1、英语广东开心版 六年级上 Unit1 Feeling sick The fifth period More reading and writing 上163文库网 下精品教学资源 上163文库网 下精品教学资源 Lead in bones 上163文库网 下精品教学资源 bones giraffe adult baby 上163文库网 下精品教学资源 Question1 Babies have 300 bones ,but adults only have 206 bones. Where are the other bones go? Question2 A lot of the bones
2、 in our body are in our hands and feet. How many bones are there in each hand and foot? Questons3 People and giraffes have the same number of bones in their necks! Why are giraffes necks so long? A.Each bone in a giraffes neck is very big and very long. B.They grow together. Adults need big strong b
3、ones, but babies need lots of small ones. C. There are 27 bones in each hand and 26 in each foot. 上163文库网 下精品教学资源 206 217or218or300 206 giraffe baby adult How many bones do they have? 上163文库网 下精品教学资源 Know more about giraffe: 长颈鹿812种,是大型蹄类动物,也是现 代世界最高的动物,站立是由脚到关可达 68米,体重约700千克。刚出生的就有1.5 米高,颜色因产地而不同。头
4、的额部宽,吻 部较尖,耳大竖立,头顶有1对骨质。颈部 长约2 米。它的骨关与其他哺乳类动物不一 样是,哺动物的脖子有7块骨头 ,而它有8块 。 上163文库网 下精品教学资源 PresentationPresentation Watch the video about giraffe: 上163文库网 下精品教学资源 New phrases: the other bones其他的骨头其他的骨头 the same number of相同数量相同数量 each bone每块骨头每块骨头 in each foot每只脚每只脚 上163文库网 下精品教学资源 Read and answer 1. Ho
5、w many bones does your mother or father have? 2.How many bones does a baby have? 3. How many bones do you have now? (Guess) She or he has 206 bones. She or he has about 300 bones. Maybe I have more than 206. I am not an adult. I think I have bones between 206 and 300. I am not a baby ,I am not an ad
6、ult ,either. Read and choose. 1. Adults have (big / small) strong bones, but babies have (many / much ) small bones. 2. We have ( 27 /54)bones in each hand and (26/52) bones in our feet. 3.Peple and giraffes have the (same /different) number of bones in their(noses / necks). 4.Each bone is a giraffe
7、s neck is big and (short/long). 每只手每只手 指两只脚指两只脚 Know more about human being: 1、成人骨头有206块,分为头颅骨、躯干骨、上肢骨、下肢骨。 2、儿童的骨头却比成人的多。因为儿儿童的骶骨有5块,长 大成人后合成1块。儿童的尾骨有45块,长大后也合成1块。 儿童有2块骼骨、2块坐骨和2块趾骨,到成人就合成2块髂骨 了。所以儿童的骨头双大人要多1112块,就大概有217 218块。 3、医学书上,初生婴儿的骨头多达305块。 PresentationPresentation Differences: 1、当然,说成有的206
8、块骨头也不是绝对 的,这就是全球人类的总体而言。 人群中存在差异。我国科学工作者1985年进行抽样调查表明,中国人的骨头 比欧美人少。我国大多数人只有204块骨头。日语调查的情况也是这样。而在 欧美,绝大多数有206块骨关,仅少数人为204块。 2、我和和日本人比欧美人少了哪两块骨头呢?原来通常认为第五趾骨有3块 骨头,现在发现中日两国人大多为2块。由于每只脚少了1块骨头,因而只有 204块。 ProgressProgress Know more about bones: 1.骨头与升高的关系?骨头与升高的关系? 2.孩子骨折后的处理方式?孩子骨折后的处理方式? Summary 1. Lear
9、ned some bones: 2. Bones about giraffe and people: Unit 1 Feeling sick -More reading and writing bones giraffe 206 neck 8 big long adult 206 hand 27 foot 26 baby 217 or 218 hand 27 foot 26 Homework 1.Find more knowledge about bones from the internet; (what/when/why). 2.Make a poster about bones in groups.