1、一月到十二月份英文缩写怎么写 一年有十二个月,这是大家都知道的常识,那么,在英语中,它们又有怎样的表现方式呢?以下是为大家整理的一月到十二月份英文缩写怎么写供您查阅。 十二个月份的英文单词及缩写:一月:January 缩写:Jan二月:February 缩写:Feb三月:March 缩写:Mar四月:April 缩写:Apr五月:May 缩写:May六月:June 缩写:Jun七月:July 缩写:Jul八月:August 缩写:Aug九月:September 缩写:Sept十月:October 缩写:Oct十一月:November 缩写:Nov十二月:December 缩写:Dec12个月的
2、英文的英语造句January is the start of a year.There is Chinese poem saying that wind in February just blows like scissors.Fake goods are afaid of March 15th.The Foolish enjoy 1st. April.May Day is a famous pop band in Taiwan Province of China.June brings warm sunlight to us.July always cries with rains.August is always enjoyed by students.Wake me up when September ends.The start of October will be promotion days for merchants.November comes with cold weather.December lies the Christmas.