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1,本文(Unit 2 Understanding ideas We regret to inform you(ppt课件)-2023新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx)为本站会员(QXX)主动上传,163文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。
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Unit 2 Understanding ideas We regret to inform you(ppt课件)-2023新外研版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

1、We Regret to Inform You.我们遗憾地通知您regret rret v.懊悔,抱歉,遗憾 informnfm v.通知,告知We regret to inform you.These are the words that every writer dreads receiving,but words every writer knows well.dread dred v.畏惧,害怕 adj.可怕的 n.畏惧that 引导限制性定语从句在句中指代words译文:我们遗憾的通知您.这些话是每个作者都害怕收到的,但是这些话是每个作者都熟悉的。The response from

2、a publisher comes back and the writer eagerly opens and reads it,their hearts sinking when they reach that final sentence.responserspns n.回复,答复,反应publisherpbl n.出版者,发行人 come back 回来sinksk n.邪恶之地 adj.贫困的,低下的 vt.使下沉,下沉reachrit v.到达,抵达译文:来自出版商的回复来了,作者渴望的打开并且阅读,当他们读到最后一个句子的时候他们心情低落。ones heart sinks情绪低落r

3、esponsiblerspnsbl adj.负责的,可靠的responsibility rspnsblt n.责任You may have spent years giving up your weekends and free time to write your lifes work,yet still this is often not enough.have spent have done 现在完成时e.g 他已经在前天晚上完成了他的作业句子结构:主+谓+宾+地点+时间He had finished his homework the night before last.give up

4、放弃 give in 投降 give out 1.放出,发出 2.散发,颁发give away 1.泄露,暴露 2.赠送,送出 3.出售译文:yet jet adv.还,仍 conj.然而,可是你可能花费了数年,放弃了周末和空闲时间去创作你的毕生作品,可是这通常仍然不够。Everyone knows that success rarely happens overnight,but perhaps not many know that a lot of highly successful writers have previously faced rejection.successskses

5、n.成功 successfulsksesfl adj.成功的succeed sksid v.达到目的,成功rarely rel adv.很少地 rare re adj.罕见的,难得的overnightvnat adv.整晚 adj.突然出现的,一夜之间的rejection rdekn n.拒绝,摒弃 reject rdekt v.拒绝接受译文:每个人都知道成功很少发生在一夜之间,但是也许不是许多人都知道非常成功的作者以前也面临被拒稿。_adv.非常,高水平地Take for example J.K.Rowling.take.for example 以.为例 for instance=for e

6、xample 例如译文:以J.K罗琳为例 When she received her first rejection letter,she decided that it means she now had something in common with her favorite writers and stuck it on her kitchen mon kmn adj.常见的,共同的短语使用:have sth in common with 与.有共同之处 e.g 他和残忍的歹徒的外貌有共同之处 gangsterst He had something in common with cru

7、el gangsters appearance.stick stk n.树枝,细枝v.刺,粘贴,忍受译文:当她接收到她的第一封拒绝信时,她觉得它意味着她现在和她最喜爱的作者有共同之处,并且粘贴它在她厨房的墙上。When she received her first rejection letter,she decided that it means she now had something in common with her favorite writers and stuck it on her kitchen wall.句型结构when 引导时间状语从句that引导宾语从句宾语从句省略

8、引导词thatRowling had spent years surviving on little money,spending all her time writing.survivesvav v.幸存,存活,挺过去,艰难度日survivalsvavl n.生存,存活,幸存,残存物survivorsvav(r)n.幸存者,生还者,挺过困难者_survive on 靠.生存e.g 他靠骗女孩的钱生存He survives on cheating girls money.cheat译文:罗琳过了很多年穷的日子,她把所有的时间花在写作上。When she finally finished her

9、 first book,she received comments from publishers along the lines of too difficult for children,too long,children would not be interested in it.along l prep.沿着,在边上,在里 adv.向前,一起_along the lines of 类似于,类似译文:当她最终完成她的第一本书的时候,她收到来自出版商类似于对孩子来说太难太长,孩子们将对它不感兴趣的评论。Nevertheless,she perservered.nevertheless ne

10、vles adv.然而,不过同义词 howeverperservere psv v.坚持,锲而不舍译文:不过,她坚持不懈 I wasnt going to give up until every single publisher turned me down,but I often feared that would happen,she later posted._single sl adj.单个的,唯一的 n.单人房间,单身人士turn down 调低,拒绝fearf v.害怕,惧怕fearful ffl adj.害怕的,恐惧的later let adj.较晚的,晚的 adv.后来,以后l

11、atter lt adj.后半期的,后半段的 n.后者形近词:post pst n.邮政,邮递 v.邮寄,派遣,发帖译文:我不打算放弃除非每一个出版商都拒绝我,但是我经常害怕那会发生,她后来发帖。After a total of twelve rejections,one publisher eventually agreed to print 500 copies of her first book,and as we know,Harry Potter became a global success,with over 400 million books sold and translat

12、ed into more than seventy different languages.eventuallyventl adv.最后,终于,最终finally fanl同义词:adv.最终,终于,最后eventualventul adj.最终的,可能的print prnt n.印刷品,出版物 adj.印花的 v.印刷,出版copykp n.复印件,素材 v.抄写,效仿,复制global lbl adj.全球的,全世界的globalize lblaz v.全球化,国际化globally lbl adv.全球地,在全球译文:在拒绝了总共12次后,一个出版商最终同意印刷500册她的第一本书,并且

13、我们知道哈利波特变成了一个全球性的成功,伴随着超过400万书被卖和被翻译成超过70种不同的语言。All too often writers of great works have had to face criticism along with rejection.too tu adv.太,过于,也,而且 criticismkrtszm n.批评,批判拓展词:critical krtkl adj.危急的,指责的,批评的critic krtk n.批评者,挑剔的人along with 除了.还有译文:伟大作品的作家不得不面对批评,除了拒绝之外,所有的这些是经常地。J.D.Salinger sta

14、rted writing short stories in high school,but later struggled to his works published.struggle strl v.奋斗,努力,挣扎,艰难地行进 et v.得到,变为,到达,使得译文:塞格林在高中的时候开始写短故事,但是后来努力使他的作品出版。We feel that we dont know the central character well enoughwas the criticism he received on his manuscript for The Catcher in the Rye.t

15、hat 引导表语从句_处主语从句_译文:我们感觉我们没有很好的了解中心角色,是他在他的手稿麦田里的守望者里接受到的评论。Despite rejections from several publishers,J.D.Salinger refused to give up.several sevrl adj.几个的,数个的 pron.几个,数人refuse rfjuz v.拒绝,不同意 n.垃圾,废料despitedspat prep.尽管,不管 n.憎恨,轻视译文:尽管遭到几个出版商的拒绝,塞林格拒绝放弃。Even when serving in the US Army during the S

16、econd World War,he carried six chapters of The Catcher in the Rye with him worked on the novel his war service.servesv v.接待,服务,提供carry kr v.携带,传送chapter tpt n.(文字作品的)章,回,篇章,阶段 ruat prep.自始至终,遍及 adv.始终,一直service svs n.帮助,(对顾客的)接待,服务甚至在二战期间,当在美国军队里服务的时候,他带着麦田里的守望者的六章,他的整个战争服务期间一直在写小说。译文:work on the no

17、vel 写小说When it was eventually published,the book became an immediate bestseller and went on to sell millions and millions of copies.immediatemidt adj.立即的,即时的immediately midtl adv.立即,马上went on 1.继续做某事 2.发生或进行 3.以某种方式说活或行动译文:当它最终被出版的时候,这本书变成了一个即刻的畅销书并且继续卖了成千上万册Perhaps the overall for perseverance shou

18、ld go to three sisters from Victorian England who dreamt of seeing their words in print.overallvrl adj.总的,全面的,所有的perseverancepsvrns n.毅力,韧性,不屈不挠persevere psv v.坚持,锲而不舍praz 译文:print prnt n.印刷品,出版 v.印刷,打印也许所有对于坚持不懈的奖应该给来自英国维多利亚时代的三姐妹,她们梦想看到她们的文字出版。This,however,was a time when women were not to become

19、writers._nkrd encouragement nkrdmnt n.鼓励,激励courage krd n.勇气were encouaged be done 被动语态然而,这是一个当女性不被鼓舞成为作家的时代。译文:As the then Poet Laureate,Robert Southey,wrote to one of them:Literature cannot be the of a womans life,and it ought not to be.罗伯特索塞thenen adv.当时,到那时,然后them指代英国维多利亚时代的三姐妹ought to 应该=shouldb

20、zns busy bz adj.忙的,忙碌的译文:正如当时的桂冠诗人罗伯特索塞写给其中一位女性的信中所说:“文学不能成为女性一生的事业,也不应该成为。”Nevertheless,the sisters didnt stop trying.try tra n.尝试,努力 v.设法,尝试,努力译文:然而,这三姐妹没有停止努力。Their response was to write a book of poems under male names.under nd prep.在下面,受制于 adv.在下面male mel n.男人,男孩,雄性动植物 adj.男(人)的,男孩的她们的回应是写一本受制于

21、男性的名字的诗的书。译文:Even the book sold only two copies,the sisters still didnt give up.时间状语从句的时态 主将从现,主过从过。译文:甚至当这本书仅仅只卖了两本的时候,这三姐妹仍然没有放弃。They started writing novels,and today Charlotte Brontes,Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights and Anne Brontes Agnes Grey are regarded as classics of world literature.夏洛特勃朗特艾米

22、莉勃朗特They started writing novels,and today Charlotte Brontes,Emily Brontes Wuthering Heights and Anne Brontes Agnes Grey are regarded as classics of world literature.呼啸山庄艾格妮斯格雷安妮勃朗特are regarded as 被认为是译文:她们开始写小说,并且今天夏洛.特勃朗特的简爱,艾米莉.勃朗特的呼啸山庄和安妮.勃朗特的艾格妮斯.格雷被认为是世界文学的经典。In fact,it is within the pages of J

23、ane Eyre that we can find these words:I honour endurance,perseverance,industry,talent;because these are the means by which men achieve great ends.withinwn prep.在里,在内部pageped n.(书、信件等的)一页,一版honourn(r)v.尊敬,向表示敬重 n.正义感,自尊,荣誉industry ndstr n.工业,勤劳,勤奋end end n.结尾,结局,目标v.结束,终结事实上在简爱里面我们可以找到这些话,我崇拜耐力,毅力,勤奋

24、,天赋,因为这些是人们实现伟大目标的方法。译文:So,it seems that talent alone isnt enough to guarantee success.guaranteernti v.担保,保证aloneln adj.单独的,孤独的译文:因此,似乎单独的天赋不足够保证成功。while a lot of hard work and a touch of luck play a part,perseverance is the key.while wal conj.(表示两件事同时发生)当的时候,然而,(与从句或形容词连用)虽然一点点扮演一个角色play a part=play a role/take a part艰苦劳动译文:虽然许多艰苦劳动和一点点运气扮演一个角色,但是毅力才是关键。Keep trying and eventually you will read the words,we are delighted to inform you.译文:保持努力并且最终你将会读到这些话语我们高兴的通知您.Thank your!



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