1、Unit 8 Green Living Topic Talk 【学习目标】【学习目标】 1认识绿色生活,说出“green living”的具体内容和内涵; 2获取听力语篇中“green living”话题的关键信息,补全相关内容并分析表达逻辑; 3分析表达逻辑,运用所学词汇和表达方式,发表个人对“green living”的认识和打算。 【学习重难点】【学习重难点】 获取听力语篇的关键信息,表达对绿色生活的看法。 【学习过程】【学习过程】 1. What is green living? 2. What can you do to improve green living? 3. Listen
2、 to the introduction and complete the sentences on page 28. Answer the questions. (1) How many parts are there in the exhibition? (2) What is each section about? (3) What is the relationship between the sections? 4. Talk about green living with your partner, using the sentence patterns and expressio
3、ns you have learnt. 5. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. (1) Why doesnt the woman like living in a flat? (2) Where does the man live and what does he do to help the environment? (3) What do they think is important to fight against global warming? 6. Discuss in groups and talk about wh
4、at we can do to promote green living. Then share the ideas in class. 7. Read the quotes on page 29. Answer questions. (1) What do you know about the background information of the quotes? (2) Who are the quotes aimed at? (3) What happened if we destroy the environment and what should we do to protect
5、 it? 8. Talk about your own belief about green living with your understanding of the quotes. Unit 8 Green Living Writing Workshop 【第一学时】【第一学时】 【学习目标】【学习目标】 1 获取调查报告中呈现的关于市民环保意识和行为的事实性信息 (如调查的时间和地点、 目的、参加的人员、调查的具体问题和基本发现等) ; 2梳理调查报告的文本结构,辨别调查报告的组成部分及具体内容; 3辨别调查报告典型的语言句式特点,尤其是运用多种方法进行定量表述; 4初步运用不同的语言句
6、式和简单的图表(饼状图与柱状图)进行定量表述。 【学习重难点】【学习重难点】 梳理调查报告的文本结构,使用不同的语言句式和简单图表进行定量表述。 【学习过程】【学习过程】 1. What should be included in a survey report on environmental protection? 2. Read the survey report and answer questions. (1) Who conducted the survey? (2) When and where was the survey conducted? (3) How many peo
7、ple took part in the survey? (4) Whats the purpose of the survey? (5) What questions are asked? (6) What are the findings? 3. Read the survey report again and label each paragraph of the report with the corresponding heading. 4. Read the survey report again and underline the quantity expressions in
8、the survey report. 5. Discuss the functions and effects of the quantity expressions in the report. Answer the questions. (1) Why does the author use quantity expressions? (2) What is the function of quantity expressions? 【第二学时】【第二学时】 【学习目标】【学习目标】 1梳理调查报告评价标准的具体内容; 2依据调查报告评价标准的具体内容为同伴的习作做出评价; 3根据同伴评价
9、的意见,修改、完善自己的调查报告。 【学习重难点】【学习重难点】 对同伴的调查报告进行评价,并修改、完善自己的调查报告。 【学习过程】【学习过程】 1. What factors will you take into account when evaluate a survey report? 2. How many criteria can you write down? 3. Read the criteria. Why do you think these criteria are important? 1. Was the purpose of the survey clearly s
10、tated in the report? 2. Were quantity expressions used appropriately? 3. Were proper graphs used to report findings? 4. Was a conclusion provided? 5. Is the report logically organized? 4. Read your partners survey report and write down comments. 5. Revise your survey report. Unit 4 Information Techn
11、ology Check Your Progress 【学习目标】【学习目标】 1运用所学词汇介绍环保人物易解放和珍古道尔的事迹; 2运用所学词汇和主要表达法分析交通方式引发的环保问题或解决的途径,如共享单车、 合伙用车; 3制作倡导绿色生活的海报,培养学生的环保意识; 4反思单元学习,发现自己的收获和不足. 【学习重难点】【学习重难点】 巩固所学知识,运用所学知识理解和表达,并对单元学习进行反思. 【学习过程】【学习过程】 1. What did you learn about Jane Goodall and Yi Jiefang? 2. List words and phrases on
12、environment protection or those impress you most in the unit. Share in groups. 3. What are the similarities between Yi Jiefang and Jane Goodall in protecting the environment? 4. Talk about a hero/heroine who has helped to reduce pollution or protect the environment Then write a short introduction about the person. 5. What are the benefits and problems about bike sharing? 6. How can we be more environmentally friendly? 7. Design a poster on how to set up a carpool.