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人教版(2024新版)七年级上册英语Unit 2 My Family 教学设计.docx

1、人教版(2024新版)七年级上册英语Unit 2 My Family 教学设计1. 教学目标: - 使学生能够使用适当的词汇和句型来描述家庭成员。 - 通过互动对话练习提高听说能力。 - 通过讨论不同文化中的家庭结构和角色,增进文化理解。2. 重点与难点: - 重点:与家庭成员相关的词汇、描述性语言、发音。 - 难点:使用新词汇形成正确的句子来描述家庭成员;理解不同文化中家庭角色的差异。3. 教学方法: - 以AI辅助的对话式学习为主。 - 利用多媒体资源,包括图片、短视频和互动练习。 - 通过配对工作和小组讨论鼓励学生参与。4. 教学资源: - AI驱动的对话工具(例如聊天机器人)。 - 带

2、有家庭成员标签但缺少描述的数码幻灯片展示。 - 展示不同家庭互动的短视频片段。 - 用于课前准备、课堂活动和课后作业的工作表。 - 关于世界各地不同家庭文化的阅读材料。 - 单元主题作文的写作提示。课前准备:1. 介绍词汇: - 分发一份与家庭成员相关的词汇列表(例如父亲、母亲、兄弟、姐妹、祖父、祖母、堂兄弟姐妹),以及它们的发音和例句。 - 分享一篇短文阅读材料,描述全球不同类型的家庭,以引入文化多样性。2. 互动练习: - 使用AI工具创建一个在线测验,让学生将术语与定义或家庭成员的图片进行匹配。课堂活动:1. 热身(5分钟): - 播放一个展示典型家庭生活一天的短视频片段,以激发兴趣并开

3、始讨论学生自己的家庭。2.展示(10分钟): - 显示一系列带有姓名标签但缺少描述的家庭照片的数字幻灯片。要求学生根据外观和上下文线索猜测家庭成员之间的关系。3. AI辅助互动(15分钟): - 向全班介绍AI对话工具。演示如何利用它练习描述家庭成员,让AI根据学生输入生成回应。教师给出一些示例句子,如:My mother is kind and patient. She has long brown hair.My father is tall and strong. He has short black hair.然后让学生尝试输入自己的家庭成员描述,观察AI的回应。 - 学生分组,每组两

4、人,轮流使用AI提问假设的家庭情境问题,并向他们的伙伴描述AI的回应。1.教师首先向学生展示AI对话工具的界面和使用方法。2.教师给出一些示例句子,如:“What does your mother do for a living?”然后让学生尝试输入自己的问题,观察AI的回应。3.学生可以根据AI的回应,调整自己的问题,使其更加准确和有趣。教师可以鼓励学生多尝试不同的问题和形容词,以提高他们的口语表达能力。4.最后,教师可以让学生分享他们与AI的对话经历,以及他们从中学到了什么。4. 小组讨论(10分钟): - 将学生分成小组,给每组一张不同的家庭照片。任务是创建对该家庭的详细描述,包括年龄、

5、关系、个性以及他们可能一起享受的任何活动。如: The Johnson FamilyThe Johnson family is a happy group of four. John and Mary are the parents. John works with computers, and Mary teaches young children at school. They have two kids, Emily and Ethan.Emily is twelve. She likes reading books and solving mysteries. Her brother

6、Ethan is ten. He loves playing soccer and being outside. Emily and Ethan are very close and play together a lot.Every Sunday, the Johnsons cook dinner as a family. They take turns picking recipes and help each other in the kitchen. Its their special time to bond.They also love going on hikes. They e

7、xplore nature trails near their home. Hiking lets them talk and enjoy the outdoors together.In summer, they travel to new places. They like learning about different cultures. These trips make wonderful memories.Even with busy lives, the Johnsons always make time for each other. Their strong bond mak

8、es them a joyful family. - 小组与全班分享他们的描述,讨论家庭之间的相似性和差异性。5. 角色扮演(10分钟): - 在小组内分配角色给学生,如采访者和家庭成员,并让他们练习进行模拟采访,使用新学的词汇来描述他们的“家庭”。一些简单词汇的采访句子:1. Can you tell us about your family?2. How many people are in your family?3. What do your family members do for work?4. Do you have any pets in your family?5. Wha

9、t are your family members like?6. What do you like to do together as a family?7. How would you describe your relationship with your siblings?8. What makes your family special?9. How do you celebrate holidays or birthdays with your family?10. What do you believe in as a family?课后作业:1.写作任务:- 题目:我的家庭与世

10、界- 要求:学生需要写一篇短文,简单介绍自己的家庭成员(如父母、兄弟姐妹等),并描述一两个家庭传统或习惯。然后,选择一个他们从阅读材料中学到的关于另一个国家的家庭文化的例子,比较这个例子和他们自己的家庭有什么不同和相似之处。2.阅读材料:- 内容:提供一些简短的故事或案例研究,展示不同国家的家庭如何庆祝节日、进行日常活动或处理家庭事务。这些故事应该是容易理解的,并且包含丰富的图片和插图来帮助学生更好地理解内容。提示问题:1. 你的家庭有哪些特别的传统或习惯?2. 在阅读材料中,哪个国家的家庭文化给你留下了深刻印象?为什么?3. 这个家庭和你的家庭有哪些相似之处?又有哪些不同之处?4. 你觉得了

11、解其他家庭的生活方式对你有什么帮助?3. 后续测验: - 设置在线测验供自我评估,学生可以使用AI工具测试对本课程词汇和概念的理解。评估:- 观察学生在课堂活动和小组讨论中的参与情况。- 评估书面作业的质量,检查词汇的正确使用和文化洞察力的深度。- 分析后续测验的结果,以评估知识保留和理解程度。通过将技术与传统教学方法相结合,此教案旨在为学习描述家庭成员创造一个引人入胜且支持性的环境,同时促进跨文化意识和欣赏。英语对话脚本设计对话一:家庭成员介绍Student A: “Hi, Id like you to meet my family. This is my mom, dad, older b

12、rother, and younger sister.”Student B: “Nice to meet you all! Your family looks very close-knit.”Student A: “Thank you! We enjoy spending time together, whether its going on vacations or just having dinner at home.”对话二:询问家庭传统Student A: “In my family, we have a tradition of making dumplings together

13、on New Years Eve. Its a fun and delicious way to welcome the new year.”Student B: “That sounds wonderful! Does everyone in your family participate?”Student A: “Yes, even my little sister helps with rolling out the dough, although she makes more of a mess than anything else!”对话三:分享家庭活动Student A: “Las

14、t weekend, my family went hiking in the mountains. It was challenging but also very rewarding to reach the summit together.”Student B: “That sounds like an amazing experience! Do you often go on trips like that?”Student A: “We try to once a season. Its our way of bonding and creating lasting memorie

15、s.”对话四:讨论家庭价值观Student A: “Family values are really important to us. We emphasize honesty, kindness, and support for one another.”Student B: “Those are great values to uphold. How do you practice them daily?”Student A: “Well, we make sure to communicate openly about our feelings and help each other w

16、henever someone is in need.”对话五:解决家庭冲突Student A: “Sometimes we have disagreements, just like any other family. But we always try to resolve them through calm discussions and compromise.”Student B: “Its good to hear that you handle conflicts constructively. Do you think it has made your relationship

17、stronger?”Student A: “Definitely. Its helped us understand each other better and appreciate our differences.”6. 对话六:庆祝家庭节日Student A: “We love celebrating holidays together as a family. Christmas is a big deal for us because we exchange gifts and decorate the house.”Student B: “That sounds festive! D

18、o you have any special traditions during Christmas?”Student A: “Yes, we always bake cookies on Christmas Eve and leave some out for Santa Claus. Its become a fun ritual for us.”对话七:讨论家庭成员的角色Student A: “In our family, everyone has a role to play. My mom is the cook, my dad fixes things around the hou

19、se, and my siblings and I help with chores.”Student B: “Its great that everyone contributes. How do you decide who does what?”Student A: “We usually have a family meeting once a month to discuss responsibilities and make sure theyre evenly distributed.”对话八:分享家庭故事Student A: “One of my favorite family

20、 stories is when we all went camping and accidentally got lost. It was scary at first, but we ended up having an adventure.”Student B: “Wow, that must have been quite an experience. Did you learn anything from it?”Student A: “Definitely. We learned the importance of teamwork and staying calm in diff

21、icult situations.”对话九:谈论家庭支持Student A: “My family is very supportive of each others dreams and goals. When I wanted to pursue music, they encouraged me and helped me find resources.”Student B: “Thats wonderful. How did their support impact your journey?”Student A: “Their belief in me gave me the con

22、fidence to keep going, even when things got tough.”对话十:探讨家庭变化Student A: “Our family has changed a lot over the years. We used to live in a different country, but we moved here when I was younger.”Student B: “How did the move affect your family dynamics?”Student A: “It was challenging at first, but w

23、e adapted and grew closer as we navigated our new environment together.”11. 对话十一:讨论家庭责任Student A: “In our family, responsibility is a big deal. We all have chores to do, and if someone doesnt do their part, we have a discussion about it.”Student B: “That sounds like a good system. How do you ensure

24、that everyone remembers their responsibilities?”Student A: “We use a chore chart that we update every week. It helps keep us organized and accountable.”对话十二:分享家庭传统Student A: “One of our family traditions is having a picnic in the park every Sunday. Its our way of spending quality time together away

25、from screens.”Student B: “That sounds lovely. Do you have any special foods or activities during these picnics?”Student A: “Yes, we always bring homemade sandwiches and play frisbee. Its become something we all look forward to.”Student A: “Yes, we always bring homemade sandwiches and play frisbee. Its become something we all look forward to.”第 10 页 共 10 页



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