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    • 人教版八年级下册英语Unit 9单词造句和语法讲解ppt课件.ppt--点击预览


八(下)八(下)Unit 10 单词造句和语法讲解单词造句和语法讲解 2016-6-1 1. His family is having a yard sale. 2. The old things bring back sweet memories. She has a good memory. 3. You can have the toy bear for 75 cents. 5. Please check out your board games. 4. She has a bread maker, several scarves and some soft toys. 6. His son is in junior high school. 7. I have already cleared out some old things from my bedroom, because I no longer use them. 8. He has owned a train and railway set since his fourth birthday. 9. She felt sad to part with certain toys. 10. As for me, I didnt want to give up my football shirts, but, to be honest, I have not played football for a while now. 11. The story is truthful. (=true/ honest) 13. The crayon factory is among the buildings. 12. Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave their hometown to search for work in big cities. 14. Its a shame to copy others homework. 15. I regard her as my best friend. 16. Lets count how many sheep are on the hill. 17. the early 21st century the late 19th century the mid-20th century 18. According to the story, the big old tree was opposite the school. (=across from) 22. There are close to 2000 students in our school. (= nearly almost 几乎,接近) His home is close to the school. (= next to) 21. Hes considering returning home. (consider doing sth. 考虑做某事) 23. hold -held -held (温馨甜美的) The place holds all his soft and sweet memories. (拥有) Please hold my hand. (抓住) 20. I had such a happy childhood. 19. I like many sports, especially swimming.八(下)Unit 1 单词造句和语法讲解 2016-2 1. Whats the matter?=Whats the trouble? = Whats the problem? 1. =Whats wrong? =Whats up? “怎么了/出了什么事?” 后面可跟介词 with e.g . Whats the matter with him? 他怎么了? 2. have a sore throat/ back / neck 咽喉/ 背/ 脖子 疼 =have a pain in the back/ neck / knee(膝盖)/ foot (脚) foot -feet tooth-teeth 3. have a bad cold 得了重感冒 have the flu 得了流感 have a (high) fever 发(高)烧 have a cough 咳嗽 have a stomachache 胃痛,腹痛 (stomach:胃,腹部) have a toothache 牙痛 have a headache 头痛 have a backache 背痛 have an earache 耳朵痛 4. lie-lay-lying (平)躺 lie down 躺下 have a rest 休息一下 = rest (v. / n.) e.g. Please lie down and rest. 请躺下休息。 lie (n.) 谎言 e.g. He often tells lies. 他经常说谎。 5. You should get an X-ray. 你应该拍一张X光片。 6. take ones temperature-temprt(r) 量体温 7. take breaks =take a break = have a rest 休息 e.g. You need to take breaks away from the computer. 你需要离开电脑休息一下。 8. hurt-hurt 疼痛, 受伤 e.g. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor. 如果你的头和脖子明天还疼,就去看医生。 9.The passengers didnt get off. 那些乘客没有下车。 get off 下车-get on 上车 off-离开(某处) 10. to ones surprise 使惊讶的是 e.g. To his surprise, they all agreed to go with him. 10. 让他惊讶的是,他们所有人都同意和他一起去。 11. onto 向/朝上 -into 向/朝里 e.g. They helped him to move the old man onto the bus. 11. 他们帮他把那个老人搬到公交车上。 12.trouble 问题,苦恼 -(不可数名词): a lot of trouble 13.-Whats your trouble?你怎么了?=What s the trouble with you? 14.- Because they dont want any trouble. 因为他们不想惹任何麻烦 。 13. hit -hit 打,击,撞 e.g Bus No. 26 hit an old man on the road this morning. 26路公交车今天早晨在路上撞到了一位老人。 14. right away = at once 立刻,马上 e.g. She set off right away. 她立刻动身了。 15. get into 陷入,参与 -get into trouble 找麻烦/陷入困境= be in trouble 16. herself 她自己 She hurt herself in P.E. class. 她在体育课上伤到了自己。 反身代词: myself yourself himself / herself/ itself ourselves yourselves themselves learn by oneself 自学 enjoy oneself 玩得愉快 17. bandage 绷带 -put a bandage on it 在它上面绑上绷带 18. press 压,挤,按 press the button 按按钮 -press the sides of your nose 挤压鼻子的侧面 19. sick = ill 生病的,有病的 -Im sick. =Im ill. sick 可以放名词前修饰名词,但ill 不能。 e.g. Its a sick cat. 它是一只病猫。 20. knee 膝,膝盖 -He cut his knee(s). 他划伤/擦伤了他的膝盖。 21. He often has a nosebleed. 他经常流鼻血。 23. I got sunburned this summer. 晒伤了 24. We enjoyed ourselves yesterday. =had fun 玩得开心 25. The climber is used to taking risks. 那个登山者习惯了冒险。 (be used to 介词+doing形式) 22. breathe 呼吸 e.g. He had problems breathing after running for an hour. 呼吸困难 26. He almost lost his life because of the accident. 事故 27. He got out of the dangerous situation at last. 最终他从险境中摆脱了。 (情况,状况) 28. The rock is 100 kilos.=Its a 100-kilo rock. 那是一个100公斤重的岩石。 29. He ran out of his water. = He used up his water. = His water ran out. 用光, 用尽 30. He used his knife to cut off half his right arm. 他用他的刀把他的右臂砍掉了一半。 knife-knives 31. He lost too much blood. 他失血太多。 32. What does the word mean? 那个单词是什么意思? = Whats the meaning of the word? mean-meant 33. get out of离开/从出来-get into 进入 34. We should know the importance of studying English. 我们应该知道学习英语的重要性。 35. He made an important decision. 他做出了一个重要的决定。 36. We ourselves are in control of our futures. 我们自己掌握着我们的未来。 37. We should learn the spirit of Lei Feng. 精神 /勇气 38. death (n.名词) Shes not afraid of death. 不怕死 die-died (v. 动词) The old man died last year. 39. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事 He should give up smoking. 他应该戒掉/放弃吸烟。 (give it up) 40. She wants to be a nurse. 护士八(下)Unit 2 单词造句和语法讲解 2016-3-6 1. The room is dirty. Please clean it up. 2. He looks sad. Lets cheer him up. Cheers! 干杯! 3. He volunteers to help us to give out the food. 4. We need to come up with a good idea. = think up 5. We cant put off making the plan. 6.put up signs 张贴标语 make some notices hand them out call up the teacher 6. = telephone / phone/ call /ring 7. He used to live here. He used to be a teacher. 8. The old man lives alone. But he doesnt feel lonely. 9.care for = take care of = look after 10. We should care for the old people. 10. several = a few (只加可数名词) 11. I have a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the look of joy on the owners faces. 12. She decided to try out for the job. 13. Theyre going on a different journey with each new book. 14. We should raise money for the homeless people. 15. at midnight 在半夜 alone = by oneself 独自 16. He repaired the bike. (= fixed up) 17. He often fixes them up and then gives them away to the poor children. 18.She takes after her mother. = looks like / is similar to 19. The wheels of my bike are broken, so Im late. 20. Write a letter to Miss Li. 21. The group was set up to help disabled people. 22. It makes a big difference to my life. 23. You cant imagine the life of the deaf and the blind. 24. We will meet many difficulties in our life. 25. open the door -close the door 26. Dont carry the heavy box. 27. Can you train the animals? (训练) 火车 28. She is excited about the exciting news. 29. After 6-month training, the dog can go home with me. 30. Thanks for your kindness. 31. The clever dog can understand my orders. ( understood ) 32. No one can change my ideas. 33. I have many interests and hobbies. 34. Dear sir or madam,八(下)Unit 3单词造句和语法讲解 2016-3-17 1. There is a little rubbish trash on the floor. Could you please take out the rubbish trash? 2. fold your clothes sweep the floor (swept) He lives on the third floor. 他住在三楼。 3. The kitchen was in a mess . 厨房又脏又乱。 4. throw sth. to sb. = throw sb. sth. Please throw an apple to me. = Please throw me an apple. throw-threw 5. He threw down his schoolbag and went to the living room. 6. He watches TV all the time. 7. Neither of us did any housework for a week. neither 两者都不没-both 两者都 否定倒装句: Mary isnt a teacher. Neither am I. 我也不是。 Neither is her sister. She cant swim. Neither can I. Tom didnt do his homework. Neither did I. 8. Wash your shirt, its too dirty. 9. Ill call you as soon as he comes back. 他一回来我就给你打电话。 (主将从现,主祈情从现, 主过从过) 10. pass sth. to sb. =pass sb. sth. 递给某人某物 Could you please pass me the book? 11. borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物 反义:lend sth. to sb. 把某物借给某人 lend-lent 13. I hate to do chores. = I dislike to do housework. (1)Could I borrow your pen? = Could I borrow a pen from you? (1)(2) Could you please lend your pen to me? 12. I cut my finger just now. 14. She is washing the clothes while I am cooking. 15. I need to buy some drinks and snacks. 16. Kids these days have too much stress. 17. Dont waste time or money. (v.) 18. He studies very hard in order to get good grades. 19. provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth. 20. Anyway, I think doing chores is not so difficult. 21. Children these days depend on their parents too much. Tomorrows meeting depends on the weather. Playing computer games is a waste of their time. (n.) They can provide enough books for us . =They can provide us with enough books. 22. Doing chores helps to develop childrens independence. (n.) 23. It also helps them to understand the idea of fairness. 24. Since it is raining, we had better stay at home. 25. Our neighbors son didnt know how to take care of himself. As a result, he often fell ill and his grades dropped. 26. We should learn to be independent. (adj.) 27. Its unfair for me to do so much work. unfair(不公正的) -fair (公正的 合理的) Dont drop the cup. Be careful!八(下)Unit 4 单词造句和语法讲解 2016-3-28 1.allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 e.g. My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends. 2.wrong 错误的 - right 正确的 false 假的,虚伪的-true 真正的 Whats wrong (with)?= Whats up? 怎么了? =Whats the matter/ trouble / problem? 3. Please look through the passage to find the answers. 5. Its not a big deal. 那没什么大不了的事。 4. Can you guess who I am? 6. Could you help me work out the math problem? Hope things work out. 希望事情很成功地解决。 7. get on (well ) with sb.=get along (well) with sb. 8. You should help (to) improve relations between your parents. 9. We should learn to have good communication skills. (n.) work it out You should get on/ along well with your neighbors. 10. I often communicate with my friends by letters/ on the Internet. (v.) 11. She often argues with her parents. 12. There are a few/some white clouds in the sky. 13. You are tired. Let your elder brother go instead. = provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. 15. Dont be nervous. =Dont be worried. 别紧张,焦虑 He went on working instead of having a rest. 14. You can buy whatever you like. 无论什么,任何东西 16. offer sb. sth. =offer sth. to sb. 给某人提供某物 e.g. He offered me a good job. offer to do sth. (主动)提出做某事 He offered to help me. 17. This is proper communication. 正确的/恰当的 19. Can you explain the sentence to me clearly? Are you clear? = Do you understand? 你们清楚/明白了吗? 18. 文章中表示逻辑顺序常用:First (ly), second(ly), third(ly), fourthly, finally 放句首表示“第一,第二, 20. Dont copy others homework. 21. He didnt return my book. So I wont lend books to him anymore. (return= give back) (anymore=any longer) =He didnt give the book back to me. So I wont lend books to him any longer. 22. He is one of my family members. 23. My parents give me a lot of pressure about school. 24. We have to compete with others these days. 25. In my opinion, learning exam skills is necessary. 26. The Greens are a typical American family. 他是我的家庭成员之一。 在学业方面 27. play football (美式足球/橄榄球) soccer (ball)(英式足球) 28. Dont cut out the information. 29. We have a quick dinner, and then its time for homework/ to do homework. 30. continue to do sth. 表示“接着做另一件事”,即接下去做与原来不同的一件事; continue doing sth. 表示“继续不停地做某事或间断后继续做原来没有做完的事”; 31. Dont compare me with others. 32. Its crazy of you to do so. 33. push 推-pull 拉 They push their kids so hard. 34. Its not good for kids development. =go on to do doing sth. 35. What causes the flu? 引起,造成 36. Perhaps its very usual. =Maybe = common normal八(下)Unit 5 单词造句和语法讲解 2016-4-10 1. What were you doing when the rainstorm came? 2. My alarm (clock) didnt go off this morning. 3. begin-began begin / start to do sth. = begin / start doing sth. e.g. Suddenly, it began to rain heavily. 4. There was a heavy rain / snow last night. 5. It was very strange that he didnt pick up the phone. 7. Strong winds were blowing. 狂风正刮着。 6. The storm brought people closer together. 这场暴风雨让人们的关系更近团结了。 8. Without light outside, it felt like midnight. 9. The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in our area. 10. Put some pieces of wood over the window. 13. at first 起初-at last finally 最后,终于 14. He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down. fall asleep 入睡,睡着 die down 逐渐变弱/消失 11. Your flashlight doesnt work, use the matches and candles. 12. The rain began to beat heavily against the windows. 15. When he woke up, the sun was rising. (rise-rose) 16. fallen trees 倒下的树 fallen leaves 落叶 17. The storm broke many things apart. 让破碎分离 19. The roads were icy. 20. Are you kidding? 21. When he realized he left his homework at home, he was making his way to school. 18. I went out right away to have a look. 22. The passage talked about a school pupil. 23. They were completely shocked. 24. I finished (eating) the rest of the dinner in silence. 25. Recently, the World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorists. 26. The special date has meaning to me. 27. The two towers are famous. 28. Tell me the truth.八(下)八(下)Unit 6 单词造句和语法讲解单词造句和语法讲解 2016-4-10 1. shoot-shot shooter 射手 e.g A shooter shot a bird with his gun. 2. They put all the earth and stone into the sea. 3. Im a little weak now. weak-strong be weak in=be not good at Shes weak in English. 4. Oh, my God! he shot a person. 我的天哪!他开枪打人了。 5. remind sb. of sth. remind sb. to do sth. e.g. The picture reminds me of the old story. Please remind me to get up earlier. 7. Ill stay at home instead of going out. 6. a little bit =a little =kind of Shes a little bit silly. 8. The Monkey King can turn himself into different objects. 9. hide-hid Where did he hide his tail? 10. magic (adj.) magician (n.) He has a magic stick. Liu Qian is a magician. 13. He has an evil stepsister(继姐)/ stepmother(继母). 14. The prince fell in love with the princess(公主). (fall-fell) 11. The news excited everyone in western countries. (v.) 12. once upon a time = long long ago 很久以前 15. The pair of shoes doesnt fit me. Those shoes fit me well. 16. The young couple decided to take a holiday for their honeymoon. 17. He cant stop smiling. (smile-smiling) 他忍不住笑了。 19. He has a gold ring. 20. The two brothers were trying to cheat the emperor. 18.marry sb. 娶某人/嫁给某人/ 与某人结婚 =be/ get married to sb. 与某人结婚了 (不用with) He married a beautiful girl. =He got married to a girl. 21. The underwear is made of silk. 22. Nobody wants to sound stupid. 23. She has an evil stepmother. 24. The king has three wives. (wife-husband) 25. The whole building was burning the whole day. 26. The play has five scenes. 27. The moonlight is shining bright. (shine-shone) 28. He dropped some pieces of bread on the ground. 29. She led me to a forest. 她把我带到了一个森林。 All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马。(通往) 30. She always speaks in a low voice. 用很低的声音 31. Hes brave enough to face the difficulty.八(下)八(下)Unit 7 单词造句和语法讲解单词造句和语法讲解 2016-5-3 1. The city is about 500 square kilometers in size. 2. The river is about 5 meters deep. 3. Camels live in the deserts. 4. Whats the population of China now? = How many people are there in China now? Asia has a big / large population. 亚洲人口多/ 少.(small) 5. Please feel free to ask me any questions on todays Great Wall tour. (tourist traveler) ( on the wall 在墙上) 7. Why did the ancient emperors build the wall? 6. Thats amazing / surprising. 8. The main reason was to protect their part of the country. 9. The wall is quite tall and wide. (wide-narrow窄) 10. As far as I know, there arent any other man-made objects as long as this wall. 13. Thick clouds cover the top of the mountains. 14. More serious difficulties include freez
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