1、IM01-Organizational Structure&Master Data in IMNovember,2000November,2000InstructorInstructorYOUR FACILITATOR FOR THIS COURSE IS:Stella DingConsultantAndersen ConsultingCourse ObjectivesCourse ObjectivesAt the end of this chapter,you will be familiar with:l Special goods movements featuresl Using re
2、servations to plan goods movements inadvancelProcedures for special issues of goods(e.g.samples,scrapping),and their effectslCarrying out various goods issue procedures,planned and unplanned,with their respectiveupdateslStock transfers and transfer postings using the one-step and two-step procedures
3、Course DescriptionnParticipants gain basic knowledge and practice using the R/3System by focusing on core functions and processes.They aretaught to use the system tools(e.g.R/3 documentation which prepare them to learn additional functions on their own.IM01-Organizational Structure and Master DataSc
4、hedule&TopicOrganizational StructureMaster Data-Material MasterSchedule&TopicSchedule&TopicIntroduction to Inventory ManagementGoods ReceiptReservationsGoods IssueStock Transfer/Transfer PostingReporting and AnalysisIM02-Processes in Inventory Management Topic One:Organization Structures Topic Two:M
5、aster Data-Material MasterScheduleScheduleOrganizational Elements Organizational Elements DefinitionDefinitionlIn the SAP R/3 System:nOrganizational elements are structures that represent the legal and/ororganizational views of an enterprise.nYou can design your company structure based on your busin
6、essprocesses.lThe organizational elements form a framework thatsupports all business activities.Organizational ElementsOrganizational ElementsThe SAP R/3 Inventory Management business process usesthe following R/3 organizational elements:nCompany codenPlantnStorage locationnClientClientClientClientl
7、 l l lThe client is a commercial,organizational unit within the R/3 System,with its own data,master records,and set of tables.l l l lFrom a business perspective,the client forms a corporate group.Company CodeCompany Codel l l lA company code represents an independent accountingunit,for example,a com
8、pany within a corporate group.l l l lThe company code is the smallest organizational unit for which you can have an independent Accounting departmentwithin external Accounting.PlantPlantlA plant is an organizational unit within a company.Aplant produces goods,renders services,or makes goodsavailable
9、 for distribution.lA plant can be one of the following types of locations:nManufacturing facilitynWarehouse distribution centernRegional sales officenCorporate headquartersPlantClientCompany code 1Company code 2Plant 1Plant 2Plant 3Plant 4PlantPlantPlant 1Plant 2Plant 3Plant 4Company Code 1Company C
10、ode 2Assigning a Plant to a Company Assigning a Plant to a Company CodeCodeClientCompany codes20001000Storage LocationStorage LocationStorage LocationStorage locations are organizational units that allowthe differentiation of material stocks within a plant.Defining Storage Locations within Defining
11、Storage Locations within a Planta PlantPlants000100020003Company Code1000This unit has provided an overview of the organizational structures of the R/3 System from a Inventory Management point of View.The main organizational levels are Company Code Plant Storage LocationViews on the master data in t
12、he R/3 System result from the organizational structure.Organizational Structures in IM Summary Topic One:Organization Structures Topic Two:Master Data-Material MasterScheduleScheduleMaster Data contains the records thatremain in the database over anextended period of time.Master Data(e.g.,Vendor Dat
13、a)General Data(commonacross client)PurchasingData(unique topurchasingAccounting Data(unique to SAP R/3 Master DataSAP R/3 Master DataGeneral ConceptsGeneral ConceptslThe material master contains information about thematerials an enterprise buys,produces,stores,and sells.lInformation is stored in a d
14、atabase that is used as acentral repository for material data.lMaterial data is used throughout the R/3 System.Applications related to Procurement include:nPurchasingnInventory ManagementnInvoice VerificationMaterialMasterOrganizational Levels in Material Master General dataMaterial numberDescriptio
15、nUnits of measureTechnical dataPlant-specific dataMRP dataPurchasing dataClientPlant The Material master has a hierarchical structure,which covers the following organizational levels:nClientnplantnstorage location Organizing materials hierarchically allows easy management of information and prevents
16、 redundant storage of material data.Primary ViewsPrimary ViewsMaterial master recordMaterialplanningSttPurchasingSales and distributionStorageQualitymanagementStocks in plant-warehouseABForecastAccounting The R/3 System allows selection and maintenance of the data that is relevant to a particular de
17、partment To create a view,the view must be selected on this screen before material data is entered Users are responsible for creating and maintaining the view(s)of the material that are relevant to their department(s)Changes are recorded in historyLevels in material master maintenanceLevels in mater
18、ial master maintenanceMaterialInitial levelPurchasingSttEngineeringMRPSalesForecastAccountingdepartmentMain work levelAdditional datalevel Material Types&Industry Sectors Material Types&Industry SectorsSemi-finishedproductsRaw materialsRaw materialsSemi-finishedproductsFinished productsFinished prod
19、uctsMechanicalengineeringChemicalindustrylllMaterial master records aregrouped according toindustry sector materialIndustry sector informationdetermines the industry-specific data that will appearon the material master record.Material type informationdetermines whatdepartmental views aremaintained a
20、nd howIndustry SectorIndustry SectorlIndustry sector determinesthe type of industry towhich the material will beassigned.lIndustry sectorinformation determines:nwhich screens will appearand in what sequence.nwhat industry-specific dataMaterial TypeMaterial TypelMaterial types groupmaterials with the
21、 samebasic attributes.lMaterial type informationdetermines:nWhich departmental views aremaintained.nWhether changes in materialquantities are updated.nWhether internal or externalprocurement is allowed.nWhich general ledger accountsMaterial Type-Default ParametersAccount assignmentCan material be co
22、nfigured?Quantity/value updatePrice controlVariances per plantMaterialAMaterialtypeData views/screen sequenceNumber range/assignmentDescriptionField referenceItem category groupPrice controlInternal/external purchase ordersValuation/account assignmentMaterial master-data areasMaterial master-data ar
23、easGeneral dataMaterial numberDescriptionUnits of measureTechnical dataPlant-specific dataMRP/typePlanned delivery timePurchasing groupBatch indicatorValuationValuation priceValuation procedureValuation quantitySales-specific dataDelivering plantSales textsUnit of measurePalleting instructionStorage
24、 location-specific dataStorage timeStock fieldsWarehouse Manage-ment system dataUnits of measureUnits of measureBase unit:Piece(ea)Box(unit of issue)49616Material creation-AccountingMaterial creation-AccountingMART Allowed valuesROH 3000 3010HALB 7920HIBE 3000Mat.stock account30000030010079000030000
25、0Valuation classMaterial creation-AccountingMaterial creation-AccountingPrice controlStandardprice control:Valuation at standard price from the material master recordMoving average price control:Landed price(e.g.order price)influences thevaluation price?SVDisplayStock overviewList of materialsMateri
26、alAdditional functionsAdditional functionsChangeFlag for deletionMaterialChanging/extending the materialChanging/extending the materialMaterial master recordPurchasingSales and distributionStocks in plant-warehouseABEngineeringAccountingRequirementsplanningSttClassificationMaterial Master SummaryMat
27、erial Master SummaryA material has different organizational levelsMaterial processing is controlled by the material type,the industry sector and the material statusThe data in a material master record is divided between different views(departments)In addition to data pertaining to the organizational
28、 levels,a view usually contains data for more general organizational levelsThe material master record can be maintained centrally or can be maintained on a decentralized basis according to the organizational levels and viewsExercise for Exercise for Material MasterMaterial MasterNow its time for you to do exercise:IM01-Exercise 1