万,地处云贵高原东域,层峦叠嶂,沟壑纵横,北部为高山台地,西南部为山地丘陵,主要山峰有凤凰山、为高山台地,西南部为山地丘陵,主要山峰有凤凰山、大斗山、八公山等。大斗山、八公山等。河水 清冽,浆声舟影,山歌互答,好一派宁静安祥的小城风光。Chilly water,pulp film sound boat,folk songs each answer,a good school of Ningjing An Xiang Our Town沱江河是古城凤凰的母亲河,她依着城墙缓缓流淌,世世代代哺育着古城儿女。Tuo River is the mother of the ancien
7、t city of Phoenix,she slowly flowing under the walls,nurtured generations of city children 沱江清流绕城江山点点木舟漂浮流水在小桥上轻轻吟唱 这是沈从文笔下的古城沈从文The world know Phoenix,understand Phoenix is starting from the Shen.Shen was born December 28,1902.In the city where he spent a legendary childhood.世人知道凤凰,了解凤凰,是从沈从文开始世人知道
8、凤凰,了解凤凰,是从沈从文开始的。沈从文生于的。沈从文生于19021902年年1212月月2828日。他在古日。他在古城里度过了充满传奇色彩的童年。城里度过了充满传奇色彩的童年。地方风情Local customsPhoenix is a multi-ethnic countyMainly by the Miao,Tujia,Han,Hui凤凰是多民族聚居县,主要由苗族、土家族、汉族、回族边陲苗寨边陲苗寨 Miao frontier 泛舟江上 River rafting 一抬头 A rise 看到的 Lupinlangfei 是遍染风霜的吊脚楼Weathered houses on stilts over the dye is This tapestry,batik,tie-dye,jewelry and other unique work,with strong local characteristics and high artistic value.这里的织锦、蜡染、扎染、银饰等做工独特,具有浓郁的地方特色和较高的艺术价值。谢谢观看