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1、 1 八年级英语上册暑假复习之常考易错题汇编 一、单项选择 1. -Why not John a toy car for his birthday ? - Good idea! He is crazy about cars . A. buying B. buy C. to buy D. Buys 2. -Which dress do you like best , Madam ? - Sorry , I cant decide now . A. to buy which buy B. which one to buy C. buy which one D. Which I should buy

2、 it 3. -Mary dances best in our school . - I agree . Ill never forget her dance for the first time . A. seeing B. to see C. see D. seen 4. The radio is too . Please turn it down . A. loud B. aloud C. loudly D. louder 5. Its impolite to talk in the reading room . A. loud B. aloud C. loudly D. louder

3、6. The pen me ten yuan . A. spent B. paid C. took D. cost 7. Welcome back home . A. to B. at C. in D. / 8. Look at the words on the blackboard and please . A. write down them B. write down it C. write them down D. write it down 9. I forgot my homework this morning , so the teacher got angry . A. tak

4、e B. to take C. takes D. taking 10. -Do you take exercise every day? -Yes. I always thirty minutes after supper . A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay 11. They five days finishing the work . A. paid B. took C. spent D. cost 12. -What does the man suggest in the hall ? -Moving the desks away . A.to do B.

5、do C. doing D. does 13. We suggested that he the doctors advice and stop smoking . A. should take B. take C. took D.A and B 14. Water Park is a good place . A. to have fun B. have fun C. having fun D. to have a fun 15. Mary was writing a letter ,the children were playing outside . A.Because B. While

6、 C. After D. Though 16. I dont know the answer the question . A. to B. of C. with D. at 17. Can you . the opening times on the Internet ? A. look after B. look at C. look up D. look for 18. When I got home , Mum was busy the house . A. to clean B. to cleaning C. cleaning D. clean 19. She doesnt play

7、 the violin as as her sister . A. good B. better C. best D. well 20. How far is your family from here ? -Its about ten walk . A. minutes B. minutes C. minute D. minutes 21. The theme park is about ride from the museum. You should start out right now . 2 A. two hour B. two hours C. two hours D. two h

8、ours 22. Japan is the east of China . A. on B. in C. of D. to 23. The weather in Guangdong is hotter than in Qinghai . A. it B. those C. one D. that 24. In Japan , basketball is popular than football at school . A. too more B. very more C. much D. a lot more 25. Traffic is heavy and the price of oil

9、 is much so that many people go to work by bus instead . A. high B. higher C. expensive D. more expensive 26. The river is about two metres . A. long B. wide C. high D. tall 27. The price of the potatoes is too . I cant buy them . A. expensive B. low C. high D. cheap 28. He promised to try his best

10、the girl . A. helps B. to help C. help D. helping 29. You arent a new student, are you ? -No. Didnt you remember me at the gate minutes ago ? A. see B. to see C. seeing D. saw 30. How much does the ticket from Shanghai to Beijing ? A. take B. spend C. cost D. pay 31. Bob may I your MP4 ? Sure . But

11、you had better not it to others . A. lend; lend B. lend; borrow C. borrow; borrow D. borrow; lend 32. Our class won the first prize in the basketball match. - exciting news ! A. How B. How an C. What D. What an 33. Do you know what the low-carbon(低碳) life style is like ? -Save energy and produce car

12、bon. A. more; more B. more; less C. less;more D. less; less 34. Why not . your mistakes on your notebook ? A. writes B. write C. writing D. to writing 35. The Yellow River is the second river in China . A. longer B. the longest C. longest D. long 36. Of all the students , Li Lei is to Mr Wang . A. c

13、lose B. closer C. the closest D. the most closest 37. Chongqing is bigger than in Japan . A. any other city B. all the other cities C. any city D. the other cities 38. Would you like with me ? Soryy . I have a lot of clothes to wash . A. to shop B. shop C. shopping D. to shopping 39. Mr Zhou , of al

14、l the students in our group , who lives ? -I think Li Lei does . A. far B. farther C. the farthest D. the farther 40. Bob is at playing computer games of the two boys . A. the better B. the good C. better D. the best 3 41. This journey about 2 hours . A. take B. takes C. cost D. costs 42. Why does J

15、oe look so today? -Because she has got an “A” in her English test . A. sad B. exciting C. angry D. happy 43. They made the boy water for them every day . A. carry B. carrying C. carried D. to carry 44. Well go fishing if it rainging tomorrow . A. stop B. stops C. will stop D. stopped 46. We were hav

16、ing a meeting . The lights suddenly . A. went off B. put off C. got off D. fell off 47. If you want to get the job , you need to have two years working . A. pronunciation B. experience C. conversation D. environment 48. The twin sisters have learned a lot they came to China . A. when B. as soon as C

17、. since D. after 49. Peter tried on three jackets , but of them fitted him . A. all B. both C. neither D. none 50. I have a chance to interview the pop singer . That made me . A. excited B. felt excited C. to fell excited D. exciting 51. Is this the machine is made in Japan ? A. who B. what C. which

18、 D. when 52. We decide to Europe next year . A. travel B. travelled C. To travel D. travelling 53. -Is she in geography ? -No ,she isnt . She shows no in this subject . A. interesting; interested B. interested; interested C. interested; interest D. interest; interesting 54. -Jack ,could you help me

19、when the plane will take off on the Internet ? -Im sorry ,my computer doesnt work . A. get out B. look out C. take out D. find out 55. It was said that the wedding would the next week . A.take place B. be taken place C. be happened D. happen 56. I hope you results in the exam . A. to get B. can get

20、C. getting D. get 57. -Would you mind here ? -Yes. Didnt you see the sign “No smoking”? A. I smoke B. me smoke C. my smoking D. I smoking 58. These flowers are than those ones . A.much beautiful B. much more beautiful C. more much beautiful D. many much beautiful 59. We saw them basketball on the pl

21、ayground just now . A. play B. was playing C. to play D. play the 60. -Please remember my dictionary to school tomorrow . -But I remember it back to you . A. bring ; give B. to bring ; to give C. to bring ; giving D. bringing ; to give 61. Tom didnt have breakfast catch the early bus . 4 A. so that

22、B. in order to C. in order that D. make sure 63. -Do you like English ? -Yes .But I think its subject of all . A. the easiest B. the most difficult C. the most interesting D. the most boring 64. Betty usually goes to school her fathers car . A. by B. in C. with D. on 65. It will take us to finish th

23、e work . A. half hour B. one and half an hour C. one hour and a half D. one an half hours 66. -Why dont you like winter in Beijing ? -Because it is winter in Guangzhou . A. as cold as B.much colder than C. not so cold as D. not colder than 67. He has been to Shanghai , has he ? A. ever B. already C.

24、 never D. yet 68. Dont forget an umbrella you . Its going to rain . A. to take ; to B. taking ; to C. to take ; with D. taking ; with 69. I dont agree your plan . Lets discuss it . A. with B. to C. at D. on 70. The village is famous the river . A. as B. with C. to D. For 二、按照要求完成句子 1. Tom is busy hi

25、s games . 2. We should take an active part in (保护) environment . 3. He (提议) to take me to the zoo and I felt excited . 4. Bella can speak two l , French and Chinese . 5. Many students ask for advice about i their English . 6.It is p cold outside . Youd better put on your coat . 7. I b all the rooms

26、of the hotel five days ago . 8. Im not a to go out at night . So I wont go to the movies with you . 9. To swim here is dangerous . (改为同义句) Its here . 10. Bill isnt as tall as Jim . (改为同义句) Jim is Bill . 11. She paid 200 yuan for her sweater. (改为同义句) Her sweater 200 yuan . 12. Listening to English so

27、ngs is a good way to learn English . a good way to learn English to English songs . 13. Im afraid that I go out after dark alone . Im afraid out after dark alone . 14.Why dont you speak more English every day ? speaking more English every day ? 15.Tony jumps higher than any other boy in his class . Tony jumps all the boys in his class .


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