1、Teaching Plan School: Primary School Attached to ECNU (华东师范大学附属小学华东师范大学附属小学) Teacher: Cindy(虞(虞 玲玲) Book: OXFORD ENGLISH 4A M2U1 Topic: What is FAMILY like? 教学目标:教学目标: A. 基本目标:基本目标: 理解再构文本,使学生了解 Jill 脑海中的家庭像什么。 使学生能用句型“FAMILY is like”来表达自己对家庭的看法。 B. 发展目标:发展目标: 使学生能综合运用所学句型:sb. always say(s) to sb, “
2、Dont forget to .” / When comes, never forget(s) to来表达自己对家庭的深切感受。 C. 情感目标:情感目标: 使学生了解“家庭”一词的内涵,体验与感知“家庭”是一个充满关爱和回忆的 地方。激发学生热爱自己的“家庭”,并对其产生美好的向往。 教学重点教学重点与难点与难点: 学习再构文本,使学生了解 Jill 脑海中的家庭像什么。 使学生能综合运用所学句型:sb. always say(s) to sb, “Dont forget to .” / When comes, never forget(s) to来表达自己对家庭的深切感受。 技术与学习资源
3、运用技术与学习资源运用: 多媒体教学课件 牛津教材 学生学习材料 教学过程教学过程: STEPS CONTENTS METHODS PURPOSE Pre-task 1. Elicit the word : FAMILY 1. Let Ss enjoy a short video about “FAMILY”. 2. Let Ss brainstorm the word “FAMILY”. 通过视频引出今天学习 的主题 FAMILY。 通过头脑风暴引发学生 对“家庭”一词产生思 考,复习和调动学生有 关家庭的已有认知,为 后续学习做好铺垫。 2. Elicit Jills family 1.
4、Let Ss talk about Jills family tree. 回顾第一课时有关 Jills family 的相关内容。 2. Let Ss free talk about Jills family members. 通过 Free talk 培养学生 英语连续表达能力。 While-task procedure 1. Elicit Chapter One: FAMILY is like a giant tree. Teach: giant tree 2. Review: be like are like the roots. the branches. I . 1. Let Ss
5、listen and look. 1. Let Ss ask and answer. 2. Let Ss read the poem. 3. Let Ss try to sing the song. 通过树根、树枝和果实 的关系隐喻家庭如同一 颗参天大树。从而将对 家庭外部结构的讨论过 渡到对家庭内涵的讨论 中去。 通过诵读小诗,使学生 体验家庭成员在家庭中 的不同角色,得到新的 情感体验。通过演唱歌 曲,使学生的情感得到 再次升华。 1. Elicit Chapter Two: FAMILY is like a memo pad. Teach: memo pad 2. Teach: Dont
6、 forget to 3. Teach: always say(s) to . 1. Let Ss watch and say. 1. Let Ss listen and say. 2. Let Ss discuss and share their ideas. 1. Let Ss read a “”MEMO” with emotion. 2. Let Ss imitate their family members. 通过可视可听的文本过 渡到第二段的学习体 验。 通过复述 Jills parents 的语言学习新句型。感 知来自家庭中不同成 员、不同角度的关爱。 为学生创设多个的生活 化场景
7、, 使语言输出更 为自然。 通过朗读 Memo 上的留 言,为下一环节的语言 输出做好铺垫。 通过模仿自己家人的语 言,感受来自家庭的关 爱。 1. 1. Elicit Chapter Three: FAMILY is like an album. Teach: album 1. Let Ss Listen and enjoy the memories of Jills family. 通过 欣赏 Jill 的家庭 照,使学生感知“家庭” 是一个充满回忆的地 方。从而引出 Jill 的第 三个观点。 2.Teach: When comes, never forget(s) to 1. Let
8、Ss look, listen and talk about the sweet memories in Jills family. 2. Let Ss share the family photos and talk about their memories. 通过讨论 Jill 的三张家 庭照片,学习本课的重 难点句型。让学生感知 家庭中的关爱是相互 的,立体的,而不是单 方面的。 再次回到学生自己的家 庭中,通过照片回忆和 叙述家庭中的温馨一 刻,让学生体会到家庭 是一个充满甜蜜回忆的 地方。 Post-task activities 1. Review Jills idea about
9、 FAMILY. 1. Let Ss watch, read and enjoy. 对今天所学的内容做一 整体回顾。为学生的全 面输出,提供基础。 2. Write my ideas about FAMILY. 1. Let Ss watch a VCR. 2. Let Ss think and write. 3. Let Ss share their ideas about FAMILY. 通过录像使学生产生共 鸣,激发他们对同一问 题更为深入的思考。 通过写一写自己家庭与 他人交流,汲取他人家 庭的相关信息,使信息 得到交换,培养学生大 胆与他人交流的能力。 3. Enjoy others
10、 idea about FAMILY. 1. Let Ss enjoy some poems about family. 通过欣赏小诗,再次激 发学生对家庭的美好情 感。 3. Assignments: Make a story book 1. To read: Jills family 2. To write: My family 3. To enjoy: the poems about FAMLY 该作业具有操作性与监 测性。做一做、读一读、 写一写、品一品等任务 的设置,激发学生有兴 趣地去完成作业。该作 业即复习了本课的语言 点,又是课堂向课外的 延伸。 再构文本材料(Text) Wh
11、at is FAMIY like? Hello, Im Jill. I love my family. In my mind, FAMILY is like a giant tree. Grandparents are like the roots. Parents are like the branches. I am like the fruits. And we are a family like a giant tree. In my mind, FAMILY is like a memo pad. When Im back, I can always see a memo. Some
12、times my mum says to me, “Dont forget to drink water, Jill.” Sometimes my dad says to me, “Jill, dont forget to take a rest.” As you can see, my family is full of memos. My family is full of love. In my mind, FAMILY is also like an album. When Mid-Autumn Day comes, we never forget to give grandma he
13、r favourite mooncakes. And she never forgets to give me a little kiss. When my birthday comes, my family never forget to give me nice gifts. And I never forget to give them a little hug. When Spring Festival comes, we never forget to say “Happy New Year” and give gifts to each other. A little love, little kiss. A little hug, little gift. All of little things are our memories. What is FAMILY like in your mind? Can you tell me?