北师大版(三起)五下Unit 7 Days of the Week-Lesson 1 Days of the week.-ppt课件-(含教案)(编号:80403).zip

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Monday 周一周一 Tuesday 周二周二 Wednesday 周三周三 Thursday 周四周四 Friday 周五周五 Saturday 周六周六 Sunday 周日周日 week 星期星期 weekend 周末周末 weekday工作日工作日 mnde tju:zde wenzde :zde frade stde snde wi:k wi:kde wi:kend TimeWhat Monday Tuesday Wednes day Thursda y Friday Saturda y Sunday On_________, I__________________. play volleyball Mondayplay volleyball Peter likes reading. He goes to the school library on Monday afternoon. Peter likes playing basketball too. He plays basketball with his friends on Tuesday afternoon. On Wednesday and Thursday, Peter plays chess after school. tes 棋,国际象棋棋,国际象棋 On Friday evening, Peter plays games at home. At the weekend, Peter goes to the park with his family. Tom likes reading in the evening. In the morning, Tom looks at his clock. Its half past eight. Tom runs out. He doesnt have breakfast. Tom is not late for school. It is Saturday. My names Betty and Im very busy. Busy, busy, busy, but Im very happy. Im busy on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Im also busy on Thursday and Friday. Im very busy, But Im very happy. And Im not busy on Saturday and Sunday. beti 贝蒂贝蒂 bzi 忙碌的忙碌的 One, two, three, What can you see? Gladys and Clare in warm clothes. Clare has a plant on a plate. Gladys has gloves on her hands. ldis 格拉迪斯格拉迪斯 lvz klz plet pl:nt kle Gl-l Cl- kl Pl-pl闽教版第四册 Unit2Unit2 DaysDays ofof thethe WeekWeek LessonLesson 3 3 一、教学内容一、教学内容: : 1、词汇:Sunday、Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、 Friday、Saturday; 2、句型:On Monday/Tuesday I do sth. 3、歌曲:There Are Seven Days 二、教学目标二、教学目标: : 1 1、知识目标、知识目标: : (1)能听、说、认读及拼写单词 “Sunday、Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday; (2)能听懂、会说句型 On Monday/Tuesday I do sth. (3)学唱歌曲:There Are Seven Days 2、能力目标能力目标: : (1) 能用英语表达一周七天; (2) 能表达一周内所做的事情; 3、情感目标情感目标: : 了解一周七天名称的由来,养成合理安排作息的好习惯。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点: : 学习一周七天的表达法; 运用 On+星期几 I do sth.的句型来表达一周所做的事情; 四、教具四、教具: : 单词卡(一周七天)、一周七天缩写词卡、挂历、录音机。 五、教学过程五、教学过程: : Step1:Step1: WarmingWarming up:up: 1、Greetings. 2、Free talk T: Hello, boys and girls. How do you come to school? S1:I come to school by. S2:I come to school on foot. T:How does he/she come to school? S3:He/She comes to school by. S4:He/She comes to school on foot. Sing a song: There Are Seven Days Step2:Step2: LeadLead inin andand presentationpresentation 1、教师通过刚才播放的一周七天的歌曲导入课题 T:Who can tell me the main idea of this song? Ss: 一周七天。 T:Yes. Today we are going to learn about Unit2 Days of the Week Lesson3. 2、板书课题,同时教授词组 days of the week。 Step3:Step3: NewNew lessonlesson 1、教学 There are seven days in a week。 (1)T: Look at the calendar.出示日历,教师利用已学过的数字 “one、two、three、four、five、six、seven, seven days.导入“There are seven days in a week。”的句型。 (2)T: Read this sentence one word by one word.教师要求学生按一个单词 紧接另一个单词的方式读此句子。 (3)T: Boys and girls say this sentence.用男生跟男生读,女生跟女生读的 方法来操练此句型。 2、教学 Sunday、Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday. (1)T: There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday、Monday、Tuesday、Wednesday、Thursday、Friday and Saturday. 然后教师依次出现一周七天的单词卡片。 T: Look here, how to say this word? (2)出示 Sunday 的单词卡片,从 sun 引入,带读单词。 (3)出示 Monday 的单词卡片,从 monkey 引入,带读单词,用升降调和男女声读 的方式来操练单词,全班齐拼读此单词。 (4)出示 Tuesday 的单词卡片,带读单词,用次数读的方式来操练单词,全班齐 拼读此单词。 (5)剩下的 Wednesday、Thursday、Friday、Saturday 等单词教法同上,先跟读, 在采用分音节拼读法、大小声读等方法进行操练。在单词操练中,教师根据学 生的回答予以适当的口头评价。 (6)T: Look at these words. What the same between these words? 教师让 学生观察这些表示星期几的单词的特点,引导学生发现每个单词的首字母要大写, 每个单词以 day 结尾。 (7)T: What the different between these words? 学生通过观察,找出 Tuesday and Thursday,Saturday and Sunday 两组相近单词,学生以同桌为 单位,进行比较区别两组单词。 (8)教师向学生介绍中西方文化的差异:在西方国家,星期日为一周的第一天。 (9) 巩固单词 巧用日历,指数说星期 T: Look at the calendar. I say numbers you say the days of the week. 教师指日历中的数字,学生快速说出与之相对应的星期。 游戏:“bomb game” 教师指定其中一个单词为 bomb,当教师指向这个单词时学生不能读,否则就 one、two、bomb. 3、教学 the short form of days of the week (1) T: Look here, Mon. is the short form of Monday. Can you guess the short form of other words? 教师先写出其中一个星期的缩写让学生观察,学 生尝试说出其余星期的缩写,师生共同学习。 (2)T:I show the short form of days of the week, you say the whole words.教师随意抽取一周七天的缩写形式,学生说出其英语全称。 4、教学 On Monday/Tuesday I do sth. 的句型 (1)T: Look at these phrases.教师先教学介词短语“On +表示星期几的单 词”,然后引导学生说出在星期几的表达法,并用卡片让学生操练。 (2)T: How do you go to school? S1:I go to school by. S2:I go to school on foot. 教师通过复习 I go to school by的句型引出 On Monday/Tuesday I do sth. 的句型进行教学。操练方式以男女生 PK、两两一小组为单位进行互问练 习。 (3)游戏“快乐拼拼看” 教师准备三套卡片(一周七天单词卡片、地点卡片、交通工具卡片),让学 生传卡片,随时喊停,手持卡片的学生起立,将句子组合起来读出。 Step3:Step3: ConsolidationConsolidation 1、教师在播放录音前,提出以下问题让学生思考回答; T: Listen to the tape, think about these questions. (1)What day does Mr. Robot go to work on foot/by bike? (2)Where does Mr.Robot work on Friday? 3、教师让学生以四人小组为单位进行分角色朗读,读的好的小组予以表扬。 Step4:Step4: SumSum upup 小结本课所学内容,让学生自主进行总结。 T:Who can tell me what we learn? S1: 我们学会了用英语表达一周七天。 S2: 我们学会了用英语表达在星期做什么事情。 S3: 我们学会了英文歌曲 There Are Seven Days。 Step5:Step5: HomeworkHomework 1、听读课文 Lesson3 三遍并签字。 2、完成 Lesson3 的活动手册。 3、用本课所学句型向他人描述一周七天做些什么。 Blackboard Design Unit2Unit2 DaysDays ofof thethe WeekWeek LessonLesson 3 3 There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday,Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday,Friday and Saturday. On Monday/Tuesday I go to work by.
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