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1,本文(人教新目标八年级英语期末Unit1—Unit5汉译英专项练习(精编Word版 带答案).doc)为本站会员(alice)主动上传,163文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。
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人教新目标八年级英语期末Unit1—Unit5汉译英专项练习(精编Word版 带答案).doc

1、20182019 年八年级英语期末年八年级英语期末 U1U5 汉译英专项练习汉译英专项练习 Name_ Grade_ Unit 1Where did you go on vacation? 1上周六里克没有参加夏令营。 Rick didnt _ _ _ _ last Saturday. 2我们大部分时间在图书馆里读书。 We read books in the library _ _ _ _ 3看!山上有相当多的小树。 Look!There are _ _ _ young trees on the mountain. 4海伦,你昨天下午买了什么特别的东西吗? Helen,did you buy

2、 _ _ yesterday afternoon? 5我的妹妹必须待在家里为考试学习。 My sister has to stay at home and _ _ _ 6昨天聚会上我感觉自己像个孩子一样。 I _ _ a child at the party yesterday. 7你的老师正在教室里等你。 Your teacher is _ _ you in the classroom. 8因为这糟糕的天气,我们必须待在家里。 We had to stay at home _ _ the bad weather. 9我们决定乘公交车去公园。 We _ _ _ the bus to the p

3、ark 10我想知道她正在做什么。 I _ what _ _ doing. 11史蒂夫正在凯特的家门口等她。 Steve _ _ _ Kate in front of her house. 12我们必须尽力按时到达博物馆。 We must _ _ _ _ the museum on time. 13大家在公园玩得高兴吗? Did _ _ _ _ _ in the park? 14我看见了有趣的人,但我没买什么特别的东西。 I saw _ _,but I didnt buy _ _ Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 1你明天有空吗? _ _ _ tomorrow

4、? 2今天怎么会下雨呢? _ _ its rainy today? 3你喜欢哪种水果? _ _ _ fruit do you like? 4迈克的表弟几乎从不做运动。 Mikes cousin _ _ plays sports. 5现在萨利正忙于学摇摆舞。 Sally is busy learning _ _ these days. 6我喜欢运动,例如游泳、跑步和篮球。 I like playing sports,_ _ swimming,running and basketball. 7格林先生已经住在北京超过三年了。 Mr. Green has lived in Beijing for _

5、 _ three years. 8我的爸爸昨天晚上熬夜到很晚,他睡觉少于 5 个小时。 My father stayed up late last night and he slept for _ _ five hours. 9老师告诉了我这个问题的答案。 The teacher told me _ _ _ the question. 10放松的最好方法是看书。 _ _ _ _ _ is reading. 11我一周至少做两次家务。 I do the housework _ _ twice a week. 12妈妈不让我吃垃圾食品。 Mum doesnt want me to eat _ _

6、13这家超市的很多东西,像蔬菜和肉,在打折出售。 Lots of things in this supermarket,_ _ vegetables and meat,are on sale. 14他的姑姑在这所学校工作不到三年。 His aunt worked in this school for _ _ three years. 15通过看足球比赛来放松很不错。 _ good to relax _ _ soccer games. 16他每个周末与家人一起度过。 He _ time _ his family every weekend. 17我一星期玩两次游戏。 I _ computer g

7、ames _ a week. 1870%的学生一星期看 4 次电视。 _ _ _ the students watch TV _ _ a week. 19运动有益于身心健康。 Exercise is healthy for the _ and the _ 20通过观看游戏节目放松是好的。 Its good _ _ by _ _ _ 21我认为最好的放松方式是通过锻炼。 I think _ _ _ _ _ is through exercise. Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister. 1汤姆比吉姆更有趣。 Tom is _ _ Jim. 2她和她的哥哥一

8、样勤奋。 She is _ _ _ her brother. 3玛丽的头发比我的长。 Marys hair is _ than _ 4丽莎唱得比安娜好。 Lisa sings _ _ Anna. 5学生们正在安静地听老师讲课。 The students are _ to the teacher _ 6你能更大点儿声说吗?我听不见。 Can you speak _ _?I cant hear you. 7史密斯先生和格林先生对我们一样友好。 Mr. Smith is _ _ to us _ Mr. Green. 8我的文具盒比迈克的贵。 My pencil box is _ _ than _ 9

9、为了保持健康,你应该吃更少的肉和更多的蔬菜。 To keep healthy,you should eat _ meat and _ vegetables. 10劳拉的好朋友比埃米更安静更聪明。 Lauras good friend is _ and _ than Amy. Unit 4Whats the best movie theater? 1我的家乡是最受欢迎的城镇。 My hometown is _ _ _ town. 2在镇上,这家服装店是最好的,因为它拥有的衣服最多。 The clothing store is the best in town _ it has _ _ cloth

10、es. 3人们最喜欢去 Runfa 超市购物因为它的服务最好。 People like shopping in Runfa Supermarket _ because it has _ _ _ 4在镇上,行知书店拥有最便宜的书。 Xingzhi Bookstore has _ _ _ in town. 5观看别人展示才艺总是有趣的。 Its always _ to watch _ people _ _ _ 6到目前为止我不喜欢住在这儿。 I dont like living here _ _ 7镇上最好的服装店是哪一家? _ _ _ _ clothes store in town? 8在这家超

11、市你能够买到最新鲜的蔬菜和水果。 You can buy _ _ vegetables and fruit in this supermarket. 9哪家电台播放最无聊的歌曲? Which radio station _ _ _ _ songs? 10它有最大的座位,坐着最舒服。 It has the _ _ and you can _ the most _ 11格雷格是最有天赋的舞者,对吗? Greg is _ _ _ dancer,isnt he? 12梦想在人们的生活中起着重要的作用。 Dreams _ _ _ _ in peoples life. 13体育新闻是最精彩的电视节目之一。

12、 Sports News is one of _ _ _ TV programs. 14山前有各种各样的花吗? Are there _ _ _ flowers in front of the mountain? 15这个公园是放风筝的最好地方。 The park is _ _ _ _ fly kites. 16我觉得汤姆和保罗没有任何相同之处。 I dont think Tom and Paul _ anything _ _ 17你认为谁是最具有创造性的表演者? Who do you think is the _ _ _? 18上周我们班许多男孩子,例如马克和戴尔,经常看足球比赛。 Last

13、week lots of boys in our class, _ _, Mark and Dale often watched soccer games. 19到现在为止我有五个好朋友。 _ _ I have got five good friends. 20这个电视节目越来越受欢迎。 This TV program is getting _ _ _ _ 21他们努力寻找最令人兴奋的魔术师。 They try to _ _ the _ _ _ Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 1刘先生总是竭尽全力帮助那个学校的穷学生。 Mr.Liu is al

14、ways _ _ _ to help the poor students in that school. 2他的父亲在 20 世纪 60 年代从加拿大回到了中国。 His father came back to China from Canada _ _ _ 3你能想起那部电影的名字吗? Can you _ _ the name of the movie? 4昨天,我替他完成了这项工作。 Yesterday I _ _ _ to finish the work. 5这个故事显示了她对国家的爱。 This story _ her love _ her country. 6你知道这个谚语的出处吗?

15、 Do you know where the saying _ _? 7琳达总是乐于帮助同学。 Linda is always _ _ _ her classmates. 8这个卡通人物不如那个卡通人物出名。 This cartoon character isnt _ _ _ that one. 9我们要查明真相很难。 Its very difficult for us _ _ _ the truth. 10汤姆在才艺表演中打扮得像个小女孩。 Tom _ _ like a little girl in the talent show. 11这个孩子一点儿也不喜欢垃圾食品。 The child

16、_ _ junk food _ _ 12她认为健康生活节目如何? _ does she _ _ Healthy Living? 13汤姆不喜欢做饭。 Tom _ _ cooking. 14这个小女孩不能忍受西餐。 The little girl _ _ western food. 15你认为海南岛怎么样? _ do you _ Hainan Island? 16我不介意打开门。 I _ _ opening the door. 17正在下雨呢,你需要带上雨伞。 Its raining.You _ _ _ an umbrella. 18我希望在晚饭前完成作业。 I _ _ _ my homewor

17、k before dinner. 19我期望暑假能见到我的表姐。 I _ _ _ my cousin during my summer vacation. 20他真不知道下一步做什么。 He doesnt really know _ _ _ next. 20182019 年八年级英语期末年八年级英语期末 U1U5 汉译英汉译英专项练习专项练习 参参 考考 答答 案案 1. go to summer camp 2.most of the time 3.quite a few 4anything special 5.studies for tests 6.felt like 7.waiting f

18、or 8.because of 9.decided to take 10wonder;she is 11is waiting for 12.try go get to/try to arrive at 13.everyone have a good time 14.somebody/someone interesting;anything special 1.Are you free 2.How come 3.What kind of 4.hardly ever 5swing dance 6.such as 7.more than 8.less than 9.the answer to 10.

19、The best way to relax least 12.junk food 13.such as 14.less than 15.Its;by watching 16.use the Internet TV sports junk food 20go camping with housework 1.funnier than hard-working as 3.longer;mine 4.better than 5listening;quietly 6.more loudly frien

20、dly;as 8.more expensive;Mikes 9less;more 10.quieter;smarter 1. the most popular 2.because;the most;the best service 4.the cheapest books 5.interesting;other;show their talents far 7.Which is the best 8.the freshest 9.plays the most boring 10.biggest seats;sit;comfortably 11.the most tale

21、nted an important role 13.the most wonderful 14 all kinds of 15.the best place to 16.have;in common 17.most creative performer 18.for example 19So far 20.more and more popular 6.look for;most exciting magician(s) 1.trying his best the 1960s 3.think of 4.took his place 5shows;for es from 7.ready to help famous as find out 10.dressed up 11.doesnt like;at all 12.What;think of 13.doesnt like 14.cant stand 15How;like 16.dont mind 17.need to take 18.hope to finish 19expect to see 20.what to do



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