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1、C.Because of its decreasing aging population and its high GDP per capita.5.The passage implies that.A.Chinese govenunent can do nothing to deal with the challenge of the increasing aging populationB.Chinese PeoPle don't need enough money When they get OlderCThc ChinCSe SoCial Care network is CXP

2、CCtCd Io be CornPlCtCd in Ihe IICafuture8单元自测3试题及答案备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题1()分,共5题)He asked John he could swim.A. that回C. howHe is worth.A.trustB. trustedC.trstingto visit his uncle,s farm with him.SheA.tell B.3d C.saidJohn asked me would I like B.if orot WoIIldlIike C.whet

3、her I would likethe children not to make any noise.She is aWomarLAconlldcr young B.young confident C.confldent and youngShe said she lost a pen.A.have B, has C.hadThere is only one thing that people can,t you,and that is your wisdom.A .take cae Of8.1 ake away GomC.take downWe found him in the labora

4、tory.A.workB.working workWe must keep our classroom.A.clcanB.cleanedC.cleaningYou'd better to hospital at once.A.gdB.toC.going第二大题:阅读理解选择、判断(试题随机)(共50分)从下列带题库中抽其中1道试题! ! !阅读理解:选择题(每题10分)Among the more colorful characters of Lcadville,s golden age were H.A.W.Tabor and his second Wife9Elizabe

5、th McCourt,better known as “Baby Doe,.Their history is fast becoming one of the legends of the Old WestJIorace Austin Warner Tabor was a school teacher in Vermont.With his first wife and two children he left Vermont by covered wagon in 1855 to homestead in KansasTcrhaps he did not find forming to hi

6、s I iking,or perhaps he was lured by rumors of fortunes to be made in Colorado mines.At any rate,a few years later he moved west to the small Colorado mining camp known as California Gulch,which he later renamed Leadville when he became its leading CitiZen.“Great deposits of lead are sure to be foun

7、d here." he said.As it turned out,it was silver,not lead,that was to make Lcadville,s fortune and wealth.Tabor knew little about mining himselfso he opened a general store,which sold everything from boots to salt,flour,and tobacco. It was his custom to “grubstake” prospective miners,in other wo

8、rds,to supply them with food and supplies,or fcugrub,while they looked for ore,in return for which he would get a share in the mine if one was discovered.He did this fr a number of years,but no one that he aided ever found anything of value.Finally one day in the year 1878,so the story goes,two mine

9、rs came in and asked for “grub”.TabOr had decided to quit supplying it because he had lost loo much money that way.These were persistent,however,and Tabor was too busy to argue with them.fcfcOh help yourself.One more time won,t make any difference," He said and went on selling shoes and hats to

10、 other cstomers.The two miners took $17 worth of supplies,in return for which they gave Tabor a one-third interest in their findings.They picked a barren place on the mountain side and began to dig.After nine days they struck a rich vein of silver.Tabor bought the shares of the other two men,and so

11、the mine belonged to him alone.This mine,known as the “Pittsburgh Mine," made I 300 OOO for Tabor in return for his $17 investment.Later Tabor bought the Matchless Mine on another barren hillside just outside the town for $l 17 OOO.This turned out to be even more fabulous than the Pittsburgh,yi

12、elding $35 000 worth of silver per day at one time.Leadvillc grew.Tabor became its first mayor,and later became lieutenant goveor of the state.操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。!.Leadvillc got its name for the following reasons EXCEPT.A.because Tabor became its leading citizenBbecause great deposits OfIead is

13、 expected to be found thereCbccaiisc il COIIld bring good 2lUnC Io TnbOI2 .The word fcgrubstake in paragraph 2 means, supply miners with food and OPen a general StoreC.(o SupPIy miners WiIh Ii)Od and SIIpPliCS and inctum XCt a Shale in IhC minc.iFonC WaS discovered3Tab0r made his fi

14、rst 勺rtune A; Bf SuPPIyinV IWo Pn)NpCCtiVe miners and rcMiu in return ;i onc-lhird inlcrcsl in IhCindingsB.because he was persuaded by the two miners to quit buying the shares of the other4 .The underlying reason for Tabor,s life career is.A.purely accidentalBhlSCdOn IhC InalySiS

15、oniinc's being very POOand IllCir PoSSibilily odisc()vcring Proluabk Inining SilCC.through the help from his second wife5.If this passage is the first part of an article,who might be introduced in the following part?B.Tabor,s sccoutJ 1 izabeth McCourt.C.Other colorful characters.阅读理解:正误判断(每题10分)

16、The Wichita Falls Police Department is trying to help curb crime in neighboring communities throughout the city.0n Saturday Wichita Falls Police gave a free two-hour presentation to help locals keep their community crime free.More than 20 people showed up at the Martin Luther King Center in east Wic

17、hita Falls to be part of the presentation.Wichita Falls Police Officer JcfT Hughcs said that they wanted to make sure the folks out there were aware they were doing everything to take away the opportunity from a bad guy.Hughes reminded those in attendance that their homes outside presentation could

18、be an open invitation to criminals.0ne of the biggest ways to prevent crime,according to Hughcs is to use CPTED. Also known as Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.fcfcThe biggest site,that wc are dealing with now,that we arc endorsing filly,is Next door and it,s simply just next ,The site

19、is free and helps locals set up a Virtual Community that they can interact with from the comfort of their own home.fckWith WWW it all happens in a web based program where if you send something out it gets to that group or that person instantly,they will get an alert on their phone or an email,"

20、 said Hughes.According to Hughes,he has already seen a positive impact locally from the site and hopes it can continue to expand in Wichita Falls.操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为"T”;句子错误选择下拉选项框为"F:ITheWichita Falls Police Department is planning sterner measures to combat Crime.答案口2 . According to Hughes,

21、one of the biggest ways of crime prevention is through environmental design.3 .The biggest site that police are approving fully is next .答案T4 .The purpose of next is to help locals set up a real COnlrnUnity.答案FI答案同单元自测4试题及答案备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题1()分,共5题)Brand was Jane's bro

22、ther! he reminded me so much of Jane!A.No doubtB.Abovc allC.Nq WOndelHW about going to the cinema?A.Enjoy yoursel B.Good luck! CSoundS IkC a good idea!May I open the window to let in some fresh air?A.Come on B,Take care. C.Go ahead!OK,I1 fix your computer right now.Oh,take your time.A.l can,t stand

23、it.B.n in no hurry.C.That,s a great idea.Susan,will you please go and empty that drawer?A.What for?B.What is it?C.How is it?A dictionary may define genetics simply the science of the study of heredity.A.withB.toC.asHe asked his neighbor to his house.A.keep Un CyC onB.keep their eyes on C.keep their

24、eyes openyou use the next site,you have to pay for it.I have trouble inA.doB .doneC.doingmy homework.PeoplefoxesCleVebut sly animals.A.consider二 to beB.consider.nsC.consider.XThis plant can,t be exposed strong sunshine.A.in而C.by第二大题:阅读理解/翻译(题型随机)(共50分)从下列带题库中抽其中1道试题! ! !英译汉(每题10分)操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的

25、正确答案。I .Parents are too busy to spend time teaching their kids right from wrong.4部不会太也间丝导孩子明辨是非。B.父母都太忙,没有时间教导孩子明辨是非。C.父母很忙,但是也抽时间教导孩子明辨是非。2 .Attend parenting classes,or join a local support group if you are having trouble understanding how to exercise discigHne.A.如果在理解如何管教孩子方面有困难,你可以参加父母课程或者当地的支持团体

26、。B.如果你在理解练习纪律方面有困难,可以参加父母课程学习或者加入当地的帮助团体。C.如果在理解练习管教孩子方面有困难,参加父母课程学习或者加入当地的帮助团体是有用的。3 . As millions of people have access Io the Internet,criminals look for potential victims online.A.当成千上万的人们接受网络,犯罪分子就会寻找网上的潜在受害者。B.由于成上网的人们具备了上网条件,犯罪:分子就会悄悄地物色受管九C.由于成百上千万的人们具备了上网条件,犯罪分子会在线物色潜在的受害者。4 .Use software t

27、hat blocks out certain inappropriate websites in case you can,t keep an eye anytime.A.利)?"竺画出不良网也勺轮廓竺样你就不用时时关注了。B.利用软件阻挡一些不良网站,以免有时你无暇照看厂C.利用软件剔除不良网站避免不时浏览到。5 . When you are suspicious of the website,check it out before you pay any money.A.当你怀疑的时候,你要检查支付的网站。B.当你觉得网站可疑,支付之前要严加核实。IOC.当你怀疑支付的金额时,要

28、留意相关网站。阅读理解:正误判断(每题10分)The law defines youthful offenders (age I8 or under) as “delinquent” if they commit offenses.As for the same offenses,the court would consider an adult as a "criminal''."Status Offendersv are juveniles who commit offenses appropriate only to juveniles,such as

29、 truancy from school.Here are a few ideas to help prevent your children from being a delinquent.Keep your children in school to help prevent deIinquency.Minor offenses,such as truancy,can lead to more serious oftcnses.Makc clear to your children your expectations about their school attendance.Meet w

30、ith school officials if necessary.Exercise adequate supervision Juveniles rarely commit serious offenses while under the supervision of an adlt.Seek the assistance of your local service agencies if you feel you cannot control your chiIdren.Attend parenting classes,or join a local support group if yo

31、u arc having trouble understanding how to exercise discipline.Educate your children about the dangers of drugs.Drug offenses and addiction can have serious consequences for your children.Let your children know you will not tolerate drug use.Stay informed about drug use trends in children.Get your ch

32、ildren involved in after-school recreational activities,sports,community service or other positive activities.Young people with positive outlets for their energy arc more likely to do well in school and avoid the problems Ofdelinquency.Know who your children's friends are.Show an interest in you

33、r children's social life and peer groups.Peer pressure may have a bad effect on teenagers and young people.Do not allow your children to associate with juvenile delinquents.操作提示:句子正确选择下拉选项框为"T"句子错误选择下拉选项框为"F"!.The court would consider youthful offenders as criminals if they c

34、ommit OffbnSes.答案F2 .You must meet with school officials to prevent your children from delinquency/答案IF3 .If you cannot control your children,ask for help from the local service agencies.答案T3.1 nform your children that you will not tolerate drug use and drug offenses can have serious results for you

35、r ChiIdren.答案 IT5.Children always involving in positive activities problems of delinquency. 答案 arc more likely to do well in school and avoid the单元自测5试题及答案备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题IO分,共5题)I'm sorry for breaking the cup.Oh,.I've got plenty.Aji)gel yours

36、elfIlFve been using the computer for a long time and my neck doesn't feel well.A. You'd belter SlOp IhC Work and IakC a rest.B.Never mind.C.Keep away from the medicine.-It's rather cold in here.Do you mind if 1 close the window?A.Yes,PleaSC B.No,go UhCad C.Sure,pleaseMust I finish the re

37、port today?.You can finish it tomorrow.A.Yes,you mustB,No,you mustn'tCNo,you don、have IoWe've worked for a long time,what about stopping a while to have a rest?A.I like it.B. You arc WOIIdCI1.IeThat's a good idea.Does the designA.getB. answer ('.meetthe needs of our users?He left the

38、 company by mutual A.contentB.convert (.consentlast September.1 have no ideato make my speech interesting.A.howB.whyC.whenMy SUggeSliOn is that TomIATdB. goesC.will goto see a doctor at once.Nowadays people spend more time exercising to keep A.fitlyB. fitting丽Parents transmit some of their to their

39、children.A.CharactcrMicNBxharacter C.characteristicsuits on formal occasions.People wearAJnformaI BJbimal C.casualThe company is trying every A. meaning 卜3. mean s C.meanto improve the quality of products.17we won the first prize in the competition.The news cameA.IhatB.whichC.whetherWe have worries

40、we,ll miss the best selling season of the skirts.A. whichNlhatC.why第二大题:翻译(共50分)翻译(每题10分)操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。I.One's health should never be sacrificed for a need to work hard.A. 史本健康四该永不牺牲努力工色的B.人永远不该为了努力工作的需要而牺牲身体健康厂C.人的身体健康永远不该为了需要努力工作而被牺牲。2 .Travellig at home and abroad has now become con

41、venient and affordable.A.在家和出国的旅游现在已经变得方便和负担得起。B.色的和国外的峥现在已经变得方便和负色得起。C.现在国内和国外的旅行已变得方便和负担得起。3 .Exercising helps relax your body and has been ShoWn to relieve mental stress as well.A.锻炼有助于放松身体并且已显示也可以减缓精神压力。B.锻炼帮助身体松懈并且已经被展示来减轻脑力压力。C.锻炼有助于身体松弛并已被显露出可以很好地减轻精神压力。4 .Knowing When and how to relax should

42、 be a part of well-balanced lifestyle.A.知道什么时候和怎样休息应当是明智生活方式的一部分。B.时竺y壑呼当是匀号的整享方W的二部& c知道何时放松和怎样放松应该成为均衡生活的一部分。5 .Generally speaking,the language used in public speaking is formal in style,clear and vivid in tone and persuasive in purpose.A.二g来说避考演讲中所用的语三g1妙'吃具至承服力二B一般来说公共演讲中所用的语言风格正式,语调清晰生动

43、说理目的明确。CL般来说,公共演讲中所用的语言风格正式,语调清晰生动,目的是劝慰别人。单元自测6试题及答案备注:测试中共有6道随机题,其中有5道选择题和1道完形填空题。第一大题:选择填空(每题IO分,共5题)wa not Very wise.A.Telling I】klh (rulhB.To tell her the tmthC.Tell her the truth,the number of private cars will increase sharply in the coming couple of years.l IndoUbtedlylB. DoubtedlyC.Undoubtc

44、dGood friends means sharing happiness but also sadnesseach other.A( IBwiIhC.byHardly had the train arrived at the destination when the passengers out in no time.A.flewB.dpppccC.floodedhe is not a qualified manager.It is an open secretA. thatB.whichC.whatIt is in the afternoonA. whenB.whereCthathe go

45、t the bad news.The more people you know,knowledge you get.A.the muchB.(he moreC.moreThis is an opportunity to the reputation of the company.AJncrcase Bprogresm C.enhanceWithOlIt your helpobtained today,s success.A.would not havcB.would haveC.will not haveYll"d bettei listening to the teacher in

46、 the aMcnlion k)|B.paying attention toC.paying attention on第二大题:阅读理解(题型随机)(共50分)从下列带题库中抽其中1道试题! ! !阅读理解:选择题(每题10分)操作提示:通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。Importance of Learning of a Foreign LanguageThere are a number of reasons 1 Learning another language is important for both work and is als

47、o important for making real connections with other people.Lastly,it can give you a greater understanding of your own language.Learning a foreign language would 2 Jf you work in a foreign country,it will benefit you immensely if you can speak its language because then you would be able to work with all different types of employees,and this will give long-term career success.Speaking a foreign language gives you 3 ; it enables you to see how



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