北京版一下UNIT ONE GLAD TO SEE YOU AGAIN-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:2140c).zip

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Module 4 Unit 1 Mum bought a new T -shirt for me. My summer holiday Last summer, I went to Beijing. I visited the Great Wall. It is very old and very famous. There were lots of people. I had a good time there. Look and say . Lucy the supermarket his parents at the weekend. They three , twelve and some . went to with bought apples eggs cheese Draw and guess. T-shirt T恤恤 Mum bought a T-shirt for me. trousers 长裤长裤 a pair of trousers 一条裤子 pair pear 同音 shorts 短裤短裤 a pair of shorts 一条短裤pair pear 同音 shoes a pair of shoes 一双鞋子 shirt T-shirt shorts caphat trousers shoes Memory game Mum bought a new for me Lets learn buy bought 买 for 为,给 buy +某物+for +某人 给某人买某物 Mum bought a T-shirt for me. Dad bought a football for Sam. At the shortstrousers T-shirt a pair of clothes Words a red matterWhats the ? argue Dont ! took (take) awear shorts matter took 长裤长裤 a pair of shorts wear 争吵争吵 argue pair a pair of new shoes 一双、一套、一副一双、一套、一副 拿走、取走拿走、取走 Listen and answer. -1. Did Sam like that pair of shorts? -2.What did Sam want? -3.Did Mum buy new clothes for Amy? No, she didnt. No, he didnt. He wanted trousers. She bought new clothes for . Mum bought a for me Mum bought a pair of for me buy (物)for(人)表示为买了。让我们 来看看下面的句子吧: Read. Ms Smart: do you like this pair of shorts, Sam? Sam: No, I dont want shorts. I want trousers. Amy: Mum bought new clothes for Sam. Lingling: Ha ha Listen and answer. -1.What did Amy and Sam do? They argued. Listen and answer. -2.Did Mum wash Linglings T-shirt? No, she didnt. Listen and answer. -3.What did Lingling take? Lingling took a kite. Read and answer.(第一段)(第一段) -1.Whats the matter with them? -2.Who bought the T-shirts for them? They (both都都) want the T-shirt. Ms Smart bought T-shirts for them. Listen and answer(第二段)(第二段). -3.Whose T-shirt is it? -4.Where are their T-shirts? -5.Is Linglings T-shirt clean? Their T-shirts are on the line. Yes, it is. It is Linglings. She didnt wear it. Listen and answer(第三段)(第三段). -6.How is Linglings new kite? -7.What are they going to do? Its beautiful and cute. They are going to fly it. Read . - Sam : Thats my T-shirt! - Amy: No! Its my T-shirt Ms Smart: Dont argue! Whats - the matter? - Amy: Sam took my T-shirt. - He wants to wear it. - Sam: But it isnt your T- - shirt. Mum bought it - for me. - Amy: No, she didnt. Mum - bought a new T-shirt - for me. 不要吵架不要吵架 发生什么事了?发生什么事了?/ 怎么了?怎么了? 拿走拿走 为为买买 -Ms Smart: Your red T-shirts are - on the line. I washed - them for you. Look! - Sam: Did you wash Linglings - T-shirt? -Ms Smart: No, I didnt. Linglings - T-shirt is clean. She - didnt wear it. 在绳子上在绳子上 为为洗洗 Read . - Sam: Im so sorry, Lingling. - Amy: Im sorry too. -Lingling: Thats OK. 没关系。没关系。 Read . - Lingling: Look, this is my new - kite. - Amy: Oh, its beautiful. - Sam: The cat is so cute! - Lingling: Lets go and fly it. -Amy and Sam: Great! 让我们去让我们去 Read . 想想下面句子的意思想想下面句子的意思. . -Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. -Lingling didnt wear her T-shirt. -Lets go and fly it. -Whats the matter? 怎么了?怎么了?/ / 发生什么事了?发生什么事了? 妈妈给我买了一件新妈妈给我买了一件新T T恤恤. . 玲玲没有穿她的玲玲没有穿她的T T恤。恤。 让我们出去放风筝吧让我们出去放风筝吧. . Read and draw tick() or cross(). (1)Ms Smart bought 2 red T-shirts. ( ) (2)Amy and Sam took Linglings new T -shirt. ( ) (3) Ms Smart washed Linglings T-shirt . ( ) (4)They all like Linglings kite. ( ) three didnt wash Amy and Sams s Listen and say . -Amy: Sam took my T-shirt. He wants to - wear it. -Sam: But it isnt your T-shirt. Mum - bought it for me. - - Sam: Did you wash Linglings T - - shirt? -Ms Smart: No, I didnt. Linglings - T-shirt is clean. She - didnt wear it. LinglingTom DamingSamAmy coattrousersshoesbaghat 看下面表格,回答问题看下面表格,回答问题. . Did Ms Smart buy new trousers for Daming? Yes, she did./ No, she didnt. She bought new trousers for Tom. 1.- Dont the T-shirt, its dirty. A. were B. wash C. wear 2.Dad a new book me last Sunday. A. buy, to B. bought , for C. bought , with 3. Whats ? A. matter B. the matter C. matters 选择。 4. Lets the kite. A. fly B. flying C. to fly 5.-Whats the matter? - . A. Im in the park B. Im doing my homework C. Im very hungry 6. ? -They are on the line. A. Who is Daming B. Where is Daming C. Where are my trousers 选择。 What is the matter? a, for, Mum, me, T-shirt, bought, new. Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. 连词成句。连词成句。 the, matter, is, What? Do you like this pair of shorts? didnt, it, She ,wear. She didnt wear it. 连词成句。连词成句。 Do, like, shorts, pair, this, you, of? Read matter shorts took pair argue wear Thats OK.Whats the matter? Read What is the matter? Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. Do you like this pair of shorts课题课题 Module4 Unit 1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. 教材教材 分析分析 新标准英语五年级上册,本节课主要学习一般的请求和道歉能做出适当的反新标准英语五年级上册,本节课主要学习一般的请求和道歉能做出适当的反 应。并学会用恰当的方式表达对他人的关心。本单元主要学习应。并学会用恰当的方式表达对他人的关心。本单元主要学习 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.题材非常生活化,是学生感兴趣的话题之一,题材非常生活化,是学生感兴趣的话题之一, 使学生能学以致用。使学生能学以致用。 教学教学 三维三维 目标目标 1.知识目标:知识目标: Ss can read the new words: pair, shorts, argue, matter, took, wear Ss can read and understand the text. 2. 技能目标:技能目标: Ss can read the main sentences Ss can listen,read and use the key points: 1. Dont argue! Whats the matter? 2. Im so sorry. 3.Sb buy sth for sb. 3. 情感目标:提高学生对英语的学习兴趣,增强学生学习英语的自信心情感目标:提高学生对英语的学习兴趣,增强学生学习英语的自信心 重点重点 掌握词汇掌握词汇 pair, shorts, argue, matter, took, wear;学习并掌握句子:;学习并掌握句子: Dont argue!Whats the matter?Im so sorry. 教学教学 重点重点 难点难点 难点难点 学习并能正确朗读课文,能够运用句子结构:某人学习并能正确朗读课文,能够运用句子结构:某人+buy+某物某物+for+某某 人。人。 课前准备课前准备 单词卡片、单词卡片、PPT 课时安排课时安排 2 课时课时 教教 学学 过过 程程二次修改二次修改 Step1.Step1.复习导入复习导入 Revision and lead in 1、Class begins. 2、Free talk T:Did you have a good time on holiday? Ss:Yes! T:Me, too. I bought a new T- shirt on this holiday. Look! I wear my new T-shirt. 【设计意图设计意图】对过创设情境来进行热身,将学生带入一个英语环境当对过创设情境来进行热身,将学生带入一个英语环境当 中,能够使学生变得活跃。中,能够使学生变得活跃。 Step2.Step2.任务呈现任务呈现 Task presentation Look ,listen and say.播放书上第一题的动画。播放书上第一题的动画。 【设计意图设计意图】呈现学习本课内容后的运用任务,即学了本课内容后,呈现学习本课内容后的运用任务,即学了本课内容后, 要做什么。与后面的任务完成环节遥相呼应。要做什么。与后面的任务完成环节遥相呼应。 Step3.Step3.课文学习课文学习 Text learning 1、 Listen and point(第一遍听录音,让学生用手指着,来整体感知(第一遍听录音,让学生用手指着,来整体感知 课文)课文) 听音回答问题听音回答问题 What is the matter with Sam and Amy? 2、 Listen ,point and repeat.(听读指,同时学习本模块的单词)(听读指,同时学习本模块的单词) 单单 词教授方式:教师领读词教授方式:教师领读,小组内组长带领学生读单词小组内组长带领学生读单词, 小组展示小组展示 (通过邀请小组展示来看学生们的掌握情况,同时纠正学生的发音)(通过邀请小组展示来看学生们的掌握情况,同时纠正学生的发音) 游戏:快速猜单词游戏:快速猜单词 (采用快闪法,露头法,这样既提高了学生的注意力,同时也使学生(采用快闪法,露头法,这样既提高了学生的注意力,同时也使学生 得到相对的休息,得到了预想的效果)得到相对的休息,得到了预想的效果) 3、分角色朗读课文。、分角色朗读课文。 (设计意图:通过分角色朗读课文,学生初步了解在怎样的情境中运用设计意图:通过分角色朗读课文,学生初步了解在怎样的情境中运用 这一句型,并更进一步理解课文的内容。这一句型,并更进一步理解课文的内容。) 4、Imitation show TRead the text by yourself, then act the dialogue out. I need 4 stu dents to come here. (分小组来表演,说明可以选择某个精彩片段来(分小组来表演,说明可以选择某个精彩片段来 表演,也可以表演整篇)表演,也可以表演整篇) (设计意图:设计意图:act the dialogue out 难度增大,进一步拓展学生的思维难度增大,进一步拓展学生的思维 能力,提高口语交际能力。同时采用任务教学法,使学生的语言知识能力,提高口语交际能力。同时采用任务教学法,使学生的语言知识 得到运用,也有利于调动学生的积极性。得到运用,也有利于调动学生的积极性。 ) Step4.Step4.训练巩固训练巩固 Practice :Listen and say.课后第三题。课后第三题。 设计意图:对本课的重点句子反复操练。设计意图:对本课的重点句子反复操练。 Step5.Step5.任务完成任务完成 Task completion:Make a dialogue.课后第四题课后第四题 设计意图:创造失物认领的语境,对本课的知识进行操练。设计意图:创造失物认领的语境,对本课的知识进行操练。 Step6.Step6.小结与布置作业小结与布置作业 Summary and homework 1.Summary :What did you learn today? Any questions? 根据学生汇报,总结动词过去式。根据学生汇报,总结动词过去式。 (让学生自己总结一下今天本堂课所学的知识,同时教师再次点拨让学生自己总结一下今天本堂课所学的知识,同时教师再次点拨) (设(设 计意图:培养学生勤于动脑、善于总结的学习习惯。计意图:培养学生勤于动脑、善于总结的学习习惯。 ) 2.Homework :Listen and read the text fluently. Write the new w ords three times. (设计意图:课后布置作业起到巩固新知识的作用。设计意图:课后布置作业起到巩固新知识的作用。) 板书设计板书设计 Module 4 Unit1: Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. Sam took my T-shirt . He wants to wear it. But it isnt your T-shirt.Mum bought it for me.
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