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1、当时我就在那里 面对赛伦盖提So there I was, face to face with the biggest,最大最凶猛的花豹,然后meanest leopard on this side of the Serengeti. And.你大吼一声 吓得他的豹纹掉满地You roared so loud, his spots flew clean off.爸,这故事我听过N遍了Dad, I've heard this like a billion times.你听我说过 有一次我把奸笑土狼Do you know the one where I made the laughing

2、hyenas.弄哭,对吧? 听过了Cry? Yep.我被鳄鱼攻击? 爸The croc attack? Dad.好啦,我再想想看OK. Think.好吧,尽管想吧Yeah, you do that.我想到了,聪明小子All right, Mr. Smart Guy,你一定没听过这个故事here's one I know you haven't heard.故事发生在一个小地方 我称它It all started in the little place I like to call.大草原.the wild.他们是大草原 跑得最快的牛羚They were the fastest

3、wildebeests on the savannah.他们真的超快的We're talking fast.其他的狮子早在 几小时前就放弃猎捕他们All the other lions had given up the hunt hours ago,除了你老爸except your old man.还好我知道一条捷径Fortunately, I knew a short cut.我自以为困住他们了 但尘沙散去I thought I had 'em. Until the dust cleared.才发现中了牛羚的圈套Classic wildebeest trap.你怎么办?So,

4、 what did you do next?我怎么办? 对啊What did I do? Yeah.我大吼一声That's when I gave them the roar.就这样? 好戏在后头That's it? Hold on a sec.我以为这样就搞定了I only thought it was over.不过他们有一项秘密武器But they had a secret weapon.我从没见过那么大的牛羚He was the biggest wildebeest I've ever seen.足足有四公尺高 才四公尺?He was 14 feet tall!

5、 Fourteen?我是说四百公尺 又三十公分I meant 1,401 feet tall!酷毙了Cool.而且他还有两只不,四只And he had two. No, four最巨大的牛羚角of the biggest horns I'd ever seen.哇塞 他喷出红色的气焰Whoa! His breath was red hot!我是说绿色的啦I mean, green.而且他超讨厌这鬼地方And he hated the environment.我知道要打败他 一定要激发我内心深处To pull this off, I knew I was gonna have to d

6、ig deep,前所未有的勇气deeper than I ever had before.于是我强忍住恐惧So I swallowed my fear,深深地吸了一口气sucked in the biggest breath I could.爸,我准备好了Dad, I'm ready!你行吗? 我行!You got it? I got it!我行! 那就让他好看吧I got it! Well, let him have it!大声吼吧,儿子Roar, son!每次都是这样Story of my life.你的吼声吓跑一群牛羚 我的吼声只会逗小朋友笑Your roar stops a h

7、erd of wildebeests. Mine makes the babies laugh.别气馁,你这次好多了Hey, come on. That was much better.我是说真的 降了半个八度I'm serious! It dropped half an octave.你再降半个八度 我都会被你吓到皮皮挫It dropped half an octave. And it sure scared me.让我全身的毛都竖起来 才怪咧,爸Made my hair stand up on end. Yeah, right, Dad.好吧,再练一次 今天就练到这里OK. Let

8、's take it from the top. I'm done for today.别这样嘛,再来一次 就差这么一点点Come on, come on, one more. You were so close.也许是技术性问题Maybe it's something technical.也许你的嘴巴张得不够大 要像这样子Maybe you're not opening your mouth wide enough. Like this.爸,多谢你的技术指导Dad, thanks for the technical help,不过你要我吼得跟你一样 就得带我到

9、真正的大草原but if you wanted me to roar like you, you'd take me to the wild.你有没有搞错? 咱们在这里应有尽有Hold on a second. We've got everything we could ever want here.生活很享受 每天照三顿吃饭Great lifestyle, three squares a day.超无聊的 无聊?It's boring. Boring?我在这里学不会狮吼 雷恩I'll never learn how to roar here. Ryan.不过你

10、放心 我终于想出办法But don't worry. I finally figured out怎么去野外 真的吗?how we can get to the wild. You did?鸽子说那些绿色箱子 都是运到那里The pigeons say those green boxes go there.那些箱子不吉利 离它们远一点Those boxes are bad news. Stay away.可是,爸 我知道你很郁卒But, Dad. I know you're frustrated,不过狮子在这里 也能学会大吼but a lion finds his roar. H

11、ere.爸,你老是说这种话哄我I'm so tired of hearing that, Dad!有一只老鼠It's a rat!快把那只老鼠赶走Get that rat off my baby!老鼠?A rat?你好Hello!好好玩的老鼠哦Silly, silly rat.老鼠才不喜欢这种手环,小姐 你这小Rats do not got bling like this, lady. You little.!那是我见过最丑的小贝比Lastly, that is the ugliest baby I've ever seen!斑尼,你偷小贝比的糖果?Benny, ste

12、aling candy from a baby?别说得这么难听 我只是怕他会蛀牙Stealing is such a strong word. I prefer "liberating."小鬼,我听到你的吼声 又降了Hey, kid, heard the roar. Down another.八度 八度!Octave. Octave!你要来替我跟你爸加油 看我们连续第五次夺下You ready to cheer me and your old man as we capture our fifth straight冰龟赛冠军吗?turtle-curling title?我根

13、本就不会吼叫 你怎么知道我在加油?I can't even roar. How would you even know I'm there?你真的觉得降了八度吗?So, you really think it dropped an octave?当然罗Absolutely.八度到底是什么东东? 我听见了What the heck is an octave? I heard that.兔子 胆固醇太高,我吃坚果Rabbit. Cholesterol. I'll stick with the nuts.我不知道他的问题出在哪儿I don't know what hi

14、s problem is, Benny.他都已经11岁了 可是吼声还停在9岁的程度He's 11, but he's still roaring at a nine-year-old level.山大王,帮个忙Little help here, Sammy?你知道吗? 也许你的标准太高了You know what? Maybe you're setting the bar too high,你老是提那些山大王 在大草原的英勇故事with all those stories about Samson the Wild.他超爱听那些故事的 对他是一种激励耶Hey, he&#

15、39;s always loved those stories! They inspire him.好啦,我不想跟你吵 我怕你拿我的尾巴当牙线OK. I'm not gonna argue with someone who can use my tail as dental floss.你的牙缝有渣渣 哪里?You got something right there. Where?不对,另一边 这边?No, no, other side. Here?抱歉,斑尼 弄出来了Sorry, Benny. You got it.亲爱的大朋友小朋友Attention, friends.别忘了到礼品

16、店购买 全国最抢手的填充玩偶Stop by the gift shop and get the most popular plush in America:尼啾无尾熊 会说我喜欢你Nigel, the "l-Like-You" Koala.瞧,亲爱的,它会说话耶 我是小可爱,我爱你Look, honey! The crazy thing talks! I'm so cuddly! I like you!没错,他超可爱的 更赞的是,他喜欢你That's right. He's so cuddly. And better yet, he likes yo

17、u.终于Finally.动物园就快是咱们的天下了 倒数三秒And the zoo will officially be ours in T-minus three.(纽约市立动物园).two.两秒.and showtime!我来也Here I come!谁把栅栏放在这儿?Who put that bar there?好痒哦That tickles!我有啦 才没有Did too! Did not!我有 才没有Did too! Did not!给我让开,懒惰鬼Out of my way, ya bum!那个讨厌的无尾熊在哪里There's that moth-eaten koala!我跟你

18、们这些火鹤说过一百遍 给我滚开I've told you flamingos a hundred times, walk.我要签名 不行How about an autograph?! Don't.各位鸟兄弟 帮我找他背后的拉线Birds! Find the string on his back!你今天的心情很好耶 各位So you're havin' a really nice day! Guys.别碰我的副队长Off my co-captain, now.抱歉,山大王Sorry, Samson.一点都不痛That didn't hurt.我差点忘了告

19、诉你 我终于要约BJ出去I almost forgot to tell you. I'm gonna ask Bridget out finally.等一下,罗密欧 你是只松鼠,她可是Slow down, Romeo. You are a squirrel and she is.跟我很速配,对吧?Perfect, right?我懂你的意思啦 相信我,我的眼睛是雪亮的Look, I know what you're sayin'. Believe me, I got my eyes wide open.走路不长眼啊,你这大Watch where you're go

20、in', you big.!别盯着我的斑点看,斑尼 我的眼睛在上面BJ Bridget.当然了,歹势哦 这是送你的,小亲亲Of course. I'm so sorry. Oh, this is for you, honey.可以戴在左脚上面It goes around your left hoof.你从垃圾堆捡来的吗?Did you get that out of the trash?就是了,你这捡垃圾的脏鬼You did! You trash-picker!我不是捡垃圾 我是在做资源回收I'm not a trash-picker. I'm a recycl

21、er.这样比较浪漫,不是吗?That's a lot more romantic. Isn't it?浪漫? 山大王,过来Romantic? Sam, come here.浪漫? 别跟我谈浪漫,斑尼Romantic? Don't mention romance to me, Benny.我从来没有交过男朋友 那正好I've never had a boyfriend. That settles it.我自愿当你的第一位男友I accept the job. of boyfriend number one.斑尼,只有雌性圆网蜘蛛Benny, only the fe

22、male orb-weaver spider才会和比她小二十倍的 男生约会will date a male one-twentieth her size.我还是有希望 然后她会吃了他So there's hope! And then she eats him.至少他死得很快乐But at least he dies happy.兄弟,我们去找雷恩Let's get Ryan, dude!兄弟,我们真有默契耶Dude! We said that at the same time!兄弟Dude.喂,雷恩Hey! Hey, Ryan.我要去参加比赛了 待会见,好吗?Listen, I

23、'm headin' down to the game. I'm gonna see you there, right?来嘛,雷恩,我们需要你 你是我们的头号粉丝Come on, Ryan. We need you. You're our biggest fan.山大王 我才是你的头号粉丝Yo, Samson! I'm your number one fan, man!谢了,老兄 我也是你的粉丝Thanks, man. Right back at ya!爸,你刚才要说什么?You were saying, Dad?听着,今天下午我只是想Listen. A

24、bout this afternoon, I was just trying.爸,没事啦 我会去看你比赛,好吗?Dad, fine. I'll go to your game, all right?好吧,那就待会见罗OK. I'll. see you there, then.来吧,兄弟Come on, dude.兄弟 你猜谁来了?Dude. Guess who's here?伊斯、杜克Eze. Duke.讨厌,他每次都猜对Man, he always guesses.大家都去看比赛 我们可以趁机追捕瞪羚We're gonna stalk the gazelles

25、 while everybody's at the game.你来不来? 来嘛,小兄弟You in? Let's go, bro!雷恩小兵The Ryanator.我这就下来I'm comin' down.鱼头! 冷冻鱼头特价大拍卖!Fish heads! Get your ice-cold fish heads!免费赠送鱼眼哦Now eyeball-free!冰龟锦标赛进入最后一局We're into the final period of the curling championships轮到企鹅队上场 维特要丢了and the penguins a

26、re up. Here comes Victor.好样的What a beauty!好耶,快刷呀Yeah, sweep!直接朝着红心滑过去 这次很可能直接命中目标Heading straight for the bull's-eye! This could be it, folks!命中目标 好耶!Bo-wango! Yes!好耶 这下很难打败他们了Oh, yeah! That's gonna be tough to beat.什么?很难打败他们?What? "Tough to beat"?这才是我们最爱的挑战 对吧,大伙儿?That's just

27、the way we like it, right, guys?我不敢相信I can't believe this!如果输了,我就要拧断 我的脑袋,还有你的If we lose, I'm gonna rip my head off! And yours!咱们可不能输给那群 不会飞的笨鸟We cannot lose to flightless birds!拜托,咱们不会输了这场比赛Whoa, whoa. No one is losing anything around here.只要大家保持专注As long as we stay focused.对了,有人看到雷恩吗? 我知道了

28、By the way, has anyone seen Ryan? Oh! I know!也许他活在老爸阴影下 心情很郁卒Maybe he's sulking 'cause he lives in his father's shadow而且他的吼声和女生一样逊and he roars like a schoolgirl.多谢了,赖瑞 不客气Thanks, Lar. You betcha!尼啾,在我的玩偶上面签名Nigel! Nigel! Will you sign my dolly?不要吧 尼啾,别理他们Not again. Nigel, ignore them.我是小

29、可爱,我爱你I'm so cuddly! I like you!你超可爱的,我们都爱你 够了,我一点都不可爱You're so cuddly! We love you! That's it! I am not cuddly!我是来自伦敦街头 在道上混的丛林狠角色I'm a vicious jungle animal from the streets of London!怕了吧 抓住他!抓住他!Fear me! Get him! Get him! Get him!救命啊! 美眉们,把他放下来Help me! Girls! Put him down.我不是玩偶I a

30、m not a doll!软绵绵的小屁屁 别摸我的屁股Cushy tushy! Leave my bum alone!尼啾,别碰我的女朋友Nigel! Get your paws off my girlfriend!斑尼,我又不是你的女朋友Benny, I am not your girlfriend!好棒的一天哦Really nice day!山大王队是怎么了? 逊毙了What is up with Samson's team tonight? Brutal!斑尼?Benny?天啊,谁会口对口人工呼吸?Oh, my gosh! Who knows mouth-to-mouth?我会I

31、 do!这算什么?What was that?你每天所需的斑尼维他命 宝贝儿Just your daily dose of vitamin Benny, baby.给我滚开 我是小可爱,我爱你Get off my nose. I'm so cuddly, I like you!给我闭嘴 你好,老兄Stop saying that! G'day, mate!我要跳罗Cannonball!明年我只要当教练Next year, I should just coach.你看,汤氏瞪羚Check it. The Thomson gazelle.4点5秒内就能加速到 时速80公里Zero

32、to 50 in four-point-five seconds.速度最快的逃命高手 无人可比The ultimate fleeing machine. There is no substitute.咱们靠近一点看看这群瘦子Let's get a closer look at these slim jims.这样好吗? 当然好Shall we? I think we shall.也许应该去看比赛Maybe we should just go to the game.你不是想当野蛮动物吗? 你老爸也追过瞪羚I thought you wanted to be wild. Your dad

33、 chased gazelles.如果他在我们这年纪 一定会跟我们一起大玩特玩Yeah, if he were our age, he would so be rockin' out with us.他一定会把他们扑倒 把他们当成He'd be in there, runnin' 'em down like they were.瞪羚 没错,瞪羚之类的Gazelles. Yeah, gazelles or somethin'.准备好了吗?Ready, man?最好还是不要啦We'd better not.干吗?你打算阻止我们吗?Oh, yeah?

34、Are you gonna stop us?大伙儿 上吧Guys, guys. Here we go!整场比赛的输赢 就看这一次The whole series comes down to this throw!我俩没有明天 不是你死就是我亡There's no tomorrow! It's do or die!你们懂我的意思啦Ya know what I mean.大伙儿,我知道我们落后 不过我们会反败为胜Guys, I know we're down, but we're gonna pull this out因为我们要使出'cause we'

35、;re gonna use.秘密绝招 秘密绝招!.the secret play. The secret play!大伙儿,猜怎么着? 我们要用秘密绝招耶Hey, everybody, guess what? We're gonna use the secret play!赖瑞 秘密绝招最重要的一件事Larry, the first part of the secret play就是要保守秘密is keeping it secret.好啦 跟着我OK. Follow my lead.大家要加倍努力I'm going to need a double effort from ev

36、erybody.没问题,队长 三倍努力都行Absolutely, captain. Triple effort if you want, sir.很好,预备 散开Good. Ready, and. Break!安静Quiet.我数到三 一、二On three, dude. One, two.不!No!这下被你搞砸了,雷恩Now you did it, Ryan.你够狠吗,阿诺?Feelin' mean, Donald?放马过来吧Bring it on!各位,山大王的压力很大Folks, there's pressure on the big guy!准备好了吗,BJ? 好了Re

37、ady, Bridget? Ready.斑尼,你呢? 准备好了Ready, Benny? Ready!山大王,可惜你那小鬼 没来看你输得惨兮兮Samson, it's a shame your little brat isn't here to see you lose.我撑不下去了I can't. hold it!噢,不,你在干吗?Oh, no! What are you doin'?山大王要丢了 大家看看他有多猛And here comes Samson. Look at that guy.他是不是帅呆了?Is he a beauty or what?赖瑞!

38、BJ!快刷!Larry! Bridget! Sweep!真有一套What a recovery!他派BJ和赖瑞上场He's sendin' in Bridget and Larry to do the job!刷快点,赖瑞! 快刷,快刷!Sweep faster, Larry! Sweep, sweep!我在刷呀 加油I am! Come on, man!企鹅队派出他们的王牌维特Team Penguin is sending their ace, Victor.小心,维特 你自己才要小心Watch it, Victor! Watch it yourself, see?尼啾,情况

39、如何?Nigel, how are we looking?大伙儿,情况不妙 刷刷刷,刷刷刷This could be trouble, folks! Sweep, sweep, sweep.这是作弊,你们死定了This is cheating and you will die for this.我听不到,尼啾I can't hear you, Nigel.往左一点点Move left a bit.很好,往左然后用力一击OK. Move left and hit!赖瑞,不要 大力一挥Larry, no! Tallyho!好漂亮的动作What a move!各位,再过几寸 这将是冰龟大赛F

40、olks, we are inches away from the greatest upset史上最精采的反败为胜in turtle-curling history!糟了,我不敢相信我看到的 不!Oh, no! I can't believe my eyes! No!看来山大王凸槌了Looks like Samson might have choked!漂亮 好耶Nice! Yes!真是不可思议Unbelievable!山大王和他的队友 一举夺下冠军Samson and his team have clinched the title!等等,我话说的太早了 搞什么鬼?No, wait

41、! I've called it too soon! What the heck?企鹅队赢了 他们首度夺下冠军The penguins have done it! They're zoo champs for the first time!群兽逃窜?群兽逃窜!Stampede? Stampede!拜托,停下来Please! Stop!小心Watch out!兄弟,我们被逮到了Dude. Busted.事情大条了Catastrophic.我说过会来看比赛Told you I'd come to the game.你觉得这样很好玩?You think this is fun

42、ny?你差点把动物园的动物都害惨You just endangered everyone in the zoo!抱歉 你为什么道歉?I'm sorry. For what?为了追赶瞪羚 还是害我们输掉比赛?Chasing the gazelles or costing us the game?你只会躲在树上垂头丧气All you do is sit up in your tree and sulk.如果你 你到底怎么啦?If you just. What's the problem?只因为你不会吼吗?Is all this because you can't roar?

43、雷恩,我不是故意的Ryan, I didn't mean that.你知道我为什么躲在树上 成天垂头丧气吗?Know what I'm doing when I'm sulking in my tree?我真希望万兽之王 山大王不是我老爸I'm thinking how great it would be if Samson the Wild wasn't my father.雷恩,我不是Ryan, I didn't.这样大家就不会瞧不起 我这个逊脚雷恩'Cause it would make being Ryan the Lame a

44、lot easier.雷恩,对不起Ryan, I'm sorry.雷恩,求求你Ryan! Please don't.别走.leave.拜了,雷恩 多谢你来看比赛Bye, Ryan! Thanks for coming to the game.你还怕他不来And you were worried he wouldn't show up.真是的 没有人肯听松鼠的话Not good. No one listens to the squirrel.我不知道该怎么办,斑尼I don't know what to do anymore, Benny.我什么方法都试过了 真的

45、吗?I've tried everything. Everything?你什么方法都试过? 你想说什么?You tried everything? What are you saying?我只想说你要告诉他实话I'm saying you have to tell him the truth.我不能说实话,斑尼I don't think I could do that, Benny.我是说I mean.他知道真相后会怎么想?What's he gonna think of me when he finds out?我也不知道I don't know.不过如果你不告诉他But if you don't tell him.就会失去这个儿子.you're gonna lose him, Sammy.绿色箱子The green boxes.全都装上去了OK, they're all loaded up!你以为我不知道吗? 走吧You don't think I know that?



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